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<ul class="breadcrumb">
<i class="ace-icon fa fa-home home-icon"></i>
<a href="#">Home</a>
<li class="#">Patient Visit</li>
<li class="active">Pending Consultation</li>
<!-- End of breadcrumb -->
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align: 'left'
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align: 'left'
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align: 'left'
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align: 'left'
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align: 'left'
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sortable: false,
align: 'left'
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// function open_employee_appointment(appointmentId, appointment_type, emp_id, action) {
// if (appointment_type == "O") {
// if (action == 'V') {
// document.forms['flex_appointment_form'].action = "view_opd.php";
// } else if (action == 'E') {
// document.forms["flex_appointment_form"].action = "edit_opd.php";
// }
// } else if (appointment_type == "I") {
// if (action == 'V') {
// document.forms['flex_appointment_form'].action = "view_injury.php";
// } else if (action == 'E') {
// document.forms['flex_appointment_form'].action = "edit_injury.php";
// }
// }
// $("#flex_appointment_form").method = "post";
// $("#flex_appointment_form").find("#appointmentId").val(appointmentId);
// $("#flex_appointment_form").find("#flex_opd_id").val(emp_id);
// $("#flex_appointment_form").find("#returnPage").val("appointment_list.php");
// $("#flex_appointment_form").submit();
// }
function open_employee_appointment(appointmentId, appointment_type, emp_id, action, follow_up) {
if (appointment_type == "O") {
if (action == 'V') {
document.forms['task_form'].action = "view_opd.php";
} else if (action == 'E' || action == 'F') {
document.forms["task_form"].action = "edit_opd.php";
} else if (appointment_type == "I") {
if (action == 'V') {
document.forms['task_form'].action = "view_injury.php";
} else if (action == 'E' || action == 'F') {
document.forms['task_form'].action = "edit_injury.php";
$("#task_form").method = "post";
if (action == 'F') {
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'followup_to_opd',
'id': 'followup_to_opd',
'value': appointmentId,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'followup_id',
'id': 'followup_id',
'value': follow_up,
'type': 'hidden'
} else {
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'appointmentId',
'id': 'appointmentId',
'value': appointmentId,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': emp_id,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': emp_id,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': "appointment_list.php",
'type': 'hidden'
function pdf() {
window.open('ajax_pdf.php', 'Pending Patient List');
function excel() {
window.open('ajax_excel.php', 'Pending Patient List');
function delete_employee_appointment_history(appointment_id) {
BootstrapDialog.confirm('Are you sure to delete?', function(result) {
if (result) {
url: 'delete_appointment.php',
type: "POST",
data: {
flex_appointment_id: appointment_id
success: function(data) {
if (data.indexOf("SUCCESS") != -1) {
var history_record = $("#history_record").text();
$('#history_record').text(parseInt(history_record) - 1);
BootstrapDialog.alert('Deleted Successfully.');
//loadAppointmentHistory('<?php echo $_REQUEST['flex_opd_id'] ?>');
} else {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Deleting');
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Deleting');
<?php include 'techsyn_footer.php'; ?>