2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
/*global jQuery, define, module, require*/
/ * !
* jquery . sumoselect
* http : //hemantnegi.github.io/jquery.sumoselect
* 2016 - 12 - 12
* Copyright 2015 Hemant Negi
* Email : hemant . frnz @ gmail . com
* Compressor http : //refresh-sf.com/
* /
( function ( factory ) {
'use strict' ;
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define . amd ) {
define ( [ 'jquery' ] , factory ) ;
} else if ( typeof exports !== 'undefined' ) {
module . exports = factory ( require ( 'jquery' ) ) ;
} else {
factory ( jQuery ) ;
} ) ( ( $ ) => {
'namespace sumo' ;
$ . fn . SumoSelect = function ( options ) {
// Extra check for IE compatibility
const dispatchEvent = ( target , eventName ) => {
let event = null ;
if ( typeof ( Event ) === 'function' ) {
event = new Event ( eventName , {
bubbles : true
} ) ;
} else {
event = document . createEvent ( 'Event' ) ;
event . initEvent ( eventName , true , true ) ;
target . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ;
// missing forEach on NodeList for IE11
if ( window . NodeList && ! NodeList . prototype . forEach ) {
NodeList . prototype . forEach = Array . prototype . forEach ;
// This is the easiest way to have default options.
const defaultOptions = {
placeholder : 'Select Here' , // Dont change it here.
csvDispCount : 3 , // display no. of items in multiselect. 0 to display all.
captionFormat : '{0} Selected' , // format of caption text. you can set your locale.
captionFormatAllSelected : '{0} all selected!' , // format of caption text when all elements are selected. set null to use captionFormat. It will not work if there are disabled elements in select.
floatWidth : 400 , // Screen width of device at which the list is rendered in floating popup fashion.
forceCustomRendering : false , // force the custom modal on all devices below floatWidth resolution.
nativeOnDevice : [ 'Android' , 'BlackBerry' , 'iPhone' , 'iPad' , 'iPod' , 'Opera Mini' , 'IEMobile' , 'Silk' ] , //
outputAsCSV : false , // true to POST data as csv ( false for Html control array ie. default select )
csvSepChar : ',' , // separation char in csv mode
okCancelInMulti : false , // display ok cancel buttons in desktop mode multiselect also.
isClickAwayOk : false , // for okCancelInMulti=true. sets whether click outside will trigger Ok or Cancel (default is cancel).
triggerChangeCombined : true , // im multi select mode whether to trigger change event on individual selection or combined selection.
selectAll : false , // to display select all button in multiselect mode.|| also select all will not be available on mobile devices.
selectAllPartialCheck : true , // Display a disabled checkbox in multiselect mode when all the items are not selected.
search : false , // to display input for filtering content. selectAlltext will be input text placeholder
searchText : 'Search...' , // placeholder for search input
searchFn ( haystack , needle ) { // search function
return haystack . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( needle . toLowerCase ( ) ) < 0 ;
} ,
noMatch : 'No matches for "{0}"' ,
prefix : '' , // some prefix usually the field name. eg. '<b>Hello</b>'
locale : [ 'OK' , 'Cancel' , 'Select All' , 'Clear all' ] , // all text that is used. don't change the index.
up : false , // set true to open upside.
showTitle : true , // set to false to prevent title (tooltip) from appearing
clearAll : false , // im multi select - clear all checked options
closeAfterClearAll : false , // im multi select - close select after clear
max : null , // Maximum number of options selected (when multiple)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
renderLi : ( li , _originalOption ) => li // Custom <li> item renderer
} ;
const ret = this . each ( function ( ) {
const selObj = this ; // the original select object.
if ( this . sumo || ! $ ( this ) . is ( 'select' ) ) return ; //already initialized
const settings = $ . extend ( { } , defaultOptions , options , $ ( this ) . data ( ) ) ;
this . sumo = {
E : $ ( selObj ) , //the jquery object of original select element.
is _multi : $ ( selObj ) . attr ( 'multiple' ) , //if its a multiple select
select : '' ,
caption : '' ,
placeholder : '' ,
optDiv : '' ,
CaptionCont : '' ,
ul : '' ,
is _floating : false ,
is _opened : false ,
//backdrop: '',
mob : false , // if to open device default select
Pstate : [ ] ,
lastUnselected : null ,
selectedCount : 0 ,
createElems ( ) {
const O = this ;
const selectedOptions = O . E . find ( 'option:checked' ) ;
O . E . wrap ( '<div class="SumoSelect" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-expanded="false">' ) ;
selectedOptions . each ( ( _ , selectedOption ) => { // Fix for IE resetting index to 0 when -1
selectedOption . selected = true ;
} ) ;
O . select = O . E . parent ( ) ;
O . caption = $ ( '<span>' ) ;
O . CaptionCont = $ ( ` <p class="CaptionCont SelectBox ${ O . E . attr ( 'class' ) } " ><label><i></i></label></p> ` )
. attr ( 'style' , O . E . attr ( 'style' ) )
. prepend ( O . caption ) ;
O . select . append ( O . CaptionCont ) ;
// default turn off if no multiselect
if ( ! O . is _multi ) settings . okCancelInMulti = false ;
if ( O . E . attr ( 'disabled' ) )
O . select . addClass ( 'disabled' ) . removeAttr ( 'tabindex' ) ;
//if output as csv and is a multiselect.
if ( settings . outputAsCSV && O . is _multi && O . E . attr ( 'name' ) ) {
//create a hidden field to store csv value.
O . select . append ( $ ( '<input class="HEMANT123" type="hidden" />' ) . attr ( 'name' , O . E . attr ( 'name' ) ) . val ( O . getSelStr ( ) ) ) ;
// so it can not post the original select.
O . E . removeAttr ( 'name' ) ;
//break for mobile rendring.. if forceCustomRendering is false
if ( O . isMobile ( ) && ! settings . forceCustomRendering ) {
O . setNativeMobile ( ) ;
return ;
// if there is a name attr in select add a class to container div
if ( O . E . attr ( 'name' ) ) O . select . addClass ( ` sumo_ ${ O . E . attr ( 'name' ) . replace ( /\[\]/ , '' ) } ` ) ;
//hide original select
O . E . addClass ( 'SumoUnder' ) . attr ( 'tabindex' , '-1' ) ;
//## Creating the list...
O . optDiv = $ ( ` <div class="optWrapper ${ settings . up ? 'up' : '' } "> ` ) ;
//branch for floating list in low res devices.
O . floatingList ( ) ;
//Creating the markup for the available options
O . ul = $ ( '<ul class="options">' ) ;
O . optDiv . append ( O . ul ) ;
// Select all functionality
if ( settings . clearAll && O . is _multi ) O . ClearAll ( ) ;
if ( settings . selectAll && O . is _multi && ! settings . max ) O . SelAll ( ) ;
// search functionality
if ( settings . search ) O . Search ( ) ;
O . ul . append ( O . prepItems ( O . E . children ( ) ) ) ;
//if multiple then add the class multiple and add OK / CANCEL button
if ( O . is _multi ) O . multiSelelect ( ) ;
O . select . append ( O . optDiv ) ;
O . _handleMax ( ) ;
O . basicEvents ( ) ;
O . selAllState ( ) ;
} ,
prepItems ( opts , d ) {
const lis = [ ] , O = this ;
$ ( opts ) . each ( ( i , opt ) => { // parsing options to li
const $opt = $ ( opt ) ;
lis . push ( $opt . is ( 'optgroup' ) ?
$ ( ` <li class="group ${ opt . disabled ? 'disabled' : '' } "><label></label><ul></ul></li> ` )
. find ( 'label' )
. text ( $opt . attr ( 'label' ) )
. end ( )
. find ( 'ul' )
. append ( O . prepItems ( $opt . children ( ) , opt . disabled ) )
. end ( )
O . createLi ( $opt , d )
) ;
} ) ;
return lis ;
} ,
//## Creates a LI element from a given option and binds events to it
//## returns the jquery instance of li (not inserted in dom)
createLi ( opt , d ) {
const O = this ;
if ( ! opt . attr ( 'value' ) ) opt . attr ( 'value' , opt . val ( ) ) ;
const li = $ ( ` <li class="opt"><label> ${ opt . html ( ) } </label></li> ` ) ;
li . data ( 'opt' , opt ) ; // store a direct reference to option.
opt . data ( 'li' , li ) ; // store a direct reference to list item.
if ( O . is _multi ) li . prepend ( '<span><i></i></span>' ) ;
if ( opt [ 0 ] . disabled || d )
li . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
O . onOptClick ( li ) ;
if ( opt [ 0 ] . selected ) {
li . addClass ( 'selected' ) ;
O . selectedCount ++ ;
if ( opt . attr ( 'class' ) )
li . addClass ( opt . attr ( 'class' ) ) ;
if ( opt . attr ( 'title' ) )
li . attr ( 'title' , opt . attr ( 'title' ) ) ;
return settings . renderLi ( li , opt ) ;
} ,
//## Returns the selected items as string in a Multiselect.
getSelStr ( ) {
// get the pre selected items.
const sopt = [ ] ;
this . E . find ( 'option:checked' ) . each ( function ( ) { sopt . push ( $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ; } ) ;
return sopt . join ( settings . csvSepChar ) ;
} ,
multiSelelect ( ) {
const O = this ;
O . optDiv . addClass ( 'multiple' ) ;
O . okbtn = $ ( '<p tabindex="0" class="btnOk"></p>' ) . on ( 'click' , ( ) => {
//if combined change event is set.
O . _okbtn ( ) ;
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
} ) ;
[ O . okbtn [ 0 ] . innerText ] = settings . locale ;
O . cancelBtn = $ ( '<p tabindex="0" class="btnCancel"></p>' ) . on ( 'click' , ( ) => {
O . _cnbtn ( ) ;
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
} ) ;
[ , O . cancelBtn [ 0 ] . innerText ] = settings . locale ;
const btns = O . okbtn . add ( O . cancelBtn ) ;
O . optDiv . append ( $ ( '<div class="MultiControls">' ) . append ( btns ) ) ;
// handling keyboard navigation on ok cancel buttons.
btns . on ( 'keydown.sumo' , function ( e ) {
const el = $ ( this ) ;
switch ( e . which ) {
case 32 : // space
case 13 : // enter
el . trigger ( 'click' ) ;
break ;
case 9 : //tab
if ( el . hasClass ( 'btnOk' ) ) return ;
break ;
case 27 : // esc
O . _cnbtn ( ) ;
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
return ;
default :
break ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
_okbtn ( ) {
const O = this ;
let cg = 0 ;
//if combined change event is set.
if ( settings . triggerChangeCombined ) {
//check for a change in the selection.
if ( O . E . find ( 'option:checked' ) . length !== O . Pstate . length ) {
cg = 1 ;
else {
O . E . find ( 'option' ) . each ( ( i , e ) => {
if ( e . selected && O . Pstate . indexOf ( i ) < 0 ) cg = 1 ;
} ) ;
if ( cg ) {
O . callChange ( ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
} ,
_cnbtn ( ) {
const O = this ;
//remove all selections
O . E . find ( 'option:checked' ) . each ( function ( ) { this . selected = false ; } ) ;
O . optDiv . find ( 'li.selected' ) . removeClass ( 'selected' ) ;
//restore selections from saved state.
for ( let i = 0 ; i < O . Pstate . length ; i ++ ) {
O . E . find ( 'option' ) [ O . Pstate [ i ] ] . selected = true ;
O . ul . find ( 'li.opt' ) . eq ( O . Pstate [ i ] ) . addClass ( 'selected' ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
O . selAllState ( ) ;
} ,
_handleMax ( ) {
// Disable options if max reached
if ( settings . max ) {
if ( this . selectedCount >= + settings . max ) {
this . optDiv . find ( 'li.opt' ) . not ( '.hidden' ) . each ( ( ix , e ) => {
if ( ! $ ( e ) . hasClass ( 'selected' ) ) {
$ ( e ) . addClass ( 'temporary-disabled disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// Enable options back
this . optDiv . find ( 'li.opt' ) . not ( '.hidden' ) . each ( ( ix , e ) => {
if ( $ ( e ) . hasClass ( 'temporary-disabled' ) ) {
$ ( e ) . removeClass ( 'temporary-disabled disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
ClearAll ( ) {
const O = this ;
if ( ! O . is _multi ) return ;
O . selAll = $ ( '<p class="reset-all"><span><i></i></span><label></label></p>' ) ;
[ , , , O . selAll . find ( 'label' ) [ 0 ] . innerText ] = settings . locale ;
O . optDiv . addClass ( 'resetAll' ) ;
O . selAll . on ( 'click' , ( ) => {
O . selAll . removeClass ( 'selected' ) ;
O . toggSelAll ( false , 1 ) ;
if ( settings . closeAfterClearAll ) {
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
} ) ;
O . optDiv . prepend ( O . selAll ) ;
} ,
SelAll ( ) {
const O = this ;
if ( ! O . is _multi ) return ;
O . selAll = $ ( '<p class="select-all"><span><i></i></span><label></label></p>' ) ;
[ , , O . selAll . find ( 'label' ) [ 0 ] . innerText ] = settings . locale ;
O . optDiv . addClass ( 'selall' ) ;
O . selAll . on ( 'click' , ( ) => {
O . selAll . toggleClass ( 'selected' ) ;
O . toggSelAll ( O . selAll . hasClass ( 'selected' ) , 1 ) ;
O . selAllState ( ) ;
} ) ;
O . optDiv . prepend ( O . selAll ) ;
} ,
// search module (can be removed if not required.)
Search ( ) {
const O = this ,
cc = O . CaptionCont . addClass ( 'search' ) ,
P = $ ( '<p class="no-match">' ) ,
fn = ( options . searchFn && typeof options . searchFn === 'function' ) ? options . searchFn : settings . searchFn ;
O . ftxt = $ ( '<input type="search" class="search-txt" value="" autocomplete="off">' )
. on ( 'click' , ( e ) => {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
O . ftxt [ 0 ] . placeholder = settings . searchText ;
cc . append ( O . ftxt ) ;
O . optDiv . children ( 'ul' ) . after ( P ) ;
O . ftxt . on ( 'input.sumo' , ( ) => {
const hid = O . optDiv . find ( 'ul.options li.opt' ) . each ( ( ix , e ) => {
const el = $ ( e ) ,
{ 0 : opt } = el . data ( 'opt' ) ;
opt . hidden = fn ( el . text ( ) , O . ftxt . val ( ) , el ) ;
el . toggleClass ( 'hidden' , opt . hidden ) ;
} ) . not ( '.hidden' ) ;
// Hide opt-groups with no options matched
O . optDiv [ 0 ] . querySelectorAll ( 'li.group' ) . forEach ( optGroup => {
if ( optGroup . querySelector ( 'li:not(.hidden)' ) ) {
optGroup . classList . remove ( 'hidden' ) ;
} else {
optGroup . classList . add ( 'hidden' ) ;
} ) ;
P . html ( settings . noMatch . replace ( /\{0\}/g , '<em></em>' ) ) . toggle ( ! hid . length ) ;
P . find ( 'em' ) . text ( O . ftxt . val ( ) ) ;
O . selAllState ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
selAllState ( ) {
const O = this ;
if ( settings . selectAll && O . is _multi ) {
let sc = 0 , vc = 0 ;
O . optDiv . find ( 'li.opt:not(.disabled):not(.hidden)' ) . each ( ( ix , e ) => {
if ( $ ( e ) . hasClass ( 'selected' ) ) sc ++ ;
vc ++ ;
} ) ;
//select all checkbox state change.
if ( sc === vc ) O . selAll . removeClass ( 'partial' ) . addClass ( 'selected' ) ;
else if ( sc === 0 ) O . selAll . removeClass ( 'selected partial' ) ;
else {
if ( settings . selectAllPartialCheck ) {
O . selAll . addClass ( 'partial' )
O . selAll . removeClass ( 'selected' ) ;
} ,
showOpts ( ) {
const O = this ;
if ( O . E . attr ( 'disabled' ) ) return ; // if select is disabled then retrun
O . E . trigger ( 'sumo:opening' , O ) ;
O . is _opened = true ;
O . select . addClass ( 'open' ) . attr ( 'aria-expanded' , 'true' ) ;
// Scroll first selected option into view
const firstSelected = O . optDiv . find ( 'li.opt.selected' ) . first ( ) ;
if ( firstSelected . length ) {
O . optDiv . find ( '.options' ) . scrollTop ( firstSelected . position ( ) . top ) ;
} else {
O . optDiv . find ( '.options' ) . scrollTop ( 0 ) ;
O . E . trigger ( 'sumo:opened' , O ) ;
if ( O . ftxt ) O . ftxt . focus ( ) ;
else O . select . focus ( ) ;
// hide options on click outside.
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click.sumo' , ( e ) => {
if ( ! O . select . is ( e . target ) // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& O . select . has ( e . target ) . length === 0 ) { // ... nor a descendant of the container
if ( ! O . is _opened ) return ;
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
if ( settings . okCancelInMulti ) {
if ( settings . isClickAwayOk )
O . _okbtn ( ) ;
O . _cnbtn ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( O . is _floating ) {
let H = O . optDiv . children ( 'ul' ) . outerHeight ( ) + 2 ; // +2 is clear fix
if ( O . is _multi ) H = H + + O . optDiv . css ( 'padding-bottom' ) ;
O . optDiv . css ( 'height' , H ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'sumoStopScroll' ) ;
O . setPstate ( ) ;
} ,
//maintain state when ok/cancel buttons are available storing the indexes.
setPstate ( ) {
const O = this ;
if ( O . is _multi && ( O . is _floating || settings . okCancelInMulti ) ) {
O . Pstate = [ ] ;
// assuming that find returns elements in tree order
O . E . find ( 'option' ) . each ( ( i , e ) => { if ( e . selected ) O . Pstate . push ( i ) ; } ) ;
} ,
callChange ( ) {
this . E . get ( ) . forEach ( e => {
dispatchEvent ( e , 'change' ) ;
dispatchEvent ( e , 'click' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
hideOpts ( ) {
const O = this ;
if ( O . is _opened ) {
O . E . trigger ( 'sumo:closing' , O ) ;
O . is _opened = false ;
O . select . removeClass ( 'open' ) . attr ( 'aria-expanded' , 'false' ) . find ( 'ul li.sel' ) . removeClass ( 'sel' ) ;
O . E . trigger ( 'sumo:closed' , O ) ;
$ ( document ) . off ( 'click.sumo' ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . removeClass ( 'sumoStopScroll' ) ;
// clear the search
if ( settings . search ) {
O . ftxt . val ( '' ) ;
O . ftxt . trigger ( 'input.sumo' ) ;
} ,
setOnOpen ( ) {
const O = this ;
let li = O . optDiv . find ( 'li.opt:not(.hidden)' ) . eq ( settings . search ? 0 : O . E [ 0 ] . selectedIndex ) ;
if ( li . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
li = li . next ( ':not(disabled)' ) ;
if ( ! li . length ) return ;
O . optDiv . find ( 'li.sel' ) . removeClass ( 'sel' ) ;
li . addClass ( 'sel' ) ;
O . showOpts ( ) ;
} ,
nav ( up ) {
const O = this ;
let c = null , sel = O . ul . find ( 'li.opt.sel:not(.hidden)' ) ;
s = O . ul . find ( 'li.opt:not(.disabled):not(.hidden)' ) ,
idx = s . index ( sel ) ;
if ( O . is _opened && sel . length ) {
if ( up && idx > 0 )
c = s . eq ( idx - 1 ) ;
else if ( ! up && idx < s . length - 1 && idx > - 1 )
c = s . eq ( idx + 1 ) ;
else return ; // if no items before or after
sel . removeClass ( 'sel' ) ;
sel = c . addClass ( 'sel' ) ;
// setting sel item to visible view.
const { ul } = O ,
st = ul . scrollTop ( ) ,
t = sel . position ( ) . top + st ;
if ( t >= st + ul . height ( ) - sel . outerHeight ( ) )
ul . scrollTop ( t - ul . height ( ) + sel . outerHeight ( ) ) ;
if ( t < st )
ul . scrollTop ( t ) ;
O . setOnOpen ( ) ;
} ,
basicEvents ( ) {
const O = this ;
O . CaptionCont . on ( 'click' , ( evt ) => {
O . E . trigger ( 'click' ) ;
if ( O . is _opened ) O . hideOpts ( ) ; else O . showOpts ( ) ;
evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
O . select . on ( 'keydown.sumo' , ( e ) => {
switch ( e . which ) {
case 38 : // up
O . nav ( true ) ;
break ;
case 40 : // down
O . nav ( false ) ;
break ;
case 65 : // shortcut ctrl + a to select all and ctrl + shift + a to unselect all.
if ( O . is _multi && ! settings . max && e . ctrlKey ) {
O . toggSelAll ( ! e . shiftKey , 1 ) ;
break ;
return ;
case 32 : // space
if ( settings . search && O . ftxt . is ( e . target ) ) return ;
break ;
case 13 : // enter
if ( O . is _opened )
O . optDiv . find ( 'ul li.sel' ) . trigger ( 'click' ) ;
if ( settings . search ) O . select . focus ( ) ;
O . setOnOpen ( ) ;
break ;
case 9 : //tab
if ( ! settings . okCancelInMulti )
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
return ;
case 27 : // esc
if ( settings . okCancelInMulti ) O . _cnbtn ( ) ;
O . hideOpts ( ) ;
if ( settings . search ) O . select . focus ( ) ;
return ;
default :
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
return ; // die this handler for other keys
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
e . preventDefault ( ) ; // prevent the default action (scroll / move caret)
} ) ;
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize.sumo' , ( ) => {
O . floatingList ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
onOptClick ( li ) {
const O = this ;
li . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
const $li = $ ( this ) ;
if ( $li . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) return ;
if ( O . is _multi ) {
$li . toggleClass ( 'selected' ) ;
$li . data ( 'opt' ) [ 0 ] . selected = $li . hasClass ( 'selected' ) ;
if ( $li . data ( 'opt' ) [ 0 ] . selected === false ) {
O . lastUnselected = $li . data ( 'opt' ) [ 0 ] . textContent ;
O . selectedCount -- ;
} else {
O . selectedCount ++ ;
if ( settings . max ) {
O . _handleMax ( ) ;
O . selAllState ( ) ;
else {
$li . parent ( ) . find ( 'li.selected' ) . removeClass ( 'selected' ) ; //if not multiselect then remove all selections from this list
$li . toggleClass ( 'selected' ) ;
$li . data ( 'opt' ) [ 0 ] . selected = true ;
O . selectedCount = 1 ;
//branch for combined change event.
if ( ! ( O . is _multi && settings . triggerChangeCombined && ( O . is _floating || settings . okCancelInMulti ) ) ) {
O . setText ( ) ;
O . callChange ( ) ;
if ( ! O . is _multi ) O . hideOpts ( ) ; //if its not a multiselect then hide on single select.
} ) ;
} ,
// fixed some variables that were not explicitly typed (michc)
setText ( ) {
const O = this ;
let lengthSelected = 0 ;
O . placeholder = "" ;
if ( O . is _multi ) {
const sels = O . E . find ( ':checked' ) . not ( ':disabled' ) ; //selected options.
lengthSelected = sels . length ;
if ( settings . csvDispCount && sels . length > settings . csvDispCount ) {
if ( sels . length === O . E . find ( 'option' ) . length && settings . captionFormatAllSelected ) {
O . placeholder = settings . captionFormatAllSelected . replace ( /\{0\}/g , sels . length ) ;
else {
O . placeholder = settings . captionFormat . replace ( /\{0\}/g , sels . length ) ;
else {
O . placeholder = sels . toArray ( ) . map ( selected => selected . innerText ) . join ( ', ' ) ;
else {
const option = O . E . find ( ':checked' ) . not ( ':disabled' ) ;
O . placeholder = option . text ( ) ;
lengthSelected = option . length ;
let is _placeholder = false ;
if ( ! O . placeholder ) {
is _placeholder = true ;
O . placeholder = O . E . attr ( 'placeholder' ) ;
if ( ! O . placeholder ) //if placeholder is there then set it
O . placeholder = O . E . find ( 'option:disabled:checked' ) . text ( ) ;
O . select . attr ( 'selected-count' , lengthSelected ) ;
O . select . attr ( 'is-selected' , lengthSelected ? 'true' : 'false' ) ;
O . placeholder = O . placeholder ? ( ` ${ settings . prefix } ${ O . placeholder } ` ) : settings . placeholder ;
//set display text
O . caption . text ( O . placeholder ) ;
if ( settings . showTitle ) O . CaptionCont . attr ( 'title' , O . placeholder ) ;
//set the hidden field if post as csv is true.
const csvField = O . select . find ( 'input.HEMANT123' ) ;
if ( csvField . length ) csvField . val ( O . getSelStr ( ) ) ;
//add class placeholder if its a placeholder text.
if ( is _placeholder ) O . caption . addClass ( 'placeholder' ) ; else O . caption . removeClass ( 'placeholder' ) ;
return O . placeholder ;
} ,
isMobile ( ) {
// Adapted from http://www.detectmobilebrowsers.com
const ua = navigator . userAgent || navigator . vendor || window . opera ;
// Checks for iOs, Android, Blackberry, Opera Mini, and Windows mobile devices
for ( let i = 0 ; i < settings . nativeOnDevice . length ; i ++ ) if ( ua . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( settings . nativeOnDevice [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) ) > 0 ) return settings . nativeOnDevice [ i ] ;
return false ;
} ,
setNativeMobile ( ) {
const O = this ;
O . E . addClass ( 'SelectClass' ) ; //.css('height', O.select.outerHeight());
O . mob = true ;
O . E . change ( ( ) => {
O . setText ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
floatingList ( ) {
const O = this ;
//called on init and also on resize.
//O.is_floating = true if window width is < specified float width
O . is _floating = $ ( window ) . width ( ) <= settings . floatWidth ;
//set class isFloating
O . optDiv . toggleClass ( 'isFloating' , O . is _floating ) ;
//remove height if not floating
if ( ! O . is _floating ) O . optDiv . css ( 'height' , '' ) ;
//toggle class according to okCancelInMulti flag only when it is not floating
O . optDiv . toggleClass ( 'okCancelInMulti' , settings . okCancelInMulti && ! O . is _floating ) ;
} ,
// validates range of given item operations
vRange ( i ) {
const O = this ;
const opts = O . E . find ( 'option' ) ;
if ( opts . length <= i || i < 0 ) throw new Error ( "index out of bounds" ) ;
return O ;
} ,
//toggles selection on c as boolean.
toggSel ( c , i ) {
const O = this ;
let opt = null ;
if ( typeof ( i ) === "number" ) {
O . vRange ( i ) ;
opt = O . E . find ( 'option' ) [ i ] ;
else {
opt = O . E . find ( ` option[value=" ${ i } "] ` ) [ 0 ] || 0 ;
if ( ! opt || opt . disabled )
return ;
if ( opt . selected !== c ) {
if ( ( settings . max && ! opt . selected && O . selectedCount < settings . max ) || opt . selected || ( ! settings . max && ! opt . selected ) ) {
opt . selected = c ;
if ( ! O . mob ) $ ( opt ) . data ( 'li' ) . toggleClass ( 'selected' , c ) ;
O . callChange ( ) ;
O . setPstate ( ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
O . selAllState ( ) ;
} ,
//toggles disabled on c as boolean.
toggDis ( c , i ) {
const O = this . vRange ( i ) ;
O . E . find ( 'option' ) [ i ] . disabled = c ;
if ( c ) O . E . find ( 'option' ) [ i ] . selected = false ;
if ( ! O . mob ) O . optDiv . find ( 'ul.options li.opt' ) . eq ( i ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , c ) . removeClass ( 'selected' ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
} ,
// toggle disable/enable on complete select control
toggSumo ( val ) {
const O = this ;
O . enabled = val ;
O . select . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , val ) ;
if ( val ) {
O . E . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
O . select . removeAttr ( 'tabindex' ) ;
else {
O . E . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
O . select . attr ( 'tabindex' , '0' ) ;
return O ;
} ,
// toggles all option on c as boolean.
// set direct=false/0 bypasses okCancelInMulti behaviour.
toggSelAll ( c , direct ) {
const O = this ;
const cloneOriginalEvents = $ . extend ( true , { } , $ . _data ( O . E . get ( 0 ) , "events" ) ) ; // clone original select elements events
O . E . off ( ) ; // unbind original select elements events because we do not want the following clicks to trigger change on it
if ( O . is _multi ) {
// Select all
if ( c ) {
O . E . find ( 'option' ) . toArray ( ) . filter ( ( option ) => ! option . selected && ! option . disabled && option . style . display !== 'none' ) . forEach ( option => {
if ( ! $ ( option ) . data ( 'li' ) . hasClass ( 'hidden' ) ) {
option . selected = true ;
$ ( option ) . data ( 'li' ) . toggleClass ( 'selected' , true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// Unselect all
O . E . find ( 'option' ) . toArray ( ) . filter ( ( option ) => option . selected && ! option . disabled && option . style . display !== 'none' ) . forEach ( option => {
if ( ! $ ( option ) . data ( 'li' ) . hasClass ( 'hidden' ) ) {
option . selected = false ;
$ ( option ) . data ( 'li' ) . toggleClass ( 'selected' , false ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( ! c ) O . E [ 0 ] . selectedIndex = - 1 ;
else console . warn ( 'You called `SelectAll` on a non-multiple select' ) ;
// rebind original select elements events
$ . each ( cloneOriginalEvents , ( _ , e ) => {
$ . each ( e , ( _ _ , ev ) => {
O . E . on ( ev . type , ev . handler ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ( O . is _multi && ! settings . okCancelInMulti ) || ! O . is _multi ) {
O . callChange ( ) ; // call change on original select element
O . setText ( ) ;
if ( ! direct ) {
if ( ! O . mob && O . selAll ) O . selAll . removeClass ( 'partial' ) . toggleClass ( 'selected' , ! ! c ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
O . setPstate ( ) ;
} ,
/ * o u t s i d e a c c e s s i b i l i t y o p t i o n s
which can be accessed from the element instance .
* /
reload ( ) {
const elm = this . unload ( ) ;
return $ ( elm ) . SumoSelect ( settings ) ;
} ,
unload ( ) {
const O = this ;
O . select . before ( O . E ) ;
O . E . show ( ) ;
O . E [ 0 ] . classList . remove ( 'SumoUnder' , 'SelectClass' ) ;
if ( settings . outputAsCSV && O . is _multi && O . select . find ( 'input.HEMANT123' ) . length ) {
O . E . attr ( 'name' , O . select . find ( 'input.HEMANT123' ) . attr ( 'name' ) ) ; // restore the name;
O . select . remove ( ) ;
delete selObj . sumo ;
O . E . trigger ( 'sumo:unloaded' , O ) ;
return selObj ;
} ,
//## add a new option to select at a given index.
add ( val , txt , i , attr ) {
if ( typeof val === "undefined" ) throw new Error ( "No value to add" ) ;
const O = this ;
const opts = O . E . find ( 'option' ) ;
const value = val ;
text = txt ,
index = i ;
if ( typeof txt === "number" ) { // .add('xxx', 2) shorthand
index = txt ;
text = val ;
} else if ( typeof txt === "undefined" ) { // .add('xxx') shorthand
text = val ;
const opt = $ ( "<option></option>" ) . val ( value ) . html ( text ) ;
if ( attr && typeof attr === "object" ) {
$ . each ( attr , ( j , v ) => {
opt . attr ( j , v ) ;
} ) ;
if ( opts . length < index ) throw new Error ( "index out of bounds" ) ;
if ( typeof index === "undefined" || opts . length === index ) { // add it to the last if given index is last no or no index provides.
O . E . append ( opt ) ;
if ( ! O . mob ) O . ul . append ( O . createLi ( opt ) ) ;
else {
opts . eq ( index ) . before ( opt ) ;
if ( ! O . mob ) O . ul . find ( 'li.opt' ) . eq ( index ) . before ( O . createLi ( opt ) ) ;
return selObj ;
} ,
//## removes an item at a given index.
remove ( i ) {
const O = this . vRange ( i ) ;
O . E . find ( 'option' ) . eq ( i ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( ! O . mob ) O . optDiv . find ( 'ul.options li.opt' ) . eq ( i ) . remove ( ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
} ,
// removes all but the selected one
removeAll ( ) {
const O = this ;
const optionList = O . E . find ( 'option' ) ;
for ( let x = ( optionList . length - 1 ) ; x >= 0 ; x -- ) {
if ( optionList [ x ] . selected !== true ) {
O . remove ( x ) ;
} ,
find ( val ) {
const O = this ;
const optionList = O . E . find ( 'option' ) ;
for ( const x in optionList ) {
if ( optionList [ x ] . value === val ) {
return + x ;
return - 1 ;
} ,
//## Select an item at a given index.
selectItem ( i ) { this . toggSel ( true , i ) ; } ,
//## UnSelect an iten at a given index.
unSelectItem ( i ) { this . toggSel ( false , i ) ; } ,
//## Select all items of the select.
selectAll ( ) { this . toggSelAll ( true ) ; } ,
//## UnSelect all items of the select.
unSelectAll ( ) { this . toggSelAll ( false ) ; } ,
//## Disable an iten at a given index.
disableItem ( i ) { this . toggDis ( true , i ) ; } ,
//## Removes disabled an iten at a given index.
enableItem ( i ) { this . toggDis ( false , i ) ; } ,
//## New simple methods as getter and setter are not working fine in ie8-
//## variable to check state of control if enabled or disabled.
enabled : true ,
//## Enables the control
enable ( ) { return this . toggSumo ( false ) ; } ,
//## Disables the control
disable ( ) { return this . toggSumo ( true ) ; } ,
init ( ) {
const O = this ;
O . createElems ( ) ;
O . setText ( ) ;
O . E . trigger ( 'sumo:initialized' , O ) ;
return O ;
} ;
selObj . sumo . init ( ) ;
} ) ;
return ret . length === 1 ? ret [ 0 ] : ret ;
} ;
} ) ;