2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php
include ( 'includes/config/config.php' );
include ( 'includes/functions.php' );
include ( 'log_entry.php' );
error_log ( " Start Printing Request Attributes " );
$requestStr = " " ;
foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $value ) {
$requestStr .= $key . " : " . $value . " \n " ;
error_log ( $key . " : " . $value . " <br /> \r \n " );
error_log ( " End Printing Request Attributes " );
$checkup_type_id = $_REQUEST [ 'checkup_type_id' ];
$checkup_section_ids = getFieldFromTable ( 'checkup_form_section_ids' , 'checkup_type' , 'checkup_type_id' , $checkup_type_id );
error_log ( " section ids " . $checkup_section_ids );
$key_param_name_array = [ 'systolic blood pressure' , 'sbp' , 'diastolic blood pressure' , 'dbp' , 'fbs' , 'rbs' , 'ppbs' , 'height' , 'weight' , 'total cholesterol' ];
$data = [];
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $key_param_name_array ); $i ++ ) {
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
$checkup_column_name = " select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ( $checkup_section_ids ) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name=' " . $key_param_name_array [ $i ] . " ' ) " ;
error_log ( " section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name );
$result_column_name = mysqli_query ( $conn , $checkup_column_name );
$row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result_column_name );
$data [ $key_param_name_array [ $i ]] = $_REQUEST [ $row_column_name [ 'name' ]];
$height = $data [ 'height' ];
$weight = $data [ 'weight' ];
$bmi = 0 ;
if ( $height != null && $height != '' && $weight != null && $weight != '' ) {
$height = floatval ( $height );
$weight = floatval ( $weight );
if ( $height != 0.0 ) {
$bmi = ( $weight / ( $height * $height )) * 100 * 100 ;
$sbp = $data [ 'systolic blood pressure' ];
if ( empty ( $sbp ) || $sbp == '' ) {
$sbp = $data [ 'sbp' ];
$dbp = $data [ 'diastolic blood pressure' ];
if ( empty ( $dbp ) || $dbp == '' ) {
$dbp = $data [ 'dbp' ];
$sugar = $data [ 'fbs' ];
if ( empty ( $sugar ) || $sugar == '' ) {
$sugar = $data [ 'rbs' ];
if ( empty ( $sugar ) || $sugar == '' ) {
$sugar = $data [ 'ppbs' ];
$cholesterol = $data [ 'total cholesterol' ];
$health_score = calculateHealthIndex ( $sbp , $dbp , $bmi , $sugar , $cholesterol );
error_log ( " entered value to cal health index " . print_r ( $data , true ));
error_log ( " calculated health index " . $health_score );
echo json_encode ( $health_score );