<?php error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); include ('includes/config/config.php'); include ('includes/functions.php'); include('log_entry.php'); ?> <script src="assets/js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script> function formatDate(input) { // alert(input); var datePart = input.match(/\d+/g), year = datePart[0], month = datePart[1], day = datePart[2]; return day+'/'+month+'/'+year; } function open_mail(mail,name,ohc,appointmentId,app_date) { app_date=formatDate(app_date); var subject='Chronic Medication Reminder.'; var message="<p>Hello "+name+" ,</p><p>I hope this message finds you well. It is important to keep up with your medication schedule, and we are here to help you do just that. Here is a friendly reminder for your last medication received on date was "+app_date+" .</p><p>Your well-being is important to us, and we are here to support you on your journey to better health.Please visit to your OHC to collect your chronic medications </p><p>Thank you for entrusting us with your healthcare needs. We are here to help you every step of the way. </p><p>Best regards,</p>"; var ref_type='cronic medication reminder'; var email_list_to=mail; var email_list_cc=''; send_email(ref_type, appointmentId, email_list_to, email_list_cc, subject, message); } function send_email(ref_type, ref_identifier, email_list_to, email_list_cc, subject, message) { $.ajax({ url: 'send_email.php', type: 'POST', data: { ref_type: ref_type, ref_identifier: ref_identifier, email_list_to: email_list_to, email_list_cc: email_list_cc, subject: subject, message: message, }, success: function(data) { return; }, error: function(data) { BootstrapDialog.alert('Error in sending mail'); return; } }); $('.close').click(); } </script> <?php begin(); $query = "SELECT distinct(emp_id) FROM `prescription_master` "; error_log("sql " . $query); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn,$query)) { rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } $data = array(); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $app_q=" select date(appointment_date) + INTERVAL chronic_day DAY AS DATE,date(appointment_date) as app_date,appointment_id,ohc_type_id,emp_id from employee_appointment where appointment_id=(select max(appointment_id) from employee_appointment where emp_id='".$row['emp_id']."' and chronic_day!=0 ) "; if (!$result_app_q = @mysqli_query($conn,$app_q)) { rollback(); exit(mysqli_error($conn)); } if(mysqli_num_rows($result_app_q) > 0) { while ($row_app_q = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_app_q)) { $emp_mail = getTableFieldValue('patient_master','offiial_email_id','id',$row_app_q['emp_id']); $emp_name = getTableFieldValue('patient_master','patient_name','id',$row_app_q['emp_id']); $ohc = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type','ohc_type_name','ohc_type_id',$row_app_q['ohc_type_id']); $cronic_date=$row_app_q['DATE']; if($cronic_date<date("Y-m-d")){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>open_mail('".$emp_mail."','".$emp_name."','".$ohc."','".$row_app_q['appointment_id']."','".date($row_app_q['app_date'])."')</script>"; } } } } $data['status'] = "succes"; $data['message'] = "Assign menu done!"; } else { $data['status'] = 200; $data['message'] = "Data not found!"; } commit(); echo json_encode($data); ?>