140 && $bp2 > 90) { $bp_score = 4; } else if ($bp1 > 120 && $bp1 < 140 && $bp2 > 80 && $bp2 < 90) { $bp_score = 2; } else { $bp_score = 0; } if ($sugar > 200) { $sugar_score = 4; } else if ($sugar > 139 && $sugar < 200) { $sugar_score = 2; } else { $sugar_score = 0; } if ($bmi > 30) { $bmi_score = 4; } else if ($bmi > 25 && $bmi < 30) { $bmi_score = 2; } else { $bmi_score = 0; } if ($cholestrol > 240) { $cholestrol_score = 4; } else if ($cholestrol > 200 && $cholestrol < 240) { $cholestrol_score = 2; } else { $cholestrol_score = 0; } $total_score =$bp_score +$bmi_score +$sugar_score + $cholestrol_score; return$total_score; } function getBreadCrumbs() { $filename = basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $sql_root = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id,m.icon_text from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and upper(m.menu_url) like upper('%" . $filename . "') and a.role_id='" . $_SESSION['RoleId'] . "' "; // echo $sql_master; $res_root = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_root); $breadcrum_str = ""; $num_rows_root = @mysqli_num_rows($res_root); if ($num_rows_root == 1) { if ($root_rowmaster = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_root)) { $child_last_menu_id = $root_rowmaster['menu_id']; $child_last_menu_url = $root_rowmaster['menu_url']; $child_last_menu_name = $root_rowmaster['menu_name']; $child_last_parent_menuid = $root_rowmaster['parent_id']; $breadcrum_str = "
  • " . $child_last_menu_name . "
  • " . $breadcrum_str; if ($child_last_parent_menuid > 0) { $sql_level1 = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id,m.icon_text from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and cast(m.menu_id AS DECIMAL(12,2)) = cast('" . $child_last_parent_menuid . "' AS DECIMAL(12,2)) "; // echo $sql_level1; $res_level1 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_level1); $num_rows_level1 = @mysqli_num_rows($res_level1); if ($num_rows_level1 == 1) { if ($level1_rowmaster = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_level1)) { $level1_menu_id = $level1_rowmaster['menu_id']; $level1_menu_url = $level1_rowmaster['menu_url']; $level1_menu_name = $level1_rowmaster['menu_name']; $level1_parent_menuid = $level1_rowmaster['parent_id']; $breadcrum_str = "
  • " . $level1_menu_name . "
  • " . $breadcrum_str; if ($level1_parent_menuid > 0) { $sql_level2 = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id,m.icon_text from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and cast(m.menu_id AS DECIMAL(12,2)) = cast('" . $level1_parent_menuid . "' AS DECIMAL(12,2)) "; // echo $sql_level2; $res_level2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_level2); $num_rows_level2 = @mysqli_num_rows($res_level2); if ($num_rows_level2 == 1) { if ($level2_rowmaster = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_level2)) { $level2_menu_id = $level2_rowmaster['menu_id']; $level2_menu_url = $level2_rowmaster['menu_url']; $level2_menu_name = $level2_rowmaster['menu_name']; $level2_parent_menuid = $level2_rowmaster['parent_id']; $level2_icon_text = $level2_rowmaster['icon_text']; $breadcrum_str = "
  • " . $level2_menu_name . "
  • " . $breadcrum_str; } } } } } } } } $breadcrum_str = ""; return $breadcrum_str; } function isAccessible($roleId, $menu_key, $operationType) { if ($menu_key == null || $menu_key == '') { $menu_key = $_SESSION['menu_key']; error_log("menu key:".$menu_key); } error_log("menu key:".$menu_key); $accessLevel = getaccesslevel($roleId, $menu_key); // echo "accessLevel:".$accessLevel; $accessLevelNumValue = ($accessLevel == 'E') ? 3 : (($accessLevel == 'W') ? 2 : (($accessLevel == 'R') ? 1 : 0)); // echo "accessLevelNumValue:".$accessLevelNumValue; $operationTypeNumValue = ($operationType == 'E') ? 3 : (($operationType == 'W') ? 2 : (($operationType == 'R') ? 1 : 0)); // echo "operationTypeNumValue:".$operationTypeNumValue; // echo $operationTypeNumValue<=$accessLevelNumValue; if ($operationTypeNumValue <= $accessLevelNumValue) { // echo "returning true"; return true; } else { // echo "returning false"; return false; } } function getTodayProcurementCount() { $sql_division = "select count(procurement_id) count from procurement where DATE(procurement_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."'"; error_log("row count:" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIssueCount() { $sql_division = "select count(stock_issue_id) count from stock_issue where DATE(issue_date) = CURDATE() and issue_ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."'"; error_log("row count:" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getExpiredMedCount() { $sql_division = "select count(id) count from cleanup_item_stock where ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."'"; error_log("row count:" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getIndentCount() { $sql_division = "select count(indent_id) count from indent_master where year(indent_date)=year(NOW())"; error_log("row count:" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTotalStockCount() { $sql_division = "select count(distinct item_id) count from item_stock where stock_qty>0 and ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."'"; error_log("row count:" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayHealthSurvellianceCount() { $sql_division = "select count(checkup_id) count from checkup_form where is_test_completed='Y' and DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE() and (current_status!='MRP' and current_status!='MRA') and ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayLabSurvellianceCount(){ $sql_division_count = "select count(checkup_id) as count from checkup_form where DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE() and current_status='MRA' and ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."' "; $result_name_count = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division_count); if ($row_name_count = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name_count)) { return $row_name_count['count']; } } function getTodayVendorRateApprovalCount(){ $user_id=($_SESSION['user_id']); $contractor_id=getTableFieldValue('tbl_users','vendor_id','user_id',$user_id); $sql_division_count = "select count((indent_id)) as count from indent_master where DATE(indent_date) = CURDATE() and status in ('APPROVED_LEVEL_2','PENDING_RATE','DRAFT_VENDOR_RATE') and indent_id in ( select indent_id from indent_items where vendor_id='$contractor_id' and status in ('',null) ) "; $result_name_count = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division_count); if ($row_name_count = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name_count)) { return $row_name_count['count']; } } function getpendingIndentCountLeve1(){ $sql_pending_indent_count = "select count(indent_id) as count from indent_master where status='APPROVED_LEVEL_1'"; $result_pending_indent_count = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_pending_indent_count); if ($row_pending_indent_count = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_pending_indent_count)) { return $row_pending_indent_count['count']; } } function getpendingIndentCountLeve2(){ $sql_pending_indent_count = "select count(indent_id) as count from indent_master where status='APPROVED_LEVEL_2'"; $result_pending_indent_count = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_pending_indent_count); if ($row_pending_indent_count = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_pending_indent_count)) { return $row_pending_indent_count['count']; } } function getcreatedIndentCountLeve2($status){ $sql_pending_indent_count = "select count(indent_id) as count from indent_master where indent_id in (select indent_id from indent_items where status='$status')"; error_log('count quotation'.$sql_pending_indent_count); $result_pending_indent_count = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_pending_indent_count); if ($row_pending_indent_count = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_pending_indent_count)) { return $row_pending_indent_count['count']; } } function getGRN(){ $sql_pending_indent_count = "select count(*) as count from indent_master where indent_id in (select DISTINCT(indent_id) from indent_items where status in ('DISPATCHE','PENDING_DISPATCH')) "; $result_pending_indent_count = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_pending_indent_count); if ($row_pending_indent_count = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_pending_indent_count)) { return $row_pending_indent_count['count']; } } function getTodayffiSurvellianceCount(){ $sql_division = "select count(response_id) count from questionaire_master_response where form_type='ffi' and DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodaydlfSurvellianceCount(){ $sql_division = "select count(response_id) coun from questionaire_master_response where form_type='dlf' and DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodaychsSurvellianceCount(){ $sql_division = "select count(response_id) count from questionaire_master_response where form_type='chs' and DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodaykhsSurvellianceCount(){ $sql_division = "select count(response_id) count from questionaire_master_response where form_type='khs' and DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getHealthSurvellianceCount() { $sql_division = "select count(checkup_id) count from checkup_form where current_status='Approved' and DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE()"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getPending_doctor_HealthSurvellianceCount() { // $sql_division = "select count(checkup_id) count from checkup_form where is_test_completed!='Y'"; $sql_division = "SELECT count(checkup_id) FROM checkup_form where current_status='DRP' and DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE()"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { error_log('pending' . print_r($row_name, true)); return $row_name['0']; } } function getPending_Medical_HealthSurvellianceCount() { // $sql_division = "select count(checkup_id) count from checkup_form where is_test_completed!='Y'"; $sql_division = "SELECT count(checkup_id) FROM checkup_form where current_status='MDP' and DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."'"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { error_log('pending' . print_r($row_name, true)); return $row_name['0']; } } function getPending_Lab_HealthSurvellianceCount(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(checkup_id) FROM checkup_form where current_status='MRP' and DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='".$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']."'"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { error_log('pending' . print_r($row_name, true)); return $row_name['0']; } } function getPendingDISPATCHECount(){ $user_id=$_SESSION['user_id']; error_log('xxxxxxxxx'.$user_id); $contractor_id=getTableFieldValue('tbl_users','vendor_id','user_id',$user_id); $sql_division = "SELECT count(indent_id) FROM indent_master where status not in ('DISPATCHE','REJECTED') and indent_id in (select distinct(indent_id) from indent_items where vendor_id='".$contractor_id."' and status in ('APPROVED','REJECTED','PENDING_DISPATCH','DRAFT_DISPATCH','GRN_APPROVED','COMPLETED')) "; error_log('dispatch count'.$sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { error_log('pending' . print_r($row_name, true)); return $row_name['0']; } } function getYearlyApprovedIndentCount(){ $month_indent=date("m"); if($month_indent<=3)$year_indent=(date("Y")-1); else $year_indent=date("Y"); $sql_division = "SELECT count(indent_id) FROM indent_master where status NOT IN ('draft','','PENDING','APPROVED_LEVEL_1') and DATE(indent_date) between STR_TO_DATE('01/04/" . $year_indent . "','%d/%m/%Y') and date(now())"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { error_log('pending' . print_r($row_name, true)); return $row_name['0']; } } function getYearlyApprovedIndentCountSuperviser(){ $month_indent=date("m"); if($month_indent<=3)$year_indent=(date("Y")-1); else $year_indent=date("Y"); $sql_division = "SELECT count(indent_id) FROM indent_master where status NOT IN ('draft','','PENDING','APPROVED_LEVEL_1','APPROVED_LEVEL_2') and DATE(indent_date) between STR_TO_DATE('01/04/" . $year_indent . "','%d/%m/%Y') and date(now())"; error_log('pending' . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['0']; } } function getTodayTotalcase($type){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND form_type = '".$type."'"; error_log("total".$sql_division); $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getPending_infection(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'N' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'ffi'"; error_log("ffi".$sql_division); $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getapproval_infection(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'Y' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'ffi'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getPending_dlf(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'N' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'dlf'"; error_log("dlf pe".$sql_division); $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getapproval_dlf(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'Y' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'dlf'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getPending_canteen(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'N' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'chs'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getapproval_canteen(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'Y' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'chs'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getPending_kitchen(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'N' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'khs'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getPending_indent(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM indent_master where DATE(indent_date) = CURDATE() AND status in ('PENDING','REJECTED') "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getTodayapproval_indent(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM indent_master where DATE(indent_date) = CURDATE() "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getPending_inventory_checklist_status(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM inventory_checklist_status where DATE(approve_date) = CURDATE() AND status = 'PENDING' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION ['current_ohcttype'] . "'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getTodayapproval_inventory_checklist_status(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM inventory_checklist_status where DATE(approve_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION ['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getapproval_kitchen(){ $sql_division = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where DATE(screen_date) = CURDATE() AND approval_status = 'Y' AND f_status = 'DRP' AND form_type = 'khs'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_division); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function getaccesslevel($Role_id, $menu_id) { $sql_role = " select access_level from assign_menu where role_id='" . $Role_id . "' and menu_id= '" . $menu_id . "' "; $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_role); error_log("access level:".$sql_role); $accesslevel = ""; if ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { @extract($row); $accesslevel = $row['access_level']; } return $accesslevel; } function generate_options($sql, $selIndx = '', $option_id, $option_name, $chk_id = '', $dis) { $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); error_log("field by" . $sql); while ($rows = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { if ($chk_id == '' || $chk_id != $rows[$option_id]) { if ($rows[$option_id] == $selIndx) { echo ""; } else if ($rows[$option_id] == '1' && $dis == 'div') { echo ""; } else { echo ""; // error_log("echo ".""); } } } } function getTreatmentText($appointment_id) { $sql = "select t.item_id, item_name, for_days, dosage from treatment t, tbl_items i where t.item_id=i.item_id and t.appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and is_display!='N'"; $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); $returnStr = ""; while ($rows = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { extract($rows); $returnStr .= getItemWithFormName($rows['item_id']) . " " . $rows['dosage'] . " for " . $rows['for_days'] . " days" . "
    "; } return $returnStr; } function getTreatmentTextForGuest($appointment_id) { $sql = "select t.item_id, item_name, for_days, dosage from guest_treatment t, tbl_items i where t.item_id=i.item_id and t.appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); $returnStr = ""; while ($rows = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { extract($rows); $returnStr .= $rows['item_name'] . " " . $rows['dosage'] . " for " . $rows['for_days'] . " days" . "
    "; } return $returnStr; } function getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause($sql, $whereColforIn, $commaSeperatedValuesForIn) { $realArray = explode(',', $commaSeperatedValuesForIn); $stringForIn = "'" . implode("','", $realArray) . "'"; $sql .= " where " . $whereColforIn . " in (" . $stringForIn . ")"; // return $sql; $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); $returnStr = ""; while ($rows = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { extract($rows); $returnStr .= $rows[0] . ", "; } if (strlen($returnStr) == 0) { return $returnStr; } return substr($returnStr, 0, strlen($returnStr) - 2); } function getCommaSeperatedValuesToInClause($commaSeperatedValuesForIn) { $realArray = explode(',', $commaSeperatedValuesForIn); $stringForIn = "'" . implode("','", $realArray) . "'"; $returnStr = " (" . $stringForIn . ")"; return $returnStr; } function generate_Firm($sql, $selIndx = '', $option_id, $option_name, $chk_id = '') { $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($rows = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { if ($chk_id == '' || $chk_id != $rows[$option_id]) { if ($rows[$option_id] == $selIndx) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } } } // ***************************** FUNCTION TO CONVERT DATE FROM ONE FORMAT TO ANOTHER ************************// function date_conversion($date_str, $sourse_format, $desired_format) { $source_day = ""; $source_month = ""; $source_year = ""; switch ($sourse_format) { case "Y-m-d": $sourse_arr = split('[-/]', $date_str); $source_day = $sourse_arr[2]; $source_month = $sourse_arr[1]; $source_year = $sourse_arr[0]; break; case "y-m-d": $sourse_arr = split('[-/]', $date_str); $source_day = $sourse_arr[2]; $source_month = $sourse_arr[1]; $source_year = $sourse_arr[0]; break; case "d-m-Y": $sourse_arr = @split('[-/]', $date_str); $source_day = $sourse_arr[0]; $source_month = $sourse_arr[1]; $source_year = $sourse_arr[2]; break; case "d-m-Y": $sourse_arr = @split('[-/]', $date_str); $source_day = $sourse_arr[0]; $source_month = $sourse_arr[1]; $source_year = $sourse_arr[2]; break; case "m-d-Y": $sourse_arr = split('[-/]', $date_str); $source_day = $sourse_arr[1]; $source_month = $sourse_arr[0]; $source_year = $sourse_arr[2]; break; } if ($source_month >= 1 && $source_day >= 1 && $source_year >= 1970) { $result_date = date($desired_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $source_month, $source_day, $source_year)); } else { $result_date = ""; } return $result_date; } // *************************************** END FUNCTION *****************************************************// function generateOptionForMultiple($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName order by $nameCol "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { $selectedIdArray = explode(",", $selectedId); $flag = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($selectedIdArray); $i++) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedIdArray[$i]) { $flag = 1; } } if ($flag == 1) { $optionValue .= ""; } else { $optionValue .= ""; } } return $optionValue; } function generateOption($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName order by $nameCol "; error_log('xxx'.$selectedId); $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateOptionWithWhereClause($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis, $whereCol, $whereVal) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName where $whereCol=$whereVal order by $nameCol "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateOptionWithWhereClauseWithIn($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis, $whereCol, $whereVal) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName where $whereCol in $whereVal order by $nameCol "; error_log($whereVal.'fun query'.$sql); $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateOptionWithWhereClause1($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis, $whereCol, $whereVal) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName where $whereCol='" . $whereVal . "' order by $nameCol "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); // error_log("fhshrfhfhsrhshr" . $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateCheckupOptionsAccToOhc($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis,$whereCol,$whereVal, $sessionOHCTypeId) { $sql = "SELECT $nameCol, $idCol, ohc_ids FROM $tableName WHERE FIND_IN_SET('$sessionOHCTypeId', ohc_ids) > 0 and $whereCol = '$whereVal' ORDER BY $nameCol"; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); error_log("generate checkup query ".$sql); $optionValue = ''; // Initialize the option values while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) { $optionValue .= ""; } else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else { $optionValue .= ""; } } return $optionValue; } function generateMedicineOptions($selectedId, $dis) { $sql = "SELECT item_name,form_name, item_id from tbl_items i, medicine_form m where i.item_form_id=m.form_id order by m.form_name "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row['item_id'] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateOptForVender($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName where purchase='Y' order by $nameCol asc"; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateDetailOption($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName order by $idCol asc "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateDetailOptionForCode($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function getDetailOption($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName order by $idCol asc "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function generateItemOptions($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select item_id, item_desc from tbl_items order by item_desc asc"; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { $str_desc = $row['item_desc']; list($item_name, $mat, $submat, $spec) = split("-", $str_desc); $sql_mat = "select cat_name from tbl_categories where cat_id='" . $mat . "'"; $rs_mat = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_mat); $row_mat = mysqli_fetch_array($rs_mat); $mat = $row_mat['cat_name']; $sql_smat = "select cat_name from tbl_categories where cat_id='" . $submat . "'"; $rs_smat = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_smat); $row_smat = mysqli_fetch_array($rs_smat); $submat = $row_smat['cat_name']; if ($submat != "") { $submat = "-" . $submat; } $item_name = htmlentities($item_name); $spec = htmlentities($spec); $str_desc = $item_name . "-" . $spec; if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function has_amendments($po_no) { $sql_has_amendments = "select count(amendment_no) as amendment_no from purchase_order_master_amendment where purchase_order_no='" . $po_no . "' "; $res_has_amendments = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_has_amendments); $num_has_amendments = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_has_amendments); if ($num_has_amendments['amendment_no'] > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getLatestAmendmentNo($po_no) { $sql_has_amendments = "select max(amendment_no) as amendment_no from purchase_order_master_amendment where purchase_order_no='" . $po_no . "'"; $res_has_amendments = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_has_amendments); if ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res_has_amendments)) { return $row['amendment_no']; } else { return "NIL"; } } function getDrawingDetail($drawing_id) { $sql = "select drawing_details from tbl_drawing_detail where drawing_id='" . $drawing_id . "'"; $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); if ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { return $row['drawing_details']; } else { return "NIL"; } } function marked_qty($po_no = '', $item_desc = '', $id = '') { $sql_bal = "SELECT sum(qty_offered) as qty_offered from order_item_marking where (po_no='" . $po_no . "' and item_desc='" . addslashes($item_desc) . "') or id ='" . $id . "'"; $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { extract($row_bal); if ($qty_offered) { return $qty_offered; } else { return 0; } } } function runSql($sql) { $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); if ($result_bal) if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { @extract($row_bal); if ($qty_produced) { echo $qty_produced; } else { // echo '0'; } } } function getTableFieldValue($table_name, $field_name, $where1 = '', $val1 = '', $where2 = '', $val2 = '', $where3 = '', $val3 = '', $where4 = '', $val4 = '', $where5 = '', $val5 = '') { $sql_bal = "SELECT " . $field_name . " as field_value from " . $table_name; $where_clause = " where "; if ($where1 != '') { $where_clause .= " " . $where1 . " = " . $val1; } if ($where2 != '') { $where_clause .= " and " . $where2 . " = " . $val2; } if ($where3 != '') { $where_clause .= " and " . $where3 . " = " . $val3; } if ($where4 != '') { $where_clause .= " and " . $where4 . " = " . $val4; } if ($where5 != '') { $where_clause .= " and " . $where5 . " = " . $val5; } if (strlen($where_clause) > 8) { $sql_bal .= $where_clause; } error_log("sql ".$sql_bal); $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($result_bal) { if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { extract($row_bal); if ($field_value) { return $field_value; } else { return ""; } } } else { return ""; } } function getFieldFromTable($field, $tableName, $clause, $clause_value) { $sql_bal = "SELECT " . $field . " as field_value from " . $tableName . " where " . $clause . "='" . $clause_value . "'"; // echo $sql_bal; // error_log('getFieldFromTable: '.$sql_bal); // return $sql_bal; $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { @extract($row_bal); if ($field_value) { // error_log('getFieldFromTable return value: '.$field_value); return $field_value; } else { // error_log('getFieldFromTable return value: Nothing'); return ""; } } } function generateOpt1($tableName, $nameCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select $nameCol from $tableName group by $nameCol"; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$nameCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } $nwords = array( "", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eightteen", "nineteen", "twenty", 0 => "zero", 30 => "thirty", 40 => "fourty", 50 => "fifty", 60 => "sixty", 70 => "seventy", 80 => "eigthy", 90 => "ninety" ); function number_to_words($x) { global $nwords; if (!is_numeric($x)) { $w = '#'; } else { $x = floor($x); if ($x < 0) { $w = 'minus '; $x = -$x; } else { $w = ''; } if ($x < 21) { $w .= $nwords[$x]; } else if ($x < 100) { $w .= $nwords[10 * floor($x / 10)]; $r = fmod($x, 10); if ($r > 0) { $w .= ' ' . $nwords[$r]; } } else if ($x < 1000) { $w .= $nwords[floor($x / 100)] . ' hundred'; $r = fmod($x, 100); if ($r > 0) { $w .= ' ' . number_to_words($r); } } else if ($x < 1000000) { $w .= number_to_words(floor($x / 1000)) . ' thousand'; $r = fmod($x, 1000); if ($r > 0) { $w .= ' '; if ($r < 100) { $w .= ' '; } $w .= number_to_words($r); } } else { $w .= number_to_words(floor($x / 1000000)) . ' million'; $r = fmod($x, 1000000); if ($r > 0) { $w .= ' '; if ($r < 100) { $word .= ' '; } $w .= number_to_words($r); } } } return $w; } function number_to_rupees($chk) { $rs = number_to_words($chk); $paise = strstr($chk, '.') * 100; $ps = number_to_words($paise); if ($paise > 0) { $final = "(Rupees " . $rs . ", paise " . $ps . " only)"; } else { $final = "(Rupees " . $rs . " only)"; } return $final; } function getUserInfo($user_id) { $sql_bal = "SELECT user_name from tbl_users where user_id='" . $user_id . "'"; $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { return $row_bal['user_name']; } } function getFirmInfo($firm_id) { $sql_bal = "SELECT firm_name from tbl_firms where firm_id='" . $firm_id . "'"; $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { return $row_bal['firm_name']; } } function getUnitName($unit_id) { $sql_bal = "SELECT unit_name from unit_master where unit_id='" . $unit_id . "'"; $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { return $row_bal['unit_name']; } } function getItemName($item_id) { $sql_bal = "SELECT item_name from tbl_items where item_id='" . $item_id . "'"; $result_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_bal); if ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_bal)) { return $row_bal['item_name']; } } function getAccessView($category) { $sql = "SELECT acc_view FROM rights_access where user_id='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' and category='$category'"; $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); if ($res) { if ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) return $row['acc_view']; } else { return ""; } } function generateOption1($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName ORDER BY $nameCol ASC"; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } // to be used for purchase order view/delete/update onwards for filtering yearwise data display // function roman($arabic) // { // $fractions = array( "", "•", "••", "•••", "••••", "•••••", "S", "S•", "S••", "S•••", "S••••", "S•••••", "I" ); // $ones = array( "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX" ); // $tens = array( "", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC" ); // $hundreds = array( "", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM" ); // $thousands = array( "", "M", "MM", "MMM", "MMMM" ); // // if ($arabic > 4999) // { // // For large numbers (five thousand and above), a bar is placed above a base numeral to indicate multiplication by 1000. // // Since it is not possible to illustrate this in plain ASCII, this function will refuse to convert numbers above 4999. // die("Cannot represent numbers larger than 4999 in plain ASCII."); // } // elseif ($arabic == 0) // { // // About 725, Bede or one of his colleagues used the letter N, the initial of nullae, // // in a table of epacts, all written in Roman numerals, to indicate zero. // return "N"; // } // else // { // // Handle fractions that will round up to 1. // if (round(fmod($arabic, 1) * 12) == 12) // { // $arabic = round($arabic); // } // // // With special cases out of the way, we can proceed. // // NOTE: modulous operator (%) only supports integers, so fmod() had to be used instead to support floating point. // $roman = $thousands[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 1000)) / 1000]; // $arabic = fmod($arabic, 1000); // $roman .= $hundreds[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 100)) / 100]; // $arabic = fmod($arabic, 100); // $roman .= $tens[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 10)) / 10]; // $arabic = fmod($arabic, 10); // $roman .= $ones[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 1)) / 1]; // $arabic = fmod($arabic, 1); // // // Handling for fractions. // if ($arabic > 0) // { // $roman .= $fractions[round($arabic * 12)]; // } // // return $roman; // } // } // function for checking access function checkaccesslevel($access_level, $user_acn) { if (!isset($user_acn) || $user_acn == '' || $access_level == 'E') { //removing delete access temporarily for all users return; } $access_level = getaccesslevel($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_id); // echo "access_level=".$access_level.",Menu_id:".$menu_id."useracn=".$user_acn; if ((($access_level == 'R' || $access_level == 'W' || $access_level == 'E') && ($user_acn == 'view' || $user_acn == '')) || (($access_level == 'W' || $access_level == 'E') && $user_acn == 'update') || ($access_level == 'E' && $user_acn == 'delete')) { return; } else { // echo ""; } } function acceseLevel($user_id) { $sql = "select a.access_level from assign_menu a left join tbl_users b on a.role_id=b.role_id where b.user_id='$user_id'"; $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res); $access_level = $row['access_level']; return $access_level; } function acceseLevel_change($user_id, $pagekey) { $sql = "SELECT a.access_level FROM assign_menu a LEFT JOIN tbl_users b ON a.role_id = b.role_id WHERE b.user_id = '" . $user_id . "' AND a.menu_id = '" . $pagekey . "'"; $res = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res); $access_level = $row['access_level']; return $access_level; } function getDivisionTypeById($divisionId) { $sql_division = "select division_name from divisions where division_id='" . $divisionId . "'"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['division_name']; } } function getTodayOpdCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from employee_appointment where appointment_type='O' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; error_log("row count:" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayVisitorCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) from visitors_employee_appointment where DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); error_log($sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name[0]; } } function visitorOpdCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from visitors_employee_appointment where appointment_type='VO' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPEMECount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='peme' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPEMEShortCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='peme_short' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPOHCHalfCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='pohc_half' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPOHCCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='pohc' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayFoodHandCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='foodhand_exam' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayEyeCheckCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='eye_check' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayCovidCount() { $sql_division = "select count(test_id) count from covid_screening_details where DATE(test_date) = CURDATE()"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayCovidMonitoringCount() { $sql_division = "select count(id) as count from covid_monitoring where DATE(date_added) = CURDATE()"; error_log("message" . $sql_division); $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayWahCount() { $sql_division = "select count(wah_id) count from work_at_height_details_new where DATE(last_modified) = CURDATE()"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPMECountByMedical() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='pme' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPMECountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='pme' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIMELongTermCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where task='ime_long' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIMELongTermCountByMedical() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='ime_long' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIMELongTermCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='ime_long' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIMEShortTermCount() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where task='ime_short' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIMEShortTermCountByMedical() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='ime_short' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayIMEShortTermCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='ime_short' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPEMECountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='peme' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPEMEShortCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='peme_short' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPOHCHalfCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='pohc_half' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayPOHCCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='pohc' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayFoodHandCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='foodhand_exam' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayEyeCheckCountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='eye_check' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayAMEAbove40Count() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where task='ame_greater_40' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayAMEAbove40CountByMedical() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='ame_greater_40' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayAMEAbove40CountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='ame_greater_40' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayAMEBelow40Count() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where task='ame_less_40' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayAMEBelow40CountByMedical() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='D' and task='ame_less_40' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayAMEBelow40CountByDoctor() { $sql_division = "select count(medical_exam_id) count from medical_examination where forward_status='A' and task='ame_less_40' and DATE(medical_entry_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayOpdPendingCosultationCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from employee_appointment where appointment_type='O' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and attended_status='DRP' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayOpdPendingPharamacyCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from employee_appointment where appointment_type='O' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and attended_status='PHP' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayVisitorOpdPendingPharamacyCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from visitors_employee_appointment where appointment_type='VO' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and attended_status='PHP' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayInjuryCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from employee_appointment where appointment_type='I' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayVisitorInjuryCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from visitors_employee_appointment where appointment_type='I' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayInjuryPendingCosultationCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from employee_appointment where appointment_type='I' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and doctor_attended_flag='N' and attended_status='DRP' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayInjuryPendingPharamacyCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from employee_appointment where appointment_type='I' and DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() and attended_status='PHP' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayGuestCount() { $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count from guest_appointment where DATE(appointment_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodayCheckupCount() { $sql_division = "select count(checkup_id) count from checkup_form where DATE(checkup_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getTodaySicknessCount() { $sql_division = "select count(sickness_id) count from sickness where DATE(sickness_date) = CURDATE() "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getCurrentShift() { $sql_division = "select * from shift_status_details where current_status='R' and ohc_location_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "'"; $result_name = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); $row_name = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_name); $shift = getFieldFromTable('status_name', 'shift_status', 'shift_status_id', $row_name['shift_id']); if ($shift == '' || $shift == null) { return $shift = "NO SHIFT"; } else { return $shift; } } function getTodaySicknessCountByMedical() { $sql_division = "select count(sickness_id) count from sickness where DATE(sickness_date) = CURDATE() AND attended_status !='DRA' "; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function getGroupItems($group_id) { $sql_for_group_items = "select * from group_items where group_id=$group_id "; // echo $sql_for_group_items; $result_for_group_items = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_for_group_items); return $result_for_group_items; } function updateGroupItemFlagByItemId($item_id, $group_item_status) { $sql_update_group_item_flag = " update tbl_items set is_group_item='$group_item_status' where item_id=$item_id"; mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_update_group_item_flag); } function updatePackagingItemFlagByItemId($item_id, $packaging_item_status) { $sql_update_group_item_flag = " update tbl_items set is_packaging_item='$packaging_item_status' where item_id=$item_id"; mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_update_group_item_flag); } function updateTable($table, $field_name, $field_value, $cond, $value) { $sql_update_group_item_flag = " update $table set $field_name='$field_value' where $cond=$value"; // echo $sql_update_group_item_flag; mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_update_group_item_flag); } function updateItemStockAtDispensaryLevel($ohc_location, $item_id, $issue_qty) { // echo $ohc_location; $is_group_item = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); // echo $is_group_item; if ($is_group_item == 'P') { $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems($item_id); // echo "shu". mysqli_num_rows($result_for_group_items); while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { $used_qty = $row_for_group_items['qty']; resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems(-$used_qty, $row_for_group_items['item_id'], $ohc_location); } } else { // $item_batch_no=getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location, $item_id); $current_stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location); // echo $current_stock_qty; $stock_qty = floatval($current_stock_qty) - (floatval($issue_qty)); // echo $stock_qty; // echo $issue_qty ; $current_stock_query = "update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty='" . $stock_qty . "' where item_id='" . $item_id . "' and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location "; // echo $current_stock_query; if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $current_stock_query)) { rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } function updateItemStockAtStoreLevel($ohc_location, $item_id, $issue_qty,$item_batch_no) { // echo $ohc_location; $is_group_item = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); // echo $is_group_item; if ($is_group_item == 'P') { $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems($item_id); // echo "shu". mysqli_num_rows($result_for_group_items); while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { $used_qty = $row_for_group_items['qty']; resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems(-$used_qty, $row_for_group_items['item_id'], $ohc_location,$item_batch_no); } } else { // $item_batch_no=getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location, $item_id); $current_stock_qty = getStockQtyAtStoreLevel($item_id, $ohc_location,$item_batch_no); // echo $current_stock_qty; $stock_qty = floatval($current_stock_qty) - (floatval($issue_qty)); // echo $stock_qty; // echo $issue_qty ; $current_stock_query = "update item_stock set stock_qty='" . $stock_qty . "' where item_id='" . $item_id . "' and ohc_type_id=$ohc_location and item_batch_no='$item_batch_no' "; // echo $current_stock_query; if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $current_stock_query)) { rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } function resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems($used_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id) { // echo "used_qty".$used_qty."item_id".$item_id."location".$ohc_location_id; // $batch_no=getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id,$item_id); $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($used_qty); // echo $batch_no; $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty=$total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; // echo $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock; if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock)) { error_log("Failed to execute query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock. Failing query:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } function resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems($used_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no) { // echo "used_qty".$used_qty."item_id".$item_id."location".$ohc_location_id; // $batch_no=getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id,$item_id); $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtStoreLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($used_qty); // echo $batch_no; $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock = " update item_stock set stock_qty=$total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_type_id=$ohc_location_id and item_batch_no='$item_batch_no' "; // echo $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock; if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock)) { error_log("Failed to execute query_for_reset_item_Store_stock. Failing query:" . $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } function resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevel($appointment_id, $ohc_location_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issued_qty,item_id from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' "; error_log("query_for_treatment:" . $query_for_treatment); $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issued_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['item_id']; $is_group_item = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); if ($is_group_item == 'C') { resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems($issued_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id); /* * $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems($item_id); * * while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { * * $used_qty = $row_for_group_items['qty']; * * $item_id = $row_for_group_items['item_id']; * * resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems($used_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id); * * } */ } else if ($is_group_item == 'N') { // $batch_no = getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id, $item_id); // echo "b".$batch_no; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); error_log("stock_qty:" . $stock_qty); error_log("issued_qty:" . $issued_qty); error_log("total_qty:" . $total_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; error_log("query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock)) { error_log("failed to reset dispensary stock:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " Failing Query:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } } function updaterItemStock($ohc, $item, $qty,$batch){ if($_SESSION['RoleCode']=='DIS'){ updateItemStockAtDispensaryLevel($ohc, $item, $qty); }else{ updateItemStockAtStoreLevel($ohc, $item, $qty,$batch); } } function resetItemStockAtStoreLevel($appointment_id, $ohc_location_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issued_qty,item_id,item_batch_no from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' "; error_log("query_for_treatment:" . $query_for_treatment); $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issued_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['item_id']; $item_batch_no = $row_for_treatemnt['item_batch_no']; $is_group_item = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); if ($is_group_item == 'C') { resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems($issued_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no); /* * $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems($item_id); * * while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { * * $used_qty = $row_for_group_items['qty']; * * $item_id = $row_for_group_items['item_id']; * * resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems($used_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id); * * } */ } else if ($is_group_item == 'N') { // $batch_no = getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id, $item_id); // echo "b".$batch_no; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtStoreLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); error_log("stock_qty:" . $stock_qty); error_log("issued_qty:" . $issued_qty); error_log("total_qty:" . $total_qty); error_log("Batch:" . $item_batch_no); $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock = " update item_stock set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_type_id=$ohc_location_id and item_batch_no='$item_batch_no' "; error_log("query_for_reset_item_Store_stock:" . $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock); if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock)) { error_log("failed to reset Store stock:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " Failing Query:" . $query_for_reset_item_Store_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } } function resetIPDDispensaryItemsStock($ipd_id, $ohc_location_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issued_qty,medicine from detention_intake where det_id='" . $ipd_id . "' "; $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issued_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['medicine']; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); } } function resetDirectMedicineDispensaryItemsStock($issue_id, $ohc_location_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issue_qty,item_id from direct_medicine_issue_log_details where issue_log_id='" . $issue_id . "' "; error_log("cdklfjckld" . $query_for_treatment); $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issue_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['item_id']; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; error_log("fdkhfvkjnfk" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); } } function resetOPDConsumablesDispensaryItemsStock($opd_id, $ohc_location_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issued_qty,medicine from opd_consumables where consume_id='" . $opd_id . "' "; $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issued_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['medicine']; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); } } function getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id, $item_id) { $sql_min_expiry_date_item = "select min(expiry_date),item_batch_no from item_stock_dispensary where ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id and item_id=$item_id and (stock_qty>0) "; // echo $sql_min_expiry_date_item; $result_min_expiry_date_item = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_min_expiry_date_item); if ($row_min_expiry_date_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_min_expiry_date_item)) { return $row_min_expiry_date_item['item_batch_no']; } } function toCheckDressingItem($item_id) { return getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); } function getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($itemId, $ohc_location_id) { $current_stock_query_at_dispensary_level = "select stock_qty from item_stock_dispensary where item_id=$itemId and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; error_log("checking item stock dispensary:" . $current_stock_query_at_dispensary_level); $results_stock_query = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $current_stock_query_at_dispensary_level); if ($row_stocks = @mysqli_fetch_array($results_stock_query)) { error_log("returned stockqty:" . $row_stocks['stock_qty']); return $row_stocks['stock_qty']; } return null; } function getStockQtyAtStoreLevel($itemId, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no) { $batch_q=''; if($item_batch_no!='' || $item_batch_no!=null){ $batch_q=" and item_batch_no='$item_batch_no'"; } $current_stock_query_at_Store_level = "select stock_qty from item_stock where item_id=$itemId and ohc_type_id=$ohc_location_id $batch_q"; error_log("checking item stock Store:" . $current_stock_query_at_Store_level); $results_stock_query = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $current_stock_query_at_Store_level); if ($row_stocks = @mysqli_fetch_array($results_stock_query)) { error_log("returned stockqty:" . $row_stocks['stock_qty']); return $row_stocks['stock_qty']; } return null; } /* * function getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($itemId,$ohc_location_id){ * * $query = "select sum(stock_qty) as total_qty from item_stock_dispensary where item_id = '".$itemId."' and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; * * if (!$result = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$query)) { * exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); * } * $data = array(); * if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { * while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { * $data['current_stock_level'] = $row['total_qty']; * } * } * else * { * $data['status'] = 200; * $data['message'] = "Data not found!"; * } * return $data; * } */ /* update Dispesary Stock For Dispensary Item Inward */ function updateDispensaryStockForItemInward($ohc_location_id, $item_id, $inward_qty) { $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); if ($stock_qty != null && $stock_qty != "") { $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($inward_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty=$total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; } else { $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " insert into item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty=$inward_qty ,item_id=$item_id , ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; // echo $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock; } error_log("updateDispensaryStockForItemInward:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock)) { error_log("Error Occurred:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . "Query:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } // echo $batch_no; } function resetDispensaryItemStockForItemInward($ohc_location_id, $received_id) { $query_for_item_inward = " select * from received_issue_items where received_id='" . $received_id . "' "; error_log("resetDispensaryItemStockForItemInward:" . $query_for_item_inward); $result_for_for_item_inward = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_item_inward); while ($row_for_item_inward = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_for_item_inward)) { $is_packaging_item = $row_for_item_inward['$is_packaging_item']; if ($is_packaging_item == 'Y') { updateDispensaryStockForItemInward($ohc_location_id, $row_for_item_inward['dispensary_item'], -$row_for_item_inward['dis_item_qty']); } else { updateDispensaryStockForItemInward($ohc_location_id, $row_for_item_inward['item_id'], -$row_for_item_inward['received_qty']); } } } function resetStockAtStoreLevelForStore($issue_id) { $sql_for_issue_items = " select * from stock_issue_items where stock_issue_id=$issue_id "; $results_issue_items = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_for_issue_items); while ($row_issue_items = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results_issue_items)) { updateStockAtStoreLevel($row_issue_items['item_id'], $row_issue_items['item_batch_no'], -$row_issue_items['issue_qty']); error_log("row_issue_items['item_id']" . $row_issue_items['item_id']); error_log("row_issue_items['item_batch_no']" . $row_issue_items['item_batch_no']); error_log("row_issue_items['issue_qty']" . $row_issue_items['issue_qty']); } } function getStoreItemExpiryDate($item_id, $batch_no) { $sql_min_expiry_date_item = "select expiry_date from item_stock where item_id='" . $item_id . "' and item_batch_no='" . $batch_no . "' "; // echo $sql_min_expiry_date_item; $result_min_expiry_date_item = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_min_expiry_date_item); if ($row_min_expiry_date_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_min_expiry_date_item)) { return $row_min_expiry_date_item['expiry_date']; } } function updateStockAtStoreLevel($item_id, $batch_no, $qty) { // $query_for_stock_update="update " $ohc_type_id=$_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $current_stock__query = "select stock_qty from item_stock where item_id=$item_id and item_batch_no='" . $batch_no . "' and ohc_type_id='$ohc_type_id' "; // echo $current_stock__query; error_log("stock updating vs:" . $current_stock__query . " " . $item_id . " " . $qty); if (!$results_stock__query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $current_stock__query)) { error_log("Error Occurred:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . "Query:" . $current_stock__query); } else { $row_stocks = mysqli_fetch_row($results_stock__query); $current_stock = $row_stocks[0]; $update_qty = floatval($current_stock) - floatval($qty); $query_for_stock_update = "update item_stock set stock_qty=$update_qty where item_id=$item_id and item_batch_no='" . $batch_no . "' and ohc_type_id='$ohc_type_id' "; // echo $query_for_stock_update; if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_stock_update)) { error_log("Error Occurred:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . "Query:" . $query_for_stock_update); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } function begin() { mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "BEGIN"); } function commit() { mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "COMMIT"); } function rollback() { mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "ROLLBACK"); } function getRecentPatients() { /* * * $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count FROM (select curdate() as day * * union select curdate() - interval 1 day * * union select curdate() - interval 2 day * * union select curdate() - interval 3 day * * union select curdate() - interval 4 day * * union select curdate() - interval 5 day * * union select curdate() - interval 6 day * * ) days * * left join employee_appointment * * on days.day = Date(employee_appointment.appointment_date) * * group by * * days.day"; * */ $sql_division = "select count(appointment_id) count FROM (select curdate() as day union select curdate() - interval 1 day union select curdate() - interval 2 day union select curdate() - interval 3 day ) days left join employee_appointment on days.day = Date(employee_appointment.appointment_date) group by days.day"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); $data = array(); while ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { $data[] = $row_name['count']; } return implode(', ', $data); } function getTodayStockCount() { $sql_division = "select sum(current_stock_level) count from tbl_items"; $result_name = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_division); if ($row_name = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_name)) { return $row_name['count']; } } function validateRequest() { $special_chars = "'^�$%()}{~><>,|=_+�-"; // all the special characters you want to check for $return = array(); $return['msg'] = "Internal Server Error"; foreach ($_REQUEST as $formKey => $formKeyVal) { if (preg_match('/' . $special_chars . '/', $formKeyVal) || preg_match('/' . $special_chars . '/', $formKey)) { // echo ""; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') { header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Content-type: application/json'); die(json_encode($return)); } echo ""; } } } /** * * Takes input as array suitable for multiselect form attributes * * Removes the duplicates and returns a string. * * * * @param * Returns a clear comma seperated value string * * @return string * */ function getMultiValuedSelectData($attr) { $attr = implode(',', $attr); $explodedArray = array_unique(explode(",", $attr)); if (($key = array_search('', $explodedArray)) !== false) { unset($explodedArray[$key]); } $attr = implode(',', $explodedArray); return $attr; } /** * * The method takes input an array of text values for master tables * * Searches those already existing and adds the new entries and returns the ids for all master entries. * * * * @param * Name of table $tableName * * @param * Name of the column for which values are being passed as input $fieldName * * @param * Name of the key column for the table $keyFieldName * * @param * Array of colum for the values being sent as input $userEntriesArray * * @return * */ function handleDynamicMasterInsert($tableName, $fieldName, $keyFieldName, $userEntriesCommaSeperated, $needIds = "0") { $userEntriesArray = explode(",", $userEntriesCommaSeperated); $userEntriesArray = array_map('trim', $userEntriesArray); error_log("user entries array" . $userEntriesArray); $sql_existing_entries = "SELECT " . $fieldName . " as field_value from " . $tableName . " where " . $fieldName . " in('" . join("','", $userEntriesArray) . "')"; error_log("existing entries query:" . $sql_existing_entries); if (!$result_existing_entries = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_existing_entries)) { error_log("error retrieving:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " sql_existing_entries:" . $sql_existing_entries); } $existingEntries = array(); error_log("NO. OF COMPLAINTS::" .mysqli_num_rows($result_existing_entries)); if (mysqli_num_rows($result_existing_entries) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_existing_entries)) { $existingEntries[] = $row['field_value']; } } error_log("Existing Entries:" . $existingEntries); $newEntries = array_diff($userEntriesArray, $existingEntries); error_log("New Entries Count:" . sizeOf($newEntries)); if (sizeof($newEntries) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeOf($userEntriesArray); $i++) { if ($newEntries[$i] != null && $newEntries[$i] != '') { error_log("NEW ENTRY::" .$newEntries[$i]); $sql = "insert into " . $tableName . "(" . $fieldName . ",modified_by) values('" . strtoupper(trim($newEntries[$i])) . "'," . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ")"; error_log("INSERTION QUERY::" .$sql); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql)) { error_log("fail insert query:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); error_log("failed query:" . $sql); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } } //if ($needIds != '0') { // Now return the list of all IDs for both new and old ones to calling system for reference. $userEntriesArray = array_map('trim', $userEntriesArray); $query = "select " . $keyFieldName . " as key_id from " . $tableName . " where " . $fieldName . " in('" . join("','", $userEntriesArray) . "')"; error_log(" extraction query:" . $query); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query)) { error_log("error retrieving udpated:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " query:" . $query); //exit ( mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) ); } $data = array(); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data[] = $row['key_id']; } } error_log("return data" . $data); return $data; //} } function getItemWithFormName($itemid) { $item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "SELECT item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(form_name,''),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where i.item_id=$itemid"); if ($item_result) { if ($row_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($item_result)) { @extract($row_item); return $row_item['item_name']; } } } function getGroupItemsList() { $resultArry = array(); $item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "SELECT item_id from tbl_items where is_group_item='P'"); if ($item_result) { while ($row_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($item_result)) { @extract($row_item); $resultArry[] = $row_item['item_id']; } } return $resultArry; } function getKeyValueMap($tableName, $keyColumn, $valueColumn) { $resultArry = array(); $keys = array(); $values = array(); $item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "SELECT $keyColumn, $valueColumn from $tableName "); if ($item_result) { while ($row_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($item_result)) { @extract($row_item); $keys[] = $row_item[$keyColumn]; $values[] = $row_item[$valueColumn]; } } $resultArry = array_combine($keys, $values); return $resultArry; } function getKeyValueMapWithWhere($tableName, $keyColumn, $valueColumn, $where_col, $where_value) { $resultArry = array(); $keys = array(); $values = array(); $item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "SELECT $keyColumn, $valueColumn from $tableName where $where_col='" . $where_value . "' "); if ($item_result) { while ($row_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($item_result)) { @extract($row_item); $keys[] = $row_item[$keyColumn]; $values[] = $row_item[$valueColumn]; } } $resultArry = array_combine($keys, $values); return $resultArry; } function creatingTicketNoOPD() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $ohc_type = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $ohc_type_code = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_code', 'ohc_type_id', $ohc_type); $query_ticket_no = "select max( CAST(substring(ticket_no,locate('-',ticket_no)+1,length(ticket_no)-(5+locate('-',ticket_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from employee_appointment where ticket_no like '%$year' and appointment_type='O' "; // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_ticket_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ticket_no); $row_ticket_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_ticket_no); return $ticket_no = 'OPD' . '-' . ($row_ticket_no[0] + 1) . '-' . $year; } function creatingTicketNoFollowup() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $ohc_type = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $ohc_type_code = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_code', 'ohc_type_id', $ohc_type); $query_ticket_no = "select max( CAST(substring(ticket_no,locate('-',ticket_no)+1,length(ticket_no)-(5+locate('-',ticket_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from followup_details where ticket_no like '%$year' and appointment_type='O' "; // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_ticket_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ticket_no); $row_ticket_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_ticket_no); return $ticket_no = 'FLU' . '-' . ($row_ticket_no[0] + 1) . '-' . $year; } function creatingTicketNoInjury() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $ohc_type = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $ohc_type_code = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_code', 'ohc_type_id', $ohc_type); $query_ticket_no = "select max( CAST(substring(ticket_no,locate('-',ticket_no)+1,length(ticket_no)-(5+locate('-',ticket_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from employee_appointment where ticket_no like '%$year' and appointment_type='I' "; // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_ticket_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ticket_no); $row_ticket_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_ticket_no); return $ticket_no = 'IR' . '-' . ($row_ticket_no[0] + 1) . '-' . $year; } function creatingTicketNofitness() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $ohc_type = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $ohc_type_code = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_code', 'ohc_type_id', $ohc_type); $query_ticket_no = "select max( CAST(substring(ticket_no,locate('-',ticket_no)+1,length(ticket_no)-(5+locate('-',ticket_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from sickness where ticket_no like '%$year' and ohc_type_id=$ohc_type "; error_log($query_ticket_no); $result_ticket_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ticket_no); $row_ticket_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_ticket_no); return $ticket_no = 'FITNO' . '-' . ($row_ticket_no[0] + 1) . '-' . $year; } function creatingPEMENo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_peme_no = "select task, max( CAST(substring(peme_no,locate('PEME/',peme_no)+5,(locate('/$year',peme_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from medical_examination where peme_no like '%$fy' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("PEME::" . $query_peme_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_peme_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_peme_no); $row_peme_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_peme_no); $peme_no = 'TML/PEME/' . ($row_peme_no[1] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("PEME NO." . $peme_no); return $peme_no; } function creatingCheckupTicketNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_ticket_no = "select max( CAST(substring(ticket_no,locate('TCKT/',ticket_no)+5,(locate('/$year',ticket_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from checkup_form where ticket_no like '%$fy' and ohc_type_id = '$ohc' "; error_log("tickt generate query " . $query_ticket_no); $result_ticket_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ticket_no); $row_ticket_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_ticket_no); $ticket_no = 'TVS/TCKT/' . ($row_ticket_no[0] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("medical ticket NO." . $ticket_no); return $ticket_no; } function generateOption2($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId, $dis) { $optionValue=''; $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName"; error_log("query::::::".$sql); $resultSet = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql ); while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $resultSet ) ) { if ($row [$idCol] == $selectedId){ $optionValue .= ""; } else if ($dis == 'div' && $row [$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else{ $optionValue .= ""; } } error_log("option value ".$optionValue); return $optionValue; } function getsearchOptions($roleId) { $optionValue=''; $sql = "select distinct(m.menu_id),m.menu_name,m.menu_description,m.menu_url,m.parent_id,m.icon_text from assign_menu a, menu_master m where a.menu_id= m.menu_id and a.role_id='" . $roleId . "' and (m.menu_url!='' or m.menu_url!=null or m.menu_url!='NA') order by disp_seq"; error_log("query::::::".$sql); $resultSet = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql ); while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $resultSet ) ) { $optionValue .= ""; } error_log("option value ".$optionValue); return $optionValue; } function creatingPOHCNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_pohc_no = "select task, max( CAST(substring(pohc_no,locate('POHC/',pohc_no)+5,(locate('/$year',pohc_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from medical_examination where pohc_no like '%$fy' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("pohc" . $query_pohc_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_pohc_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_pohc_no); $row_pohc_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_pohc_no); $pohc_no = 'TML/POHC/' . ($row_pohc_no[1] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("immmmmmmmme" . $pohc_no); return $pohc_no; } function creatingCylinderNo() { $query_cylinder_no = "select max(cast(substring(oxygen_kit_no,17,100) as unsigned)) from oxygen_cylinder where oxygen_kit_no like '%KIT/%'"; error_log("cylinder" . $query_cylinder_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_cylinder_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_cylinder_no); $row_cylinder_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_cylinder_no); $cylinder_no = 'TML/MED/OXY/KIT/' . ($row_cylinder_no[0] + 1); error_log("CYLINDER NO." . $cylinder_no); return $cylinder_no; } function creatingCOVNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_cov_no = "select task, max( CAST(substring(cov_no,locate('COV/',cov_no)+4,(4+locate('/$year',cov_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from medical_examination where cov_no like '%$fy' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("COV" . $query_cov_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_cov_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_cov_no); $row_cov_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_cov_no); $cov_no = 'TML/COV/' . ($row_cov_no[1] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("COV NO" . $cov_no); return $cov_no; } function creatingWAHNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_wah_no = "select task, max( CAST(substring(wah_no,locate('WAH/',wah_no)+4,(4+locate('/$year',wah_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from medical_examination where wah_no like '%$fy' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("WAH" . $query_wah_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_wah_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_wah_no); $row_wah_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_wah_no); $wah_no = 'FIA/WAH/' . ($row_wah_no[1] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("WAH NO." . $wah_no); return $wah_no; } function creatingFFINo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_ffi_no = "select max( CAST(substring(medical_examination_no,locate('FFI/',medical_examination_no)+4,(4+locate('/$year',medical_examination_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) as max from questionaire_master_response where medical_examination_no like '%$fy' and ohc_type_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("FFI generate" . $query_ffi_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_ffi_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ffi_no); $row_ffi_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_ffi_no); $ffi_no = 'FIA/FFI/' . ($row_ffi_no['max'] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("FFI NO." . $ffi_no); return $ffi_no; } function creatingDLFNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_dlf_no = "select max( CAST(substring(medical_examination_no,locate('dlf/',medical_examination_no)+4,(4+locate('/$year',medical_examination_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) as max from questionaire_master_response where medical_examination_no like '%$fy' and ohc_type_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("dlf generate **************" . $query_dlf_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_dlf_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_dlf_no); $row_dlf_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_dlf_no); error_log("dlf row_dlf_no". " ----------------- ". $row_dlf_no); $dlf_no = 'DLFF/DLF/' . ($row_dlf_no['max'] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("DLF NO." . $dlf_no); return $dlf_no; } function creatingCHSNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_chs_no = "select max( CAST(substring(medical_examination_no,locate('chs/',medical_examination_no)+4,(4+locate('/$year',medical_examination_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) as max from questionaire_master_response where medical_examination_no like '%$fy' and ohc_type_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("CHS generate **************" . $query_chs_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_chs_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_chs_no); $row_chs_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_chs_no); error_log("CHS row_chs_no". " ----------------- ". $row_chs_no); $chs_no = 'CHSF/CHS/' . ($row_chs_no['max'] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("CHS NO." . $chs_no); return $chs_no; } function creatinggrnNo() { $month=date('n'); $year = date ( 'Y' ); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $query_indent_ref_no = "select max( CAST(substring(item_grn_no,locate('-',item_grn_no)+1,length(item_grn_no)-(5+locate('-',item_grn_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from grn_master where item_grn_no like '%$year%'"; $result_indent_ref_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$query_indent_ref_no ); $row_indent_ref_no = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result_indent_ref_no ); $ref_no = 'GRN-' . ($row_indent_ref_no [0] + 1) . '-' . $year; error_log("GRN NO." . $ref_no); return $ref_no; } function creatingPoNo() { $month=date('n'); $year = date ( 'Y' ); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $query_indent_ref_no = "select max( CAST(substring(item_po_no,locate('-',item_po_no)+1,length(item_po_no)-(5+locate('-',item_po_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from indent_items where item_po_no like '%$year%'"; $result_indent_ref_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$query_indent_ref_no ); $row_indent_ref_no = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result_indent_ref_no ); $ref_no = 'PO-' . ($row_indent_ref_no [0] + 1) . '-' . $year; error_log("PO NO." . $ref_no); return $ref_no; } function creatingKHSNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); $year1 = $year + 1; $ohc = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; $year1 = date('Y'); } $fy = $year . '-' . $year1; $query_khs_no = "select max( CAST(substring(medical_examination_no,locate('khs/',medical_examination_no)+4,(4+locate('/$year',medical_examination_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) as max from questionaire_master_response where medical_examination_no like '%$fy' and ohc_type_id = '$ohc'"; error_log("khs generate **************" . $query_khs_no); // echo $query_req_ref_no; $result_khs_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_khs_no); $row_khs_no = mysqli_fetch_array($result_khs_no); error_log("khs row_khs_no". " ----------------- ". $row_khs_no); $khs_no = 'KHSF/khs/' . ($row_khs_no['max'] + 1) . '/' . $year . '-' . $year1; error_log("khs NO." . $khs_no); return $khs_no; } function getVisitorTicketNo() { $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month > 3) { $year = $year; } else { $year = $year - 1; } $ohc_type = $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']; $ohc_type_code = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_code', 'ohc_type_id', $ohc_type); $query_ticket_no = "select max( CAST(substring(ticket_no,locate('-',ticket_no)+1,length(ticket_no)-(5+locate('-',ticket_no))) as UNSIGNED) ) from visitors_employee_appointment where ticket_no like '%$year' and ohc_type_id=$ohc_type "; // echo $query_ticket_no; $result_ticket_no = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_ticket_no); if ($row_ticket_no = mysqli_fetch_row($result_ticket_no)); return $ticket_no = 'TCKT' . $ohc_type_code . '-' . ($row_ticket_no[0] + 1) . '-' . $year; } function getAilmentNamesFromIds($ailment_names_ids) { $ailment_names_ids = $rows_emp_appoint['ailments_new']; $ailment_names_ids_array = array(); $ailment_names_ids_array = explode(",", $ailment_names_ids); $ailment_names = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ailment_names_ids_array); $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $ailment_names = getTableFieldValue('ailment', 'ailment_name', 'ailment_id', $ailment_names_ids_array[$i]); } else { $ailment_names = $ailment_names . "," . getTableFieldValue('ailment', 'ailment_name', 'ailment_id', $ailment_names_ids_array[$i]); } } return $ailment_names; } function getAilmentSystemNamesFromIds($ailment_system_ids) { $ailment_system_ids_array = array(); $ailment_system_ids_array = explode(",", $ailment_system_ids); $ailment_systems = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ailment_system_ids_array); $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $ailment_systems = getTableFieldValue('ailment_system', 'ailment_sys_name', 'ailment_sys_id', $ailment_system_ids_array[$i]); } else { $ailment_systems = $ailment_systems . "," . getTableFieldValue('ailment_system', 'ailment_sys_name', 'ailment_sys_id', $ailment_system_ids_array[$i]); } } return $ailment_systems; } function getTotalEmployeeBySurveyAssignId($survey_assign_id) { $sql_for_emp_survey = "select count(emp_survey_id) count from emp_survey where survey_assign_id=$survey_assign_id"; $result_for_emp_survey = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_for_emp_survey); if ($row_for_emp_survey = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_emp_survey)) { if ($row_for_emp_survey['count'] != null && $row_for_emp_survey['count'] != '') return $row_for_emp_survey['count']; else return 0; } } function getAttemptEmployeeBySurveyAssignId($survey_assign_id) { $sql_for_attempt_emp_survey = "select count(distinct(emp_id)) count from emp_survey_answer where survey_assign_id=$survey_assign_id"; $result_for_attempt_emp_survey = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_for_attempt_emp_survey); if ($row_for_attempt_emp_survey = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_attempt_emp_survey)) { if ($row_for_attempt_emp_survey['count'] != null && $row_for_attempt_emp_survey['count'] != '') return $row_for_attempt_emp_survey['count']; else return 0; } } function generateOptionForSingleColumn($tableName, $nameCol, $idCol, $selectedId) { echo $sql = "select $nameCol,$idCol from $tableName order by $idCol "; $resultSet = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet)) { if ($row[$idCol] == $selectedId) $optionValue .= ""; else if ($dis == 'div' && $row[$idCol] == '1') { $optionValue .= ""; } else $optionValue .= ""; } return $optionValue; } function getCalculatedDOBFromAge($age) { $current_year = date("Y"); $birthYear = $current_year - $age; $time = strtotime('01/01/' . $birthYear); $birthDate = date('d-m-Y', $time); return $birthDate; } function getCalculatedBMIFromweight($weight,$height) { $w = $weight; $h= $height/100; $BMI = $w/($h*$h); return $BMI; } function ageCalculator($dob) { if (!empty($dob)) { $birthdate = new DateTime($dob); $today = new DateTime('today'); $age = $birthdate->diff($today)->y; return $age; } else { return 0; } } function runSqlGenericSingleRow($sql) { error_log("runSqlGenericSingleRow:" . $sql); $item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); if ($row_item = @mysqli_fetch_array($item_result)) { @extract($row_item); return $row_item; } return $null; } function runSqlGenericFullResult($sql) { $item_result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); return $row_item; } function getHoursLapsed($eventTime) { $totaldelay = time() - strtotime($eventTime); if ($totaldelay <= 0) { return 0; } else { $hours = floor($totaldelay / 3600); } return $hours; } function getElapsedTime($eventTime) { $totaldelay = time() - strtotime($eventTime); if ($totaldelay <= 0) { return ''; } else { if ($days = floor($totaldelay / 86400)) { $totaldelay = $totaldelay % 86400; return $days . ' days ago.'; } if ($hours = floor($totaldelay / 3600)) { $totaldelay = $totaldelay % 3600; return $hours . ' hours ago.'; } if ($minutes = floor($totaldelay / 60)) { $totaldelay = $totaldelay % 60; return $minutes . ' minutes ago.'; } if ($seconds = floor($totaldelay / 1)) { $totaldelay = $totaldelay % 1; return $seconds . ' seconds ago.'; } } } function getDispensaryDailyItemBalance($ohc_id, $item_id, $date_of_enquiry) { $sqlb = "select balance from stock_balance_dispensary where item_id = '$item_id' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc_id' and enquiry_date = '$date_of_enquiry' "; $resultb = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sqlb); error_log("enquiry_date" . $sqlb); return $b; } function setDispensaryDailyItemBalance($ohc_id, $item_id, $date_of_enquiry, $item_balance) { $sqlb = "insert into stock_balance_dispensary set item_id = '$id',ohc_location_id = '',balance='$b',modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "',enquiry_date = '$d' "; $resultb = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sqlb); error_log("gkjhgjfnnnnnn" . $sqlb); return $b; } function getDailyDispensaryItemConsumption($ohc_id, $item_id, $date_of_enquiry) { $sql_consume = "select sum(issued_qty) as issued_total from treatment where item_id = '$item_id' and appointment_id in (select appointment_id employee_appointment where ohc_location_id = '$ohc_id' and date_format(date(appointment_date),'%d-%m-%Y') = '$date_of_enquiry' "; error_log("cccccccons" . $sql_consume); $result_consume = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_consume); if ($row_consume = mysqli_fetch_array($result_consume)) { $issued_qty_total = $row_consume['issued_total']; } return $issued_qty_total; } function updateItemStockDispensaryShiftBalance($ohc_id, $shift_id, $shift_start_date) { mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],"BEGIN"); error_log("param ohc_location:" . $ohc_id); error_log("DATE" . $shift_start_date); $sql_existing_today_balance = "select * from item_stock_dispensary_shift_balance where record_date = '" . $shift_start_date . "' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc_id' and shift_id=$shift_id "; error_log("query" . $sql_existing_today_balance); $num_rows_existing = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql_existing_today_balance)); error_log("query" . $num_rows_existing); if ($num_rows_existing != 0) { $delete_existing_today_balance = "delete from item_stock_dispensary_shift_balance where record_date = '" . $shift_start_date . "' and ohc_location_id = '$ohc_id' and shift_id=$shift_id "; error_log("query" . $delete_existing_today_balance); if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$delete_existing_today_balance)) { error_log("Failed to clear existing:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " failing query:" . $delete_existing_today_balance); } } if (!$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],"CALL insertShiftData('$shift_id','$ohc_id','$shift_start_date')")) { error_log("Failed to update Shift Balance:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } // $sql_bulk_insert = ""; // $sql_existing_today_balance = "select * from item_stock_dispensary where ohc_location_id = '$ohc_id' "; //error_log ( mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( $sql_existing_today_balance ) ) );` //error_log ( "$sql_existing_today_balance" ); // if (! $result_today_bal = mysql_query ( $sql_existing_today_balance )) { // error_log ( "Failed to get Shift Balance:".mysql_error()." sql_existing_shift_balance:" . $sql_existing_today_balance ); // } // $sql_bulk_insert .= "insert into item_stock_dispensary_shift_balance(item_id,item_batch_no,ohc_location_id,expiry_date,stock_qty,record_date,shift_id) values"; // while ( $row_bal = @mysql_fetch_array ( $result_today_bal ) ) { // @extract ( $row_bal ); // $sql_bulk_insert .= "('" . $row_bal ['item_id'] . "','" . $row_bal ['item_batch_no'] . "','" . $row_bal ['ohc_location_id'] . "','" . $row_bal ['expiry_date'] . "','" . $row_bal ['stock_qty'] . "','" . $shift_start_date . "',$shift_id),"; // } // $sql_bulk_insert=substr($sql_bulk_insert, 0, -1); // error_log ( "bulk Insert shift Query:" . $sql_bulk_insert ); // $mysqli = new mysqli ( "localhost", "root", "", "mpbirla_live" ); // if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { // error_log ( "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error ); // } // if (! $mysqli->multi_query ( $sql_bulk_insert )) { // error_log( "Multi shift query failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error); // } // $mysqli->commit (); mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],"COMMIT"); } function updateItemStockStoreShiftBalance($shift_id, $shift_start_date) { error_log("sdhsdgaeragsdshts:" . $shift_id); mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "BEGIN"); error_log("Store Stock shift Balance Record"); $sql_existing_today_balance = "select * from item_stock_store_shift_balance where record_date = '" . $shift_start_date . "' and shift_id=$shift_id "; error_log("query" . $sql_existing_today_balance); $num_rows_existing = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_existing_today_balance)); if ($num_rows_existing != 0) { $delete_existing_today_balance = "delete from item_stock_store_shift_balance where record_date = '" . $shift_start_date . "' and shift_id=$shift_id "; error_log("query" . $delete_existing_today_balance); // echo $delete_existing_today_balance; // if (! mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $delete_existing_today_balance )) { // error_log("Failed to clear existing shift records:".mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])." failing query:".$delete_existing_today_balance); // } } $sql_bulk_insert = ""; $sql_existing_today_balance = "select * from item_stock "; error_log("$sql_existing_today_balance"); if (!$result_today_bal = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql_existing_today_balance)) { error_log("sql_existing_shift_balance:" . $sql_existing_today_balance); } while ($row_bal = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_today_bal)) { @extract($row_bal); $sql_bulk_insert .= "insert into item_stock_store_shift_balance(item_id,item_batch_no,expiry_date,stock_qty,record_date,shift_id) values("; $sql_bulk_insert .= "'" . $row_bal['item_id'] . "','" . $row_bal['item_batch_no'] . "','" . $row_bal['expiry_date'] . "','" . $row_bal['stock_qty'] . "','" . $shift_start_date . "', $shift_id);"; } error_log("bulk Insert Query Store Shift:" . $sql_bulk_insert); $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "tatametaliks_live"); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { error_log("Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error); } if (!$mysqli->multi_query($sql_bulk_insert)) { echo "Multi Shift query failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error; } $mysqli->commit(); mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], "COMMIT"); } function hasChildData($tableName, $nameCol, $selectedId) { $sql = " select $nameCol from $tableName where $nameCol='" . $selectedId . "' "; error_log("**" . $sql); $results = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); if ($row_consume = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) { return true; } return false; } function save_log($requestStr, $feature_name, $feature_action, $file_name) { $sql = "insert into audit_log(request_param,feature_name,feature_action,file_name,modified_by) values ('$requestStr','$feature_name','$feature_action','$file_name','" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' )"; $results = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); error_log("audit-log:" . $sql); } function datediff($date){ date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Kolkata'); $bday = new DateTime($date); $today = new Datetime(date('d-m-Y')); $diff = $today->diff($bday); return $diff->y." Years"; } function getTodayapproval($type){ $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM questionaire_master_response where screen_date ='".date('Y-m-d')."' AND form_type ='$type' And approval_status = 'Y' "; error_log("total".$sql); $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'],$sql); $row= mysqli_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForFollowup($appointment_id, $ohc_location_id,$followup_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issued_qty,item_id from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='".$followup_id."' "; error_log("query_for_treatment:" . $query_for_treatment); $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issued_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['item_id']; $is_group_item = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); if ($is_group_item == 'C') { resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems($issued_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id); /* * $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems($item_id); * * while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { * * $used_qty = $row_for_group_items['qty']; * * $item_id = $row_for_group_items['item_id']; * * resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems($used_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id); * * } */ } else if ($is_group_item == 'N') { // $batch_no = getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id, $item_id); // echo "b".$batch_no; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); error_log("stock_qty:" . $stock_qty); error_log("issued_qty:" . $issued_qty); error_log("total_qty:" . $total_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock_dispensary set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_location_id=$ohc_location_id "; error_log("query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock)) { error_log("failed to reset dispensary stock:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " Failing Query:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } } function resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForFollowup($appointment_id, $ohc_location_id,$followup_id) { $query_for_treatment = " select issued_qty,item_id,item_batch_no from treatment where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and followup_id='".$followup_id."' "; error_log("query_for_treatment:" . $query_for_treatment); $result_for_treatemt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_treatment); while ($row_for_treatemnt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatemt)) { $issued_qty = $row_for_treatemnt['issued_qty']; $item_id = $row_for_treatemnt['item_id']; $item_batch_no = $row_for_treatemnt['item_batch_no']; $is_group_item = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'is_group_item', 'item_id', $item_id); if ($is_group_item == 'C') { resetItemStockAtStoreLevelForGroupItems($issued_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no); /* * $result_for_group_items = getGroupItems($item_id); * * while ($row_for_group_items = mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_group_items)) { * * $used_qty = $row_for_group_items['qty']; * * $item_id = $row_for_group_items['item_id']; * * resetItemStockAtDispensaryLevelForGroupItems($used_qty, $item_id, $ohc_location_id); * * } */ } else if ($is_group_item == 'N') { // $batch_no = getMinExpiaryDateItem($ohc_location_id, $item_id); // echo "b".$batch_no; $stock_qty = getStockQtyAtStoreLevel($item_id, $ohc_location_id,$item_batch_no); $total_qty = floatval($stock_qty) + floatval($issued_qty); error_log("stock_qty:" . $stock_qty); error_log("issued_qty:" . $issued_qty); error_log("total_qty:" . $total_qty); $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock = " update item_stock set stock_qty= $total_qty where item_id=$item_id and ohc_type_id=$ohc_location_id and item_batch_no='".$item_batch_no."'"; error_log("query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock)) { error_log("failed to reset dispensary stock:" . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " Failing Query:" . $query_for_reset_item_dispensary_stock); rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn'])); } } } }