143 lines
6.7 KiB
143 lines
6.7 KiB
$arr = array("Pre_Employment_Regular", "Pre_Employment_40_Years_and_Above", "Pre_Employment_Manager", "Health_Checkup_50_Years_and_Above", "Statutory_Medical_Checkup", "Service_Area_Medical_Checkup", "C2_And_Above_Medical_Checkup");
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($arr); $x++) {
$get_data = "select * from checkup_form where checkup_type_id=(select checkup_type_id from checkup_type where checkup_type_code like '%$arr[$x]%') and (health_index IS NULL OR health_index = '');";
error_log("query " . $get_data);
$get_result = mysqli_query($conn, $get_data);
while ($get_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_result)) {
$section_ids = $get_row['checkup_section_ids'];
$checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='systolic blood pressure' )";
error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name);
$result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name);
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name);
// for sbp
$get_param = "select * from checkup_form_key_value where checkup_form_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "' and checkup_form_key='" . $row_column_name['name'] . "'";
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $get_param);
$row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param);
$sbp = $row_param['checkup_form_value'];
error_log("sbp " . $sbp);
$checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='diastolic blood pressure' )";
error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name);
$result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name);
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name);
// for dbp
$get_param = "select * from checkup_form_key_value where checkup_form_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "' and checkup_form_key='" . $row_column_name['name'] . "'";
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $get_param);
$row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param);
$dbp = $row_param['checkup_form_value'];
error_log("dbp " . $dbp);
$checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='fbs' )";
error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name);
$result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name);
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name);
// for fbs
$get_param = "select * from checkup_form_key_value where checkup_form_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "' and checkup_form_key='" . $row_column_name['name'] . "'";
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $get_param);
$row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param);
$fbs = $row_param['checkup_form_value'];
error_log("fbs " . $fbs);
$checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='height' )";
error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name);
$result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name);
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name);
// for height
$get_param = "select * from checkup_form_key_value where checkup_form_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "' and checkup_form_key='" . $row_column_name['name'] . "'";
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $get_param);
$row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param);
$height = $row_param['checkup_form_value'];
error_log("height " . $height);
$checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='weight' )";
error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name);
$result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name);
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name);
// for weight
$get_param = "select * from checkup_form_key_value where checkup_form_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "' and checkup_form_key='" . $row_column_name['name'] . "'";
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $get_param);
$row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param);
$weight = $row_param['checkup_form_value'];
error_log("weight " . $weight);
$bmi = 0;
if ($height != null && $height != '' && $weight != null && $weight != '') {
$height = floatval($height);
$weight = floatval($weight);
if ($height != 0.0) {
$bmi = ($weight / ($height * $height)) * 100 * 100;
$checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='total cholesterol' )";
error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name);
$result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name);
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name);
// for cholestrol
$get_param = "select * from checkup_form_key_value where checkup_form_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "' and checkup_form_key='" . $row_column_name['name'] . "'";
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $get_param);
$row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param);
$cholesterol = $row_param['checkup_form_value'];
error_log("cholesterol " . $cholesterol);
$health_score = calculateHealthIndex($sbp, $dbp, $bmi, $fbs, $cholesterol);
$update_health_index = "update checkup_form set health_index='" . $health_score . "' where checkup_id='" . $get_row['checkup_id'] . "'";
error_log("query for HI " . $update_health_index);
if (!$result_update = mysqli_query($conn, $update_health_index)) {
error_log("error while updating " . mysqli_error($conn));