3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $ohc_type_code = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_code', 'ohc_type_id', $ohc_type); $query_received_ref_no = "select max( CAST(substring(received_ref_no,locate('-',received_ref_no)+1,length(received_ref_no)-(5+locate('-',received_ref_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from received_master where received_ref_no like '%$year%' and ohc_location_id=$ohc_type "; //echo $query_received_ref_no; $result_received_ref_no = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_received_ref_no); $row_received_ref_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_received_ref_no); $received_ref_no = 'REV' . $ohc_type_code . '-' . ($row_received_ref_no[0] + 1) . '-' . $year; /* * if(mysqli_num_rows($result_issue_ref_no) > 0){ * $row_isuue_ref_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_issue_ref_no); * * * $isuue_ref_no = 'ISS-'.($isuue_ref_no[0]+1).'-'.$year; * * * }else{ * $isuue_ref_no = 'ISS-1-'.$year; * * } */ $initquery = "INSERT INTO received_master set received_ref_no='$received_ref_no' ,"; } if ($_POST['req_id'] != null && $_POST['req_id'] != "") { $query = $initquery . " remarks='" . $remarks . "',issue_id='" . $_POST['issue_id'] . "',req_id='" . $_POST['req_id'] . "',ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',received_date = now() ,modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' $endquery "; } else { $query = $initquery . " remarks='" . $remarks . "',issue_id='" . $_POST['issue_id'] . "',ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',received_date = now() ,modified_by = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' $endquery "; } // echo $query; if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { error_log("Failure while saving dispensary stock in. Error:" . mysqli_error($conn) . " Failing Query:" . $query); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } else { if (!empty($received_ref_no)) { // insert case when procuremnt id is not available but needed for saving into the child table $query = "select received_id from received_master where received_ref_no= '$received_ref_no' "; //echo $query; if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { error_log("Failed to find received_id:" . mysqli_error($conn) . " Failing Query:" . $query); //rollback(); //exit ( mysqli_error($conn) ); } else { if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data = $row; $received_id = $row['received_id']; } } } } if (!empty($received_id)) { /* * $current_stock_level_procurement_items_query="select item_id,qty from requisition_items where req_id='".req_id."' "; * $results_procuerment_items=mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_level_procurement_items_query); * echo $current_stock_level_procurement_items_query; * while($rows_procurement_items=mysqli_fetch_assoc($results_procuerment_items)){ * $current_stock_level_items_qty= getTableFieldValue('tbl_items','current_stock_level','item_id',$rows_procurement_items['item_id']); * $current_stock_level_items_qty=$current_stock_level_items_qty-$rows_procurement_items['qty']; * echo current_stock_level_items_qty; * $current_stock_query="update tbl_items set current_stock_level='".$current_stock_level_items_qty."' where item_id='".$rows_procurement_items['item_id']."' "; * echo $current_stock_query; * mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query); * * } */ } resetDispensaryItemStockForItemInward($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], $received_id); // clear existing entries into the child table $query_del = " delete from received_issue_items where received_id = '" . $received_id . "' "; // echo $query_del; $result_del = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_del); error_log("Approve Dispensary In no of rows:" . $noOfRows); for ($i = 0; $i < $noOfRows; $i++) { $toCheckIsPackingItem = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_packaging_item', 'item_id', ${"item_id$i"}); if ($toCheckIsPackingItem == 'C') { $packing_item_value = 'Y'; updateDispensaryStockForItemInward($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], ${"dispensary_item$i"}, ${"dispensary_item_qty$i"}); } else { $packing_item_value = 'N'; updateDispensaryStockForItemInward($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], ${"item_id$i"}, ${"dispensary_item_qty$i"}); //keeping it same as no difference here with packing item } // echo $i; /*$current_stock__query="select stock_qty,expiry_date from item_stock where item_id=${"item_id$i"} and item_batch_no='".${"item_batch_no$i"}."' "; $results_stock__query=mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock__query); $row_stocks = mysqli_fetch_row ( $results_stock__query ); //$stock_qty = getTableFieldValue ( 'item_stock', 'stock_qty', 'item_id', ${"item_id$i"}, 'item_batch_no',$item_batch_no)); $stock_qty = floatval ( $row_stocks[0] ) - floatval ( ${"issue_qty$i"} ); // echo $current_stock_level; $current_stock_query = "update item_stock set stock_qty='" . $stock_qty . "' where item_id='${"item_id$i"}' and item_batch_no='${"item_batch_no$i"}' "; // echo $current_stock_query; mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query );*/ /*$current_stock__query_dispensary="select stock_qty from item_stock_dispensary where item_id=${"item_id$i"} and item_batch_no='".${"item_batch_no$i"}."' and ohc_location_id='".$_POST['ohc_location_id']."' "; $results_stock__query_dispensary=mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock__query_dispensary); //echo $current_stock__query_dispensary; $row_stocks_dispensary = mysqli_fetch_row ( $results_stock__query_dispensary ); //$stock_qty = getTableFieldValue ( 'item_stock', 'stock_qty', 'item_id', ${"item_id$i"}, 'item_batch_no',$item_batch_no)); $stock_qty_dispensary = floatval ( $row_stocks_dispensary[0] ) +floatval ( ${"received_qty$i"} ); //echo floatval ( ${"received_qty$i"} ); // echo mysqli_num_rows ( $results_stock__query_dispensary) ; if(mysqli_num_rows ( $results_stock__query_dispensary )>0){ $current_stock_query_dispensary = "update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty='" . $stock_qty_dispensary . "' where item_id='${"item_id$i"}' and item_batch_no='${"item_batch_no$i"}' and ohc_location_id='".$_POST['ohc_location_id']."' "; // echo $current_stock_query_dispensary; mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query_dispensary ); }else{ $current_stock_query_dispensary = "insert into item_stock_dispensary set expiry_date=STR_TO_DATE('".${"expiry_date$i"}."','%Y-%m-%d'), stock_qty='" . $stock_qty_dispensary . "',ohc_location_id='".$_POST['ohc_location_id']."' , item_id='${"item_id$i"}', item_batch_no='${"item_batch_no$i"}' "; // echo $current_stock_query_dispensary; mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query_dispensary ); }*/ /* * $current_stock_level= getTableFieldValue('tbl_items','current_stock_level','item_id',${"item_id$i"}); * $current_stock_level=$current_stock_level+${"item_qty$i"}; * //echo $current_stock_level; * $current_stock_query="update tbl_items set current_stock_level='".$current_stock_level."' where item_id='${"item_id$i"}' "; * echo $current_stock_query; * mysqli_query($conn,$current_stock_query); */ // $batch_ref_no=${"item_id$i"}.'_'.${"batch$i"}; $query1 = "insert into received_issue_items set received_id='$received_id', ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "', issue_id='" . $_POST['issue_id'] . "', stock_issue_item_id='" . ${"item_id$i"} . "',received_qty='" . ${"dispensary_item_qty$i"} . "',item_batch_no='" . ${"item_batch_no$i"} . "', item_id ='" . ${"item_id$i"} . "',issue_qty = '" . ${"dispensary_item_qty$i"} . "',dis_item_qty='" . ${"dispensary_item_qty$i"} . "',dispensary_item='" . ${"dispensary_item$i"} . "',is_packaging_item='" . $packing_item_value . "' "; error_log("received_issue_items query:" . $query1); if (!$result1 = @mysqli_query($conn, $query1)) { error_log("Failed to update received_issue_items:" . mysqli_error($conn) . " Failing Query:" . $query1); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } //to update item price list $rate_sql = "select * from item_cost where item_id='" . ${"item_id$i"} . "'"; $rate_result = mysqli_query($conn, $rate_sql); $num_count = mysqli_num_rows($rate_result); $row_rate = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rate_result); $new_applicable_date = date("Y/m/d"); // getting new cost from latest procurement start $cost_per_unit = 0; $total_qty = 0; $total_mrp = 0; $total_cost = 0; $rate_sql_proc = "select * from procurement p left join procurement_items pt on p.procurement_id=pt.procurement_id where pt.item_id= '" . ${"item_id$i"} . "' and pt.ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' order by pt.procurement_item_id desc limit 1"; error_log("query to get latest item cost " . $rate_sql_proc); $rate_result_proc = mysqli_query($conn, $rate_sql_proc); $rate_row_proc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rate_result_proc); $total_qty = $rate_row_proc['qty']; $total_mrp = $rate_row_proc['net_value']; error_log("total qty " . $total_qty . " total mrp " . $total_mrp); if ($total_mrp != null && $total_qty != null && $total_mrp != '' && $total_qty != '') { $cost_per_unit = round($total_mrp / $total_qty, 2); } else { $cost_per_unit = 0; } error_log("cost per unit " . $cost_per_unit); //getting new cost from latest procurement end if ($num_count > 0) { $old_cost = $row_rate['item_rate_latest']; $new_cost = $cost_per_unit; $rate_update_sql = "update item_cost set item_rate_latest='" . $new_cost . "',item_rate_old='" . $old_cost . "',applicable_date='" . $new_applicable_date . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' where item_id='" . ${"item_id$i"} . "' "; error_log("rate update query " . $rate_update_sql); if (!$result_update_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $rate_update_sql)) { error_log("error in update item " . mysqli_error($conn)); } } else { $new_cost = $cost_per_unit; $insert_item_rate = "insert into item_cost set item_id='" . ${"item_id$i"} . "', item_rate_latest='" . $new_cost . "',item_rate_old='" . $new_cost . "',applicable_date='" . $new_applicable_date . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "'"; error_log("rate insert query " . $insert_item_rate); if (!$result_item_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_item_rate)) { error_log("error in insert item" . mysqli_error($conn)); } } // $item_stock_query="select current_stock_level from tbl_items where item_id='".${"item_id$i"}."'"; } } commit(); if ($data == null) { $data['status'] = 200; $data['message'] = "Data not found!"; } echo json_encode($data);