
165 lines
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2024-10-23 18:28:06 +05:30
include ('log_entry.php');
error_reporting ( E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE & ~ E_DEPRECATED );
function getEmployeeOptions() {
$employeeOptions = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'] )) {
$employeeOptions = $_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'];
// echo "pulling from cache";
} else {
$sql_emp = "SELECT id, CONCAT(patient_name, ' ', emp_code) AS emp_details FROM patient_master order by patient_name";
$employeeOptions = generate_options ( $sql_emp, '', 'id', 'emp_details', '', '' );
$_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'] = $employeeOptions;
return $employeeOptions;
function getEmployeekOptions() {
$employeeOptions = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'] )) {
$employeeOptions = $_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'];
// echo "pulling from cache";
} else {
$sql_emp = "SELECT patient_name FROM patient_master order by patient_name";
$employeeOptions = generate_options ( $sql_emp, '', 'patient_name', '', '', '' );
$_SESSION ['CachedEmployeeOptions'] = $employeeOptions;
return $employeeOptions;
function getWellnessProgram($emp_id){
$wellnessOptions = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['CachedWellnessOptions'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['CachedWellnessOptions'] )) {
$wellnessOptions = $_SESSION ['CachedWellnessOptions'];
// echo "pulling from cache";
} else {
$sql_wel = "select a.training_schedule_id,
concat(training_name,'(',`description`,' days ',durations,')') as training
from assign_training a left join
training_schedule b on a.training_schedule_id = b.schedule_id
left join training_master c
on b.training_id = c.training_master_id where a.employee_id='".$emp_id."' and a.training_schedule_id != '0'";
$wellnessOptions = generate_options ( $sql_wel, '', 'training_schedule_id', 'training', '', '' );
error_log("wellnessOptions ".$sql_wel);
$_SESSION ['CachedWellnessOptions'] = $wellnessOptions;
return $wellnessOptions;
function getFirstboxDetails() {
$FirstboxDetails = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['CachedFirstboxDetails'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['CachedFirstboxDetails'] )) {
$employeeOptions = $_SESSION ['CachedFirstboxDetails'];
// echo "pulling from cache";
} else {
$sql_box = "SELECT box_id, CONCAT(box_name, ' ', box_code) AS box_details FROM first_aid_box order by box_name";
$FirstboxDetails = generate_options ( $sql_box, '', 'box_id', 'box_details', '', '' );
$_SESSION ['CachedFirstboxDetails'] = $FirstboxDetails;
return $employeeOptions;
function getCurrentUserClients() {
$clients = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['CachedCurrentUserClients'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['CachedCurrentUserClients'] )) {
$clients = $_SESSION ['CachedCurrentUserClients'];
// echo "pulling clients from cache";
} else {
$sql_completed = " select client_id from user_clients where user_id='" . $_SESSION ['user_id'] . "' ";
// echo $sql;
$result_completed = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_completed );
$strTranslations = array ();
while ( $row_completed = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result_completed ) ) {
$strTranslations [] = $row_completed ['client_id'];
$clients = implode ( ",", $strTranslations );
$_SESSION ['CachedCurrentUserClients'] = $clients;
return $clients;
function getCurrentUserOHCs() {
$OHCs = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['ohctypes'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['ohctypes'] )) {
$OHCs = $_SESSION ['ohctypes'];
// echo "pulling OHCs from cache";
return $OHCs;
function getConfigKey($key) {
$configMap = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['__CONFIG_MAP'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['__CONFIG_MAP'] )) {
$configMap = $_SESSION ['__CONFIG_MAP'];
} else {
$configMap = getKeyValueMap ( 'config', 'key_name', 'value' );
$_SESSION ["__CONFIG_MAP"] = $configMap;
return $configMap [$key];
function getMedicineFrequencyQty($key) {
$fequencyMap = null;
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['__FREQ_MAP'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['__FREQ_MAP'] )) {
$fequencyMap = $_SESSION ['__FREQ_MAP'];
} else {
$fequencyMap = getKeyValueMap ( 'medicine_frequency', 'frequency_id', 'qty' );
$_SESSION ["__FREQ_MAP"] = $fequencyMap;
return $fequencyMap [$key];
function getItemUnitName($itemId) {
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['CachedItemUnitMap'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['CachedItemUnitMap'] )) {
$resultItemUnitMap = $_SESSION ['CachedItemUnitMap'];
} else {
$sql_completed = "select item_id, unit_name from tbl_items i, unit_master u where i.unit_id=u.unit_id";
// echo $sql;
$item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_completed );
if ($item_result) {
while ( $row_item = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $item_result ) ) {
@extract ( $row_item );
$keys [] = $row_item ['item_id'];
$values [] = $row_item ['unit_name'];
$resultItemUnitMap = array_combine ( $keys, $values );
error_log("Newly loaded resultItemUnitMap:".$resultItemUnitMap);
$_SESSION ['CachedItemUnitMap']=$resultItemUnitMap;
$itemUnitName = $resultItemUnitMap[$itemId];
return $itemUnitName;
function getCachedEmailList() {
if (isset ( $_SESSION ['_EMAIL_LIST'] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION ['_EMAIL_LIST'] )) {
$email_list = $_SESSION ['_EMAIL_LIST'];
error_log("got here");
} else {
$query = "SELECT offiial_email_id FROM `patient_master` WHERE offiial_email_id is not null and trim(offiial_email_id) !='' ";
error_log("to email:".$query);
if (!$result = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$query)) {
$email_list = array();
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$email_list[] = $row['offiial_email_id'];
$email_list= json_encode($email_list);
$_SESSION ["_EMAIL_LIST"] = $email_list;
return $email_list;