Yearly report of bio medical waste generation

1.Particulars of the applicant
    i. Name of the authorized person (occupier/operator) :
    ii. Name and address of institution: ,
2. Category of waste (as per schedule-I of the rule) generated and quantity for the Year of: -

Month-Year Yellow Red Blue White Translucent
gms gms gms gms
Total gms gms gms gms
Grand Total gms
Monthly Average gms gms gms gms

3. Brief details of the treatment facility:
    In case off-site facility:
      i. Name of the operator:
      ii. Name and address of the facility: ,
4. Category-wise quantity of waste treated:
      i. Incineration/Burial (Yellow bag): Nos
      ii. Autoclave/Microwave
        a) Red Bag: Nos
        b) Blue bag: Nos
        c) White Translucent bag: Nos
5. Mode of treatment with details: Waste is handed over to the authorized disposal agency (i.e. )
6. Any other information:
7. Certified that the above report is for the period from to
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Date :
Place : Signature:
Designation : Head Medical Services
Factory Medical Officer