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2024-10-23 18:28:06 +05:30
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License in the project root
* for license information.
* Bumps up the SDK version in $filePathsToUpdate based on the latest published package version on Packagist
* Assumptions:
* - Script is run from the repo root
* - Script is run on a Unix environment (affects file path separator to files)
* - Packagist returns tagged versions in descending order (latest release first)
const SDK_VERSION_VAR_NAME = "SDK_VERSION"; # Name of version variable in GraphConstants.php
const PACKAGE_NAME = "microsoft/microsoft-graph";
const README_FILEPATH = "./";
const DOCS_FILEPATH = "./docs/classes/Microsoft-Graph-Core-GraphConstants.html";
* Gets latest stable packagist version if $stable == true, else gets the latest Release Candidate
* @param boolean $stable
* @return string
function getLatestPackagistVersion(bool $stable = true): string
$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, PACKAGIST_ENDPOINT);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
echo "Fetching latest SDK version from " . PACKAGIST_ENDPOINT . "\n";
$response = curl_exec($handle);
if (curl_error($handle)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to get latest packagist version: ". curl_error($handle));
$responseJson = json_decode($response, true);
if (!array_key_exists("package", $responseJson)
|| !array_key_exists("versions", $responseJson["package"])
|| empty($responseJson["package"]["versions"])) {
throw new Exception("Unable to find versions in the packagist response JSON: ". $responseJson);
$versions = $responseJson["package"]["versions"];
foreach (array_keys($versions) as $version) {
# Ignore branch versions
if (stripos($version, "dev") === false) {
if ($stable) {
if (stripos($version, "RC") === false) {
echo "Latest packagist version: {$version}\n";
return $version;
if (stripos($version, "RC")) {
echo "Latest packagist version: {$version}\n";
return $version;
return '';
function getGraphConstantsSdkVersion()
$fileContents = file_get_contents(GRAPH_CONSTANTS_FILEPATH);
if ($fileContents) {
$pattern = '/'. SDK_VERSION_VAR_NAME . '\s+=\s+".+"/';
$regexMatches = [];
preg_match($pattern, $fileContents, $regexMatches);
if ($regexMatches && $regexMatches[0]) {
$split = explode('"', $regexMatches[0]);
return $split[1];
function incrementVersion(string $version): string
$splitVersion = explode('.', $version);
$rcMatches = explode('RC', $splitVersion[2]);
if ($rcMatches && sizeof($rcMatches) > 1) {
# Increment release candidate
$rcVersion = ($rcMatches[1]) ? intval($rcMatches[1]) + 1 : 2;
$splitVersion[2] = "0-RC{$rcVersion}";
} else {
# Increment minor version
$splitVersion[1] = strval(intval($splitVersion[1]) + 1);
# Set patch
$splitVersion[2] = '0';
return implode(".", $splitVersion);
function updateReadme(string $bumpedVersion)
echo "Reading contents at ".README_FILEPATH."...\n";
$fileContents = file_get_contents(README_FILEPATH);
if ($fileContents) {
$package = str_replace('/', '\/', PACKAGE_NAME);
$pattern = '/"'.$package.'"\s*:\s*".+"/';
$replacement = '"'.PACKAGE_NAME.'": "^'.$bumpedVersion.'"';
$numReplacements = 0;
$updatedContents = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $fileContents, -1, $numReplacements);
if (!$numReplacements) {
echo "Unable to find and replace SDK version\n";
echo file_put_contents(README_FILEPATH, $updatedContents) ? "Successfully updated ".README_FILEPATH. "\n" : "Failed to update ".README_FILEPATH."\n";
echo "Could not read contents at ".README_FILEPATH."\n";
function updateGraphConstants(string $filePath, string $bumpedVersion)
echo "Reading contents at {$filePath}...\n";
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filePath);
if ($fileContents) {
$pattern = '/'. SDK_VERSION_VAR_NAME . '\s+=\s+".+"/';
$replacement = SDK_VERSION_VAR_NAME . " = \"{$bumpedVersion}\"";
$numReplacements = 0;
$updatedContents = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $fileContents, -1, $numReplacements);
if (!$numReplacements) {
echo "Unable to find and replace SDK version\n";
echo file_put_contents($filePath, $updatedContents) ? "Successfully updated {$filePath}\n" : "Failed to update {$filePath}\n";
echo "Could not read contents at {$filePath}\n";
function updateDocs(string $packagistVersion, string $bumpedVersion)
echo "Reading contents at ".DOCS_FILEPATH."...\n";
$fileContents = file_get_contents(DOCS_FILEPATH);
if ($fileContents) {
$pattern = '/'.$packagistVersion.'/';
$updatedContents = preg_replace($pattern, $bumpedVersion, $fileContents, -1, $numReplacements);
if (!$numReplacements) {
echo "Unable to find and replace SDK version\n";
echo file_put_contents(DOCS_FILEPATH, $updatedContents) ? "Successfully updated ".DOCS_FILEPATH."\n" : "Failed to update ".DOCS_FILEPATH."\n";
echo "Could not read contents at ".DOCS_FILEPATH."\n";