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<li class="">Patient Visit</li>
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open_form_generation(key, "form_O");
open_form_generation(key, "form_32");
// console.log("running");
// console.log(key + " " + value);
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form_type: $("#form_type").val(),
checkup_id: $("#checkup_id").val(),
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success: function(data) {}
var function_calling_count = 0;
function_calling_count_o = 0;
function open_form_generation(checkup_id, form_generation_type) {
console.log("inside open form generation function checkup id is" + checkup_id);
console.log("inside open form generation function checkup id is" + checkup_id);
async: false,
url: 'get_medical_examination_patient_details.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
checkup_id: checkup_id
success: function(data) {
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
if (data != null) {
var gender = "";
var gender_call = "";
var gender_call_2 = "";
// alert(data.gender);
if (data.gender == 'Female') {
gender = 'Female';
gender_call = "She";
gender_call_2 = "her";
} else if (data.gender == 'Male') {
gender = 'Male';
gender_call = "He";
gender_call_2 = "his"
} else {
gender = 'Others';
gender_call = "He/She";
gender_call_2 = "his/her";
var dob = data.dob;
var dt = new Date();
var year = dt.getFullYear();
console.log(dob, year);
var age = year - dob;
if (form_generation_type == 'form_33') {
var content = "";
if (function_calling_count > 0) {
$("table[id='header_table'] > tbody > tr:first-child").remove();
$('#table_body > tbody > tr:first').remove();
// $("#doc_no").html(data.document_no);
$("#header_table> tbody > tr:first").before("<tr><td >SL NO <b>" + data.serial_no +
" </b></td><td align=\"right\">Date <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.approval_date + "</b> </td></tr>")
content +=
"<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">1. Serial number in the register of adult workers: <b>" +
data.serial_no + "</b> </p><br>";
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">2. Name of person examined: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data
.patient_name + "</b> </p><br>";
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">3. Father`s Name: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.father_name + "</b></p><br>";
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">4. Sex: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.gender + "</b></p><br>";
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">5. Residence: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.village + " ," + data
.post + "," + + "</b></p><br>";
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">6. Date of birth, if available: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.birth + "</b></p><br>";
content +=
"<p contenteditable=\"true\">7. Name & address of the factory: GUJARAT HEAVY CHEMICAL LTD.,SUTRAPADA, ANURAG NAGAR,GUJARAT </p><br>";
content +=
"<p contenteditable=\"true\">8. The worker is employed/proposed:</p>";
content +=
"<p contenteditable=\"true\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a) Hazardous process:<b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.hazardous_process + "</b></p>";
content +=
"<p contenteditable=\"true\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b) Dangerous operation:<b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data.dangerous_operation + "</b></p><br>";
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">I certify that I have personally examined the above named person whose identification marks are ……… " + data.identi_mark + "……..and who is desirous of being employed in above mentioned process/operation and that his/her,age, as can be ascertained from my examination, is ……… " + age + "……years.</p><br>"
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\"> In my opinion he/she is fit for employment in the Said manufacturing process/operation.</p><br>";
let doc_finding = "";
if (data.fit_status == 'ufit') {
doc_finding = data.doc_finding;
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">In my opinion he/she is unfit for employment in the said manufacturing process/operation for the reason ………" + doc_finding + "…………He/She is referred for further examination to the Certifying Surgeon.</p><br>"
content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\"> The serial number of previous certificate is …………………………….................</p></td></tr><br>"
var imageContent = "";
var stampContent = "";
imageContent = "<img class=\"editable img-responsive\" id=\"avatar\" src=\"data:" +
data.image_type + ";base64," + data.emp_sign +
"\" style=\"display: block; width: 180px; height: 25px;\" />"
$('#header_table tr').eq(4).after(content);
} else if (form_generation_type == 'form_O') {
var content = "";
if (function_calling_count_o > 0) {
// $("table[id='header_table'] > tbody > tr:first-child").remove();
$('#table_body_form_o>tbody> tr>td').remove();
content += "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\"><p contenteditable=\"true\">Certificate No: ................</p></td></tr>";
content += " <tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\"> Certified that Shri/Smt.* " + data
.patient_name + " "
content += " employed as ...." + data.designation +
" .... in..................Mine, Form B No. .................. has been examined "
content += " for an initial/periodical medical examination.He/she* appears to be " +
getAge(new Date(data.dob)) + " years of age."
content +=
"The findings of the examining authority are given in the attached sheet. It is considered that Shri/Smt.* ...." + data
.patient_name + "..... </p></td></tr>"
// if (data.fit_status == 'fit') {
content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">(a)* is medically fit for any employment in mines</p></td></tr>"
let finding = "";
if (data.fit_status == 'ufit') {
finding = data.doc_finding;
content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">(b)* is suffering from.......... " + finding + " ...................and medically unfit for</p></td></tr>"
content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(i) any employment in mines; or</p></td></tr>"
content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(ii)any employment below ground; or</p></td></tr>"
content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(iii) any employment or work.............................. </p></td></tr>"
finding = "";
let checkup_names = "";
if (data.fit_status == 'tfit') {
finding = data.doc_finding;
checkup_names = data.checkup_test_names;
content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">(c)* is suffering from...... <b>" + finding + "</b> .............. he/she should get this disability* cured/controlled and should be again examined within a period of....................month.He/She will appear for re-examination with the result of test of ..... <b>" + checkup_names + "</b> ............and the opinion of............Specialist from................. . He/She may be permitted/not* permitted to carry on his duties during this period.</p></td></tr>"
$('#table_body_form_o> tbody > tr:first').before(content);
var imageContent = "";
imageContent = "<img class=\"editable img-responsive\" id=\"avatar\" src=\"data:" +
data.image_type + ";base64," + data.emp_sign +
"\" style=\"display: block; width: 180px; height: 25px;\" />"
$("#doctor_name_id").html("Doctor Name : " + data.doctor_name);
$("#qualification_id").html("Qualification : " + data.qualification);
$("#registration_no_id").html("Registration No : " + data.registration_no);
} else {
async: false,
url: 'save_form_32.php',
type: 'post',
data: {
checkup_id: checkup_id
success: function(data) {
error: function(data) {}
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console.log("getting here in bulk approve");
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let key = component.getAttribute('value');
checkArr[key] = component.getAttribute('data-checkup-code');
console.log(checkboxArr + ' ' + checkArr);
if (checkboxArr.length == 0) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Select some checkboxes to approve");
return false;
generateForm(checkArr).then(() => {
type: 'post',
url: 'bulk_doc_approval.php',
data: {
checkupIds: checkboxArr
success: function(data) {
if (data == 400) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while approval");
} else if (data == 200) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Approval Done");
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while approval");
.catch((Error) => {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong " + Error);
$(document).ready(function() {
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function pdf() {'ajax_pdf.php', 'OPD-Injury List');
function excel() {'ajax_excel.php', 'OPD-Injury List');
function upload_excel() {
window.location = 'upload_excel_medical.php';
function download_template() {
window.location = 'templates/Medical Examination Template.xlsx';
function download_excel() {
window.location = 'download_excel_medical.php';
function open_checkup(checkupId, empId, action, checkup_type_id) {
//window.location = 'checkup.php?checkup_id='+checkupId+'';
console.log(checkupId + ':' + empId + ' ; ' + action + ' : ' + checkup_type_id);
if (checkupId != null && checkupId != '') {
$("#flex_form_checkup").attr('method', 'POST');
$("#flex_form_checkup").attr('action', 'checkup_from_before.php');
function open_medical_examination_form(medical_exam_id, patient_id, task) {
if (medical_exam_id != null && medical_exam_id != '' && patient_id != null && patient_id != '') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('method', 'POST');
if (task == 'pme') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters_pme.php');
} else if (task == 'ime_short') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters_ime_short_term.php');
} else if (task == 'annual') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_initial_medical_examination_longterm.php');
} else if (task == 'semi_annual') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters_ame_below_40.php');
if (task == 'ime_long' || task == 'pre_employment') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters.php');
<?php include_once('form/form_o.php'); ?>
<?php include_once('form/form_33.php'); ?>
<?php include('techsyn_footer.php'); ?>