Medical Emergency Form |
Serial No |
Date |
Name |
Employee ID |
Sex |
Age |
Department |
Division |
Mobile No |
Supervisor |
Supervisor Contact No |
In Time at OHC or Call Received time: |
Name of OHC Personnel attending the emergency |
Caller Name |
Out Time of Patient |
Chief Complaints: |
General Examination: |
Pulse Rate |
BP |
SpO2 |
Systemic Examination: |
Is the Patient taking any Medications - Give Details: |
History of Drug Alleries: |
Diagnosis: |
Patient Admitted in Hospital: Yes/ No (If yes give details of hospital and time at which reached the hospital) |
Ambulance Used: Yes/No |
Treatment Given at Hospital: |
Patient Discharged From Hospital: Yes/ No (If Yes provide date & Time) |
Advice given on Discharge: |
Did Patient return to work?: Yes/ No (if yes provide date & Time) |