2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php
include ( 'includes/config/config.php' );
error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_PARSE );
$ohc_location = $_REQUEST [ 'ohc_location' ];
$patient_category = $_REQUEST [ 'patient_category' ];
$dept = $_REQUEST [ 'dept' ];
$emp_designation = $_REQUEST [ 'emp_designation' ];
$emp_cadre = $_REQUEST [ 'emp_cadre' ];
$employer_contractor = $_REQUEST [ 'employer_contractor' ];
$gender = $_REQUEST [ 'gender' ];
$start_date = $_REQUEST [ 'startDate' ];
$end_date = $_REQUEST [ 'endDate' ];
$qry_bu = " " ;
$qry_date = " " ;
if ( isset ( $ohc_location ) && $ohc_location != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and ohc_location_id =' " . $ohc_location . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $patient_category ) && $patient_category != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and emp_cat_id =' " . $patient_category . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $dept ) && $dept != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and dept_id =' " . $dept . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $emp_designation ) && $emp_designation != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and designation_id =' " . $emp_designation . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $emp_cadre ) && $emp_cadre != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and emp_cadre =' " . $emp_cadre . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $employer_contractor ) && $employer_contractor != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and employer_contractor_id =' " . $employer_contractor . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $gender ) && $gender != '' ){
$qry_bu .= " and gender =' " . $gender . " ' " ;
if ( isset ( $start_date ) && $start_date != '' ){
//$qry_date.=" and checkup_date >='".$start_date."' ";
$qry_date .= " and medical_entry_date >=str_to_date(' " . $start_date . " ','%d-%m-%Y') " ;
if ( isset ( $end_date ) && $end_date != '' ){
//$qry_date.=" and checkup_date <='".$end_date."' ";
$qry_date .= " and medical_entry_date <=str_to_date(' " . $end_date . " ','%d-%m-%Y') " ;
$i = 0 ;
$record = array ();
if ( $qry_bu != '' )
$qry_bu = preg_replace ( '/and/' , 'where' , $qry_bu , 1 );
$query1 = " select id FROM patient_master $qry_bu " ;
//echo $query1;
$query = " SELECT count(DISTINCT(patient_id)) as total from medical_examination where bmi<18.5 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date " ;
//echo $query;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'key' ] = '<18.5' ;
$record [ $i ][ 'total' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$query = " SELECT count(patient_id) as total,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT past_present_illness SEPARATOR ',') as illness from medical_examination where bmi<18.5 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date group by patient_id Having Find_In_Set(2,illness)>0 " ;
// echo $query;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'is_diabetes' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$i ++ ;
$query = " SELECT count(DISTINCT(patient_id)) as total from medical_examination where bmi>=18.5 and bmi<25 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date " ;
// echo $query;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'key' ] = '18.5-25' ;
$record [ $i ][ 'total' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$query = " SELECT count(patient_id) as total,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT past_present_illness SEPARATOR ',') as illness from medical_examination where bmi>=18.5 and bmi<25 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date group by patient_id Having Find_In_Set(2,illness)>0 " ;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'is_diabetes' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$i ++ ;
$query = " SELECT count(DISTINCT(patient_id)) as total from medical_examination where bmi>=25 and bmi<=30 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date " ;
// echo $query;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'key' ] = '25-30' ;
$record [ $i ][ 'total' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$query = " SELECT count(patient_id) as total,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT past_present_illness SEPARATOR ',') as illness from medical_examination where bmi>=25 and bmi<=30 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date group by patient_id Having Find_In_Set(2,illness)>0 " ;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'is_diabetes' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$i ++ ;
$query = " SELECT count(DISTINCT(patient_id)) as total from medical_examination where bmi>30 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date " ;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'key' ] = '>30' ;
$record [ $i ][ 'total' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$query = " SELECT count(patient_id) as total,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT past_present_illness SEPARATOR ',') as illness from medical_examination where bmi>30 and patient_id in ( $query1 ) $qry_date group by patient_id Having Find_In_Set(2,illness)>0 " ;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {
if ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$record [ $i ][ 'is_diabetes' ] = $row [ 'total' ];
$i ++ ;
} else {
$record [ $i ][ 'is_diabetes' ] = 0 ;
$i ++ ;
echo json_encode ( $record );