214 lines
11 KiB
214 lines
11 KiB
// error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
$emp_id = $_REQUEST['emp_id'];;
// echo $emp_id;
// Connect to mysqli database
$page = 1; // The current page
$sortname = 'appointment_date'; // Sort column
$sortorder = 'desc'; // Sort order
$qtype = ''; // Search column
$query = ''; // Search string
// Get posted data
if (isset($_POST['page'])) {
$page = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['page']);
if (isset($_POST['sortname'])) {
$sortname = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['sortname']);
if (isset($_POST['sortorder'])) {
$sortorder = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['sortorder']);
if (isset($_POST['qtype'])) {
$qtype = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['qtype']);
if (isset($_POST['query'])) {
$query = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['query']);
if (isset($_POST['rp'])) {
$rp = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['rp']);
// Setup sort and search SQL using posted data
$sortSql = "order by $sortname $sortorder";
if ($qtype == "ticket_no") {
$searchSql = ($qtype != '' && $query != '') ? " and ep.$qtype like upper('%$query%')" : '';
} else if ($qtype == 'emp_code') {
$emp_id = getFieldFromTable('id', 'patient_master', 'emp_code', trim($query));
$searchSql = ($qtype != '' && $query != '' && trim($query) != '') ? " and ep.emp_id = '" . $emp_id . "' " : '';
} else {
$searchSql = ($qtype != '' && $query != '') ? " and e.$qtype like upper('%$query%')" : '';
// Get total count of records
// echo 'shu'.$p;
$sql = "select count(*) from employee_appointment ep inner join patient_master e on e.id=ep.emp_id left join followup_details c on ep.appointment_id=c.appointment_id where (ep.attended_status='PHP' or c.attended_status='PHP') and ep.ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . " ' $searchSql";
//echo $sql;
error_log("query: 90: " . $sql);
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$total = $row[0];
// Setup paging
if (!isset($rp)) {
$rp = 10;
$pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp;
$limitSql = "limit $pageStart, $rp";
// Return JSON data
$data = array();
$data['page'] = $page;
$data['total'] = $total;
$data['rows'] = array();
$sql_employee_appointment = "select patient_name,dept_id,emp_code ,e.id,ep.appointment_id,ep.*,c.followup_id ,ep.modified_by as mod_by from employee_appointment ep inner join patient_master e on e.id=ep.emp_id and ep.ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' left join followup_details c on ep.appointment_id=c.appointment_id where (ep.attended_status='PHP' or c.attended_status='PHP') ";
//echo $sql_employee_appointment;
$sql_export = $sql_employee_appointment;
$sql_employee_appointment .= " $searchSql $sortSql $limitSql ";
$sql_export .= " $searchSql $sortSql ";
error_log("sql employee_appointment: 143: " . $sql_employee_appointment);
$results_employee_appointment = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_employee_appointment);
// echo $sql_employee_appointment;
$count = ($page - 1) * $rp + 1;
// echo $sql_ailment;
// echo $access_level;
while ($row_employee_appointment = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results_employee_appointment)) {
$appointment_type = $row_employee_appointment['appointment_type'];
$emp_id = $row_employee_appointment['id'];
// $comp=getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select complaint from complaints ","complaint_id ",$row_employee_appointment['complaints']);
$exam_find = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select examination_finding from examination_findings ", "id ", $row_employee_appointment['examination_remarks']);
if ($appointment_type == 'O') {
$diagnosis = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select ailment_name from ailment ", "ailment_id", $row_employee_appointment['ailment_ids']);
} else if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
$diagnosis = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select injury_type_name from injury_type", "injury_type_id", $row_employee_appointment['injury_types']);
$complaint_ids = $row_employee_appointment['complaints'];
$complaint_ids_array = array();
$complaint_ids_array = explode(",", $complaint_ids);
$complaints = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($complaint_ids_array); $i++) {
if ($i == 0) {
if (is_numeric($complaint_ids_array[$i])) {
$complaints = getTableFieldValue('complaints', 'complaint', 'complaint_id', $complaint_ids_array[$i]);
} else {
$complaints = $complaint_ids_array[$i];
} else {
if (is_numeric($complaint_ids_array[$i])) {
$complaints = $complaints . "," . getTableFieldValue('complaints', 'complaint', 'complaint_id', $complaint_ids_array[$i]);
} else {
$complaints = $complaints . "," . $complaint_ids_array[$i];
$appointment_type = $row_employee_appointment['appointment_type'];
$employee_appointment = $row_employee_appointment['appointment_id'];
$emp_id = $row_employee_appointment['emp_id'];
// echo $ailment_id;
$view_link = "";
$edit_link = "";
$delete_link = "";
$links = "";
$followup_links = "";
$space = " ";
// echo "shubham";
// if ($appointment_type == 'O') {
$view_link = "<a id='appointment_id_" . $appointment_id . "' href=\"#\"class=\"grey\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment('" . $appointment_id . "','" . $appointment_type . "','" . $emp_id . "','V','');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-eye\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
$view_link .= $space;
// } else if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
// $view_link = "<a href=\"view_injury.php?appointmentId=" . $appointment_id . "&flex_opd_id=" . $emp_id . "&returnPage=pending_medical_disbursement_list.php?view=view\" class=\"green\" ><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-search-plus bigger-130\" style=\"font-size:18px;\"></i></a>";
// $view_link.=$space;
// }
// if ($appointment_type == 'O') {
$edit_link = $space . "<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment('" . $appointment_id . "','" . $appointment_type . "','" . $emp_id . "','E','0');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
// $edit_link = "<a href=\"edit_opd.php?appointmentId=" . $appointment_id . "&flex_opd_id=" . $emp_id . "&returnPage=pending_medical_disbursement_list.php?view=edit\" class=\"blue\" ><i class=\"menu-icon fa fa-pencil-square-o bigger-130\" style=\"font-size:18px;\"></i></a>";
$edit_link .= $space;
$query_followup = "select * from followup_details where appointment_id='" . $row_employee_appointment['appointment_id'] . "' and attended_status='PHP' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' and followup_id='".$row_employee_appointment['followup_id']."' ";
error_log("Patient_Search_followup:" . $query_followup);
if (!$result_followup = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_followup)) {
if (mysqli_num_rows($result_followup) > 0) {
while ($row_followup = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_followup)) {
if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_key, 'W')) {
$followup_links .= $space . "<a href=\"#\" class=\"green\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment('" . $appointment_id . "','" . $appointment_type . "','" . $emp_id . "','F','" . $a['followup_id'] . "');\">" . $row_followup["ticket_no"] . "</a>";
// } else if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
// $edit_link = "<a href=\"edit_injury.php?appointmentId=" . $appointment_id . "&flex_opd_id=" . $emp_id . "&returnPage=pending_medical_disbursement_list.php?view=edit\" class=\"blue\" ><i class=\"menu-icon fa fa-pencil-square-o bigger-130\" style=\"font-size:18px;\"></i></a>";
// $edit_link.=$space;
// }
// $delete_link="<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"delete_employee_appointment_history('".$appointment_id."');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130\"></i></a>";
// echo $hasReadAccess =isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$menu_key,'R');
// echo $hasWriteAccess = isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$menu_key,'W');
// echo $hasReadAccess;
// echo $hasWriteAccess;
if (!isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_key, 'R')) {
$view_link = "";
if (!isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_key, 'W')) {
$edit_link = "";
$links = $view_link . $edit_link;
$isEmergency = "";
$isInjury = "";
if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
$isInjury = "<span class='red'>Yes</i></span>";
} else {
$isInjury = "<span class='green'>No</i></span>";
if ($row_employee_appointment['IsEmergency'] == 1) {
$isEmergency = "<span class=' lighter red'>Yes</i></span>";
} else {
$isEmergency = "<span class='green'>No</i></span>";
$doctor_attended_flag = "";
if ($row_employee_appointment['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') {
$doctor_attended_flag = "<span class=' lighter red'>Yes</i></span>";
} else {
$doctor_attended_flag = "<span class='green'>No</i></span>";
$check_results = "SBP:" . $row_employee_appointment['bp_sbp'] . ", DBP:" . $row_employee_appointment['bp_dbp'] . ", FBS:" . $row_employee_appointment['blood_sugar_fbs'] . ", RBS:" . $row_employee_appointment['blood_sugar_rbs'] . ", PPBS:" . $row_employee_appointment['blood_sugar_ppbs'] . ", TEMP:" . $row_employee_appointment['temperature'] . ", SpO2:" . $row_employee_appointment['spo2_percent'] . ",WEIGHT:" . $row_employee_appointment['weight'] . ",HEIGHT:" . $row_employee_appointment['height'] . ",BMI:" . $row_employee_appointment['bmi'] . ",RESPIARATORY RATE:" . $row_employee_appointment['respiratory_rate'] . ",HEART RATE:" . $row_employee_appointment['heart_rate'] . ",URINE OUTPUT:" . $row_employee_appointment['urine_output'] . ",OXYGEN SUPPLY:" . $row_employee_appointment['oxygen_supply'] . ",AVPU" . $row_employee_appointment['avpu'] . ", MOBILITY:" . $row_employee_appointment['mobility'] . ",TRAMA:" . $row_employee_appointment['trama'] . ", GLASGOW COMA SCALE:" . $row_employee_appointment['glasgow_coma_scale'];
// echo $row_employee_appointment['bp_sbp'];
$data['rows'][] = array(
'id' => $row_employee_appointment['appointment_id'],
'cell' => array(
getFieldFromTable('ohc_type_name', 'ohc_type', 'ohc_type_id', $row_employee_appointment['ohc_type_id']),
date_format(date_create($row_employee_appointment['appointment_date']), "d-M-Y H:i "),
$data['rows'][] = array(
'id' => $row['filterkey'],
'cell' => array('', "<input type=hidden name='filterkey' id='filterkey' value=\"" . base64_encode($sql_export) . "\">", "<input type=hidden name=paramlist id=paramlist value=\"" . base64_encode($paramlist) . "\">", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
error_log("data: " . print_r($data, true));
echo json_encode($data);