$value) { error_log($key . " : " . $value . "
\r\n"); } error_log("End Printing Request Attributes"); // error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); $data = array(); $medical_exam_id = $_POST['medical_exam_id']; error_log("MEDICAL EXAM ID:::" . $medical_exam_id); $patient_id = $_POST['patient_id']; error_log($patient_id); $forward_status = $_POST['forward_status']; //if forward status is not set then for Doctore default should be D and for medical Default should be M //so that they can edit if (!empty($medical_exam_id) && $forward_status == null || $forward_status == '') { if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DOC') { $forward_status = 'D'; } else { $forward_status = 'M'; } } $ohc_type = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $data['medical_exam_id'] = $medical_exam_id; $peme_no = $_POST['peme_no']; $pohc_no = $_POST['pohc_no']; $air_audio_remarks = $_POST['air_audio_remarks']; $bone_audio_remarks = $_POST['bone_audio_remarks']; $health_risks = strtoupper($_POST['health_risks']); $health_advices = strtoupper($_POST['health_advices']); $health_advices = handleDynamicMasterInsert("health_advice", "health_advice_name", "health_advice_id", $health_advices, true); // error_log("health_advices:" . implode(',', $health_advices)); $health_advices = getMultiValuedSelectData($health_advices); // error_log("health_advices:" . $health_advices); $health_risks = handleDynamicMasterInsert("health_risk", "health_risk_name", "health_risk_id", $health_risks, true); // error_log("health_risks:" . implode(',', $health_risks)); $health_risks = getMultiValuedSelectData($health_risks); // error_log("health_risks:" . $health_risks); if ($_POST['conduction_type'] == 'AIR CONDUCTION') { $bone_cond_left = NULL; $bone_cond_right = NULL; $air_cond_left = $_POST['air_cond_left']; $air_cond_right = $_POST['air_cond_right']; } if ($_POST['conduction_type'] == 'BONE CONDUCTION') { $air_cond_left = NULL; $air_cond_right = NULL; $bone_cond_left = $_POST['bone_cond_left']; $bone_cond_right = $_POST['bone_cond_right']; } $approval_date_str = $_POST['approval_date']; if (!isset($_POST['approval_date'])) { $approval_date_str = " CURDATE() "; } else { $approval_date_str = " STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['approval_date'] . "','%d/%m/%Y') "; } begin(); if ($forward_status != 'A') { error_log("forward_status supposed to be not for approval:" . $forward_status); // check duplicate entry for the same date.. if (empty($medical_exam_id)) { $row_existing = runSqlGenericSingleRow("select medical_exam_id from medical_examination where patient_id='" . $_POST['patient_id'] . "' and task='" . $_POST['task'] . "' and date(medical_entry_date)=CURRENT_DATE() "); if ($row_existing != null) { // existing found.. we will instead update the existing error_log("existing entry found: " . $row_existing['medical_exam_id']); $medical_exam_id = $row_existing['medical_exam_id']; } } // $row_existing_status = runSqlGenericSingleRow ( "select forward_status from medical_examination where patient_id='" . $_POST ['patient_id'] . "' and task='" . $_POST ['task'] . "' and date(medical_entry_date)=CURRENT_DATE() " ); // error_log("STATUS".$row_existing_status); // if($row_existing_status != null){ // $forward_status = $row_existing_status; // } if (!empty($medical_exam_id)) { error_log("update case"); $initquery = " update medical_examination "; $endquery = " where medical_exam_id = '" . $medical_exam_id . "' "; $data['medical_exam_id'] = $medical_exam_id; } else { error_log("Insert case"); $initquery = " insert into medical_examination "; $medical_entry_date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', time()); $endquery = ", medical_entry_date='$medical_entry_date' "; } $optional_params = ""; if (isset($_POST['hip'])) { $optional_params .= ", hip='" . addslashes($_POST['hip']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['weight'])) { $optional_params .= ", weight='" . addslashes($_POST['weight']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['height'])) { $optional_params .= ", height='" . addslashes($_POST['height']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['waist'])) { $optional_params .= ", waist='" . addslashes($_POST['waist']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['peme_no'])) { $optional_params .= ", peme_no='" . addslashes($_POST['peme_no']) . "'"; } if (isset($pohc_no)) { $optional_params .= ", pohc_no='" . addslashes($pohc_no) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['medical_entry_date'])) { $optional_params .= ", medical_entry_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['medical_entry_date'] . "','%d/%m/%Y') "; } if (isset($_POST['patient_id'])) { $optional_params .= ", patient_id='" . ($_POST['patient_id']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['medical_examination_status'])) { $optional_params .= ", medical_examination_status='" . addslashes($_POST['medical_examination_status']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['regular_medication'])) { $optional_params .= ", regular_medication='" . addslashes($_POST['regular_medication']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['task'])) { $optional_params .= ", task='" . addslashes($_POST['task']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['present_complaint'])) { $optional_params .= ", present_complaint='" . addslashes($_POST['present_complaint']) . "'"; } if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DOC' && isset($_POST['opinion_mo'])) { $optional_params .= ", opinion_mo='" . addslashes($_POST['opinion_mo']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['hbsag'])) { $optional_params .= ", hbsag='" . addslashes($_POST['hbsag']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['hiv'])) { $optional_params .= ", hiv='" . addslashes($_POST['hiv']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['hcv'])) { $optional_params .= ", hcv='" . addslashes($_POST['hcv']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['ldl'])) { $optional_params .= ", ldl='" . addslashes($_POST['ldl']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['vldl'])) { $optional_params .= ", vldl='" . addslashes($_POST['vldl']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['hdl'])) { $optional_params .= ", hdl='" . addslashes($_POST['hdl']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['triglycerides'])) { $optional_params .= ", triglycerides='" . addslashes($_POST['triglycerides']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['total_cholestrol'])) { $optional_params .= ", total_cholestrol='" . addslashes($_POST['total_cholestrol']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['near_with_right_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", near_with_right_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['near_with_right_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['eye_remarks'])) { $optional_params .= ", eye_remarks='" . addslashes($_POST['eye_remarks']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['bp'])) { $optional_params .= ", bp='" . addslashes($_POST['bp']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['pulse'])) { $optional_params .= ", pulse='" . addslashes($_POST['pulse']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['bmi'])) { $optional_params .= ", bmi='" . addslashes($_POST['bmi']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['any_other_eye_disease'])) { $optional_params .= ", any_other_eye_disease='" . addslashes($_POST['any_other_eye_disease']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['nails'])) { $optional_params .= ", nails='" . addslashes($_POST['nails']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dlc_l'])) { $optional_params .= ", dlc_l='" . addslashes($_POST['dlc_l']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dis_without_left_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", dis_without_left_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['dis_without_left_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dis_without_right_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", dis_without_right_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['dis_without_right_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fev1'])) { $optional_params .= ", fev1='" . addslashes($_POST['fev1']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fev1_fvc'])) { $optional_params .= ", fev1_fvc='" . addslashes($_POST['fev1_fvc']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['peak_expiratory_flow'])) { $optional_params .= ", peak_expiratory_flow='" . addslashes($_POST['peak_expiratory_flow']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fvc'])) { $optional_params .= ", fvc='" . addslashes($_POST['fvc']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['spiro_remarks'])) { $optional_params .= ", spirometry_remarks='" . addslashes($_POST['spiro_remarks']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['abdomen'])) { $optional_params .= ", abdomen='" . addslashes($_POST['abdomen']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dis_with_right_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", dis_with_right_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['dis_with_right_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['near_without_right_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", near_without_right_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['near_without_right_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dlc_e'])) { $optional_params .= ", dlc_e='" . addslashes($_POST['dlc_e']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dlc_b'])) { $optional_params .= ", dlc_b='" . addslashes($_POST['dlc_b']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dlc_m'])) { $optional_params .= ", dlc_m='" . addslashes($_POST['dlc_m']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dis_with_left_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", dis_with_left_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['dis_with_left_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['rs'])) { $optional_params .= ", rs='" . addslashes($_POST['rs']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['color_vision'])) { $optional_params .= ", color_vision='" . addslashes($_POST['color_vision']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['skin'])) { $optional_params .= ", skin='" . addslashes($_POST['skin']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['near_with_left_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", near_with_left_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['near_with_left_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['near_without_left_eye'])) { $optional_params .= ", near_without_left_eye='" . addslashes($_POST['near_without_left_eye']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['bone_cond_left'])) { $optional_params .= ", bone_cond_left='" . addslashes($_POST['bone_cond_left']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['bone_cond_right'])) { $optional_params .= ", bone_cond_right='" . addslashes($_POST['bone_cond_right']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['air_cond_right'])) { $optional_params .= ", air_cond_right='" . addslashes($_POST['air_cond_right']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['air_cond_left'])) { $optional_params .= ", air_cond_left='" . addslashes($_POST['air_cond_left']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['conduction_type'])) { $optional_params .= ", conduction_type='" . addslashes($_POST['conduction_type']) . "'"; } if (isset($air_audio_remarks)) { $optional_params .= ", air_audio_remarks='" . addslashes($air_audio_remarks) . "'"; } if (isset($bone_audio_remarks)) { $optional_params .= ", bone_audio_remarks='" . addslashes($bone_audio_remarks) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['stool_re_me'])) { $optional_params .= ", stool_re_me='" . addslashes($_POST['stool_re_me']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['urine_re_me'])) { $optional_params .= ", urine_re_me='" . addslashes($_POST['urine_re_me']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['urine_re_me_comments'])) { $optional_params .= ", urine_re_me_comments='" . addslashes($_POST['urine_re_me_comments']) . 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"'"; } if (isset($_POST['fev1_post'])) { $optional_params .= ", fev1_post='" . addslashes($_POST['fev1_post']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fev1_pre'])) { $optional_params .= ", fev1_pre='" . addslashes($_POST['fev1_pre']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fvc_post'])) { $optional_params .= ", fvc_post='" . addslashes($_POST['fvc_post']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fvc_pre'])) { $optional_params .= ", fvc_pre='" . addslashes($_POST['fvc_pre']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['profusion_opacities'])) { $optional_params .= ", profusion_opacities='" . addslashes($_POST['profusion_opacities']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fev1_fvc_pre'])) { $optional_params .= ", fev1_fvc_pre='" . addslashes($_POST['fev1_fvc_pre']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['tmt_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", tmt_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['tmt_findings']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['ecg_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", ecg_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['ecg_findings']) . 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"'"; } if (isset($_POST['platelets'])) { $optional_params .= ", platelets='" . addslashes($_POST['platelets']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['s_urea'])) { $optional_params .= ", s_urea='" . addslashes($_POST['s_urea']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['s_creatinine'])) { $optional_params .= ", s_creatinine='" . addslashes($_POST['s_creatinine']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['blood_sugar_fbs'])) { $optional_params .= ", blood_sugar_fbs='" . addslashes($_POST['blood_sugar_fbs']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['blood_sugar_ppbs'])) { $optional_params .= ", blood_sugar_ppbs='" . addslashes($_POST['blood_sugar_ppbs']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['blood_sugar_rbs'])) { $optional_params .= ", blood_sugar_rbs='" . addslashes($_POST['blood_sugar_rbs']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['blood_sugar_hb1ac'])) { $optional_params .= ", blood_sugar_hb1ac='" . addslashes($_POST['blood_sugar_hb1ac']) . "'"; } if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] != 'DOC') { $optional_params .= ", medical_attend='" . addslashes($_SESSION['user_id']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['conversational_hearing'])) { $optional_params .= ", conversational_hearing='" . addslashes($_POST['conversational_hearing']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['auroscopy'])) { $optional_params .= ", auroscopy='" . addslashes($_POST['auroscopy']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['eac'])) { $optional_params .= ", eac='" . addslashes($_POST['eac']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['nose'])) { $optional_params .= ", nose='" . addslashes($_POST['nose']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['throat'])) { $optional_params .= ", throat='" . addslashes($_POST['throat']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['opinion_remarks'])) { $optional_params .= ", opinion_remarks='" . addslashes($_POST['opinion_remarks']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['any_other'])) { $optional_params .= ", any_other='" . addslashes($_POST['any_other']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['pap_smear'])) { $optional_params .= ", pap_smear='" . addslashes($_POST['pap_smear']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['mammography'])) { $optional_params .= ", mammography='" . addslashes($_POST['mammography']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['dental_exam_report'])) { $optional_params .= ", dental_exam_report='" . addslashes($_POST['dental_exam_report']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['thyroid_profile'])) { $optional_params .= ", thyroid_profile='" . addslashes($_POST['thyroid_profile']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['live_function_test'])) { $optional_params .= ", live_function_test='" . addslashes($_POST['live_function_test']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['type'])) { $optional_params .= ", type='" . addslashes($_POST['type']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['grade'])) { $optional_params .= ", grade='" . addslashes($_POST['grade']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['fistula'])) { $optional_params .= ", fistula='" . addslashes($_POST['fistula']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['piles_details'])) { $optional_params .= ", piles_details='" . addslashes($_POST['piles_details']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['phimosis'])) { $optional_params .= ", phimosis='" . addslashes($_POST['phimosis']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['hydrocele'])) { $optional_params .= ", hydrocele='" . addslashes($_POST['hydrocele']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['hernia_details'])) { $optional_params .= ", hernia_details='" . addslashes($_POST['hernia_details']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['vibration_syndrome'])) { $optional_params .= ", vibration_syndrome='" . addslashes($_POST['vibration_syndrome']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['reflexes'])) { $optional_params .= ", reflexes='" . addslashes($_POST['reflexes']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['vertigo'])) { $optional_params .= ", vertigo='" . addslashes($_POST['vertigo']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['motor_function'])) { $optional_params .= ", motor_function='" . addslashes($_POST['motor_function']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['higher_function'])) { $optional_params .= ", higher_function='" . addslashes($_POST['higher_function']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['speech'])) { $optional_params .= ", speech='" . addslashes($_POST['speech']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['esr'])) { $optional_params .= ", esr='" . addslashes($_POST['esr']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['bun'])) { $optional_params .= ", bun='" . addslashes($_POST['bun']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['uric_acid'])) { $optional_params .= ", uric_acid='" . addslashes($_POST['uric_acid']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['acid_phosphatase'])) { $optional_params .= ", acid_phosphatase='" . addslashes($_POST['acid_phosphatase']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['appearance'])) { $optional_params .= ", appearance='" . addslashes($_POST['appearance']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['any_other_abnormality'])) { $optional_params .= ", any_other_abnormality='" . addslashes($_POST['any_other_abnormality']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['tenderness'])) { $optional_params .= ", tenderness='" . addslashes($_POST['tenderness']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['speen'])) { $optional_params .= ", speen='" . addslashes($_POST['speen']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['liver'])) { $optional_params .= ", liver='" . addslashes($_POST['liver']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['history_parameter'])) { $optional_params .= ", past_present_illness='" . addslashes($_POST['history_parameter']) . "'"; } if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DOC' && isset($_POST['sign_medical_officer'])) { $optional_params .= ", sign_medical_officer='" . addslashes($_POST['sign_medical_officer']) . "'"; } if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] != 'DOC' && isset($_POST['signature_medical_assistant'])) { $optional_params .= ", sign_medical_ass='" . addslashes($_POST['signature_medical_assistant']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['sugar'])) { $optional_params .= ", sugar='" . addslashes($_POST['sugar']) . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['other_relevant_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", other_relevant_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['other_relevant_findings']) . 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"' "; } if ($health_risks != '' && $health_risks != null) { $optional_params .= ", health_risks='" . addslashes($health_risks) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['p'])) { $optional_params .= ", p='" . addslashes($_POST['p']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['cy'])) { $optional_params .= ", cy='" . addslashes($_POST['cy']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['i'])) { $optional_params .= ", i='" . addslashes($_POST['i']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['cl'])) { $optional_params .= ", cl='" . addslashes($_POST['cl']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['e'])) { $optional_params .= ", e='" . addslashes($_POST['e']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['audio_findings_left'])) { $optional_params .= ", audio_findings_left='" . addslashes($_POST['audio_findings_left']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['audio_findings_right'])) { $optional_params .= ", audio_findings_right='" . addslashes($_POST['audio_findings_right']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['urine_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", urine_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['urine_findings']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['typhoid_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", typhoid_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['typhoid_findings']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['lft_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", lft_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['lft_findings']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ear'])) { $optional_params .= ", ear='" . addslashes($_POST['ear']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['deformities'])) { $optional_params .= ", deformities='" . addslashes($_POST['deformities']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['xray_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", xray_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['xray_findings']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['sputum_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", sputum_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['sputum_findings']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ft3'])) { $optional_params .= ", ft3='" . addslashes($_POST['ft3']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ft4'])) { $optional_params .= ", ft4='" . addslashes($_POST['ft4']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['tsh'])) { $optional_params .= ", tsh='" . addslashes($_POST['tsh']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['bn_findings'])) { $optional_params .= ", bn_findings='" . addslashes($_POST['bn_findings']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['a'])) { $optional_params .= ", a='" . addslashes($_POST['a']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['oe'])) { $optional_params .= ", oe='" . addslashes($_POST['oe']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['pr'])) { $optional_params .= ", pr='" . addslashes($_POST['pr']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['p_abd'])) { $optional_params .= ", p_abd='" . addslashes($_POST['p_abd']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['chest'])) { $optional_params .= ", chest='" . addslashes($_POST['chest']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['dress'])) { $optional_params .= ", dress='" . addslashes($_POST['dress']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['other_diseases'])) { $optional_params .= ", other_diseases='" . addslashes($_POST['other_diseases']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rd_dsph'])) { $optional_params .= ", rd_dsph='" . addslashes($_POST['rd_dsph']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rd_dcyl'])) { $optional_params .= ", rd_dcyl='" . addslashes($_POST['rd_dcyl']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rd_axis'])) { $optional_params .= ", rd_axis='" . addslashes($_POST['rd_axis']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rd_v'])) { $optional_params .= ", rd_v='" . addslashes($_POST['rd_v']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ld_dsph'])) { $optional_params .= ", ld_dsph='" . addslashes($_POST['ld_dsph']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ld_dcyl'])) { $optional_params .= ", ld_dcyl='" . addslashes($_POST['ld_dcyl']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ld_axis'])) { $optional_params .= ", ld_axis='" . addslashes($_POST['ld_axis']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ld_v'])) { $optional_params .= ", ld_v='" . addslashes($_POST['ld_v']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rn_dsph'])) { $optional_params .= ", rn_dsph='" . addslashes($_POST['rn_dsph']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rn_dcyl'])) { $optional_params .= ", rn_dcyl='" . addslashes($_POST['rn_dcyl']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rn_axis'])) { $optional_params .= ", rn_axis='" . addslashes($_POST['rn_axis']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rn_v'])) { $optional_params .= ", rn_v='" . addslashes($_POST['rn_v']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ln_dsph'])) { $optional_params .= ", ln_dsph='" . addslashes($_POST['ln_dsph']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ln_dcyl'])) { $optional_params .= ", ln_dcyl='" . addslashes($_POST['ln_dcyl']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ln_axis'])) { $optional_params .= ", ln_axis='" . addslashes($_POST['ln_axis']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ln_v'])) { $optional_params .= ", ln_v='" . addslashes($_POST['ln_v']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['health_index'])) { $optional_params .= ", health_index='" . addslashes($_POST['health_index']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['chest_in'])) { $optional_params .= ", chest_in='" . addslashes($_POST['chest_in']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['chest_exp'])) { $optional_params .= ", chest_exp='" . addslashes($_POST['chest_exp']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['cnc'])) { $optional_params .= ", cold_cough='" . addslashes($_POST['cnc']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['gw'])) { $optional_params .= ", general_weakness='" . addslashes($_POST['gw']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['smell'])) { $optional_params .= ", smell='" . addslashes($_POST['smell']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['sodium'])) { $optional_params .= ", sodium='" . addslashes($_POST['sodium']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['potassium'])) { $optional_params .= ", potassium='" . addslashes($_POST['potassium']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['rft_phosphate'])) { $optional_params .= ", rft_phosphate='" . addslashes($_POST['rft_phosphate']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['hco3'])) { $optional_params .= ", hco3='" . addslashes($_POST['hco3']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['quantity'])) { $optional_params .= ", quantity='" . addslashes($_POST['quantity']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['colour'])) { $optional_params .= ", colour='" . addslashes($_POST['colour']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['spec_grav'])) { $optional_params .= ", spec_grav='" . addslashes($_POST['spec_grav']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ph'])) { $optional_params .= ", ph='" . addslashes($_POST['ph']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['chyle'])) { $optional_params .= ", chyle='" . addslashes($_POST['chyle']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['ketone_body'])) { $optional_params .= ", ketone_body='" . addslashes($_POST['ketone_body']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['blood'])) { $optional_params .= ", blood='" . addslashes($_POST['blood']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['glucose'])) { $optional_params .= ", glucose='" . addslashes($_POST['glucose']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['protein'])) { $optional_params .= ", protein='" . addslashes($_POST['protein']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['leu_est'])) { $optional_params .= ", leucocytes_esterase='" . addslashes($_POST['leu_est']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['bile_pigment'])) { $optional_params .= ", bile_pigment='" . addslashes($_POST['bile_pigment']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['phosphates'])) { $optional_params .= ", phosphates='" . addslashes($_POST['phosphates']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['urobilinogen'])) { $optional_params .= ", urobilinogen='" . addslashes($_POST['urobilinogen']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['bacteria'])) { $optional_params .= ", bacteria='" . addslashes($_POST['bacteria']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['cellular'])) { $optional_params .= ", cellular='" . addslashes($_POST['cellular']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['hyaline'])) { $optional_params .= ", hyaline='" . addslashes($_POST['hyaline']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['fatty'])) { $optional_params .= ", fatty='" . addslashes($_POST['fatty']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['granular'])) { $optional_params .= ", granular='" . addslashes($_POST['granular']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['calc_ox'])) { $optional_params .= ", calcium_oxalate='" . addslashes($_POST['calc_ox']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['tripple_phosphates'])) { $optional_params .= ", tripple_phosphates='" . addslashes($_POST['tripple_phosphates']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['amorphous_phosphates'])) { $optional_params .= ", amorphous_phosphates='" . addslashes($_POST['amorphous_phosphates']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['others'])) { $optional_params .= ", others='" . addslashes($_POST['others']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['cns_phosphate'])) { $optional_params .= ", cns_phosphate='" . addslashes($_POST['cns_phosphate']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['teeth_gum'])) { $optional_params .= ", teeth_gum='" . addslashes($_POST['teeth_gum']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['calcium'])) { $optional_params .= ", calcium='" . addslashes($_POST['calcium']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['total_bilirubin'])) { $optional_params .= ", total_bilirubin='" . addslashes($_POST['total_bilirubin']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['conj'])) { $optional_params .= ", conj='" . addslashes($_POST['conj']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['unconj'])) { $optional_params .= ", unconj='" . addslashes($_POST['unconj']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['sgop'])) { $optional_params .= ", sgop='" . addslashes($_POST['sgop']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['sgpt'])) { $optional_params .= ", sgpt='" . addslashes($_POST['sgpt']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['alk_phosphatase'])) { $optional_params .= ", alk_phosphatase='" . addslashes($_POST['alk_phosphatase']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['total_protein'])) { $optional_params .= ", total_protein='" . addslashes($_POST['total_protein']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['globulin'])) { $optional_params .= ", globulin='" . addslashes($_POST['globulin']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['temp'])) { $optional_params .= ", temp='" . addslashes($_POST['temp']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['spo2'])) { $optional_params .= ", Spo2='" . addslashes($_POST['spo2']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['nitrite'])) { $optional_params .= ", nitrite='" . addslashes($_POST['nitrite']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['bile_salt'])) { $optional_params .= ", bile_salt='" . addslashes($_POST['bile_salt']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['remarks'])) { $optional_params .= ", remarks='" . addslashes($_POST['remarks']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['uniconj'])) { $optional_params .= ", uniconj='" . addslashes($_POST['uniconj']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['co'])) { $optional_params .= ", co='" . addslashes($_POST['co']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['o_exam'])) { $optional_params .= ", o_exam='" . addslashes($_POST['o_exam']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['prev_diagnosis'])) { $optional_params .= ", prev_diagnosis='" . addslashes($_POST['prev_diagnosis']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['t_n_a'])) { $optional_params .= ", t_n_a='" . addslashes($_POST['t_n_a']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['st_line_walking'])) { $optional_params .= ", st_line_walking='" . addslashes($_POST['st_line_walking']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['tryglycerides'])) { $optional_params .= ", triglycerides='" . addslashes($_POST['tryglycerides']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['hazard_process'])) { $optional_params .= ", hazardous_process='" . addslashes($_POST['hazard_process']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['dangerous_operation'])) { $optional_params .= ", dangerous_operation='" . addslashes($_POST['dangerous_operation']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['pa'])) { $optional_params .= ", pa='" . addslashes($_POST['pa']) . "' "; } if (isset($_POST['hair'])) { $optional_params .= ", hair='" . addslashes($_POST['hair']) . "' "; } // if(isset($_POST ['alk_phosphatase'])){ // $optional_params.=", alk_phosphatase='" . addslashes ($_POST ['alk_phosphatase'] ) . "' "; // } //Need remove first occurrence of , character just after set. //$optional_params =trim($optional_params); //$optional_params = substr($optional_params,1); $query = $initquery . " set modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "', ohc_location_id='$ohc_type' " . $optional_params . $endquery; $patient_query = "update patient_master set health_advices = '$health_advices',health_risks='$health_risks' where id='$patient_id'"; $result_patient = @mysqli_query($conn, $patient_query); error_log("Without Approval Case Query" . $query); } else { //Approval Case Only error_log("forward_status:" . $forward_status); $asthma = 0; $tb = 0; $diabetes = 0; $hbd = 0; $epilepsy = 0; $psychiatric = 0; $heart_dis = 0; $jaundice = 0; $night_blind = 0; $piles = 0; $typhoid = 0; $major_injury = 0; $any_other_disease = 0; $thyroid = 0; $std = 0; $leprosy = 0; $smoking = 0; $tobacco = 0; $alcohol = 0; $appr_doc_sign_img = ""; $approval_date = ""; $approving_doc_user_id = ""; $appr_doc_regd = ""; $appr_doc_qual = ""; $appr_doc_sign_img = "''"; $appr_doc_image_type = ""; $querypart_approval = ""; if ($forward_status == 'A' && $_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DOC') { //For Doctor Approval Case error_log("Approved Examination forward_status:" . $forward_status); $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } // $ohc_type_code=getTableFieldValue('ohc_type','ohc_code','ohc_type_id',$ohc_type); $query_serial_no = "select max(CAST(left(serial_no,locate('/',serial_no)-1) as UNSIGNED)) from medical_examination where serial_no like '%$year%' "; error_log("serial query:" . $query_serial_no); $result_serial_no = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_serial_no); $row_serial_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_serial_no); $serial_no = ($row_serial_no[0] + 1) . '/' . $year; error_log("generated serial no: " . $serial_no); $query_for_illness = "select past_present_illness from medical_examination where medical_exam_id = '" . $medical_exam_id . "' "; error_log("illness query:" . $query_for_illness); $result_for_illness = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_for_illness); while ($row_for_illness = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_for_illness)) { $past_present_illness = $row_for_illness['past_present_illness']; // echo $past_present_illness; } $temp = ""; $paramName = ""; $paramName = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select param_name from history_parameter", "param_id", $past_present_illness); // echo "paramName:". $paramName; $ailment_array = explode(',', $paramName); foreach ($ailment_array as $ailment) { if (trim($ailment) == "ASTHMA") { $asthma = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "DIABETES") { $diabetes = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE") { $hbd = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "T.B") { $tb = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "EPILEPSY") { $epilepsy = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS") { $psychiatric = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "HEART DISEASE") { $heart_dis = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "NIGHT BLINDNESS") { $night_blind = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "TYPHOID") { $typhoid = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "MAJOR INJURY/FRACTURE/ OPERATION") { $major_injury = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "JAUNDICE") { $jaundice = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "ANY OTHER DISEASE") { $any_other = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "LEPROSY") { $leprosy = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "THYROID") { $thyroid = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "VERTIGO") { $vertigo = 1; } if (trim($ailment) == "STD") { $std = 1; } } $query_for_wt = "select patient_id,waist,height,weight,bp from medical_examination where medical_exam_id = '" . $medical_exam_id . "' "; // echo "fffffffffffff".$query_for_wt; $result_for_wt = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_for_wt); while ($row_for_wt = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_for_wt)) { $waist = $row_for_wt['waist']; // echo $waist; $height = $row_for_wt['height']; // echo $height; $weight = $row_for_wt['weight']; // echo $weight; $bp = $row_for_wt['bp']; // echo $bp ; $patient_id = $row_for_wt['patient_id']; // echo $past_present_illness; } $query_for_addiction = "select addiction from patient_personal_information where medical_exam_id = '" . $medical_exam_id . "' "; // echo $query_for_addiction; $result_for_addiction = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_for_addiction); // echo $result_for_addiction; while ($row_for_addiction = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_for_addiction)) { $addiction = $row_for_addiction['addiction']; } $ailment_array1 = explode(',', $addiction); foreach ($ailment_array1 as $ailments) { if (trim($ailments) == "SMOKING") { $smoking = 1; } if (trim($ailments) == "TOBACCO") { $tobacco = 1; } if (trim($ailments) == "ALCOHOL") { $alcohol = 1; } } // $approval_date = STR_TO_DATE( $_POST ['approval_date'],'%d/%m/%Y'); $approving_doc_user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $query_sign_master = "select * from employee_signature where emp_id='" . $_SESSION['logged_user_empid'] . "' "; error_log("aprrrrrrrrrrooooooveeee" . $query_sign_master); if (!$result_sign_master = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_sign_master)) { error_log("Failure Pulling Doctor Signature Details" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } else { $row_sign_master = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_sign_master); @extract($row_sign_master); $appr_doc_regd = $row_sign_master['registration_no']; $appr_doc_qual = $row_sign_master['qualification']; $appr_doc_sign_img = "(select emp_sign from employee_signature where emp_id='" . $_SESSION['logged_user_empid'] . "' )"; error_log("aprrrrrrrrrroooooov" . $appr_doc_sign_img); $appr_doc_image_type = $row_sign_master['image_type']; } $querypart_approval = ",approving_doc_qualification='" . $appr_doc_qual . "',approving_doc_regd_no='" . $appr_doc_regd . "',doc_sign_image_type='" . $appr_doc_image_type . "', approving_doc_sign_img=$appr_doc_sign_img"; if (!empty($medical_exam_id) && $forward_status == 'A') { $query = "update medical_examination set forward_status='$forward_status' , asthma='$asthma',tb='$tb',diabetes='$diabetes',hbd='$hbd',epilepsy='$epilepsy',psychiatric='$psychiatric', heart_dis='$heart_dis',night_blind='$night_blind',typhoid='$typhoid',piles='$piles',hernia='$hernia', major_injury='$major_injury', sign_medical_officer='" . $approving_doc_user_id . "',modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "', serial_no='$serial_no',addiction='$addiction',approval_date=$approval_date_str, smoking='$smoking', tobacco='$tobacco',alcohol='$alcohol' " . $querypart_approval . " where medical_exam_id=$medical_exam_id "; error_log("Medical Examination Approval Case Query:::" . $query); } } //End Doctor Approval Case // echo $query; } //Common Code to be executed.. only one db update/insert to medical_examination happens here based upon common code if (!empty($query) && !$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { error_log("Medical Examination Approval Failed:::" . mysqli_error($conn) . " Query:" . $query); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } else { if (empty($medical_exam_id)) { $medical_exam_id = @mysqli_insert_id($conn); error_log("Newly Added Medical Examination ID:" . $medical_exam_id); } $data['medical_exam_id'] = $medical_exam_id; error_log("save success. Query:" . $query); error_log("Current Medical Examination ID:" . $medical_exam_id); //Fresh Entry case .. No forwards yet. //if ($forward_status != 'M' && $forward_status != 'D' && $forward_status != 'A') { error_log("Past Present Illness Saving for without forward:"); if (${"org_name0"} != null && ${"org_name0"} != "") { mysqli_query($conn, "delete from past_occupational_history where medical_exam_id=$medical_exam_id "); $query_patient_history_initial = ""; $query_patient_history_end = ""; $query_patient_history_final = ""; $query_patient_history_initial = "insert into past_occupational_history set medical_exam_id='$medical_exam_id' , "; $query_patient_history_end = ""; /* } */ for ($i = 0; $i <= 1; $i++) { if (${"org_name$i"} != null && ${"org_name$i"} != "") { $query_patient_history_final = $query_patient_history_initial . " org_name='" . addslashes(${"org_name$i"}) . "', trade_designation='" . addslashes(${"trade_designation$i"}) . "', period_services='" . addslashes(${"period_services$i"}) . "', past_occu_illness='" . addslashes(${"past_occu_illness$i"}) . "', patient_id=" . $_REQUEST['patient_id'] . " " . $query_patient_history_end; error_log("djfcbdskj" . $query_patient_history_final); if (!$result_patient_history_final = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_patient_history_final)) { error_log("Error Saving Patient past_occupational_history: Error: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Query:" . $query_patient_history_final); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } } } if ($_POST['identi_mark'] != null && $_POST['identi_mark'] != "") { $query_patient_personal_info_initial = ""; $query_patient_personal_info_end = ""; $query_patient_personal_info_final = ""; mysqli_query($conn, "delete from patient_personal_information where medical_exam_id='$medical_exam_id' "); $query_patient_personal_info_initial = "insert into patient_personal_information set medical_exam_id='$medical_exam_id' ,"; $query_patient_personal_info_end = ""; $query_patient_personal_info_final = $query_patient_personal_info_initial . " identi_mark='" . addslashes($_POST['identi_mark']) . "', date_of_exam=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['date_of_exam'] . "','%d/%m/%Y'), marital_status='" . addslashes($_POST['marital_status']) . "', no_of_child='" . addslashes($_POST['no_of_child']) . "', adopting_family_planning='" . addslashes($_POST['adopting_family_planning']) . "', addiction='" . addslashes(implode(',', $_POST['addiction'])) . "',family_history='" . addslashes(implode(',', $_POST['family_history'])) . "', drug_allergy='" . addslashes($_POST['drug_allergy']) . "',any_other_medication='" . addslashes($_POST['any_other_medic']) . "' " . $query_patient_personal_info_end; error_log("cbxcfbcf" . $query_patient_personal_info_final); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_patient_personal_info_final)) { error_log("Error Saving Patient Personal Information: Error: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Query:" . $query_patient_personal_info_final); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } // /} //} //if Doctor Approval Case... update patient vital findings into the patient Master table also if ($forward_status == 'A') { if (empty($patient_id)) { $patient_id = getFieldFromTable("patient_id", "medical_examination", "medical_exam_id", $medical_exam_id); } $query_for_height = "update patient_master set height='$height',weight='$weight',waist='$waist',bp='$bp',asthma='$asthma', tb='$tb',diabetes='$diabetes',hbd='$hbd',epilepsy='$epilepsy',psychiatric='$psychiatric',heart_dis='$heart_dis', night_blind='$night_blind',typhoid='$typhoid',major_injury='$major_injury',addiction='$addiction',smoking='$smoking', tobacco='$tobacco',alcohol='$alcohol' where id=$patient_id "; error_log("query for patient when approved by doctor::" . $query_for_height); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_for_height)) { error_log("Error updating Patient Critical findings to master data: Error: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Query:" . $query_for_height); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } elseif (!empty($medical_exam_id) && $forward_status != 'A') { //Non-Approval case. Simply Update approval status to medical examination other details to child tables updated above. $query_for_status_update = "update medical_examination set forward_status='$forward_status' where medical_exam_id='$medical_exam_id' "; error_log("query for patient when updated by Doctor or LAB but not approved::" . $query_for_height); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_for_status_update)) { error_log("Error updating status: Error: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Query:" . $query_for_status_update); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } } // $list_color_validated_fields = if (!empty($_POST['hiddenHighlighter'])) { saveHighlightedParams($medical_exam_id, $_POST['hiddenHighlighter']); } commit(); echo json_encode($data);