Date |
S No. |
Day / Staff Name |
Total Shift |
Staff In Shift A |
=numbers.n-1 where shift_id in ( (SELECT MAX(shift_id) shift_id FROM shift_details where shift_date='". $db_new_date."' GROUP BY emp_id)) order by emp_id, n";
$result_total_shiftA = @mysqli_query($conn,$shift_A);
$shiftA_1="select COUNT(distinct(emp_id)) shift_1 from shift_details where ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' and shift_date='". $db_new_date."' and shift_status like '%8%' ";
error_log($shiftA_1."shift a total");
$result_total_shiftA1 = @mysqli_query($conn,$shiftA_1);
// echo "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn".$result_total_shiftA;
while( $row_result_total_shiftA1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result_total_shiftA1)){
Staff In Shift B |
=numbers.n-1 where shift_id in ( (SELECT MAX(shift_id) shift_id FROM shift_details where shift_date='". $db_new_date."' GROUP BY emp_id)) order by emp_id, n";
$result_total_shiftB = @mysqli_query($conn,$shift_B);
$shiftB_1="select COUNT(distinct(emp_id)) shift_2 from shift_details where ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' and shift_date='". $db_new_date."' and shift_status like '%9%' ";
$result_total_shiftB1 = @mysqli_query($conn,$shiftB_1);
// echo $shiftB_1;
while( $row_result_total_shiftB1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result_total_shiftB1)){
Staff In Shift C |
=numbers.n-1 where shift_id in ( (SELECT MAX(shift_id) shift_id FROM shift_details where shift_date='". $db_new_date."' GROUP BY emp_id)) order by emp_id, n";
$result_total_shiftc = @mysqli_query($conn,$shift_c);
$shiftc_1="select COUNT(distinct(emp_id)) shift_3 from shift_details where ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' and shift_date='". $db_new_date."' and shift_status like '%10%' ";
$result_total_shiftc1 = @mysqli_query($conn,$shiftc_1);
// echo "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn".$result_total_shiftA;
while( $row_result_total_shiftc1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result_total_shiftc1)){
Total No Of Staff |
=numbers.n-1 where shift_id in ( (SELECT MAX(shift_id) shift_id FROM shift_details where shift_date='". $db_new_date."' GROUP BY emp_id)) order by emp_id, n";
// $result_total_shifts = @mysqli_query($conn,$shift_s);
$shift_staff=" select count( distinct emp_id) tot_staf from shift_details where ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' and shift_date='". $db_new_date."'";
$result_shift_staff = @mysqli_query($conn,$shift_staff);
// echo "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn".$result_total_shiftA;
while( $row_shift_staff = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result_shift_staff)){
$shiftDel1="delete from tmptable";
$result_total_shiftS_y = @mysqli_query($conn,$shiftDel1);