Chronic Medication Medicine Report
From Date:    To Date:

= $from_date1 && date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row1['appointment_date'])) <= $from_date2 && $row1['chronic_day']!='' && $row1['chronic_day']!='0') { } else { continue; } // error_log($row1['employer_contractor_id']); ?>
Sr. Date Time In Time Out Duration Emp. No. Name Age Sex Mobile No. Employer Designation Division Department Section Chronic Illness Diagnosis Treatment Referred By Referral
diff($to)->y; ?> num_rows > 0) { $value_medi = array(); while ($get_medi_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_medi)) { $value_medi[] = $get_medi_row['medicine_name']; } $commaSeparatedValues = "(" . implode(', ', $value_medi) . ")"; } $sql_tret = "select t.item_id, item_name, for_days, dosage from treatment t, tbl_items i where t.item_id=i.item_id and t.appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and is_display!='N' and t.item_id in $commaSeparatedValues"; error_log($sql_tret . "final sql"); $res_treat = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_tret); while ($rows_treat = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_treat)) { extract($rows_treat); echo getItemWithFormNamePdf($rows_treat['item_id']) . " " . $rows_treat['dosage'] . " for " . $rows_treat['for_days'] . " days" . "
"; } } ?>