302 lines
9.9 KiB
302 lines
9.9 KiB
use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Value;
// $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","phpsamples");
header('Content-type: application/json');
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
$response_array = array();
$response_mssages = "";
$inter_procurement_id = array();
//$ohc_type = $_SESSION ['current_ohcttype'];
$allowedFileType = [
$dbColumnNameList = array();
if (in_array($_FILES["file"]["type"], $allowedFileType)) {
$targetPath = 'excel/uploads/' . $_FILES['file']['name'];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $targetPath);
$Reader = new SpreadsheetReader($targetPath);
$sheetCount = count($Reader->sheets());
$insert_counter = 0;
$update_counter = 0;
$fail_counter = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) {
$j = 0;
$max_cols = 0;
$crntColIndex = 0;
foreach ($Reader as $Row) {
$crntColIndex = 0;
// read row first to read table fields
if ($j == 0) {
$crntColIndex = 0;
$nondb_col = 0;
while (isset($Row[$crntColIndex]) && mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $Row[$crntColIndex]) != null && trim($Row[$crntColIndex]) != '') {
$colVal = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $Row[$crntColIndex]);
if ($colVal != 'NA') {
$dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] = $Row[$crntColIndex];
} else {
// if NA for DB col found... then just record it with NA_Prefix to distinguish and discard later
$dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] = "NA_" + $nondb_col;
} // end of while -- reading all columns for first row
$max_cols = $crntColIndex;
error_log("db_fields_Array:" . $dbColumnNameList);
// print_r($dbColumnNameList);
} // end reading first row db fields
if ($j < 0) {
// ignore for other header rows
if ($Row[0] == '') {
// if a blank row is encountered stop reading
// read data rows - start
$id = "";
$employee_name = "";
$emp_code = "";
$aadhar_no = "";
$sr_no = "";
$vac_id = "";
$vac_name = "";
$vac_d1 = "";
$vac_d2 = "";
$vac_d3 = "";
$date = "";
$dose = "";
$remarks = "";
$vac_center = "";
$dbColumnValueList = array();
error_log("max value" . $max_cols);
$crntColIndex = 0;
while ($crntColIndex < $max_cols) {
$colVal = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $Row[$crntColIndex]);
$dbColumnValueList[$crntColIndex] = $colVal; // store the column value into valuearray
error_log('ttt' . $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex]);
error_log('vvv' . $colVal);
// custom logic, validations and calculations -- start
if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'ECODE' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'ecode') {
$emp_code = $colVal;
// if ($emp_code == "" && $emp_code == NULL) {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>Employee Code Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Patient Name' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'patient name' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'PATIENT NAME') {
$employee_name = $colVal;
if ($employee_name == "" && $employee_name == NULL) {
$response_mssages .= "<br>Employee Name Missing at row: " . +$j;
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Sr No.' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'SR NO.' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'sr no.') {
$sr_no = $colVal;
// if ($aadhar_no == "" && $aadhar_no == NULL && minlength == "12" && maxlength == "12") {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>Aadhar No Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Aadhar No.' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'AADHAR NO.' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'aadhar no.') {
$aadhar_no = $colVal;
// if ($aadhar_no == "" && $aadhar_no == NULL && minlength == "12" && maxlength == "12") {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>Aadhar No Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Vaccine Name' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'vaccine name' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'VACCINE NAME') {
$vac_name = $colVal;
$que2 = "SELECT `id` FROM `vaccine_master` WHERE `vaccine_name`='" . $vac_name . "'";
$res2 = @mysqli_query($conn, $que2);
$rowp2 = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($res2);
$vac_id = $rowp2["id"];
$dbColumnValueList[$crntColIndex] = $vac_id;
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Date' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'DATE' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'date') {
$date = $colVal;
error_log("dob previous " . $date);
if ($date != '' && $date != null) {
$time = strtotime($date);
$date = date('Y-m-d', $time);
// error_log("type of date in excel " . gettype($dob));
error_log("new format dob date " . $date);
$dbColumnValueList[$crntColIndex] = $date;
// if ($designation == "" && $designation == NULL) {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>Designation Name Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Remarks' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'remarks' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'REMARKS') {
$remarks = $colVal;
// if ($section == NULL) {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>section Name Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Vaccine Center' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'vaccine center' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'VACCINE CENTER') {
$vac_center = $colVal;
// if ($section == NULL) {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>section Name Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
} else if ($dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'Dose' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'dose' || $dbColumnNameList[$crntColIndex] == 'DOSE') {
$dose = $colVal;
// if ($section == NULL) {
// $response_mssages .= "<br>section Name Missing at row: " . + $j;
// $fail_counter ++;
// continue;
// }
$crntColIndex++; // continue reading next column value
if (!empty($aadhar_no)) {
$id = getTableFieldValue('patient_master', 'id', 'aadhar_no', "'" . $aadhar_no . "'");
error_log("Found Existing Record with aadhar: " . $aadhar_no . "emp_id:" . $id);
} else if (!empty($emp_code)) {
$id = getTableFieldValue('patient_master', 'id', 'emp_code', "'" . $emp_code . "'");
error_log("Found Existing Record with ecode/gatepass no: " . $emp_code . "emp_id:" . $id);
$initquery = "";
$endquery = "";
$dataid = array();
$fail_sr_no = array();
$queid = "select id ,vac_id from temporary_vaccination_details where emp_id='" . $id . "' and vac_id='" . $vac_id . "'";
if (!$resultid = @mysqli_query($conn, $queid)) {
if (mysqli_num_rows($resultid) > 0) {
while ($rowid = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultid)) {
$dataid = $rowid['id'];
error_log($dataid . " DD ");
if (!empty($dataid)) {
$initquery = "update temporary_vaccination_details set ";
$endquery = " where id = '" . $dataid . "' ";
} else {
if ($id != 0) {
$initquery = "insert into temporary_vaccination_details set ";
$endquery = "";
} else {
array_push($fail_sr_no, $sr_no);
foreach ($fail_sr_no as $key => $value) {
$fail = $fail . strval($value) . ", ";
// $vac_d1=date_create($vac_d1);
// $vac_d1 = date_format($vac_d1,"d-m-Y");
if (isset($id)) {
if ($dose == 1) {
$vac_d1 = $date;
$query_patient = $initquery . " emp_id = '" . $id . "',vac_id = '" . $vac_id . "' , vac_d1='" . $vac_d1 . "',vac_center1='" . $vac_center . "',remarks='" . $remarks . "'" . $endquery;
} else if ($dose == 2) {
$vac_d2 = $date;
$query_patient = $initquery . " emp_id = '" . $id . "',vac_id = '" . $vac_id . "' ,vac_d2='" . $vac_d2 . "',vac_center2='" . $vac_center . "',remarks='" . $remarks . "'" . $endquery;
} else {
$vac_d3 = $date;
$query_patient = $initquery . " emp_id = '" . $id . "',vac_id = '" . $vac_id . "' ,vac_d3='" . $vac_d3 . "',vac_center3='" . $vac_center . "',remarks='" . $remarks . "'" . $endquery;
error_log("new query for employee.." . $query_patient);
if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_patient)) {
error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn));
error_log("Failed to Execute Patient Insert/Update Query::: " . $query_patient);
if (empty($dataid)) {
$Newid = @mysqli_insert_id($conn);
error_log("Newly Added employees Id:" . $id);
} else {
$Newid = $dataid;
error_log("ID " . $Newid);
array_push($inter_procurement_id, $Newid);
$type = '';
if (!empty($result)) {
$ids = array_unique($inter_procurement_id);
error_log('iidd' . max(array_keys($ids)) . 'iidd' . print_r($ids, true));
for (
$i = 0;
$i <= max(array_keys($ids));
) {
if ($ids[$i] != null || $ids[$i] != '' || $ids[$i] != 0) {
$type .= $ids[$i] . ',';
error_log("TYPRIDD " . $type);
//$message = 'Excel Data Imported Into the Database';
} else {
$type = 'error';
//$message = 'Problem In Importing Excel Data';
error_log('datas====' . $type);
echo json_encode($type);