
375 lines
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2024-10-23 18:28:06 +05:30
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
### [3.4.9]( (2023-01-25)
### Bug Fixes
* Added Typescript types. Fixes [#253]( ([52e909c](
* Docs typo ([ed8da08](
* Refocus sumo when using escape or enter with search enabled. Fixes [#340]( ([4006576](
* Scroll first selected option into view. Fixes [#337]( ([ceb378a](
* Search input advanced features. Fixes [#339]( Fixes [#341]( ([46c1536](
* Stop using .click. Fixes [#338]( ([b318ce3](
### [3.4.8]( (2022-07-29)
### [3.4.7]( (2022-07-29)
### Bug Fixes
* Placeholder text not in sync with `triggerChangeCombined` set to `false`. Fixes [#331]( ([b24ff0f](
### [3.4.6]( (2022-04-15)
### Bug Fixes
* Select all not working on mobile. [#323]( ([aacfa2e](
### [3.4.5]( (2022-02-10)
### Bug Fixes
* Update npm dependencies ([d567466](
### [3.4.4]( (2022-02-10)
### [3.4.3]( (2022-02-09)
### Bug Fixes
* Rename isCloseAfterClearAll to closeAfterClearAll ([046fe2d](
### [3.4.2]( (2022-01-04)
### Bug Fixes
* Console cleanup ([a43da6a](
### [3.4.1]( (2022-01-04)
### Bug Fixes
* Select disappearing on reload on mobile. Fixes [#318]( ([dd8ce18](
## [3.4.0]( (2022-01-04)
### Features
* New selectAllPartialCheck option ([db9dc39](
### [3.3.30]( (2021-10-30)
### Bug Fixes
* Force event bubbling up.Fixes [#316]( ([620ba23](
### [3.3.29]( (2021-09-02)
### Bug Fixes
* Search text not showing up. Fixes [#312]( ([a7ed02c](
### [3.3.28]( (2021-08-10)
### Bug Fixes
* Placeholder not changing on click on select all. Fixes [#311]( ([569faf7](
### [3.3.27]( (2021-08-04)
### [3.3.26]( (2021-07-12)
### Bug Fixes
* Warning on IE. [#307]( ([0e96ea6](
### [3.3.25]( (2021-07-12)
### Bug Fixes
* Error on IE. Fixes [#307]( ([bb785d1](
### [3.3.24]( (2021-07-05)
### Bug Fixes
* Reselect preselected options for IE too. Fixes [#306]( ([88c444c](
### [3.3.23]( (2021-07-05)
### Bug Fixes
* Bug where you can't initialize sumo with multiple options selected. Fixes [#306]( ([1691d71](
### [3.3.22]( (2021-06-30)
### [3.3.21]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* No uppercases in scope ([425bc1e](
### [3.3.20]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* package.json access point in GPR hack ([bbea8fb](
### [3.3.19]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Wrong package.json link ([50a6229](
### [3.3.18]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* GPR hack mjs to js ([e577ecd](
### [3.3.17]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Remove permission specifications ([b54e7d5](
### [3.3.16]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Update node for npm publish run ([87f3b64](
### [3.3.15]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Package name & scope ([87f8c9d](
### [3.3.14]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* GIthub package name ([846652c](
### [3.3.13]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* publish script fix ([08a6d95](
### [3.3.12]( (2021-06-27)
### [3.3.11]( (2021-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Destructuring errors ([0008972](
* Enforce default in switches ([5fdf684](
* no extra boolean cast ([afbbe29](
* No param reassign ([26d5d60](
* No shadow declarations ([5e25c58](
* Throw errors instead of literals ([006ebf8](
* Use `let` or `const` over `var` ([80fbe29](
* Use arrow functions where possible ([c9eee06](
* Use destructuring ([c9758b1](
* Use object shorthands ([b0fd988](
* Use parseInt shorthand ([00811a1](
* Use strict equality operators ([69ffb8a](
* Use template literals ([a26fd19](
### [3.3.10]( (2021-06-20)
### [3.3.9]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Remove unwanted class after unload ([2b98214](
### [3.3.8]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Hide opt groups with no matches on search. Fixes [#242]( ([276d4ce](
### [3.3.7]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* unSelectAll on single select. Fixes [#238]( ([c60c8c4](
### [3.3.6]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Wrong li selection. Fixes [#227]( ([10dab24](
### [3.3.5]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Stop form autocompletion on searches. Fixes [#223]( ([7d298be](
### [3.3.4]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* IE resetting selectedIndex from -1 to 0. Fixes [#221]( ([8629388](
### [3.3.3]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Multiple :not selector not supported in IE / Safari. Fixes [#216]( ([b553b91](
### [3.3.2]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Optimize selectAll/ unSelectAll performance. Fixes [#209]( ([91aba7b](
### [3.3.1]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
* csvDispCount displaying one less than planned. Fixes [#267]( ([dd00654](
* Trailing comma in placeholder ([fdfe2cd](
## [3.3.0]( (2021-06-20)
### Features
* New custom `<li>` renderer. Fixes [#272]( ([d0ffdfb](
### [3.2.6]( (2021-06-19)
### [3.2.5]( (2021-06-19)
### [3.2.4]( (2021-06-19)
### [3.2.3]( (2021-06-19)
### Bug Fixes
* XSS vulnerabilities ([cd19c62](
### [3.2.2]( (2021-06-19)
### Bug Fixes
* Max settings disabling every option ([8dcf535](
### [3.2.1]( (2021-06-19)
## [3.2.0]( (2021-06-19)
### Features
* New `max` options for maximum number of selected options. Fixes [#268]( ([a973aaf](
### [3.1.6]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* CSS update on release + Remove useless files ([71524af](
* Stop copying missing file ([586ea5b](
### [3.1.5]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Stop force focusing the select after close. Fixes [#277]( ([ce71b8b](
### [3.1.4]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Ignore minified files with eslint ([5e4691d](
### [3.1.3]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Remove uglify & browserify ([0c207eb](
* Use babel preset env ([be9d3db](
### [3.1.2]( (2021-06-17)
### [3.1.1]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Git not committing files ([3f6f90d](
* IE compatible minification ([f22242f](
## [3.1.0]( (2021-06-17)
### Features
* Pass origin class to generated element. Fixes [#294]( ([6cd3963](
### [3.0.6]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Selected options on safari ([c759fd3](
### [3.0.5]( (2021-06-17)
### [3.0.4]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Add 'var' for vars sels and i ([e94bfb3](
* Don't fail script if nothing to commit ([9192fc5](
* Typo ([78f9f7a](
* Update minified files ([a623e94](
* var i ([e564c6d](