<?php include('includes/config/config.php'); include('includes/functions.php'); $start_date = $_POST['startDate2']; $end_date = $_POST['endDate2']; $exam_type = $_POST['exam_type']; $bu_id = $_POST['bu_id']; error_log($start_date); error_log($end_date); error_log('exam_type' . $exam_type); error_log('bu_id' . $bu_id); ?> <link href="includes/css-js/admin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style> @page { margin: 15px; } .btn { background-color: #4CAF50; border-radius: 5%; /* Green */ border: none; color: white; padding: 5px 8px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; } @media print { #printPageButton { display: none; } } </style> <?php include('pdf_ohc_header.php') ?> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center" style="font-size: 18px"><strong>Health Index Record of <?php if ($bu_id == 'all') { ?>All <?php } else { getTableFieldValue('bussiness_unit', 'bu_name', 'bu_id', $bu_id); } ?> Division</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=" center" style="font-size: 13px;padding-top: 10px;"><strong>(For <?= getTableFieldValue('checkup_type', 'checkup_type_name', 'checkup_type_id', $exam_type) ?>)</strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- <td align="left" style="font-size: 12px"><strong>For Month: <?= $month_name; ?></strong></td> --> <td align="right" style="font-size: 15px"><button align="center" id="printPageButton" class="btn btn-success" onClick="window.print();">Print</button></td> </tr> </table> <table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <?php if ($bu_id == "all") { $sql = "select cf.*,p.* from checkup_form cf left join patient_master p on cf.emp_id = p.id where cf.checkup_type_id = '" . $exam_type . "' and date(cf.checkup_date) between str_to_date('" . $start_date . "', '%d-%m-%Y') and str_to_date('" . $end_date . "', '%d-%m-%Y') ORDER BY cf.checkup_date ASC"; } else { $sql = "select cf.*,p.* from checkup_form cf left join patient_master p on cf.emp_id = p.id where p.bu_id='" . $bu_id . "' and cf.checkup_type_id = '" . $exam_type . "' and date(cf.checkup_date) between str_to_date('" . $start_date . "', '%d-%m-%Y') and str_to_date('" . $end_date . "', '%d-%m-%Y') ORDER BY cf.checkup_date ASC"; } error_log("query: " . $sql); $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); ?> <strong> <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <td width="3%">Sr.</td> <td align="left" width="10%">Medical Examination NO</td> <td align="left" width="8%">Date Of Exam</td> <td align="left" width="8%"> Name </td> <td align="left" width="5%"> Employee Code </td> <td align="left" width="8%"> Designation </td> <td align="left" width="5%"> Division </td> <td align="left" width="8%"> Department </td> <td align="left" width="3%"> UTE </td> <td align="left" width="8%"> Staion </td> <td align="left" width="3%"> Age </td> <td align="left" width="5%"> Sex </td> <td align="left" width="8%"> Mobile No.</td> <td align="left" width="3%"> Height (in cms)</td> <td align="left" width="3%"> Weight (in kgs)</td> <td width="5%" align="left">BMI</td> <td align="left" width="3%">FBS</td> <td align="left" width="3%">RBS</td> <td width="5%" align="left">PPBS</td> <td align="left" width="3%">Cholestrol</td> <td align="left" width="3%">SBP</td> <td align="left" width="3%">DBP</td> <td valign="top" align="left" width="8%">Health Index</td> </tr> <?php // $health_index_sum = 0; $count = 1; while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { extract($row1); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $count ?></td> <td><?php echo $row1['ticket_no'] ?></td> <td><?php echo $row1['checkup_date'] ?></td> <td><?php echo $row1['patient_name'] ?></td> <td><?php echo $row1['emp_code'] ?></td> <td><?php echo getTableFieldValue('designation', 'designation_name', 'designation_id', $row1['designation_id']) ?> </td> <td><?php echo getTableFieldValue('bussiness_unit', 'bu_name', 'bu_id', $row1['bu_id']) ?></td> <td><?php echo getTableFieldValue('department', 'dept_name', 'dept_id', $row1['dept_id']) ?></td> <td><?php echo getTableFieldValue('section', 'section_name', 'section_id', $row1['section_id']) ?></td> <td><?php echo getTableFieldValue('sub_section', 'sub_section_name', 'sub_section_id', $row1['sub_section_id']) ?> </td> <td><?php echo ageCalculator($row1['dob']) ?></td> <td><?php echo $row1['gender'] ?></td> <td><?php echo $row1['primary_phone'] ?></td> <?php $sql_part = "select distinct(cv.checkup_form_key),cv.checkup_form_value,k.key_param_name from checkup_form cf left join checkup_form_key_value cv on cf.checkup_id = cv.checkup_form_id left join checkup_parameter cp on cv.checkup_form_key = cp.column_name left join key_health_reportable_parameter_master k on k.key_param_id=cp.key_health_map_name where cp.key_health_map_name in (select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name in ('height','weight','bmi','fbs','rbs','total cholesterol','ppbs','systolic blood pressure','diastolic blood pressure')) and cf.emp_id='" . $row1['emp_id'] . "' and cv.checkup_form_id='" . $row1['checkup_id'] . "'"; $pat_val = array(); error_log("sql part " . $sql_part); $result_part = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_part); $i = 0; while ($row_part = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_part)) { $pat_val[$row_part['key_param_name']] = $row_part['checkup_form_value']; } error_log("data :" . print_r($pat_val, true)); error_log(" length " + sizeof($pat_val)); ?> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['height'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['weight'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['bmi'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['fbs'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['rbs'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['ppbs'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['total cholesterol'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['systolic blood pressure'] ?></td> <td align="left" width="3%"><?= $pat_val['diastolic blood pressure'] ?></td> <?php if ($row1['health_index'] < 4) { ?> <td align="left" width="3%" style='background-color:green;color:white;'><?= $row1['health_index'] ?></td> <?php } else if ($row1['health_index'] >= 4 && $row1['health_index'] <=6) { ?> <td align="left" width="3%" style='background-color:orange;color:white;'><?= $row1['health_index'] ?></td> <?php } else { ?> <td align="left" width="3%" style='background-color:red;color:white;'><?= $row1['health_index'] ?></td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $count++; } ?> </table> </body> <script> $(document).ready(function() { window.print(); }); </script>