2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_header.php' ); ?>
<!-- Main Content Container for side bar and body -->
< div class = " main-container ace-save-state " id = " main-container " >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
try { ace . settings . loadState ( 'main-container' )} catch ( e ){}
</ script >
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_sidebar.php' ); ?>
< ? php
$id = $_POST [ 'flex_opd_id' ];
$query = " select * from employee where id = ' " . $id . " ' " ;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
} else {
$row =@ mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
@ extract ( $row );
<!-- breadcrumb -->
< div class = " main-content " >
< div class = " main-content-inner " >
< div class = " breadcrumbs ace-save-state " id = " breadcrumbs " >
< ul class = " breadcrumb " >
< li >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-home home-icon " ></ i >
< a href = " # " > Home </ a >
</ li >
< li class = " # " > Patient Visit </ li >< li class = " active " > History </ li >< li class = " success " >< label class = " blue " >< ? php echo $fname ?> <?php echo $lname?>(<?php echo $emp_code?>)</label>
</ ul >
< div class = " nav-search " id = " nav-search " style = " width:170px; " >
< form id = " flex_form_opd " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " opd_id " id = " flex_opd_id " >
< select class = " chosen-select form-control " id = " emp_list " name = " emp_list " data - placeholder = " Goto Employee.. " onchange = " history(this.value) " >
< option ></ option >
< ? php
$sql_emp = " SELECT id, CONCAT(fname, ' ', lname, '-', emp_code) AS emp_details FROM employee order by fname " ;
generate_options ( $sql_emp , '' , 'id' , 'emp_details' , 'id' , $id );
</ select >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
<!-- End of breadcrumb -->
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-xs-12 " >
< div class = " widget-box " >
< div class = " widget-body " >
< div class = " widget-main " >
< div class = " row " >
< div style = " margin:5px; " >
< div class = " tabbable " >
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs " id = " myTab " >
< li class = " active " >
< a data - toggle = " tab " href = " #history " aria - expanded = " false " class = " tab-pane fade in active " >
< span class = " badge badge-danger " > 4 </ span >
</ a >
</ li >
</ ul >
< div class = " tab-content " >
< div id = " history " class = " tab-pane fade in active " >
< button style = " position:relative; left:1100px; bottom:60px; " >< a style = " all: unset " href = " injury_pdf.php " target = " _blank " > PDF </ a ></ button >
< button style = " position:relative; left:1010px; bottom:60px; " >< a style = " all: unset " href = " excel_opd.php " target = " _blank " > EXCEL </ a ></ button >
< ? php
$sql_history = " select * from employee_appointment where emp_id=' " . $_REQUEST [ 'opd_id' ] . " ' order by appointment_date desc " ;
$result_history = mysqli_query ( $conn , $sql_history );
$num_rows =@ mysqli_num_rows ( $result_history );
< script > $ ( " .badge-danger " ) . html ( < ? php echo $num_rows ?> )</script>
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-xs-12 " >
< table id = " simple-table " class = " table table-bordered table-hover " >
< tbody >
< ? php if ( $num_rows > 0 ){
< thead >
< tr >
< th >< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-clock-o bigger-110 hidden-480 " ></ i > Date </ th >
< th > Complaints / Injury Details </ th >
< th class = " hidden-480 " > Examination Findings </ th >
< th class = " hidden-480 " > Diagnosis / Injury Type </ th >
< th class = " hidden-480 " > Treatments </ th >
< th > Referral </ th >
< th class = " hidden-480 " > Follow - up </ th >
< th class = " hidden-480 " > Remarks </ th >
< th ></ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< ? php
while ( $row_history =@ mysqli_fetch_array ( $result_history ))
extract ( $row_history );
$appointmentType = $row_history [ 'appointment_type' ];
< tr < ? php if ( $appointmentType == 'O' ){ ?> class='warning'<?php }else if($appointmentType=='I'){?>class='danger'<?php }?>>
< td >
< ? php echo date_format ( date_create ( $row_history [ 'appointment_date' ]), " d-M-Y " ) ?>
</ td >
< td >< ? php echo $row_history [ 'complaints' ] ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_history [ 'examination_remarks' ] ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo ( $appointmentType == 'O' ) ? getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause ( " select ailment_name from ailment " , " ailment_id " , $row_history [ 'ailment_ids' ]) : getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause ( " select injury_type_name from injury_type " , " injury_type_id " , $row_history [ 'injury_types' ]) ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_history [ 'referral' ] ?> </td>
< td ></ td >
< td >< ? php echo $row_history [ 'followup' ] ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_history [ 'remarks' ] ?> </td>
< td >
< div class = " hidden-sm hidden-xs btn-group " >
< button class = " btn btn-xs btn-success " onclick = " validate_update('opd_form<?php echo $row_history['appointment_id'] ?>','<?php echo $row_history['appointment_id'] ?>'); " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-check bigger-120 " ></ i >
</ button >
< button class = " btn btn-xs btn-info " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-pencil bigger-120 " ></ i >
</ button >
< button class = " btn btn-xs btn-danger " onclick = " delete_appointment('<?php $row_history['appointment_id'] ?>') " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-120 " ></ i >
</ button >
</ div >
< div class = " hidden-md hidden-lg " >
< div class = " inline pos-rel " >
< button class = " btn btn-minier btn-primary dropdown-toggle " data - toggle = " dropdown " data - position = " auto " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-cog icon-only bigger-110 " ></ i >
</ button >
< ul class = " dropdown-menu dropdown-only-icon dropdown-yellow dropdown-menu-right dropdown-caret dropdown-close " >
< li >
< a href = " # " class = " tooltip-info " data - rel = " tooltip " title = " " data - original - title = " View " >
< span class = " blue " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-search-plus bigger-120 " ></ i >
</ span >
</ a >
</ li >
< li >
< a href = " # " class = " tooltip-success " data - rel = " tooltip " title = " " data - original - title = " Edit " >
< span class = " green " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-pencil-square-o bigger-120 " ></ i >
</ span >
</ a >
</ li >
< li >
< a href = " # " class = " tooltip-error " data - rel = " tooltip " title = " " data - original - title = " Delete " >
< span class = " red " >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-120 " ></ i >
</ span >
</ a >
</ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " detail-row " >
< td colspan = " 10 " >
< div class = " table-detail " >
< div class = " row " >
< ? php
if ( $row_history [ 'appointment_type' ] == 'O' ){
include ( 'opd_entry_embed.php' );
} else if ( $row_history [ 'appointment_type' ] == 'I' ){
include ( 'injury_entry_embed.php' );
} ?>
</ div >
</ div >
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? php }} else { ?>
< tr >
< td > No Past History found for the employee </ td >
</ tr >
< ? php } ?>
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div ><!-- /. span -->
</ div >
< script >
function validate_update ( formId , appointment_id ){
var appointment_date = $ ( '#appointment_date' + appointment_id ) . val ();
if ( appointment_date == '' ){
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Please Enter Appointment Name.!!!' );
return false ;
var complaints = $ ( '#complaints' + appointment_id ) . val ();
if ( complaints == '' ){
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Please Enter Complaints.!!!' );
return false ;
update_appointment ( formId , appointment_id );
function update_appointment ( formId , appointment_id ){
$ . ajax ({
url : 'save_opd.php' ,
type : " POST " ,
data : $ ( " # " + formId ) . serialize (),
success : function ( data ) {
var data = $ . parseJSON ( data );
if ( data . appointment_id != null ){
$ ( " #appointment_id " + appointment_id ) . val ( data . appointment_id );
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Injury Details Updated Successfully.' );
return ;
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Updating Injury Details' );
return ;
function validate (){
var appointment_date = $ ( '#appointment_date' ) . val ();
if ( appointment_date == '' ){
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Please Enter Appointment Name.!!!' );
return false ;
var complaints = $ ( '#complaints' ) . val ();
if ( complaints == '' ){
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Please Enter Complaints.!!!' );
return false ;
save_appointment ();
} */
function save_appointment (){
$ . ajax ({
url : 'save_opd.php' ,
type : " POST " ,
data : $ ( " #opd_form " ) . serialize (),
success : function ( data ) {
var data = $ . parseJSON ( data );
if ( data . appointment_id != null ){
$ ( " #appointment_id " ) . val ( data . appointment_id );
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Injury Details Saved Successfully.' );
return ;
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Saving Injury Details' );
return ;
</ script >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div ><!-- end tab table -->
</ div ><!-- end of inner row -->
</ div ><!-- end of widget - main -->
</ div ><!-- end of inner widgetbody -->
</ div ><!-- end of inner widgetbox -->
</ div ><!-- end of xs -->
</ div ><!-- end of inner widgetbody -->
</ div >
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_footer.php' ); ?>
< script type = " text/javascript " >
function history ( id ){
if ( id != null && id != '' ){
$ ( " #flex_opd_id " ) . val ( id );
$ ( " #flex_form_opd " ) . attr ( 'method' , 'POST' );
$ ( " #flex_form_opd " ) . attr ( 'action' , 'history.php' );
$ ( " #flex_form_opd " ) . submit ();
jQuery ( function ( $ ) {
//initiate dataTables plugin
var myTable =
$ ( '#dynamic-table' )
//.wrap("<div class='dataTables_borderWrap' />") //if you are applying horizontal scrolling (sScrollX)
. DataTable ( {
bAutoWidth : false ,
" aoColumns " : [
{ " bSortable " : false },
null , null , null , null , null ,
{ " bSortable " : false }
" aaSorting " : [],
//"bProcessing": true,
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//"sAjaxSource": "" ,
//"sScrollY": "200px",
//"bPaginate": false,
//"sScrollX": "100%",
//"sScrollXInner": "120%",
//"bScrollCollapse": true,
//Note: if you are applying horizontal scrolling (sScrollX) on a ".table-bordered"
//you may want to wrap the table inside a "div.dataTables_borderWrap" element
//"iDisplayLength": 50
select : {
style : 'multi'
} );
$ . fn . dataTable . Buttons . defaults . dom . container . className = 'dt-buttons btn-overlap btn-group btn-overlap' ;
new $ . fn . dataTable . Buttons ( myTable , {
buttons : [
" extend " : " colvis " ,
" text " : " <i class='fa fa-search bigger-110 blue'></i> <span class='hidden'>Show/hide columns</span> " ,
" className " : " btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold " ,
columns : ':not(:first):not(:last)'
" extend " : " copy " ,
" text " : " <i class='fa fa-copy bigger-110 pink'></i> <span class='hidden'>Copy to clipboard</span> " ,
" className " : " btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold "
" extend " : " csv " ,
" text " : " <i class='fa fa-database bigger-110 orange'></i> <span class='hidden'>Export to CSV</span> " ,
" className " : " btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold "
" extend " : " excel " ,
" text " : " <i class='fa fa-file-excel-o bigger-110 green'></i> <span class='hidden'>Export to Excel</span> " ,
" className " : " btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold "
" extend " : " pdf " ,
" text " : " <i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o bigger-110 red'></i> <span class='hidden'>Export to PDF</span> " ,
" className " : " btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold "
" extend " : " print " ,
" text " : " <i class='fa fa-print bigger-110 grey'></i> <span class='hidden'>Print</span> " ,
" className " : " btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold " ,
autoPrint : false ,
message : 'This print was produced using the Print button for DataTables'
} );
myTable . buttons () . container () . appendTo ( $ ( '.tableTools-container' ) );
//style the message box
var defaultCopyAction = myTable . button ( 1 ) . action ();
myTable . button ( 1 ) . action ( function ( e , dt , button , config ) {
defaultCopyAction ( e , dt , button , config );
$ ( '.dt-button-info' ) . addClass ( 'gritter-item-wrapper gritter-info gritter-center white' );
var defaultColvisAction = myTable . button ( 0 ) . action ();
myTable . button ( 0 ) . action ( function ( e , dt , button , config ) {
defaultColvisAction ( e , dt , button , config );
if ( $ ( '.dt-button-collection > .dropdown-menu' ) . length == 0 ) {
$ ( '.dt-button-collection' )
. wrapInner ( '<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-light dropdown-caret dropdown-caret" />' )
. find ( 'a' ) . attr ( 'href' , '#' ) . wrap ( " <li /> " )
$ ( '.dt-button-collection' ) . appendTo ( '.tableTools-container .dt-buttons' )
setTimeout ( function () {
$ ( $ ( '.tableTools-container' )) . find ( 'a.dt-button' ) . each ( function () {
var div = $ ( this ) . find ( ' > div' ) . first ();
if ( div . length == 1 ) div . tooltip ({ container : 'body' , title : div . parent () . text ()});
else $ ( this ) . tooltip ({ container : 'body' , title : $ ( this ) . text ()});
}, 500 );
myTable . on ( 'select' , function ( e , dt , type , index ) {
if ( type === 'row' ) {
$ ( myTable . row ( index ) . node () ) . find ( 'input:checkbox' ) . prop ( 'checked' , true );
} );
myTable . on ( 'deselect' , function ( e , dt , type , index ) {
if ( type === 'row' ) {
$ ( myTable . row ( index ) . node () ) . find ( 'input:checkbox' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false );
} );
//table checkboxes
$ ( 'th input[type=checkbox], td input[type=checkbox]' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false );
//select/deselect all rows according to table header checkbox
$ ( '#dynamic-table > thead > tr > th input[type=checkbox], #dynamic-table_wrapper input[type=checkbox]' ) . eq ( 0 ) . on ( 'click' , function (){
var th_checked = this . checked ; //checkbox inside "TH" table header
$ ( '#dynamic-table' ) . find ( 'tbody > tr' ) . each ( function (){
var row = this ;
if ( th_checked ) myTable . row ( row ) . select ();
else myTable . row ( row ) . deselect ();
//select/deselect a row when the checkbox is checked/unchecked
$ ( '#dynamic-table' ) . on ( 'click' , 'td input[type=checkbox]' , function (){
var row = $ ( this ) . closest ( 'tr' ) . get ( 0 );
if ( this . checked ) myTable . row ( row ) . deselect ();
else myTable . row ( row ) . select ();
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '#dynamic-table .dropdown-toggle' , function ( e ) {
e . stopImmediatePropagation ();
e . stopPropagation ();
e . preventDefault ();
//And for the first simple table, which doesn't have TableTools or dataTables
//select/deselect all rows according to table header checkbox
var active_class = 'active' ;
$ ( '#simple-table > thead > tr > th input[type=checkbox]' ) . eq ( 0 ) . on ( 'click' , function (){
var th_checked = this . checked ; //checkbox inside "TH" table header
$ ( this ) . closest ( 'table' ) . find ( 'tbody > tr' ) . each ( function (){
var row = this ;
if ( th_checked ) $ ( row ) . addClass ( active_class ) . find ( 'input[type=checkbox]' ) . eq ( 0 ) . prop ( 'checked' , true );
else $ ( row ) . removeClass ( active_class ) . find ( 'input[type=checkbox]' ) . eq ( 0 ) . prop ( 'checked' , false );
//select/deselect a row when the checkbox is checked/unchecked
$ ( '#simple-table' ) . on ( 'click' , 'td input[type=checkbox]' , function (){
var $row = $ ( this ) . closest ( 'tr' );
if ( $row . is ( '.detail-row ' )) return ;
if ( this . checked ) $row . addClass ( active_class );
else $row . removeClass ( active_class );
//add tooltip for small view action buttons in dropdown menu
$ ( '[data-rel="tooltip"]' ) . tooltip ({ placement : tooltip_placement });
//tooltip placement on right or left
function tooltip_placement ( context , source ) {
var $source = $ ( source );
var $parent = $source . closest ( 'table' )
var off1 = $parent . offset ();
var w1 = $parent . width ();
var off2 = $source . offset ();
//var w2 = $source.width();
if ( parseInt ( off2 . left ) < parseInt ( off1 . left ) + parseInt ( w1 / 2 ) ) return 'right' ;
return 'left' ;
$ ( '.show-details-btn' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ();
$ ( this ) . closest ( 'tr' ) . next () . toggleClass ( 'open' );
$ ( this ) . find ( ace . vars [ '.icon' ]) . toggleClass ( 'fa-angle-double-down' ) . toggleClass ( 'fa-angle-double-up' );
//add horizontal scrollbars to a simple table
$ ( '#simple-table' ) . css ({ 'width' : '2000px' , 'max-width' : 'none' }) . wrap ( '<div style="width: 1000px;" />' ) . parent () . ace_scroll (
horizontal : true ,
styleClass : 'scroll-top scroll-dark scroll-visible' , //show the scrollbars on top(default is bottom)
size : 2000 ,
mouseWheelLock : true
) . css ( 'padding-top' , '12px' );
</ script >