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modify($duration); $date_new = $date->format('Y-m-d'); error_log("due date " . $date_new); error_log(" row checkup date " . $row_checkup['valid_upto']); if ($row_checkup['valid_upto'] != null && $row_checkup['valid_upto'] != '0000-00-00' && $row_checkup['valid_upto'] != '') { $valid_duration_date = $row_checkup['valid_upto']; } else { $valid_duration_date = $date_new; } error_log("after date " . $valid_duration_date); ?> " type="text" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" />
Remarks Checkup Date Referred By
Health Risk
Health Advice
Past Present Illness
Critical Findings
Lab Technician Comments
Doctor Critical Findings
Doctor Counselling
Checkup Section Header
format('m') < 4) { $financialYearStart = ($randomDateTime->format('Y') - 1) . "-04-01"; } else { $financialYearStart = $randomDateTime->format('Y') . "-04-01"; } // Calculate the financial year end date if ($randomDateTime->format('m') < 4) { $financialYearEnd = $randomDateTime->format('Y') . "-03-31"; } else { $financialYearEnd = ($randomDateTime->format('Y') + 1) . "-03-31"; } $get_chk_ids = "SELECT * from checkup_form where emp_id = $emp_id and checkup_date between '$financialYearStart' AND '$financialYearEnd' AND (checkup_type_id IN (42,52,53,54,57))"; error_log($get_chk_ids . " "); $get_chk_conn = mysqli_query($conn, $get_chk_ids); $values_asasas = array(); while ($all_ids = mysqli_fetch_array($get_chk_conn)) { if ($row_checkup['checkup_id'] == $all_ids['checkup_id']) { continue; } $newValueIdds = $all_ids['checkup_id']; $values_asasas[] = $newValueIdds; } $commaSeparatedString = implode(',', $values_asasas); error_log($commaSeparatedString . "check ids "); $item_id_array = explode(',', $commaSeparatedString); $item_id_array = array_map('intval', $item_id_array); foreach ($item_id_array as $item_id) { $checkup_type_id = getFieldFromTable('checkup_type_id', 'checkup_form', 'checkup_id', $item_id); $checkup_type_name = getFieldFromTable('checkup_type_name', 'checkup_type', 'checkup_type_id', $checkup_type_id); ?> query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { ?> "; } } else { echo "No results found
"; } } include('previous_data_history.php'); ?>