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2024-10-23 18:28:06 +05:30
<!--master as list-->
<li class="">
<a href="<?php echo $_SESSION['role_home_page'] ?>">
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-home"></i>
//Root Level
$sql_root = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id,m.icon_text from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and parent_id<=0 and
a.role_id='" . $_SESSION['RoleId'] . "' order by disp_seq";
//echo $sql_master;
$res_root = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_root);
$num_rows_root = @mysqli_num_rows($res_root);
if ($num_rows_root > 0) {
while ($root_rowmaster = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_root)) {
$sql_level2 = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id,m.icon_text from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and a.role_id='" . $_SESSION['RoleId'] . "' and m.parent_id ='" . $root_rowmaster['menu_id'] . "' ORDER BY disp_seq ASC";
$res_level2 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_level2);
$num_rowsLevel2 = @mysqli_num_rows($res_level2);
$menu_nm = trim($root_rowmaster['menu_name']);
if ($num_rowsLevel2 > 0) {
//if we have child elements for root level nodes
<li class="">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">
<i class="<?php echo $root_rowmaster['icon_text'] ?>"></i>
<span class="menu-text">
<?php echo $menu_nm ?>
<b class="arrow fa fa-angle-down"></b>
<b class="arrow"></b>
<!--Start of level2-->
<ul class="submenu">
while ($row_level2 = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_level2)) {
$sql_level3 = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and a.role_id='" . $_SESSION['RoleId'] . "' and m.parent_id ='" . $row_level2['menu_id'] . "' ORDER BY m.disp_seq ASC";
$res_level3 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_level3);
$num_rowsLevel3 = @mysqli_num_rows($res_level3);
if ($num_rowsLevel3 > 0) {
<li class="">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">
<span class="menu-text">
<?php echo $row_level2['menu_name'] ?>
<b class="arrow fa fa-angle-down"></b>
<b class="arrow"></b>
<!--Start of level2-->
<ul class="submenu">
while ($row_level3 = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_level3)) { ?>
<li class="">
<a href="<?php echo $row_level3['menu_url'] ?>">
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-caret-right"></i>
<span><?php echo $row_level3['menu_name'] ?></span>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else {
<li class="">
<a href="<?php echo $row_level2['menu_url'] ?>">
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-caret-right"></i>
<span><?php echo $row_level2['menu_name'] ?></span>
} //end of numrowslevel3 else
} //end of while
</li><?php } else {
//if no child elements for root level- then just print links
<li class="">
<a href="<?php echo $root_rowmaster['menu_url'] ?>">
<i class="<?php echo $root_rowmaster['icon_text'] ?>"></i>
<span><?php echo $root_rowmaster['menu_name'] ?></span>
<?php } //end of else
<?php } //end of master while
<!-- End of master -->
<?php } //end of outer if