753 lines
41 KiB
753 lines
41 KiB
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
include ('includes/config/config.php');
error_log ( "Start Printing Request Attributes" );
foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $value ) {
$requestStr.=$key . " : " . $value . "\n";
error_log ( $key . " : " . $value . "<br />\r\n" );
error_log ( "End Printing Request Attributes" );
// print_r($_POST);
$id = $_POST['employee_id'];
$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
$father_name = $_POST['father_name'];
$dob = $_POST['dob'];
$doj = $_POST['doj'];
$designation_id = $_POST['designation_id'];
$emp_code = $_POST['emp_code'];
$emp_type_id = $_POST['emp_type_id'];
$bu_id = $_POST['bu_id'];
$sbu_id = $_POST['sbu_id'];
$section_id = $_POST['section_id'];
$sub_section_id = $_POST['sub_section_id'];
$mgr_emp_id = $_POST['mgr_emp_id'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$primary_phone = $_POST['primary_phone'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$aadhar_no = $_POST['aadhar_no'];
$blood_group = $_POST['blood_group'];
$has_first_aid = $_POST['has_first_aid'];
if ($known_health_advices != '') {
$known_health_advices = implode(',', $known_health_advices);
$known_health_advices = $known_health_advices . ",";
$known_health_advices = addslashes($known_health_advices);
// $known_health_advices='ifNull(known_health_advices,)'addslashes($known_health_advices);
} else {
$known_health_advices = "concat(known_health_advices,'')";
// /echo $known_health_advices;
if ($known_health_risks != '') {
$known_health_risks = implode(',', $known_health_risks);
$known_health_risks = $known_health_risks . ",";
$known_health_risks = addslashes($known_health_risks);
} else {
$known_health_risks = "concat(known_health_risks,'')";
// echo $known_health_risks;
// echo $known_health_advices;
$imgData = null;
$photoQuery = "";
if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['photo']['name']);
$ext = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$imgData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']));
$imageProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']);
$photoQuery = ",photo='{$imgData}' ,image_type='{$imageProperties['mime']}'";
$data = array();
$query = "";
$emp_id = "";
if (! empty($id)) {
$query = "update employee set fname = '" . addslashes($fname) . "', lname = '" . addslashes($lname) . "', father_name = '" . addslashes($father_name) . "',
dob=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['dob'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), doj=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['doj'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), designation_id='" . addslashes($designation_id) . "',emp_code='" . addslashes($emp_code) . "', employment_type_id='" . addslashes($emp_type_id) . "',
bu_id='$bu_id', sbu_id = '$sbu_id',section_id='$section_id', sub_section_id='$sub_section_id',mgr_emp_id='$mgr_emp_id',
gender='$gender',address='" . addslashes($address) . "',primary_phone='" . addslashes($primary_phone) . "',
primary_contact_person='" . addslashes($primary_contact_person) . "',primary_contact_no='" . addslashes($primary_contact_no) . "',
known_health_advices='" . $known_health_advices . "',known_health_risks='" . $known_health_risks . "',
secondary_contact_person='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_person) . "',secondary_contact_no='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_no) . "',
email_id='" . addslashes($email) . "',aadhar_no='" . addslashes($aadhar_no) . "',is_first_aid='" . addslashes($has_first_aid) . "',
blood_group='" . addslashes($blood_group) . "'" . $photoQuery . ", modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' where id = " . $id . "";
} else {
$query = "insert into employee set fname = '" . addslashes($fname) . "', lname = '" . addslashes($lname) . "', father_name = '" . addslashes($father_name) . "'
, dob=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['dob'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), doj=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['doj'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'),
designation_id='" . addslashes($designation_id) . "',emp_code='" . addslashes($emp_code) . "', employment_type_id='" . addslashes($emp_type_id) . "',
bu_id='$bu_id', sbu_id = '$sbu_id',section_id='$section_id', sub_section_id='$sub_section_id',mgr_emp_id='$mgr_emp_id',
gender='$gender',address='" . addslashes($address) . "',primary_phone='" . addslashes($primary_phone) . "',known_health_advices='" . $known_health_advices . "'
,known_health_risks='" . $known_health_risks . "',email_id='" . addslashes($email) . "',primary_contact_person='" . addslashes($primary_contact_person) . "',
primary_contact_no='" . addslashes($primary_contact_no) . "',secondary_contact_person='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_person) . "',
secondary_contact_no='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_no) . "',aadhar_no='" . addslashes($aadhar_no) . "',blood_group='" . addslashes($blood_group) . "',
is_first_aid='" . addslashes($has_first_aid) . "'," . $photoQuery . "
modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $query;
// $data['query']=$query;
if (! $result = @mysqli_query($conn,$query)) {
$data['status'] = 500;
} else {
if (! empty($id)) {
$emp_id = $id;
else {
$emp_id = @mysqli_insert_id();
if (! empty($id)) {
$rowCount = $_POST['rowCount'];
// echo $rowCount;
$select_query_family_members = "select id from emp_family_members where emp_id=$id ";
// echo $select_query_family_members;
$result_family_members = @mysqli_query($conn,$select_query_family_members);
$rows_family_members = @mysqli_num_rows($result_family_members);
$members_id = array();
$count = 0;
while ($row_members = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_family_members)) {
$members_id[$count] = $row_members['id'];
$count ++;
$query_initial = "";
$query_end = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i ++) {
if ($rows_family_members > 0) {
if ($rows_family_members == $rowCount) {
$query_initial = "update emp_family_members ";
$query_end = "where id='$members_id[$i]'";
} elseif ($rows_family_members < $rowCount) {
if ($i < $rows_family_members) {
$query_initial = "update emp_family_members ";
$query_end = "where id='$members_id[$i]'";
} else {
$query_initial = "insert into emp_family_members";
$query_end = "";
// $query_family_members=$query_initial." set name='".addslashes($_POST['name'.$i])."' ,age='".addslashes($_POST['age'.$i])."', gender='".addslashes($_POST['gender'.$i])."', relation_type='".addslashes($_POST['relation_type'.$i])."',emp_id='$emp_id' ".$query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
// @mysqli_query($conn,$query_family_members);
} else {
$query_initial = "insert into emp_family_members";
// echo $query_initial;
// echo $i;
$query_family_members = $query_initial . " set name='" . addslashes($_POST['name' . $i]) . "' ,age='" . addslashes($_POST['age' . $i]) . "', gender='" . addslashes($_POST['gender' . $i]) . "', relation_type='" . addslashes($_POST['relation_type' . $i]) . "',emp_id=$emp_id " . $query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
$checkup_header_val = explode(',', $_POST['checkup_header_val']);
// echo $_POST['checkup_header_val'];
//echo count($checkup_header_val);
for ($h = 0; $h < count($checkup_header_val); $h ++) {
$querowCount = $_POST['querowCount'];
// echo $querowCount;
$select_query_que = "select ans_id from questionnaire_ans where emp_id=$id AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h] ";
// echo $select_query_que;
$result_que = @mysqli_query($conn,$select_query_que);
$rows_que = @mysqli_num_rows($result_que);
$ans_id = array();
$count = 0;
while ($row_questions = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_que)) {
$ans_id[$count] = $row_questions['ans_id'];
$count ++;
$select_query_child_que = "select ans_id from questionnaire_ans where emp_id=$id AND section_id is null ";
//echo $select_query_child_que;
$result_child_que = @mysqli_query($conn,$select_query_child_que);
$rows_child_que = @mysqli_num_rows($result_child_que);
$child_ans_id = array();
$count_child = 0;
while ($row_child_questions = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_child_que)) {
$child_ans_id[$count_child] = $row_child_questions['ans_id'];
$count_child ++;
// print_r($child_ans_id);
$query_initial = "";
$query_end = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $querowCount; $i ++) {
$que_id = $_POST['que_id' . $i];
$childQuesQuery = "select * from questionnaire where parentId = '$que_id'";
// echo $i." ".$childQuesQuery."<br>";
$childQueResult = @mysqli_query($conn,$childQuesQuery);
$numQuesRows = @mysqli_num_rows($childQueResult);
// echo $childQuesQuery." ".$numQuesRows."<br>";
if ($numQuesRows != 0) {
while ($rowChildQue = @mysqli_fetch_array($childQueResult)) {
$childQueId = $rowChildQue['question_id'];
// echo $childQueId."<br>";
if ($rows_child_que > 0) {
// echo $rows_child_que;
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_child_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$child_ans_id[0]';";
// echo $query_child_delete;
} else {
$query_child_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
$query_child_end = "where ans_id='$child_ans_id[$i]'";
if ($i < $rows_que) {
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_child_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$child_ans_id[$i]';";
// echo "<br>".$query_child_delete;
} else {
$query_child_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
$query_child_end = "where ans_id='$child_ans_id[$i]'";
} else {
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != "") {
$query_child_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
$query_child_end = "";
// $query_family_members=$query_initial." set name='".addslashes($_POST['name'.$i])."' ,age='".addslashes($_POST['age'.$i])."', gender='".addslashes($_POST['gender'.$i])."', relation_type='".addslashes($_POST['relation_type'.$i])."',emp_id='$emp_id' ".$query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
// @mysqli_query($conn,$query_family_members);
} else {
$query_child_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
// echo $i;
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != "") {
$ans = $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i];
$query_child_que = $query_child_initial . " set answer='$ans' ,que_id='" . addslashes($_POST[$childQueId . 'que_id' . $i]) . "' ,emp_id=$emp_id , modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $query_child_end;
//echo $query_child_que . "<br>";
$que_id = $_POST['que_id' . $i];
$QuesQuery = "select requiredDetailsIds from questionnaire where question_id = '$que_id'";
// echo $i." ".$childQuesQuery."<br>";
$QueResult = @mysqli_query($conn,$QuesQuery);
$quesRows = @mysqli_fetch_array($QueResult);
$ans = "";
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] != null or $_POST['ans' . $i] != "") {
$requiredDetails = $quesRows['requiredDetailsIds'];
//echo $requiredDetails;
$requiredDetailsArr = explode(",", $requiredDetails);
$ans = $_POST['ans' . $i] . ":";
foreach ($requiredDetailsArr as $requiredDetailsIdsArrval) {
$requiredDetailsArrval = getTableFieldValue('question_sub_details', 'sub_detail_name', 'sub_detail_id', $requiredDetailsIdsArrval);
$ans = $ans . "," . $requiredDetailsArrval . ":" . $_POST[$requiredDetailsArrval . $i];
// echo "que row".$rows_que;
if ($rows_que > 0) {
if ($rows_que == $querowCount) {
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] == null or $_POST['ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$ans_id[$i]' AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h] ;";
// echo $query_delete;
else {
$query_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
// echo $query_initial;
$query_end = "where ans_id='$ans_id[$i]'";
} elseif ($rows_que < $querowCount) {
if ($i < $rows_que) {
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] == null or $_POST['ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$ans_id[$i]' AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h];";
// echo $query_delete;
else {
$query_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
$query_end = "where ans_id='$ans_id[$i]' AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h]";
} else {
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] != null or $_POST['ans' . $i] != "") {
$query_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
$query_end = "";
// $query_family_members=$query_initial." set name='".addslashes($_POST['name'.$i])."' ,age='".addslashes($_POST['age'.$i])."', gender='".addslashes($_POST['gender'.$i])."', relation_type='".addslashes($_POST['relation_type'.$i])."',emp_id='$emp_id' ".$query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
// @mysqli_query($conn,$query_family_members);
} else {
$query_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
// echo $i;
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] != null or $_POST['ans' . $i] != "") {
// $query_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
// $query_end = "";
$query_que = $query_initial . " set answer='$ans' ,que_id='" . addslashes($_POST['que_id' . $i]) . "' ,emp_id=$emp_id , modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "',section_id='" . $checkup_header_val[$h] . "' " . $query_end;
//echo $query_que;
$docsData = null;
$docsQuery = "";
if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
$FileType = [
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
$fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
$position = strpos($fileName, ".");
$fileextension = substr($fileName, $position + 1);
$fileextension = strtolower($fileextension);
* $targetDir = "files/";
* $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $fileName;
$ext = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$docsData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']));
$docsProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
// if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath)){
$docsQuery = "insert into employee_docs set document='$docsData', doc_type='$fileextension', doc_name='$fileName', emp_id=$id ,modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $docsQuery;
// }
if (in_array($_FILES["userfile"]["type"], $FileType)) {
$targetPath = 'excel/uploads/' . $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $targetPath);
$Reader = new SpreadsheetReader($targetPath);
$sheetCount = count($Reader->sheets());
for ($i = 0; $i < $sheetCount; $i ++) {
foreach ($Reader as $Row) {
$question_name = "";
if (isset($Row[0])) {
$question_name = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$Row[0]);
$question_type = "";
if (isset($Row[1])) {
$question_type = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$Row[1]);
$question_section_id = "";
if (isset($Row[2])) {
$question_section_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$Row[2]);
if (! empty($question_name) || ! empty($question_type) || ! empty($question_section_id)) {
$query = "insert into questionnaire(question_name,question_type,question_section_id) values('" . $question_name . "','" . $question_type . "','" . $question_section_id . "')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$query);
if (! empty($result)) {
$type = "success";
$message = "Excel Data Imported into the Database";
} else {
$type = "error";
$message = "Problem in Importing Excel Data";
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
$fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
$position = strpos($fileName, ".");
$fileextension = substr($fileName, $position + 1);
$fileextension = strtolower($fileextension);
* $targetDir = "files/";
* $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $fileName;
$ext = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$docsData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']));
$docsProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
// if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath)){
$docsQuery = "insert into employee_docs set document='$docsData', doc_type='$fileextension', doc_name='$fileName', emp_id=$id ,modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $docsQuery;
// }
if ($data == null) {
$data['status'] = 200;
// $data['message'] = "Data not found!";
echo json_encode($emp_id);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
include ('includes/config/config.php');
include ('includes/functions.php');
// print_r($_POST);
$id = $_POST['employee_id'];
$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
$father_name = $_POST['father_name'];
$dob = $_POST['dob'];
$doj = $_POST['doj'];
$designation_id = $_POST['designation_id'];
$emp_code = $_POST['emp_code'];
$emp_type_id = $_POST['emp_type_id'];
$bu_id = $_POST['bu_id'];
$sbu_id = $_POST['sbu_id'];
$section_id = $_POST['section_id'];
$sub_section_id = $_POST['sub_section_id'];
$mgr_emp_id = $_POST['mgr_emp_id'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$primary_phone = $_POST['primary_phone'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$aadhar_no = $_POST['aadhar_no'];
$blood_group = $_POST['blood_group'];
$has_first_aid = $_POST['has_first_aid'];
if ($known_health_advices != '') {
$known_health_advices = implode(',', $known_health_advices);
$known_health_advices = $known_health_advices . ",";
$known_health_advices = addslashes($known_health_advices);
// $known_health_advices='ifNull(known_health_advices,)'addslashes($known_health_advices);
} else {
$known_health_advices = "concat(known_health_advices,'')";
// /echo $known_health_advices;
if ($known_health_risks != '') {
$known_health_risks = implode(',', $known_health_risks);
$known_health_risks = $known_health_risks . ",";
$known_health_risks = addslashes($known_health_risks);
} else {
$known_health_risks = "concat(known_health_risks,'')";
// echo $known_health_risks;
// echo $known_health_advices;
$imgData = null;
$photoQuery = "";
if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['photo']['name']);
$ext = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$imgData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']));
$imageProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']);
$photoQuery = ",photo='{$imgData}' ,image_type='{$imageProperties['mime']}'";
$data = array();
$query = "";
$emp_id = "";
if (! empty($id)) {
$query = "update employee set fname = '" . addslashes($fname) . "', lname = '" . addslashes($lname) . "', father_name = '" . addslashes($father_name) . "',
dob=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['dob'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), doj=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['doj'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), designation_id='" . addslashes($designation_id) . "',emp_code='" . addslashes($emp_code) . "', employment_type_id='" . addslashes($emp_type_id) . "',
bu_id='$bu_id', sbu_id = '$sbu_id',section_id='$section_id', sub_section_id='$sub_section_id',mgr_emp_id='$mgr_emp_id',
gender='$gender',address='" . addslashes($address) . "',primary_phone='" . addslashes($primary_phone) . "',
primary_contact_person='" . addslashes($primary_contact_person) . "',primary_contact_no='" . addslashes($primary_contact_no) . "',
known_health_advices='" . $known_health_advices . "',known_health_risks='" . $known_health_risks . "',
secondary_contact_person='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_person) . "',secondary_contact_no='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_no) . "',
email_id='" . addslashes($email) . "',aadhar_no='" . addslashes($aadhar_no) . "',is_first_aid='" . addslashes($has_first_aid) . "',
blood_group='" . addslashes($blood_group) . "'" . $photoQuery . ", modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' where id = " . $id . "";
} else {
$query = "insert into employee set fname = '" . addslashes($fname) . "', lname = '" . addslashes($lname) . "', father_name = '" . addslashes($father_name) . "'
, dob=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['dob'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), doj=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['doj'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'),
designation_id='" . addslashes($designation_id) . "',emp_code='" . addslashes($emp_code) . "', employment_type_id='" . addslashes($emp_type_id) . "',
bu_id='$bu_id', sbu_id = '$sbu_id',section_id='$section_id', sub_section_id='$sub_section_id',mgr_emp_id='$mgr_emp_id',
gender='$gender',address='" . addslashes($address) . "',primary_phone='" . addslashes($primary_phone) . "',known_health_advices='" . $known_health_advices . "'
,known_health_risks='" . $known_health_risks . "',email_id='" . addslashes($email) . "',primary_contact_person='" . addslashes($primary_contact_person) . "',
primary_contact_no='" . addslashes($primary_contact_no) . "',secondary_contact_person='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_person) . "',
secondary_contact_no='" . addslashes($secondary_contact_no) . "',aadhar_no='" . addslashes($aadhar_no) . "',blood_group='" . addslashes($blood_group) . "',
is_first_aid='" . addslashes($has_first_aid) . "'," . $photoQuery . "
modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $query;
// $data['query']=$query;
if (! $result = @mysqli_query($conn,$query)) {
$data['status'] = 500;
} else {
if (! empty($id)) {
$emp_id = $id;
else {
$emp_id = @mysqli_insert_id();
if (! empty($id)) {
$rowCount = $_POST['rowCount'];
// echo $rowCount;
$select_query_family_members = "select id from emp_family_members where emp_id=$id ";
// echo $select_query_family_members;
$result_family_members = @mysqli_query($conn,$select_query_family_members);
$rows_family_members = @mysqli_num_rows($result_family_members);
$members_id = array();
$count = 0;
while ($row_members = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_family_members)) {
$members_id[$count] = $row_members['id'];
$count ++;
$query_initial = "";
$query_end = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i ++) {
if ($rows_family_members > 0) {
if ($rows_family_members == $rowCount) {
$query_initial = "update emp_family_members ";
$query_end = "where id='$members_id[$i]'";
} elseif ($rows_family_members < $rowCount) {
if ($i < $rows_family_members) {
$query_initial = "update emp_family_members ";
$query_end = "where id='$members_id[$i]'";
} else {
$query_initial = "insert into emp_family_members";
$query_end = "";
// $query_family_members=$query_initial." set name='".addslashes($_POST['name'.$i])."' ,age='".addslashes($_POST['age'.$i])."', gender='".addslashes($_POST['gender'.$i])."', relation_type='".addslashes($_POST['relation_type'.$i])."',emp_id='$emp_id' ".$query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
// @mysqli_query($conn,$query_family_members);
} else {
$query_initial = "insert into emp_family_members";
// echo $query_initial;
// echo $i;
$query_family_members = $query_initial . " set name='" . addslashes($_POST['name' . $i]) . "' ,age='" . addslashes($_POST['age' . $i]) . "', gender='" . addslashes($_POST['gender' . $i]) . "', relation_type='" . addslashes($_POST['relation_type' . $i]) . "',emp_id=$emp_id " . $query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
$checkup_header_val = explode(',', $_POST['checkup_header_val']);
// echo $_POST['checkup_header_val'];
//echo count($checkup_header_val);
for ($h = 0; $h < count($checkup_header_val); $h ++) {
$querowCount = $_POST['querowCount'];
// echo $querowCount;
$select_query_que = "select ans_id from questionnaire_ans where emp_id=$id AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h] ";
// echo $select_query_que;
$result_que = @mysqli_query($conn,$select_query_que);
$rows_que = @mysqli_num_rows($result_que);
$ans_id = array();
$count = 0;
while ($row_questions = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_que)) {
$ans_id[$count] = $row_questions['ans_id'];
$count ++;
$select_query_child_que = "select ans_id from questionnaire_ans where emp_id=$id AND section_id is null ";
//echo $select_query_child_que;
$result_child_que = @mysqli_query($conn,$select_query_child_que);
$rows_child_que = @mysqli_num_rows($result_child_que);
$child_ans_id = array();
$count_child = 0;
while ($row_child_questions = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_child_que)) {
$child_ans_id[$count_child] = $row_child_questions['ans_id'];
$count_child ++;
// print_r($child_ans_id);
$query_initial = "";
$query_end = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $querowCount; $i ++) {
$que_id = $_POST['que_id' . $i];
$childQuesQuery = "select * from questionnaire where parentId = '$que_id'";
// echo $i." ".$childQuesQuery."<br>";
$childQueResult = @mysqli_query($conn,$childQuesQuery);
$numQuesRows = @mysqli_num_rows($childQueResult);
// echo $childQuesQuery." ".$numQuesRows."<br>";
if ($numQuesRows != 0) {
while ($rowChildQue = @mysqli_fetch_array($childQueResult)) {
$childQueId = $rowChildQue['question_id'];
// echo $childQueId."<br>";
if ($rows_child_que > 0) {
// echo $rows_child_que;
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_child_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$child_ans_id[0]';";
// echo $query_child_delete;
} else {
$query_child_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
$query_child_end = "where ans_id='$child_ans_id[$i]'";
if ($i < $rows_que) {
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_child_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$child_ans_id[$i]';";
// echo "<br>".$query_child_delete;
} else {
$query_child_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
$query_child_end = "where ans_id='$child_ans_id[$i]'";
} else {
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != "") {
$query_child_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
$query_child_end = "";
// $query_family_members=$query_initial." set name='".addslashes($_POST['name'.$i])."' ,age='".addslashes($_POST['age'.$i])."', gender='".addslashes($_POST['gender'.$i])."', relation_type='".addslashes($_POST['relation_type'.$i])."',emp_id='$emp_id' ".$query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
// @mysqli_query($conn,$query_family_members);
} else {
$query_child_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
// echo $i;
if ($_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != null or $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i] != "") {
$ans = $_POST[$childQueId . 'ans' . $i];
$query_child_que = $query_child_initial . " set answer='$ans' ,que_id='" . addslashes($_POST[$childQueId . 'que_id' . $i]) . "' ,emp_id=$emp_id , modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $query_child_end;
//echo $query_child_que . "<br>";
$que_id = $_POST['que_id' . $i];
$QuesQuery = "select requiredDetailsIds from questionnaire where question_id = '$que_id'";
// echo $i." ".$childQuesQuery."<br>";
$QueResult = @mysqli_query($conn,$QuesQuery);
$quesRows = @mysqli_fetch_array($QueResult);
$ans = "";
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] != null or $_POST['ans' . $i] != "") {
$requiredDetails = $quesRows['requiredDetailsIds'];
//echo $requiredDetails;
$requiredDetailsArr = explode(",", $requiredDetails);
$ans = $_POST['ans' . $i] . ":";
foreach ($requiredDetailsArr as $requiredDetailsIdsArrval) {
$requiredDetailsArrval = getTableFieldValue('question_sub_details', 'sub_detail_name', 'sub_detail_id', $requiredDetailsIdsArrval);
$ans = $ans . "," . $requiredDetailsArrval . ":" . $_POST[$requiredDetailsArrval . $i];
// echo "que row".$rows_que;
if ($rows_que > 0) {
if ($rows_que == $querowCount) {
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] == null or $_POST['ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$ans_id[$i]' AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h] ;";
// echo $query_delete;
else {
$query_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
// echo $query_initial;
$query_end = "where ans_id='$ans_id[$i]'";
} elseif ($rows_que < $querowCount) {
if ($i < $rows_que) {
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] == null or $_POST['ans' . $i] == "") {
$query_delete = "DELETE FROM questionnaire_ans WHERE ans_id='$ans_id[$i]' AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h];";
// echo $query_delete;
else {
$query_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
$query_end = "where ans_id='$ans_id[$i]' AND section_id=$checkup_header_val[$h]";
} else {
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] != null or $_POST['ans' . $i] != "") {
$query_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
$query_end = "";
// $query_family_members=$query_initial." set name='".addslashes($_POST['name'.$i])."' ,age='".addslashes($_POST['age'.$i])."', gender='".addslashes($_POST['gender'.$i])."', relation_type='".addslashes($_POST['relation_type'.$i])."',emp_id='$emp_id' ".$query_end;
// echo $query_family_members;
// @mysqli_query($conn,$query_family_members);
} else {
$query_initial = "insert into questionnaire_ans";
// echo $i;
if ($_POST['ans' . $i] != null or $_POST['ans' . $i] != "") {
// $query_initial = "update questionnaire_ans ";
// $query_end = "";
$query_que = $query_initial . " set answer='$ans' ,que_id='" . addslashes($_POST['que_id' . $i]) . "' ,emp_id=$emp_id , modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "',section_id='" . $checkup_header_val[$h] . "' " . $query_end;
//echo $query_que;
$docsData = null;
$docsQuery = "";
if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
$FileType = [
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
$fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
$position = strpos($fileName, ".");
$fileextension = substr($fileName, $position + 1);
$fileextension = strtolower($fileextension);
* $targetDir = "files/";
* $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $fileName;
$ext = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$docsData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']));
$docsProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
// if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath)){
$docsQuery = "insert into employee_docs set document='$docsData', doc_type='$fileextension', doc_name='$fileName', emp_id=$id ,modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $docsQuery;
// }
if (in_array($_FILES["userfile"]["type"], $FileType)) {
$targetPath = 'excel/uploads/' . $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $targetPath);
$Reader = new SpreadsheetReader($targetPath);
$sheetCount = count($Reader->sheets());
for ($i = 0; $i < $sheetCount; $i ++) {
foreach ($Reader as $Row) {
$question_name = "";
if (isset($Row[0])) {
$question_name = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$Row[0]);
$question_type = "";
if (isset($Row[1])) {
$question_type = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$Row[1]);
$question_section_id = "";
if (isset($Row[2])) {
$question_section_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$Row[2]);
if (! empty($question_name) || ! empty($question_type) || ! empty($question_section_id)) {
$query = "insert into questionnaire(question_name,question_type,question_section_id) values('" . $question_name . "','" . $question_type . "','" . $question_section_id . "')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$query);
if (! empty($result)) {
$type = "success";
$message = "Excel Data Imported into the Database";
} else {
$type = "error";
$message = "Problem in Importing Excel Data";
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
$fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
$position = strpos($fileName, ".");
$fileextension = substr($fileName, $position + 1);
$fileextension = strtolower($fileextension);
* $targetDir = "files/";
* $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $fileName;
$ext = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$docsData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']));
$docsProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
// if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath)){
$docsQuery = "insert into employee_docs set document='$docsData', doc_type='$fileextension', doc_name='$fileName', emp_id=$id ,modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $docsQuery;
// }
if ($data == null) {
$data['status'] = 200;
// $data['message'] = "Data not found!";
echo json_encode($emp_id);