$value) { $requestStr .= $key . " : " . $value . "\n"; error_log($key . " : " . $value . "
\r\n"); } error_log("End Printing Request Attributes"); save_log($requestStr, 'Save_OPD', 'SAVE', 'save_opd.php'); // error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); $followup_id = $_REQUEST['followup_id']; if ($_REQUEST['appointment_id'] == null || $_REQUEST['appointment_id'] == '' || $_REQUEST['appointment_id'] == '0') { $appointment_id = $_REQUEST['appoint']; } else { $appointment_id = $_REQUEST['appointment_id']; } // echo $appointment_id; $data = array(); $appointment_date = $_POST['appointment_date']; $isTreatmentOnly = $_POST['isTreatmentOnly']; error_log('isTreatmentOnly:' . $isTreatmentOnly); if ($isTreatmentOnly == 'Y') { $sql_update_status_a = " update employee_appointment set attended_status='PHA', clearance_time=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['out_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), medi_disbursement='Y' where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; error_log("is treatment only if yes opd query " . $sql_update_status_a); if (!$result_update_status_a = @mysqli_query($conn, $sql_update_status_a)) { // main insert fails error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); error_log("Appointment Status Update Failed : " . $sql_update_status_a); rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } if($followup_id !='' && $followup_id !=null && $followup_id !=0){ $sql_update_status = " update followup_details set attended_status='PHA', clearance_time=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['out_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), medi_disbursement='Y' where followup_id='" . $followup_id . "' "; error_log("is treatment only if yes followup query " . $sql_update_status); if (!$result_update_status = @mysqli_query($conn, $sql_update_status)) { // main insert fails error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); error_log("Appointment Status Update Failed : " . $sql_update_status); rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } goto treatment_section_followup; }else{ goto treatment_section; } } $ailment_ids_new = strtoupper($_POST['ailment_new']); error_log("ailment_ids_new:" . $ailment_ids_new); $patient_id = addslashes($_REQUEST['emp_id']); $complaint_ids = strtoupper($_POST['complaints']); $finding_ids = strtoupper($_POST['examination_remarks']); $referral_ids = ($_POST['referral_point']); $referred_by = $_POST['referred_by']; $disease_type = $_POST['disease_type']; // $ailment_system_ids_new = strtoupper($_POST['ailment_system_new']); // $ailment_ids_new = implode ( ',', $_POST ['ailment_new'] ); $ailment_system_ids_new = implode(',', $_POST['ailment_system_new']); $injuryTypes_new = implode(',', $_POST['injury_type_new']); $injuryClasses_new = implode(',', $_POST['injury_class_new']); if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'O') { $injuryParts_new = strtoupper($_POST['injury_part_new']); } if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'I') { $injuryParts_new = strtoupper($_POST['injury_part']); } $injury_mech = implode(',', $_POST['injury_mech_new']); $health_advice_names_new = strtoupper($_POST['health_advice_name_new']); $drug_allergy = strtoupper($_POST['drug_allergy']); $tests_new = implode(",",$_POST['recommended_test_new']); $test_param_new = implode(",",$_POST['recommended_test_param_new']); error_log("selected test param ".$test_param_new); $diagnosis_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'diagnosis_tag_switch'); if (!strcmp(strtolower($diagnosis_config), "true")) { $ailment_ids_new = handleDynamicMasterInsertModified("ailment", "ailment_name", "ailment_id", $ailment_ids_new, true); error_log("ailment_ids_new:" . implode(',', $ailment_ids_new)); $ailment_ids_new = getMultiValuedSelectData($ailment_ids_new); error_log("ailment_ids_new2:" . $ailment_ids_new); } if (!strcmp(strtolower($diagnosis_config), "false")) { $ailment_ids_new = $_REQUEST['ailment_new']; $ailment_ids_new = implode(',', $ailment_ids_new); error_log("ailment_ids_new config off : " . print_r($ailment_ids_new, true)); } $finding_ids = $_REQUEST['examination_remarks']; $finding_ids = implode(',', $finding_ids); error_log("$finding_ids config off : " . print_r($finding_ids, true)); $complaint_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'complaint_tag_switch'); if (!strcmp(strtolower($complaint_config), "true")) { $complaint_ids = handleDynamicMasterInsertModified("complaints", "complaint", "complaint_id", $complaint_ids, true); error_log("complaint_ids:" . implode(',', $complaint_ids)); $complaint_ids = getMultiValuedSelectData($complaint_ids); error_log("complaint_ids2:" . $complaint_ids); } if (!strcmp(strtolower($complaint_config), "false")) { $complaint_ids = $_REQUEST['complaints']; $complaint_ids = implode(',', $complaint_ids); error_log("$complaint ids config off : " . print_r($complaint_ids, true)); } $drug_allergy = $_REQUEST['drug_allergy']; $drug_allergy = implode(',', $drug_allergy); error_log("$drug_allergy ids config off : " . print_r($drug_allergy, true)); // $referral_ids = handleDynamicMasterInsert("referral_point", "referral_point_name", "referral_point_id", $referral_ids, true); // error_log("referral_ids:" . implode(',', $referral_ids)); // $referral_ids = getMultiValuedSelectData($referral_ids); // error_log("referral_ids2:" . $referral_ids); // handleDynamicMasterInsert("ailment_system","ailment_sys_name","ailment_sys_id",$ailment_system_ids_new); /* * handleDynamicMasterInsert("injury_type","injury_type_name","injury_type_id",$injuryTypes_new); * handleDynamicMasterInsert("injury_class","inj_class_name","inj_class_id",$injuryClasses_new); * handleDynamicMasterInsert("injury_part","inj_name","inj_id",$injuryParts_new); */ // handleDynamicMasterInsert("injury_part","inj_name","inj_id",$injuryParts_new); handleDynamicMasterInsert("health_advice", "health_advice_name", "health_advice_id", $health_advice_names_new); $advise_ids = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClauseWithSpace("select health_advice_id from health_advice ", "health_advice_name", $health_advice_names_new); // handleDynamicMasterInsert("salt_master", "salt_name", "salt_id", $drug_allergy); error_log('$advise_ids' . $advise_ids); // handleDynamicMasterInsert("recommended_tests", "test_name", "test_id", $tests_new); // handleDynamicMasterInsert("injury_part", "inj_id", "inj_id", $injuryParts_new); $weight = $_POST['weight']; $pulse_output = $_POST['pulse_output']; $height = $_POST['height']; $spoc2_percent = $_POST['spoc2_percent']; $sbp = $_POST['sbp']; $dbp = $_POST['dbp']; $temperature = $_POST['temperature']; $bmi = $_POST['bmi']; $respiratory_rate = $_POST['resp_rate']; $urine_output = $_POST['urine_output']; $avpu = $_POST['avpu']; $trama = $_POST['trama']; $mobility = $_POST['mobility']; $abnormalitys = $_POST['abnormality']; $oxygen_supply = $_POST['oxygen_supply']; $glasgow_scale = $_POST['glasgow_coma_scale']; $total_cholesterol = $_POST['total_cholesterol']; $external_treatments = $_POST['external_treatments']; $activity = $_POST['activity']; $ppe = $_POST['ppe']; $any_medication = $_POST['any_medication']; $injury_remarks = $_POST['injury_remarks']; $doc_comment = $_POST['doc_comment']; $is_admitted = $_POST['is_admitted']; $ambulance_used = $_POST['ambulance_used']; $forUpdate = $_POST['forUpdate']; $deu_date = $_POST['deu_date']; if ($_REQUEST['ipd'] == 1 || $_REQUEST['ipd'] == '1') { if($appointment_id){ $reporting_time = $_POST['appointment_date']; $detention_master = 'update detention_master set reporting_time=STR_TO_DATE("' . $reporting_time . '","%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p") ,opd_id="' . $appointment_id . '",modified_by="' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . '" where opd_id = "'. $$appointment_id .'" '; error_log('Forward to detention ' . $detention_master); if (!$result_detention_master = @mysqli_query($conn, $detention_master)) { exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } $attended_status = 'PHP'; $isDetention = 'Y'; } else { $attended_status = $_REQUEST['attendedStatus']; $isDetention = 'N'; } $health_index = calculateHealthIndex($sbp, $dbp, $bmi, $fbs, $total_cholesterol); // $ailment_ids = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['ailment'])); // $ailment_system_ids = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['ailment_system'])); // $injuryTypes = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['injury_type'])); // $injuryClasses = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['injury_class'])); // $injuryParts = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['injury_part'])); $health_advice_names = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['health_advice_name'])); $health_risk_names = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['health_risk_name'])); $medicine_disbursement = $_POST['medicine_disbursement']; $tests = getMultiValuedSelectData(strtoupper($_POST['recommended_test'])); $query = ""; $query_initial = ""; $query_mid = ""; $query_end = " "; begin(); $department = getFieldFromTable('dept_id', 'patient_master', 'id', $_REQUEST['emp_id']); $designation = getFieldFromTable('designation_id', 'patient_master', 'id', $_REQUEST['emp_id']); // if this is only for saving treatment information we should skip saving OPD information. if (!empty($appointment_id) && $appointment_id != '' && $appointment_id != null && $appointment_id != ' ') { // error_log($_REQUEST['insert_new']."sumit mali"); // if($_REQUEST['insert_new']=='insert_new'){ // $query_initial = "insert into employee_appointment "; // $data['message'] = "save"; // }else{ $data['message'] = "update"; $query_initial = " update employee_appointment "; $query_end = " where appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "' "; // } // echo "hhhhhhhhhhhhhh".$query_initial; } else { if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'O') { $ticket_no = creatingTicketNoOPD(); } else { $ticket_no = creatingTicketNoInjury(); } $query_initial = "insert into employee_appointment "; $data['message'] = "save"; // echo "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy".$query_initial; } $rolecode = $_SESSION['RoleCode']; error_log("follow up case or not : " . $_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']); $is_followup = $_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']; if ($is_followup == '' || empty($is_followup)) { $followup = date_format(date_create($_POST['followup']),"Y/m/d H:i:s"); $query = " SET emp_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['emp_id']) . "',medi_disbursement='$medicine_disbursement',doctor_attended_flag='$doctor_attended_flag',ticket_no='$ticket_no',remarks_rece='" . $_POST['remarks_rece'] . "',chronic_day='" . $_REQUEST['chronic_day'] . "',doctor_discussed_id='" . $_REQUEST['doctor_discuss_id'] . "',ecg_findings='" . $_POST['ecg_finding'] . "',add_remarks='" . $_POST['add_remarks'] . "',appointment_type='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['appointment_type']) . "',ailment_ids='" . $ailment_ids . "',ailment_system_ids='" . $ailment_system_ids . "',IsEmergency='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['isEmergency']) . "',IsChargeable='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['isChargeable']) . "', complaints='" . addslashes($complaint_ids) . "',referred_by = '$referred_by',referred_to='" . $_POST['referred_to'] . "',clinical_opinion = '" . $_POST['clinical_opinion'] . "', examination_remarks='" . addslashes($finding_ids) . "', bp_sbp ='" . $_REQUEST['sbp'] . "',disease_type = '$disease_type',injury_area_cat='" . $_POST['injury_area_cat'] . "',injury_area_type = '" . $_POST['injury_area_type'] . "', heart_rate='" . $_POST['heart_rate'] . "',height='$height',pulse_output='$pulse_output',weight='$weight', bp_dbp ='" . $_REQUEST['dbp'] . "',ipd ='" . $_REQUEST['ipd'] . "', blood_sugar_fbs ='" . $_REQUEST['fbs'] . "',blood_sugar_rbs ='" . $_REQUEST['rbs'] . "', blood_sugar_ppbs ='" . $_REQUEST['ppbs'] . "', referral ='" . ($referral_ids) . "', followup ='$followup',case_type='" . $_POST['case_type'] . "',health_status='".$_POST['health_status']."',observation_note='".$_POST['observation_note']."',shift_type='" . $_POST['shift_type'] . "',injury_def='" . $_POST['injury_def'] . "', remarks ='$remarks',activity='$activity',ppe='$ppe',any_medication='$any_medication', drug_allergy='" . addslashes($drug_allergy) . "',injury_remarks = '$injury_remarks',doc_comment='$doc_comment',is_admitted='$is_admitted',discharge_time=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['discharge_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'),referral_doc='" . $_POST['referral_doc'] . "',report_time=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['report_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'),ambulance_used='$ambulance_used',safety_officer = '" . $_POST['safety_officer'] . "', deu_date ='" . $deu_date . "', appointment_date =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['appointment_date'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), clearance_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['out_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), injury_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['injury_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), rest_from_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['rest_from_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), rest_to_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['rest_to_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'),injury_mech='$injury_mech', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ,ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "', injury_types='" . $injuryTypes . "', injury_classes='" . $injuryClasses . "', injury_parts='" . $injuryParts . "', injury_form='" . $_REQUEST['injury_form'] . "', absence_start=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['absence_start'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), absence_end=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['absence_end'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), injury_firm='" . $_REQUEST['injury_firm'] . "',incident_location='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['incident_location']) . "', injury_sbu='" . $_REQUEST['injury_sbu'] . "', injury_section='" . $_REQUEST['injury_section'] . "',doctor_discussed='" . $_REQUEST['doctor_discussed'] . "', doctor_last_attended='" . $_REQUEST['doctor_last_attended'] . "', injury_sub_section='" . $_REQUEST['injury_sub_section'] . "',tests='" . $tests . "',injury_procedure= '" . addslashes($_REQUEST['pro_remarks']) . "', hospital_treatment='" . $_REQUEST['hospital_treatment'] . "' ,health_advices='" . $health_advice_names . "' , total_amount='" . $_POST['order_level_total'] . "', abnormalitys='" . implode(",", $abnormalitys) . "', token_no='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['token_no']) . "', ailments_new='" . addslashes($ailment_ids_new) . "',ailment_systems_new='" . addslashes($ailment_system_ids_new) . "', injury_types_new='" . addslashes($injuryTypes_new) . "',injury_classes_new='" . addslashes($injuryClasses_new) . "', injury_parts_new='" . addslashes($injuryParts_new) . "',recommended_tests_new='" . addslashes($tests_new) . "',recommended_test_param_new='".addslashes($test_param_new)."',bmi='" . addslashes($bmi) . "',respiratory_rate = '" . addslashes($respiratory_rate) . "', urine_output = '" . addslashes($urine_output) . "',avpu = '" . addslashes($avpu) . "',trama='" . addslashes($trama) . "',mobility='" . addslashes($mobility) . "',oxygen_supply='" . addslashes($oxygen_supply) . "',glasgow_coma_scale='" . addslashes($glasgow_coma_scale) . "',total_cholesterol = '" . addslashes($total_cholesterol) . "',health_index = '" . addslashes($health_index) . "', temperature='" . addslashes($temperature) . "',spo2_percent='" . addslashes($spoc2_percent) . "', external_treatments='" . addslashes($external_treatments) . "',attended_status='" . addslashes($attended_status) . "',is_detention = '" . addslashes($isDetention) . "',branch_area='" . $_POST['branch_area'] . "',dept='" . $_POST['dept'] . "',injury_cause='" . $_POST['injury_cause'] . "', followup_to_opd='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']) . "', pre_med_history= '" . addslashes($_REQUEST['pre_med_history']) . "' ,followup_remarks='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_remarks']) . "', health_advices_new='" . addslashes($health_advice_names_new) . "',department='" . $department . "',designation='" . $designation . "'"; $query = $query_initial . " " . $query . " " . $query_end; error_log("Appointment Save: " . $query); } else { $in_q = ''; $end_q = ''; if ($followup_id == '' || $followup_id == null) { $in_q = "insert into followup_details"; } else { $in_q = "update followup_details"; $end_q = "where followup_id='" . $followup_id . "'"; } $followup_query = $in_q . " SET appointment_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']) . "', emp_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['emp_id']) . "',medi_disbursement='$medicine_disbursement',chronic_day='" . $_REQUEST['chronic_day'] . "',doctor_discussed_id='" . $_REQUEST['doctor_discuss_id'] . "',doctor_attended_flag='$doctor_attended_flag',ticket_no='$ticket_no',remarks_rece='" . $_POST['remarks_rece'] . "',ecg_findings='" . $_POST['ecg_finding'] . "',add_remarks='" . $_POST['add_remarks'] . "',appointment_type='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['appointment_type']) . "',ailment_ids='" . $ailment_ids . "',ailment_system_ids='" . $ailment_system_ids . "',IsEmergency='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['isEmergency']) . "',IsChargeable='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['isChargeable']) . "', complaints='" . addslashes($complaint_ids) . "',referred_by = '$referred_by',referred_to='" . $_POST['referred_to'] . "',clinical_opinion = '" . $_POST['clinical_opinion'] . "', examination_remarks='" . addslashes($finding_ids) . "', bp_sbp ='" . $_REQUEST['sbp'] . "',disease_type = '$disease_type',pre_med_history= '" . addslashes($_REQUEST['pre_med_history']) . "',injury_area_cat='" . $_POST['injury_area_cat'] . "',injury_area_type = '" . $_POST['injury_area_type'] . "', heart_rate='" . $_POST['heart_rate'] . "',height='$height',weight='$weight', bp_dbp ='" . $_REQUEST['dbp'] . "',ipd ='" . $_REQUEST['ipd'] . "', blood_sugar_fbs ='" . $_REQUEST['fbs'] . "',blood_sugar_rbs ='" . $_REQUEST['rbs'] . "', blood_sugar_ppbs ='" . $_REQUEST['ppbs'] . "', referral ='" . ($referral_ids) . "', followup =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['followup'] . "','%Y-%m-%d'),case_type='" . $_POST['case_type'] . "',shift_type='" . $_POST['shift_type'] . "',injury_def='" . $_POST['injury_def'] . "', remarks ='$remarks',activity='$activity',ppe='$ppe',any_medication='$any_medication', drug_allergy='" . addslashes($drug_allergy) . "',injury_remarks = '$injury_remarks',doc_comment='$doc_comment',is_admitted='$is_admitted',discharge_time=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['discharge_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'),referral_doc='" . $_POST['referral_doc'] . "',report_time=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['report_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'),ambulance_used='$ambulance_used',safety_officer = '" . $_POST['safety_officer'] . "', deu_date ='" . $deu_date . "', appointment_date =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['appointment_date'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), clearance_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['out_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), injury_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['injury_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), rest_from_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['rest_from_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'), rest_to_time =STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['rest_to_time'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p'),injury_mech='$injury_mech', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ,ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "', injury_types='" . $injuryTypes . "', injury_classes='" . $injuryClasses . "', injury_parts='" . $injuryParts . "', injury_form='" . $_REQUEST['injury_form'] . "', absence_start=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['absence_start'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), absence_end=STR_TO_DATE('" . $_POST['absence_end'] . "', '%d/%m/%Y'), injury_firm='" . $_REQUEST['injury_firm'] . "',incident_location='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['incident_location']) . "', injury_sbu='" . $_REQUEST['injury_sbu'] . "', injury_section='" . $_REQUEST['injury_section'] . "',doctor_discussed='" . $_REQUEST['doctor_discussed'] . "', doctor_last_attended='" . $_REQUEST['doctor_last_attended'] . "', injury_sub_section='" . $_REQUEST['injury_sub_section'] . "',tests='" . $tests . "',injury_procedure= '" . addslashes($_REQUEST['pro_remarks']) . "', hospital_treatment='" . $_REQUEST['hospital_treatment'] . "' ,health_advices='" . $health_advice_names . "' , total_amount='" . $_POST['order_level_total'] . "', abnormalitys='" . implode(",", $abnormalitys) . "', token_no='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['token_no']) . "', ailments_new='" . addslashes($ailment_ids_new) . "',ailment_systems_new='" . addslashes($ailment_system_ids_new) . "', injury_types_new='" . addslashes($injuryTypes_new) . "',injury_classes_new='" . addslashes($injuryClasses_new) . "', injury_parts_new='" . addslashes($injuryParts_new) . "',recommended_tests_new='" . addslashes($tests_new) . "',recommended_test_param_new='".addslashes($test_param_new)."',bmi='" . addslashes($bmi) . "',respiratory_rate = '" . addslashes($respiratory_rate) . "', urine_output = '" . addslashes($urine_output) . "',avpu = '" . addslashes($avpu) . "',trama='" . addslashes($trama) . "',mobility='" . addslashes($mobility) . "',oxygen_supply='" . addslashes($oxygen_supply) . "',glasgow_coma_scale='" . addslashes($glasgow_coma_scale) . "',total_cholesterol = '" . addslashes($total_cholesterol) . "',health_index = '" . addslashes($health_index) . "', temperature='" . addslashes($temperature) . "',spo2_percent='" . addslashes($spoc2_percent) . "', external_treatments='" . addslashes($external_treatments) . "',attended_status='" . addslashes($attended_status) . "',is_detention = '" . addslashes($isDetention) . "',branch_area='" . $_POST['branch_area'] . "',dept='" . $_POST['dept'] . "',injury_cause='" . $_POST['injury_cause'] . "', followup_to_opd='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']) . "', followup_remarks='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_remarks']) . "', health_advices_new='" . addslashes($health_advice_names_new) . "',department='" . $department . "',designation='" . $designation . "'" . $end_q; } error_log("FOLLOWUP QUERY:" . $followup_query); if (isset($is_followup) && !empty($is_followup)) { $appointment_id = addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']); if (!$result_followup = mysqli_query($conn, $followup_query)) { rollback(); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); error_log("Followup Save: " . $followup_query); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } else { if (empty($followup_id)) { $query = "select max(followup_id) followup_id from followup_details where emp_id = '" . addslashes($_REQUEST['emp_id']) . "' "; // echo $query; error_log("max followup_id_id query: " . $query); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $followup_id = $row['followup_id']; } } } error_log("FOLLOWUP ID::" . $followup_id); error_log("---------FOLLOW-UP SECTION STARTS EXECUTING-------------"); // insert dynamic vitals start in case of follow-up $app_update = "update employee_appointment set followup_to_opd='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']) . "',attended_status='" . addslashes($attended_status) . "' where appointment_id='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['followup_to_opd']) . "'"; error_log($app_update); if (!$result_app_update = mysqli_query($conn, $app_update)) { error_log("error while saving followup entry in save opd " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query is " . $app_update); } // $exists_or_not = "select * from employee_appointment_vitals where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"; // $exist_result = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_or_not); // $exists_or_not_rows = mysqli_num_rows($exist_result); // if ($exists_or_not_rows > 0) { // $delete_old = "delete from employee_appointment_vitals where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"; // if (!$res_del = mysqli_query($conn, $delete_old)) { // rollback(); // error_log("error in employee_appointment_vitals deleting " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query " . $delete_old); // } // } // $param_query = ""; // if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'O') { // $param_query = "select * from checkup_parameter a left join // key_health_reportable_parameter_master b on a.key_health_map_name=b.key_param_id where opd_param='1' and enabled='Y' order by column_order"; // } else if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'I') { // $param_query = "select * from checkup_parameter a left join // key_health_reportable_parameter_master b on a.key_health_map_name=b.key_param_id where inj_param='1' and enabled='Y' order by column_order"; // } // error_log("dynamic param query " . $param_query); // $result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $param_query); // while ($row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param)) { // $color = "color_" . $row_param['column_name']; // $dynamic_param_save = "insert into employee_appointment_vitals set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',followup_id='" . $followup_id . "',param_key='" . $row_param['column_name'] . "',param_value='" . $_REQUEST[$row_param['column_name']] . "',color='" . $_REQUEST[$color] . "'"; // error_log("EMPLOYEE VITALS QUERY::" . $dynamic_param_save); // if (!$result_dynamic = mysqli_query($conn, $dynamic_param_save)) { // error_log("dynamic param save query " . mysqli_error($conn) . " " . $dynamic_param_save); // rollback(); // } // if ($row_param['key_param_name'] == 'height') { // $patient_sql = "update patient_master set height = '" . $_REQUEST[$row_param['column_name']] . "' where id='" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "'"; // error_log("patient update sql " . $patient_sql); // if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $patient_sql)) { // rollback(); // error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); // exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); // } // } // if ($row_param['key_param_name'] == 'weight') { // $patient_sql = "update patient_master set weight = '" . $_REQUEST[$row_param['column_name']] . "' where id='" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "'"; // error_log("patient update sql " . $patient_sql); // if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $patient_sql)) { // rollback(); // error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); // exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); // } // } // } // for examination notes start // $count_notes = $_POST['count_notes']; // error_log("notes count " . $count_notes); // $exists_or_not = "select * from employee_examination_notes where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"; // $exist_result = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_or_not); // $exists_or_not_rows = mysqli_num_rows($exist_result); // if ($exists_or_not_rows > 0) { // $delete_notes_old = "delete from employee_examination_notes where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"; // if (!$res_del = mysqli_query($conn, $delete_notes_old)) { // rollback(); // error_log("error in notes deleting " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query " . $delete_notes_old); // } // } // entry in notes table // for ($i = 0; $i < $count_notes; $i++) { // if (${"ailment_system_note$i"} != null || ${"ailment_system_note$i"} != '') { // $ailment_system = implode(",", ${"ailment_system_note$i"}); // $insert_notes = "insert into employee_examination_notes set appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "',followup_id='" . $followup_id . "',ailment_system= '" . $ailment_system . "',notes='" . ${"examination_note$i"} . "' "; // error_log("notes insert query " . $insert_notes); // if (!$result_notes = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_notes)) { // error_log("notes insert failed " . mysqli_error($conn)); // rollback(); // } // } // } //end // $diagnosis_count = $_POST['count_items']; // error_log("diagnosis count " . $diagnosis_count); // $exists_or_not = "select * from diagnosis_detail where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"; // $exist_result = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_or_not); // $exists_or_not_rows = mysqli_num_rows($exist_result); // if ($exists_or_not_rows > 0) { // $delete_diagnosis_old = "delete from diagnosis_detail where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"; // if (!$res_del = mysqli_query($conn, $delete_diagnosis_old)) { // rollback(); // error_log("error in diagnosis deleting " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query " . $delete_diagnosis_old); // } // } // entry in diagnosis detail table // for ($i = 0; $i < $diagnosis_count; $i++) { // if (${"ailment_system_new$i"} != null || ${"ailment_system_new$i"} != '') { // if ($i == 0) { // $insert_diagnosis = "insert into diagnosis_detail set appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "',followup_id='" . $followup_id . "',ailment_system_id= '" . ${"ailment_system_new$i"} . "',ailment_id='" . ${"ailment_new$i"} . "',body_part= '" . ${"injury_part$i"} . "',injury_classification='" . ${"injury_class_new$i"} . "',injury_type='" . ${"injury_type_new$i"} . "',injury_mechanism='" . ${"injury_mech_new$i"} . "',industrial_type='" . ${"industrial_type$i"} . "',work_type='" . ${"work_type$i"} . "',fresh_old_injury='" . ${"fresh_old_injury$i"} . "',injury_description='" . ${"injury_description$i"} . "',first_aid='" . ${"first_aid$i"} . "',is_primary='Y',associated_hazard='" . ${"hazard$i"} . "' "; // error_log("diagnosis insert query " . $insert_diagnosis); // if (!$result_diagnosis = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_diagnosis)) { // error_log("diagnosis insert failed " . mysqli_error($conn)); // rollback(); // } // } else { // $insert_diagnosis = "insert into diagnosis_detail set appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "',followup_id='" . $followup_id . "',ailment_system_id= '" . ${"ailment_system_new$i"} . "',ailment_id='" . ${"ailment_new$i"} . "',body_part= '" . ${"injury_part$i"} . "',injury_classification='" . ${"injury_class_new$i"} . "',injury_type='" . ${"injury_type_new$i"} . "',injury_mechanism='" . ${"injury_mech_new$i"} . "',industrial_type='" . ${"industrial_type$i"} . "',work_type='" . ${"work_type$i"} . "',fresh_old_injury='" . ${"fresh_old_injury$i"} . "',injury_description='" . ${"injury_description$i"} . "',first_aid='" . ${"first_aid$i"} . "',is_primary='N',associated_hazard='" . ${"hazard$i"} . "' "; // error_log("diagnosis insert query " . $insert_diagnosis); // if (!$result_diagnosis = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_diagnosis)) { // error_log("diagnosis insert failed " . mysqli_error($conn)); // rollback(); // } // } // } // } if (!empty($advise_ids)) { updatePatientHealthInfo($patient_id, 'ADC', $advise_ids, $appointment_date, '', 0); } if (!empty($drug_allergy)) { updatePatientHealthInfo($patient_id, 'ALG', $drug_allergy, $appointment_date, '', 0); } error_log('abbb ' . $abnormalitys); error_log('abbb ' . implode(",", $abnormalitys)); if (!empty(implode(",", $abnormalitys))) { updatePatientAbnormalityInfo($patient_id, implode(",", $abnormalitys), $appointment_date); } if (!empty($injuryTypes_new)) { updatePatientHealthInfo($patient_id, 'INJ', $injuryTypes_new, $appointment_date, '', 0); } if (empty($followup_id)) { $query = "select max(followup_id) followup_id from followup_details where appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "' "; // echo $query; error_log("max followup_id query: " . $query); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $followup_id = $row['followup_id']; } } } // if this is only for saving treatment information we should skip saving OPD information. treatment_section_followup: error_log("at treatment section"); // lab test saving logic for followup start if ($rolecode == 'DOC' && $_POST['recommended_test_new'] != '' && $_POST['recommended_test_new'] != null) { $exists_lab_sql = "select * from checkup_form where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='".$followup_id."'"; $result_lab_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_lab_sql); $num_rows_lab = mysqli_num_rows($result_lab_sql); $row_lab_sql = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_lab_sql); $lab_init_query = ""; $lab_end_query = ""; $lab_checkup_ticket_no = ""; if ($num_rows_lab > 0) { $lab_checkup_ticket_no = $row_lab_sql['ticket_no']; $lab_init_query = "update checkup_form set "; $lab_end_query = " where appointment_id= '" . $appointment_id . "' and checkup_id='" . $row_lab_sql['checkup_id'] . "' and followup_id='".$followup_id."'"; } else { $lab_checkup_ticket_no = creatingCheckupTicketNo(); $lab_init_query = "insert into checkup_form set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', followup_id='".$followup_id."', "; $lab_end_query = ""; } error_log("tests " . $tests_new); $userEntriesArray = explode(",", $tests_new); $userEntriesArray = array_map('trim', $userEntriesArray); error_log("user entries array" . $userEntriesArray); // getting checkup lab test master id // $checkup_type_id_sql = "select checkup_type_id from checkup_type where checkup_form_section_ids in (select section_id from checkup_form_section where section_name in ('" . join("','", $userEntriesArray) . "'))"; $checkup_type_id_sql = "select checkup_type_id from checkup_type where checkup_type_code='LAB_TEST'"; if ($result_checkup = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_type_id_sql)) { error_log("error in getting checkup type id " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query is " . $checkup_type_id_sql); } $row_checkup = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_checkup); $checkup_type_id = $row_checkup['checkup_type_id']; error_log("checkup type id " . $checkup_type_id); // getting checkup lab test master id end -- ---- // getting checkup lab section ids /*$sql_existing_entries_test = "SELECT group_concat(section_id) as test_id from checkup_form_section where section_name in('" . join("','", $userEntriesArray) . "')"; error_log("existing entries query in MRP status:" . $sql_existing_entries_test); if (!$result_existing_entries_test = @mysqli_query($conn, $sql_existing_entries_test)) { error_log("error retrieving:" . mysqli_error($conn) . " sql_existing_entries_test:" . $sql_existing_entries); } $row_test = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_existing_entries_test); $test_section_ids = $row_test['test_id']; */ // getting checkup lab section id end ----- $SESSION_emp_id = getTableFieldValue("doctors_master", "doctor_id", "doctor_emp_id", getTableFieldValue("tbl_users", "emp_id", "user_id", $_SESSION["user_id"])); // inserting for lab record $lab_entry = $lab_init_query . " checkup_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $appointment_date . "','%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p') , ticket_no='" . $lab_checkup_ticket_no . "' , emp_id='" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "' , checkup_type_id='" . $checkup_type_id . "' ,referred_by='" . $SESSION_emp_id . "', checkup_section_ids='" . $tests_new . "' , current_status='MRP' , ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' , modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' " . $lab_end_query; error_log("saving lab entry in save opd " . $lab_entry); if (!$result_lab = mysqli_query($conn, $lab_entry)) { error_log("error while saving lab entry in save opd " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query is " . $lab_entry); } } //lab test saving logic for followup end /* for reset Item Stock At Dispensary Level */ if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] == 'DIS') { resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForFollowup($appointment_id, $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 0); } else { resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForFollowup($appointment_id, $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 0); } /* delete all child table during update records */ if (!@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from appointment_stock_history where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'")) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } if (!@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "' ")) { error_log('del_t '."delete from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'"); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } if ($isTreatmentOnly != 'Y' && !@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from treatment_external where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'")) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } /* insert all child table during save or update records */ error_log("treatment row count:" . $_REQUEST['count_treatment_item']); for ($i = 0; $i <= $_REQUEST['count_treatment_item']; $i++) { error_log("treatment_item:" . $i . ":" . ${"treatment_item$i"}); if (${"treatment_item$i"} != null && ${"treatment_item$i"} != "") { // To Check Item is Dressing Or Not // echo "adarsh"; $is_dressing_item = toCheckDressingItem(${"treatment_item$i"}); error_log("is_dressing_item:" . $is_dressing_item); if ($is_dressing_item == 'P') { // echo ${"group_child_flag_$i"}; if (${"group_child_flag_$i"} == '1') { //When found form elements for the group items.. select udpated values from form. $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems(${"treatment_item$i"}); $no_rows_group_child = mysqli_num_rows($result_for_group_items); error_log("no_rows_group_child:" . $no_rows_group_child); for ($j = 0; $j < $no_rows_group_child; $j++) { $treatment_given_by = ''; if (addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) != 0 || addslashes($_POST['chihld_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) != '' || addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) != null) { $treatment_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; } error_log("Child Item:" . $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]); $group_item_id = getFieldFromTable('group_id', 'group_items', 'item_id', $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]); error_log("group_item_id:" . $group_item_id); error_log("childitem:" . $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]); $query_treatment = "insert into treatment set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',is_display='N',group_item_id='" . $group_item_id . "', followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', item_id='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $treatment_given_by; error_log("query_treatment: " . $query_treatment); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); error_log("Failed query_treatment: " . $query_treatment); rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } // echo $query_treatment; $query_stock_history = " insert into appointment_stock_history set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', item_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', item_id='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "'" . $treatment_given_by; error_log("query_stock_history: " . $query_stock_history); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_stock_history)) { rollback(); error_log("issues while updating appointment_stock_history: " . $query_stock_history); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } // to update Dispensary Items if ($_SESSION("RoleCode") == 'DIS') { resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems(-$_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j], $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j], $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']); } else { resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems(-$_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j], $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j], $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], $_POST['item_batch_no' . $i]); } } } else { //When nothing is returned from the form for the group items.. we use the calculated item qty from dressing item definitions $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems(${"treatment_item$i"}); while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ''; if ($doctor_attended_flag == 'Y' && (($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS') || in_array('DIS', explode(',', $_SESSION['RoleCode'])))) { if (addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) == 0 || addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) == '' || addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) == null) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; error_log('trtr'); } } $query_treatment = "insert into treatment set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',is_display='N',group_item_id='" . $row_for_group_items['group_id'] . "', item_id='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['item_id']) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("issues while updating treatment: " . $query_treatment); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } // echo $query_treatment; $query_stock_history = " insert into appointment_stock_history set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', item_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "', item_id='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['item_id']) . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_stock_history)) { rollback(); error_log("Appointment stock history saving error::" . mysqli_error($conn) . "Failed query::" . $query_stock_history); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } } } //end for handling of dressing items $treatment_qty_given_by = ''; if ($doctor_attended_flag == 'Y' && (($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS') || in_array('DIS', explode(',', $_SESSION['RoleCode'])))) { if (addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != 0 || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != '' || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != null) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; error_log('trtr'); } } $query_treatment = "insert into treatment SET appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', item_id='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"}) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes(${"dose_qty$i"}) . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) . "', item_batch_no='" . addslashes(${"item_batch_no$i"}) . "',dosage='" . addslashes(${"dosage$i"}) . "', for_days='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_days$i"}) . "', frequency_id='" . ${"treatment_item_dosage$i"} . "', timing_id = '" . ${"timings$i"} . "', dosage_category_id='" . ${"treatment_item_dosage_category$i"} . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; error_log("query_treatment: " . $query_treatment); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("Error Saving Treatment data: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Failed Query:" . $query_treatment); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } // insert or update the cost details start if ($is_dressing_item != 'P') { $past_appointment_id = getTableFieldValue('treatment_cost_master', 'appointment_id', 'item_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}, 'appointment_id', $appointment_id); if ($past_appointment_id != "" || $past_appointment_id != null) { error_log("update case for cost saving"); $initquery = "update "; $endquery = " where item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' and appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; } else { $initquery = "insert into "; $endquery = ""; } $present_per_unit_cost = getTableFieldValue('item_cost', 'item_rate_latest', 'ohc_type_id', $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 'item_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}); $total_cost = round($present_per_unit_cost * ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}); error_log("latest rate for item id " . getItemWithFormName(${"treatment_item$i"}) . " " . $present_per_unit_cost . " total sum for this item " . $total_cost); $insert_treatment_cost = $initquery . " treatment_cost_master set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',issued_item_cost='" . $total_cost . "',item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' $endquery"; error_log("cost saving query for opd " . $insert_treatment_cost); if (!$insert_treatment_cost_result = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_treatment_cost)) { error_log("error in cost saving query for opd " . mysqli_error($conn)); } } else { $past_appointment_id = getTableFieldValue('treatment_cost_master', 'appointment_id', 'item_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}, 'appointment_id', $appointment_id); if ($past_appointment_id != "" || $past_appointment_id != null) { error_log("update case for cost saving"); $initquery = "update "; $endquery = " where item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' and appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; } else { $initquery = "insert into "; $endquery = ""; } $present_per_unit_cost = getTableFieldValue('group_items', 'cost', 'group_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}); $total_cost = round($present_per_unit_cost * ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}); error_log("latest rate for item id " . getItemWithFormName(${"treatment_item$i"}) . " " . $present_per_unit_cost . " total sum for this item " . $total_cost); $insert_treatment_cost = $initquery . " treatment_cost_master set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',issued_item_cost='" . $total_cost . "',item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' $endquery"; error_log("cost saving query for opd " . $insert_treatment_cost); if (!$insert_treatment_cost_result = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_treatment_cost)) { error_log("error in cost saving query for opd " . mysqli_error($conn)); } } // insert or update the cost details end $treatment_qty_given_by = ''; if ($doctor_attended_flag == 'Y' && (($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS') || in_array('DIS', explode(',', $_SESSION['RoleCode'])))) { if (addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != 0 || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != '' || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != null) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; error_log('trtr'); } } $query_stock_history = " insert into appointment_stock_history set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', current_stock='" . addslashes(${"current_stock$i"}) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes(${"frequency_qty$i"}) . "', item_id='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"}) . "',issued_qty='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) . "' ,followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; error_log(" appointment_stock_history update details: " . $query_stock_history); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_stock_history)) { rollback(); error_log("Error updating appointment_stock_history: " . $query_stock_history); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } if (${"group_child_flag_$i"} != '1') updaterItemStock($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"}), ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}, ${"item_batch_no$i"}); /* * //$item_batch_no=getMinExpiaryDateItem($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"})); * $current_stock_qty=getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel(${"treatment_item$i"},$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']); * // echo $current_stock_qty; * $stock_qty = floatval ( $current_stock_qty ) - (floatval ( ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"} )); * //echo $stock_qty; * $current_stock_query = "update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty='".$stock_qty."' where item_id='".${"treatment_item$i"}."' and item_batch_no='".$item_batch_no."' and ohc_location_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' "; * // echo $current_stock_query; * mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query ); */ } else if ($isTreatmentOnly != 'Y' && ${"treatment_item_external$i"} != null && ${"treatment_item_external$i"} != "") { $query_treatment = "insert into treatment_external SET appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', item_name='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_external$i"}) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes(${"dose_qty$i"}) . "',timing = '" . addslashes(${"timings$i"}) . "',dosage='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_dosage$i"}) . "', for_days='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_days$i"}) . "', dosage_category_id='" . ${"treatment_item_dosage_category$i"} . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' "; if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("error saving treamemnt external : " . $query_treatment); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } } } } } if ($is_followup == ''||$is_followup == 0 || empty($is_followup )) { if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { error_log("APPOINTMENT QUERY FAILING"); // main insert fails rollback(); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); error_log("Appointment Save: " . $query); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } else { if ($_REQUEST['ipd'] == 1 || $_REQUEST['ipd'] == '1') { if($appointment_id == '' || $appointment_id == NULL){ $reporting_time = $_POST['appointment_date']; $last_id = $conn->insert_id; $detention_master = 'insert into detention_master set reporting_time=STR_TO_DATE("' . $reporting_time . '","%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p") ,opd_id="' . $last_id . '",modified_by="' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . '" '; error_log('Forward to detention ' . $detention_master); if (!$result_detention_master = @mysqli_query($conn, $detention_master)) { exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } } // if (empty($appointment_id)) { // //mysqli_insert_id($conn); // $appointment_id = getTableFieldValue('employee_appointment','max(appointment_id)','','')+1; // } // check if its insert or update case for diagnosis // // insert dynamic vitals start // $exists_or_not = "select * from employee_appointment_vitals where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='0'"; // $exist_result = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_or_not); // $exists_or_not_rows = mysqli_num_rows($exist_result); // if ($exists_or_not_rows > 0) { // $delete_old = "delete from employee_appointment_vitals where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='0'"; // if (!$res_del = mysqli_query($conn, $delete_old)) { // rollback(); // error_log("error in employee_appointment_vitals deleting " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query " . $delete_old); // } // } // $param_query = ""; // if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'O') { // $param_query = "select * from checkup_parameter a left join // key_health_reportable_parameter_master b on a.key_health_map_name=b.key_param_id where opd_param='1' and enabled='Y' order by column_order"; // } else if ($_REQUEST['appointment_type'] == 'I') { // $param_query = "select * from checkup_parameter a left join // key_health_reportable_parameter_master b on a.key_health_map_name=b.key_param_id where inj_param='1' and enabled='Y' order by column_order"; // } // error_log("dynamic param query " . $param_query); // $result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $param_query); // while ($row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param)) { // $color = "color_" . $row_param['column_name']; // $dynamic_param_save = "insert into employee_appointment_vitals set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',param_key='" . $row_param['column_name'] . "',param_value='" . $_REQUEST[$row_param['column_name']] . "',color='" . $_REQUEST[$color] . "'"; // error_log("dynamic param save query " .$dynamic_param_save); // if (!$result_dynamic = mysqli_query($conn, $dynamic_param_save)) { // error_log("dynamic param save query " . mysqli_error($conn) . " " . $dynamic_param_save); // rollback(); // } // if ($row_param['key_param_name'] == 'height') { // $patient_sql = "update patient_master set height = '" . $_REQUEST[$row_param['column_name']] . "' where id='" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "'"; // error_log("patient update sql " . $patient_sql); // if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $patient_sql)) { // rollback(); // error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); // exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); // } // } // if ($row_param['key_param_name'] == 'weight') { // $patient_sql = "update patient_master set weight = '" . $_REQUEST[$row_param['column_name']] . "' where id='" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "'"; // error_log("patient update sql " . $patient_sql); // if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $patient_sql)) { // rollback(); // error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); // exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); // } // } // } //end // for examination notes start // / $count_notes = $_POST['count_notes']; // error_log("notes count " . $count_notes); // $exists_or_not = "select * from employee_examination_notes where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '0'"; // $exist_result = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_or_not); // $exists_or_not_rows = mysqli_num_rows($exist_result); // if ($exists_or_not_rows > 0) { // $delete_notes_old = "delete from employee_examination_notes where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '0'"; // if (!$res_del = mysqli_query($conn, $delete_notes_old)) { // rollback(); // error_log("error in notes deleting " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query " . $delete_notes_old); // } // } // entry in notes table // for ($i = 0; $i < $count_notes; $i++) { // if (${"ailment_system_note$i"} != null || ${"ailment_system_note$i"} != '') { // $ailment_system = implode(",", ${"ailment_system_note$i"}); // $insert_notes = "insert into employee_examination_notes set appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "',ailment_system= '" . $ailment_system . "',notes='" . ${"examination_note$i"} . "' "; // error_log("notes insert query " . $insert_notes); // if (!$result_notes = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_notes)) { // error_log("notes insert failed " . mysqli_error($conn)); // rollback(); // } // } // } //end // $diagnosis_count = $_POST['count_items']; // error_log("diagnosis count " . $diagnosis_count); // $exists_or_not = "select * from diagnosis_detail where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='0'"; // $exist_result = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_or_not); // $exists_or_not_rows = mysqli_num_rows($exist_result); // if ($exists_or_not_rows > 0) { // $delete_diagnosis_old = "delete from diagnosis_detail where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='0'"; // if (!$res_del = mysqli_query($conn, $delete_diagnosis_old)) { // rollback(); // error_log("error in diagnosis deleting " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query " . $delete_diagnosis_old); // } // } // entry in diagnosis detail table // for ($i = 0; $i < $diagnosis_count; $i++) { // if (${"ailment_system_new$i"} != null || ${"ailment_system_new$i"} != '') { // if ($i == 0) { // $insert_diagnosis = "insert into diagnosis_detail set appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "',ailment_system_id= '" . ${"ailment_system_new$i"} . "',ailment_id='" . ${"ailment_new$i"} . "',body_part= '" . ${"injury_part$i"} . "',injury_classification='" . ${"injury_class_new$i"} . "',injury_type='" . ${"injury_type_new$i"} . "',injury_mechanism='" . ${"injury_mech_new$i"} . "',industrial_type='" . ${"industrial_type$i"} . "',work_type='" . ${"work_type$i"} . "',fresh_old_injury='" . ${"fresh_old_injury$i"} . "',injury_description='" . ${"injury_description$i"} . "',first_aid='" . ${"first_aid$i"} . "',is_primary='Y',associated_hazard='" . ${"hazard$i"} . "' "; // error_log("diagnosis insert query " . $insert_diagnosis); // if (!$result_diagnosis = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_diagnosis)) { // error_log("diagnosis insert failed " . mysqli_error($conn)); // rollback(); // } // } else { // $insert_diagnosis = "insert into diagnosis_detail set appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "',ailment_system_id= '" . ${"ailment_system_new$i"} . "',ailment_id='" . ${"ailment_new$i"} . "',body_part= '" . ${"injury_part$i"} . "',injury_classification='" . ${"injury_class_new$i"} . "',injury_type='" . ${"injury_type_new$i"} . "',injury_mechanism='" . ${"injury_mech_new$i"} . "',industrial_type='" . ${"industrial_type$i"} . "',work_type='" . ${"work_type$i"} . "',fresh_old_injury='" . ${"fresh_old_injury$i"} . "',injury_description='" . ${"injury_description$i"} . "',first_aid='" . ${"first_aid$i"} . "',is_primary='N',associated_hazard='" . ${"hazard$i"} . "' "; // error_log("diagnosis insert query " . $insert_diagnosis); // if (!$result_diagnosis = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_diagnosis)) { // error_log("diagnosis insert failed " . mysqli_error($conn)); // rollback(); // } // } // } // } //training if (!empty($advise_ids)) { updatePatientHealthInfo($patient_id, 'ADC', $advise_ids, $appointment_date, '', 0); } if (!empty($drug_allergy)) { updatePatientHealthInfo($patient_id, 'ALG', $drug_allergy, $appointment_date, '', 0); } error_log('abbb ' . $abnormalitys); error_log('abbb ' . implode(",", $abnormalitys)); if (!empty(implode(",", $abnormalitys))) { updatePatientAbnormalityInfo($patient_id, implode(",", $abnormalitys), $appointment_date); } if (!empty($injuryTypes_new)) { updatePatientHealthInfo($patient_id, 'INJ', $injuryTypes_new, $appointment_date, '', 0); } if (empty($appointment_id)) { $query = "select max(appointment_id) appointment_id from employee_appointment where emp_id = '" . addslashes($_REQUEST['emp_id']) . "' "; // echo $query; error_log("max appointment_id query: " . $query); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $appointment_id = $row['appointment_id']; } } } $health_program_enrolment_ids = $_REQUEST['health_program_enrolment']; $health_program_enrolment_ids = implode(',', $_REQUEST['health_program_enrolment']); error_log("health program names " . print_r($health_program_enrolment_ids, true)); $query_del_waiting_training = " delete from waiting_health_program_enrolment where emp_id = '" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "' and appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "' and status='W' "; error_log("delete waiting Training: " . $query_del_waiting_training); if (!$result_del = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_del_waiting_training)) { exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } for ($t = 0; $t < count($_REQUEST['health_program_enrolment']); $t++) { $query_insert_waiting_training = " insert into waiting_health_program_enrolment set emp_id = '" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "' , appointment_id = '" . $appointment_id . "', status='W' , training_id='" . $_REQUEST['health_program_enrolment'][$t] . "' ,modified_by='" . $_SESSION["user_id"] . "' "; error_log("insert waiting Training: " . $query_insert_waiting_training); if (!$result_insertl = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_insert_waiting_training)) { exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } } // if this is only for saving treatment information we should skip saving OPD information. treatment_section: error_log("at treatment section"); //lab test saving logic start if ($rolecode == 'DOC' && $_POST['recommended_test_new'] != '' && $_POST['recommended_test_new'] != null) { $exists_lab_sql = "select * from checkup_form where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='0'"; $result_lab_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $exists_lab_sql); $num_rows_lab = mysqli_num_rows($result_lab_sql); $row_lab_sql = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_lab_sql); $lab_init_query = ""; $lab_end_query = ""; $lab_checkup_ticket_no = ""; if ($num_rows_lab > 0) { $lab_checkup_ticket_no = $row_lab_sql['ticket_no']; $lab_init_query = "update checkup_form set "; $lab_end_query = " where appointment_id= '" . $appointment_id . "' and checkup_id='" . $row_lab_sql['checkup_id'] . "' and followup_id='0'"; } else { $lab_checkup_ticket_no = creatingCheckupTicketNo(); $lab_init_query = "insert into checkup_form set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', "; $lab_end_query = ""; } error_log("tests " . $tests_new); $userEntriesArray = explode(",", $tests_new); $userEntriesArray = array_map('trim', $userEntriesArray); error_log("user entries array" . $userEntriesArray); // getting checkup lab test master id // $checkup_type_id_sql = "select checkup_type_id from checkup_type where checkup_form_section_ids in (select section_id from checkup_form_section where section_name in ('" . join("','", $userEntriesArray) . "'))"; $checkup_type_id_sql = "select checkup_type_id from checkup_type where checkup_type_code='LAB_TEST'"; if ($result_checkup = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_type_id_sql)) { error_log("error in getting checkup type id " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query is " . $checkup_type_id_sql); } $row_checkup = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_checkup); $checkup_type_id = $row_checkup['checkup_type_id']; error_log("checkup type id " . $checkup_type_id); // getting checkup lab test master id end -- ---- // getting checkup lab section ids /*$sql_existing_entries_test = "SELECT group_concat(section_id) as test_id from checkup_form_section where section_name in('" . join("','", $userEntriesArray) . "')"; error_log("existing entries query in MRP status:" . $sql_existing_entries_test); if (!$result_existing_entries_test = @mysqli_query($conn, $sql_existing_entries_test)) { error_log("error retrieving:" . mysqli_error($conn) . " sql_existing_entries_test:" . $sql_existing_entries); } $row_test = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_existing_entries_test); $test_section_ids = $row_test['test_id']; */ // getting checkup lab section id end ----- $SESSION_emp_id = getTableFieldValue("doctors_master", "doctor_id", "doctor_emp_id", getTableFieldValue("tbl_users", "emp_id", "user_id", $_SESSION["user_id"])); // inserting for lab record $lab_entry = $lab_init_query . " checkup_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $appointment_date . "','%d/%m/%Y %h:%i %p') , ticket_no='" . $lab_checkup_ticket_no . "' , emp_id='" . $_REQUEST['emp_id'] . "' , checkup_type_id='" . $checkup_type_id . "' ,referred_by='" . $SESSION_emp_id . "', checkup_section_ids='" . $tests_new . "' , current_status='MRP' , ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' , modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' " . $lab_end_query; error_log("saving lab entry in save opd " . $lab_entry); if (!$result_lab = mysqli_query($conn, $lab_entry)) { error_log("error while saving lab entry in save opd " . mysqli_error($conn) . " query is " . $lab_entry); } } //lab test saving logic end $curr_ohc_id = getTableFieldValue('employee_appointment', 'ohc_type_id', 'appointment_id', $appointment_id); if ($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] == $curr_ohc_id) { error_log("getting inside because current ohc is matching with ohc present for this appointment"); /* for reset Item Stock At Dispensary Level */ $followup_id = 0; if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] == 'DIS') { resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForFollowup($appointment_id, $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 0); } else { resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForFollowup($appointment_id, $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 0); } /* delete all child table during update records */ if (!@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from appointment_stock_history where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'")) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } if (!@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "' ")) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } if ($isTreatmentOnly != 'Y' && !@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from treatment_external where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'")) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } /* insert all child table during save or update records */ error_log("treatment row count:" . $_REQUEST['count_treatment_item']); for ($i = 0; $i <= $_REQUEST['count_treatment_item']; $i++) { error_log("treatment_item:" . $i . ":" . ${"treatment_item$i"}); if (${"treatment_item$i"} != null && ${"treatment_item$i"} != "") { // To Check Item is Dressing Or Not // echo "adarsh"; $is_dressing_item = toCheckDressingItem(${"treatment_item$i"}); error_log("is_dressing_item:" . $is_dressing_item); if ($is_dressing_item == 'P') { // echo ${"group_child_flag_$i"}; if (${"group_child_flag_$i"} == '1') { //When found form elements for the group items.. select udpated values from form. $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems(${"treatment_item$i"}); $no_rows_group_child = mysqli_num_rows($result_for_group_items); error_log("no_rows_group_child:" . $no_rows_group_child); for ($j = 0; $j < $no_rows_group_child; $j++) { $treatment_given_by = ''; if (addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) != 0 || addslashes($_POST['chihld_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) != '' || addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) != null) { $treatment_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; } error_log("Child Item:" . $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]); $group_item_id = getFieldFromTable('group_id', 'group_items', 'item_id', $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]); error_log("group_item_id:" . $group_item_id); error_log("childitem:" . $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]); $query_treatment = "insert into treatment set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',is_display='N',group_item_id='" . $group_item_id . "', followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', item_id='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $treatment_given_by; error_log("query_treatment: " . $query_treatment); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); error_log("Failed query_treatment: " . $query_treatment); rollback(); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } // echo $query_treatment; $query_stock_history = " insert into appointment_stock_history set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', item_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', item_id='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j]) . "'" . $treatment_given_by; error_log("query_stock_history: " . $query_stock_history); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_stock_history)) { rollback(); error_log("issues while updating appointment_stock_history: " . $query_stock_history); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } // to update Dispensary Items if ($_SESSION("RoleCode") == 'DIS') { resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems(-$_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j], $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j], $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']); } else { resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems(-$_POST['child_item_qty_gvn' . $i . '_' . $j], $_POST['child_item_' . $i . '_' . $j], $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], $_POST['item_batch_no' . $i]); } } } else { //When nothing is returned from the form for the group items.. we use the calculated item qty from dressing item definitions $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems(${"treatment_item$i"}); while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ''; if ($doctor_attended_flag == 'Y' && (($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS') || in_array('DIS', explode(',', $_SESSION['RoleCode'])))) { if (addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) == 0 || addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) == '' || addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) == null) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; error_log('trtr'); } } $query_treatment = "insert into treatment set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',is_display='N',group_item_id='" . $row_for_group_items['group_id'] . "', item_id='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['item_id']) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("issues while updating treatment: " . $query_treatment); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } // echo $query_treatment; $query_stock_history = " insert into appointment_stock_history set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', item_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "', item_id='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['item_id']) . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes($row_for_group_items['qty']) . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_stock_history)) { rollback(); error_log("Appointment stock history saving error::" . mysqli_error($conn) . "Failed query::" . $query_stock_history); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } } } } //end for handling of dressing items $treatment_qty_given_by = ''; if ($doctor_attended_flag == 'Y' && (($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS') || in_array('DIS', explode(',', $_SESSION['RoleCode'])))) { if (addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != 0 || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != '' || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != null) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; error_log('trtr'); } } $query_treatment = "insert into treatment SET appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', item_id='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"}) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes(${"dose_qty$i"}) . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', issued_qty='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) . "', item_batch_no='" . addslashes(${"item_batch_no$i"}) . "',dosage='" . addslashes(${"dosage$i"}) . "', for_days='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_days$i"}) . "', frequency_id='" . ${"treatment_item_dosage$i"} . "', timing_id = '" . ${"timings$i"} . "', dosage_category_id='" . ${"treatment_item_dosage_category$i"} . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; error_log("query_treatment: " . $query_treatment); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("Error Saving Treatment data: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Failed Query:" . $query_treatment); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } // insert or update the cost details start if ($is_dressing_item != 'P') { $past_appointment_id = getTableFieldValue('treatment_cost_master', 'appointment_id', 'item_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}, 'appointment_id', $appointment_id); if ($past_appointment_id != "" || $past_appointment_id != null) { error_log("update case for cost saving"); $initquery = "update "; $endquery = " where item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' and appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; } else { $initquery = "insert into "; $endquery = ""; } $present_per_unit_cost = getTableFieldValue('item_cost', 'item_rate_latest', 'ohc_type_id', $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 'item_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}); $total_cost = round($present_per_unit_cost * ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}); error_log("latest rate for item id " . getItemWithFormName(${"treatment_item$i"}) . " " . $present_per_unit_cost . " total sum for this item " . $total_cost); $insert_treatment_cost = $initquery . " treatment_cost_master set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',issued_item_cost='" . $total_cost . "',item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' $endquery"; error_log("cost saving query for opd " . $insert_treatment_cost); if (!$insert_treatment_cost_result = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_treatment_cost)) { error_log("error in cost saving query for opd " . mysqli_error($conn)); } } else { $past_appointment_id = getTableFieldValue('treatment_cost_master', 'appointment_id', 'item_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}, 'appointment_id', $appointment_id); if ($past_appointment_id != "" || $past_appointment_id != null) { error_log("update case for cost saving"); $initquery = "update "; $endquery = " where item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' and appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; } else { $initquery = "insert into "; $endquery = ""; } $present_per_unit_cost = getTableFieldValue('group_items', 'cost', 'group_id', ${"treatment_item$i"}); $total_cost = round($present_per_unit_cost * ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}); error_log("latest rate for item id " . getItemWithFormName(${"treatment_item$i"}) . " " . $present_per_unit_cost . " total sum for this item " . $total_cost); $insert_treatment_cost = $initquery . " treatment_cost_master set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',issued_item_cost='" . $total_cost . "',item_id='" . ${"treatment_item$i"} . "' $endquery"; error_log("cost saving query for opd " . $insert_treatment_cost); if (!$insert_treatment_cost_result = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_treatment_cost)) { error_log("error in cost saving query for opd " . mysqli_error($conn)); } } // insert or update the cost details end $treatment_qty_given_by = ''; if ($doctor_attended_flag == 'Y' && (($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS') || in_array('DIS', explode(',', $_SESSION['RoleCode'])))) { if (addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != 0 || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != '' || addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) != null) { $treatment_qty_given_by = ",issue_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; error_log('trtr'); } } $query_stock_history = " insert into appointment_stock_history set appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "', current_stock='" . addslashes(${"current_stock$i"}) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes(${"frequency_qty$i"}) . "', item_id='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"}) . "',issued_qty='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}) . "' ,followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "'" . $treatment_qty_given_by; error_log(" appointment_stock_history update details: " . $query_stock_history); if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_stock_history)) { rollback(); error_log("Error updating appointment_stock_history: " . $query_stock_history); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); } if (${"group_child_flag_$i"} != '1') updaterItemStock($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"}), ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"}, ${"item_batch_no$i"}); /* * //$item_batch_no=getMinExpiaryDateItem($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], addslashes(${"treatment_item$i"})); * $current_stock_qty=getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel(${"treatment_item$i"},$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']); * // echo $current_stock_qty; * $stock_qty = floatval ( $current_stock_qty ) - (floatval ( ${"treatment_item_qtygvn$i"} )); * //echo $stock_qty; * $current_stock_query = "update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty='".$stock_qty."' where item_id='".${"treatment_item$i"}."' and item_batch_no='".$item_batch_no."' and ohc_location_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' "; * // echo $current_stock_query; * mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query ); */ } else if ($isTreatmentOnly != 'Y' && ${"treatment_item_external$i"} != null && ${"treatment_item_external$i"} != "") { $query_treatment = "insert into treatment_external SET appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "',followup_id = '" . $followup_id . "', item_name='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_external$i"}) . "',item_qty='" . addslashes(${"dose_qty$i"}) . "',timing = '" . addslashes(${"timings$i"}) . "',dosage='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_dosage$i"}) . "', for_days='" . addslashes(${"treatment_item_days$i"}) . "', dosage_category_id='" . ${"treatment_item_dosage_category$i"} . "', modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' "; if (!@mysqli_query($conn, $query_treatment)) { error_log("error saving treamemnt external : " . $query_treatment); error_log("Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn)); exit(error_log(mysqli_error($conn))); rollback(); } } } } } } commit(); $data['followup_id'] = $followup_id; $data['appointment_id'] = $appointment_id; // error_log(print_r($data), true); echo json_encode($data);