2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_header.php' ); ?>
<!-- Main Content Container for side bar and body -->
< div class = " main-container ace-save-state " id = " main-container " >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
try {
ace . settings . loadState ( 'main-container' )
} catch ( e ) {}
</ script >
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_sidebar.php' ); ?>
< ? php
error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_PARSE );
$id = ( $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != '' && $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != null ) ? $_POST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] : $_REQUEST [ 'emp_id_history' ];
//echo $id;
$query = " select * from patient_master where id = ' " . $id . " ' " ;
//echo $query;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
} else {
$row = @ mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
@ extract ( $row );
< div class = " main-content " >
< div class = " main-content-inner " >
< div class = " breadcrumbs ace-save-state " id = " breadcrumbs " >
< ul class = " breadcrumb " >
< li >
< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-home home-icon " ></ i >
< a href = " # " > Home </ a >
</ li >
< li class = " # " > Patient Visit </ li >
< li class = " active " > Preventive Check - up </ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " row " id = " sickness_form_id " >
< div class = " col-xs-12 " >
< div class = " widget-box " >
< div class = " widget-body " >
< div class = " widget-main " >
< div class = " row " >
< div style = " margin:5px; " >
< div class = " tabbable " >
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs " id = " myTab " >
< li class = " active " >
< a data - toggle = " tab " href = " #appointment " aria - expanded = " false " >
< ? php echo getFieldFromTable ( 'checkup_type_name' , 'checkup_type' , 'checkup_type_id' , getFieldFromTable ( 'checkup_type_id' , 'checkup_form' , 'checkup_id' , $_REQUEST [ 'flex_checkup_id' ])) ?>
< span class = " badge badge-success " >+</ span >
</ a >
</ li >
<!-- < li >< a href = '#' class = " blue " onclick = " open_dashboard(<?= $row['id'] ?>) " >< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-user bigger-130 " ></ i >< ? = $patient_name ?> 's Profile</a>
</ li > -->
<!-- < li class = " " >< a data - toggle = " tab " href = " #history1 " aria - expanded = " false " > < input type = " hidden " id = " emp_id " name = " emp_id " value = " <?php echo ( $_REQUEST['flex_opd_id'] != '' && $_REQUEST['flex_opd_id'] != null) ? $_POST['flex_opd_id'] : $_REQUEST['emp_id_history'] ; ?> " >
History < span class = " badge badge-danger " id = " history_record " >< ? php
$history_count = getTableFieldValue ( 'checkup_form' , 'count(*)' , 'emp_id' , ( $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != '' && $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != null ) ? $_POST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] : $_REQUEST [ 'emp_id_history' ]);
if ( $history_count == '' || $history_count == null )
$history_count = 0 ;
echo $history_count ;
?> </span>
</ a ></ li > -->
</ ul >
< div class = " tab-content " >
< div id = " appointment " class = " tab-pane fade in active " >
< ? php if ( $_REQUEST [ 'toPage' ] == 'V' ) {
include ( 'checkup_form_view.php' );
} else {
include ( 'checkup_form_submit.php' );
</ div >
< div id = " history1 " class = " tab-pane fade " >
< ? php //include('history_checkup.php'); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
<!-- end tab table -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner row -->
</ div >
<!-- end of widget - main -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner widgetbody -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner widgetbox -->
</ div >
<!-- end of xs -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner widgetbody -->
</ div >
</ div >
<!-- end of outer col - xs - 12 " >-->
</ div >
<!-- end of outer row -->
</ div >
< form name = " f1 " method = " post " id = " flex_opd_id_medical " action = " " >
< div id = " flex1 " style = " width: 100% " ></ div >
< input type = " hidden " name = " flex_opd_id " id = " flex_opd_id " />
</ form >
< script >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function (){
var numberFields = document . querySelectorAll ( " .numberField " );
numberFields . forEach ( function ( input ) {
input . addEventListener ( " keydown " , function ( event ) {
if ( event . key === " - " ) {
// console.log("Minus sign entered in the input field.");
var id = input . id ;
removeParameter ( id );
removeMandatoryIndicator ( id );
function removeMandatoryIndicator ( fieldId ) {
try {
var indicatorId = " mandatoryIndicator_ " + fieldId ;
var indicator = document . getElementById ( indicatorId );
if ( indicator ) {
indicator . parentNode . removeChild ( indicator );
} catch ( err ){
console . log ( err );
function open_dashboard ( emp_id ) {
// alert(emp_id)
if ( emp_id != null && emp_id != '' ) {
$ ( " #flex_opd_id " ) . val ( emp_id );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . attr ( 'target' , '_blank' );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . attr ( 'method' , 'POST' );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . attr ( 'action' , 'emp_dashboard.php' );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . submit ();
function save () {
//alert(" gfgdgdg");
// console.log($("#checkup_form_employee").serialize());
get_section_id ();
$ . ajax ({
url : 'save_checkup_form.php' ,
type : " POST " ,
data : $ ( " #checkup_form_employee " ) . serialize (),
success : function ( data ) {
var checkId = JSON . parse ( data );
if ( $ ( " #checkup_id " ) . val () == " " ) {
var history_record = $ ( " #history_record " ) . text ();
$ ( '#history_record' ) . text ( parseInt ( history_record ) + 1 );
$ ( " #checkup_id " ) . val ( checkId );
$ ( " #flex1 " ) . flexReload ();
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Surveillance Results Saved Successfully.' );
// if (($("#attendedStatus").val() == 'DRA') && ($("#checkup_form_type_code").val() ==
// open_form_generation(checkId, "form_33");
// } else if (($("#attendedStatus").val() == 'DRA') && ($("#checkup_form_type_code").val() ==
// open_form_generation(checkId, "form_O");
// }
// console.log($("#attendedStatus").val());
< ? php if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == $__ROLE_DOCTOR ) { ?>
window . location . replace ( " medical_examination_list.php " );
< ? php } else if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == $__ROLE_MEDICALROOM ) { ?>
window . location . replace ( " pending_medical_examination_list.php " );
< ? php } else if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == $__ROLE_LAB ) { ?>
window . location . replace ( " pending_lab_test_reception.php " );
< ? php } ?>
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Saving Surveillance Results' );
return ;
// $('.close').click();
// to generate form automatically start
// function form_generation_for_pdf(form_type) {
// // alert(form_type);
// var form_generate_type = "";
// var content = "";
// var form_data_array = [];
// if (form_type == 'form_33') {
// form_generate_type = 'Form 33';
// $('#form_33 p').each(function(index) {
// if (index <= 22)
// form_data_array[index] = ($(this).text())
// });
// } else if (form_type == 'form_O') {
// $('#form_0_pdf p').each(function(index) {
// if (index <= 16)
// form_data_array[index] = ($(this).text())
// });
// form_generate_type = 'Form O';
// }
// console.log(form_data_array);
// if (form_type == 'form_33') {
// $.ajax({
// url: 'save_form_generation_type.php',
// type: 'POST',
// data: {
// form_type: $("#form_type").val(),
// checkup_id: $("#checkup_id").val(),
// form_data_array: form_data_array
// },
// success: function(data) {
// }
// });
// // generateFormPdf()
// } else {
// $.ajax({
// url: 'save_form_generation_type.php',
// type: 'POST',
// data: {
// form_type: $("#form_type_O").val(),
// checkup_id: $("#checkup_id_O").val(),
// form_data_array: form_data_array
// },
// success: function(data) {
// }
// });
// // generateFormPdfO()
// }
// }
// var function_calling_count = 0;
// function_calling_count_o = 0;
// function open_form_generation(checkup_id, form_generation_type) {
// $("#valid_date").html("");
// $("#checkup_id").val(checkup_id);
// $("#form_type").val(form_generation_type);
// $("#checkup_id_O").val(checkup_id);
// $("#form_type_O").val(form_generation_type);
// $.ajax({
// url: 'get_medical_examination_patient_details.php',
// type: 'POST',
// data: {
// checkup_id: checkup_id
// },
// success: function(data) {
// var data = $.parseJSON(data);
// if (data != null) {
// var gender = "";
// var gender_call = "";
// var gender_call_2 = "";
// // alert(data.gender);
// if (data.gender == 'Female') {
// gender = 'Female';
// gender_call = "She";
// gender_call_2 = "her";
// } else if (data.gender == 'Male') {
// gender = 'Male';
// gender_call = "He";
// gender_call_2 = "his"
// } else {
// gender = 'Others';
// gender_call = "He/She";
// gender_call_2 = "his/her";
// }
// var dob = data.dob;
// var dt = new Date();
// var year = dt.getFullYear();
// console.log(dob, year);
// // var year = dob.getFullYear();
// // var year1 = getFullYear();
// var age = year - dob;
// if (form_generation_type == 'form_33') {
// var content = "";
// if (function_calling_count > 0) {
// $("table[id='header_table'] > tbody > tr:first-child").remove();
// $('#table_body > tbody > tr:first').remove();
// //$("#doc_no").html();
// }
// // $("#doc_no").html(data.document_no);
// $("#header_table> tbody > tr:first").before("<tr><td >SL NO <b>" + data.serial_no +
// " </b></td><td align=\"right\">Date <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data
// .approval_date + "</b> </td></tr>")
// content +=
// "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">1. Serial number in the register of adult workers: <b>" +
// data.serial_no + "</b> </p><br>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">2. Name of person examined: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" +
// data
// .patient_name + "</b> </p><br>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">3. Father`s Name: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data
// .father_name + "</b></p><br>";
// content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">4. Sex: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" + data
// .gender + "</b></p><br>";
// content += "<p contenteditable=\"true\">5. Residence: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" +
// data.village + " ," + data
// .post + "," + data.ps + "</b></p><br>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">6. Date of birth, if available: <b style=\"font-weight:600\">" +
// data.birth + "</b></p><br>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">7. Name & address of the factory: GUJARAT HEAVY CHEMICAL LTD.,SUTRAPADA, ANURAG NAGAR,GUJARAT </p><br>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">8. The worker is employed/proposed:</p>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\"> a) Hazardous process:<b style=\"font-weight:600\">" +
// data.hazardous_process + "</b></p>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\"> b) Dangerous operation:<b style=\"font-weight:600\">" +
// data.dangerous_operation + "</b></p><br>";
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">I certify that I have personally examined the above named person whose identification marks are ……… " +
// data.identi_mark +
// "……..and who is desirous of being employed in above mentioned process/operation and that his/her,age, as can be ascertained from my examination, is ……… " +
// age + "……years.</p><br>"
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\"> In my opinion he/she is fit for employment in the Said manufacturing process/operation.</p><br>";
// let doc_finding = "";
// if (data.fit_status == 'ufit') {
// doc_finding = data.doc_finding;
// }
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\">In my opinion he/she is unfit for employment in the said manufacturing process/operation for the reason ………" +
// doc_finding +
// "…………He/She is referred for further examination to the Certifying Surgeon.</p><br>"
// content +=
// "<p contenteditable=\"true\"> The serial number of previous certificate is …………………………….................</p></td></tr><br>"
// var imageContent = "";
// var stampContent = "";
// imageContent = "<img class=\"editable img-responsive\" id=\"avatar\" src=\"data:" +
// data.image_type + ";base64," + data.emp_sign +
// "\" style=\"display: block; width: 180px; height: 25px;\" />"
// function_calling_count++;
// $('#header_table tr').eq(4).after(content);
// $("#profile-picture").html(imageContent);
// $('#form_genaration').modal({
// keyboard: true
// });
// //$('#form_genaration').modal("show");
// form_generation_for_pdf("form_33");
// } else {
// var content = "";
// if (function_calling_count_o > 0) {
// // $("table[id='header_table'] > tbody > tr:first-child").remove();
// $('#table_body_form_o>tbody> tr:first').remove();
// //$("#doc_no").html();
// $('#form_header>tbody> tr:last').remove();
// }
// content +=
// "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\"><p contenteditable=\"true\">Certificate No: ................</p></td></tr>";
// content += " <tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\"> Certified that Shri/Smt.* " + data
// .patient_name + " "
// content += " employed as ...." + data.designation +
// " .... in..................Mine, Form B No. .................. has been examined "
// content += " for an initial/periodical medical examination.He/she* appears to be " +
// getAge(new Date(data.dob)) + " years of age."
// content +=
// "The findings of the examining authority are given in the attached sheet. It is considered that Shri/Smt.* ...." +
// data
// .patient_name + "..... </p></td></tr>"
// // if (data.fit_status == 'fit') {
// content +=
// "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">(a)* is medically fit for any employment in mines</p></td></tr>"
// let finding = "";
// if (data.fit_status == 'ufit') {
// finding = data.doc_finding;
// console.log(finding);
// }
// content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">(b)* is suffering from.......... " +
// finding + " ...................and medically unfit for</p></td></tr>"
// content +=
// "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\"> (i) any employment in mines; or</p></td></tr>"
// content +=
// "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\"> (ii)any employment below ground; or</p></td></tr>"
// content +=
// "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\"> (iii) any employment or work.............................. </p></td></tr>"
// finding = "";
// let checkup_names = "";
// if (data.fit_status == 'tfit') {
// finding = data.doc_finding;
// checkup_names = data.checkup_test_names;
// }
// content += "<tr><td><p contenteditable=\"true\">(c)* is suffering from...... <b>" +
// finding +
// "</b> .............. he/she should get this disability* cured/controlled and should be again examined within a period of....................month.He/She will appear for re-examination with the result of test of ..... <b>" +
// checkup_names +
// "</b> ............and the opinion of............Specialist from................. . He/She may be permitted/not* permitted to carry on his duties during this period.</p></td></tr>"
// $('#table_body_form_o> tbody > tr:first').before(content);
// var imageContent = "";
// imageContent = "<img class=\"editable img-responsive\" id=\"avatar\" src=\"data:" +
// data.image_type + ";base64," + data.emp_sign +
// "\" style=\"display: block; width: 180px; height: 25px;\" />"
// $("#doctor_name_id").html("Doctor Name : " + data.doctor_name);
// $("#qualification_id").html("Qualification : " + data.qualification);
// $("#registration_no_id").html("Registration No : " + data.registration_no);
// //$("#doc_no_o").html(data.document_no);
// function_calling_count_o++;
// $("#profile-picture1").html(imageContent);
// $('#form_genaration_0').modal({
// keyboard: true
// });
// //$('#form_genaration_0').modal("show");
// form_generation_for_pdf("form_O");
// }
// }
// },
// error: function(data) {
// BootstrapDialog.alert(" Error In Saving Foward Status ");
// }
// });
// }
// end here
function loadPage () {
if ( $ ( " #attendedStatus " ) . val () == 'MDA' || $ ( " #attendedStatus " ) . val () == 'RCA' || $ ( " #attendedStatus " ) . val () ==
'DRA' ) {
$ ( 'div.modal-header > div > div.bootstrap-dialog-close-button > button' ) . click ();
return ;
< ? php if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == 'DOC' ) {
echo " location.replace('medical_examination_list.php'); " ;
} else if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == $__ROLE_MEDICALROOM ) {
echo " location.replace('pending_medical_examination_list.php'); " ;
} else if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == $__ROLE_LAB ) {
echo " location.replace('pending_lab_test_reception.php'); " ;
/* $ ( '#checkdown_date' ) . datepicker ({
autoclose : true ,
format : 'dd/mm/yyyy' ,
}) . next () . on ( ace . click_event , function (){
$ ( this ) . prev () . focus ();
}); */
function myDateFormaterTime ( myDate ) {
$ ( '#checkdown_date' ) . datetimepicker ({
format : 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A' , //use this option to display seconds
defaultDate : new Date ( myDate ),
function loadUploadedDocDynamic ( emp_id , checkup_id , section_id ) {
console . log ( emp_id + " " + checkup_id + " " + section_id );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'POST' ,
url : 'populate_document_section.php' ,
data : {
empId : emp_id ,
checkupId : checkup_id ,
sectionId : section_id
dataType : 'json' ,
success : function ( data ) {
var tableBody = $ ( '#supportDoc' + section_id + ' table tbody' );
tableBody . empty (); // Clear existing rows
$ . each ( data , function ( index , document ) {
var docName = document . medical_doc_desc ? document . medical_doc_desc : document . medical_doc_name ;
var docType = document . medical_doc_type === 'application/pdf' ? 'images/pdf.png' : 'images/image_icon.png' ;
var row = '<tr id="medical_doc_' + document . id + '">' ;
row += '<td>' + docName + '</td>' ;
row += '<td><a href="data:' + document . medical_doc_type + ';base64,' + document . medical_doc + '" download="' + document . medical_doc_name + '"><img src="' + docType + '" width="35" height="35"></a></td>' ;
row += '<td align="center" style="width: 20%">' ;
row += '<a href="#" class="btn-lg" data-toggle="tooltip" id="deletebtn" onclick="delete_checkup_section_document(' + document . id + ')" title="Delete"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></a>' ;
row += '</td>' ;
row += '</tr>' ;
tableBody . append ( row );
error : function ( data ) {
console . error ( 'Error loading uploaded documents:' , data );
var highlightedFields =
" <?php echo getFieldFromTable( " highlighted_fields " , " medical_examination_highlighted " , " medical_exam_id " , $_REQUEST['flex_checkup_id'] ) ?> "
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
function getHighlightData () {
let checkup_id = '<?= $_REQUEST[' flex_checkup_id '] ?>' ;
return new Promise (( resolve , reject ) => {
$ . ajax ({
type : 'post' ,
url : 'get_highlight_data.php' ,
data : {
checkup_id : checkup_id
success : function ( data ) {
try {
data = JSON . parse ( data );
resolve ( data );
} catch ( Error ) {
reject ( Error );
error : function ( data ) {
reject ( data );
getHighlightData () . then (( data ) => {
// console.log(data);
for ( let key in data ) {
// console.log(key);
if ( data . hasOwnProperty ( key )) {
let value = data [ key ];
if ( value !== " " ) {
// console.log("id: " + key);
document . getElementById ( `${key}` ) . style . color = value ;
$ ( " # " + key ) . css ( " border " , " 1px solid " + value );
$ ( " #color_ " + key ) . val ( value );
ids_value . add ( `${key}` );
hiddenHighlighter . value = Array . from ( ids_value ) . join ();
} else {
$ ( " # " + key ) . css ( " border " , " " );
document . getElementById ( `${key}` ) . style . color = " " ;
console . log ( ids_value );
}) . catch (( error ) => {
console . log ( error );
$ ( document ) . ready ( function (){
autoLoadHeightWeightBmi ();
</ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var js_array_enabledSections = [ < ? php echo '"' . implode ( '","' , $enabledSections ) . '"' ?> ];
js_array_enabledSections . forEach ( showHeaderSection );
</ script >
< ? php
$header_visible = getFieldFromTable ( 'sec_choice' , 'checkup_type' , 'checkup_type_id' , $checkup_type_id );
// error_log("key value : " . $header_visible);
if ( $header_visible == " No " ) {
< script >
document . getElementById ( " checkup_section_header " ) . style . display = " none " ;
</ script >
< ? php
< ? php //include_once('form/form_o.php'); ?>
< ? php //include_once('form/form_33.php'); ?>
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_footer.php' ); ?>