444 lines
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444 lines
17 KiB
![]() |
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<?php include('pdf_ohc_header.php') ?>
<!-- ------------------------- -->
$cat = $_POST["inventory_cat"];
$shift = $_POST["shift"];
error_log("PARA::" . $cat);
if ($_POST["inventory_cat"] != 'AMB_CHECK') {
$type = $_POST["inventory_type"];
} else {
$type = $_POST["inventory_type2"];
$db_new_date = "";
$last_day = "";
$m = 0;
$y = 0;
$selectedParamMonth = $_REQUEST['param_month'];
// echo "month......"+$selectedShiftMonth;
$selectedParamYear = $_POST['param_year'];
//echo "year.........".$selectedShiftYear;
if (isset($selectedParamYear) && $selectedParamYear != "" && isset($selectedParamMonth) && $selectedParamMonth != "") {
$last_day = date("t-m-Y", strtotime("" . $selectedParamYear . "-" . ($selectedParamMonth + 1) . "-01"));
} else {
$last_day = date('t-m-Y');
//echo "last:date1".$last_day;
$m = date('m', strtotime("" . $selectedParamYear . "-" . ($selectedParamMonth + 1) . "-01"));
////echo "month det".$m;
$y = date('Y', strtotime("" . $selectedParamYear . "-" . ($selectedParamMonth + 1) . "-01"));
//echo "year det".$y;
var jsonArrayParamData = <?php echo json_encode($param_data); ?>;
#modal-add-ailment {
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<table width="100%">
<h1 style="text-align:center;"><?php
$amb_id = $_REQUEST['amb_idd'];
if ($cat == 'INVENTORY') {
echo "INVENTORY " . $type;
} else {
echo getTableFieldValue('ambulance_details_new', "CONCAT(ambulance_name , ' ( ' , ambulance_number ,' )' )", 'id', $amb_id);}
echo getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', "CONCAT(ohc_type_name)", 'ohc_type_id', $amb_id);
$shift_name=getTableFieldValue('shift_status', "status_name", 'shift_status_id', $shift);
echo '('.$shift_name.' Shift)';
?>- <span style="color:crimson; ">
<?= date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 10)); ?> ( <?= $y ?> )
<button align="center" id="printPageButton" class="btn btn-success" onClick="window.print();">Print</button>
<table width="100%" style="margin-top: 30px; border: groove;" id="myTable" class="">
for ($j = 1; $j <= $last_day; $j++) {
$new_date = $j . "-" . $m . "-" . $y;
$day = date('D', strtotime($new_date));
<td><?php echo $j ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<td>Sr. No.</td>
// $last_day = date('t-m-Y');
// $m = date('m');
// $y = date('Y');
for ($k = 1; $k <= $last_day; $k++) {
$new_date = $k . "-" . $m . "-" . $y;
$day = date('D', strtotime($new_date));
<td><?php echo $day ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php $count = 1;
$items_array = array();
$item = array();
$sub_count = 1;
$cat = $_POST["inventory_cat"];
if ($_POST["inventory_cat"] != 'AMB_CHECK') {
$type = $_POST["inventory_type"];
} else {
$type = $_POST["inventory_type2"];
if($item_cat=="" || $item_cat=='ALL'||$item_cat==null ){$item_cat_query='';}
else if($item_cat=="comm"){$item_cat_query='and item_type="'.$item_cat.'"';}
$item_cat_query='and item_type="item" and item_id in (select item_id from tbl_items where cat="'.$item_cat.'") ';
error_log("type " . $amb_id);
$ohc = "SELECT ohc_type_id from ohc_type where ohc_type_id = '" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' ";
error_log("PARAMS1111111::" . $ohc);
$results_ohc = mysqli_query($conn, $ohc);
$row_ohc = mysqli_fetch_array($results_ohc);
error_log("ohc Id" . $row_ohc['ohc_type_id']);
$i = 1;
$item_desc = "";
$sql_issue_items = "SELECT * from item_stock_miscellaneous ";
$results_issue_items = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_issue_items);
while ($row_issue_items = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results_issue_items)) {
array_push($items_array, $row_issue_items);
array_push($item, $row_issue_items['item_id'].'$'.$row_issue_items['item_type']);
$item = array_unique($item);
// error_log('item_arr' . print_r($items_array, true));
$row_issue_qty = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($item); $i++) {
$qty = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < count($items_array); $j++) {
if ($item[$i] == $items_array[$j]['item_id'].'$'.$items_array[$j]['item_type']) {
$qty += $items_array[$j]['issue_qty'];
error_log($item[$i] . '--' . $qty);
array_push($row_issue_qty, $qty);
$row_issue_items['item_id'] = $item;
$row_issue_items['issue_qty'] = $row_issue_qty;
for ($x = 0; $x < count($row_issue_items['item_id']); $x++) {
$item_desc = '';
$item_desc = $item_desc . ' <p> ' . getItemWithFormName($row_issue_items['item_id'][$x]) . " ";
$item_unit_id = getTableFieldValue('tbl_items', 'unit_id', 'item_id', $row_issue_items['item_id'][$x]);
$item_unit = getTableFieldValue('unit_master', 'unit_name', 'unit_id', $item_unit_id);
error_log("Userid " . $row_issue_items['item_type'][$x]);
if ($row_issue_items['issue_qty'][$x] != 0) {
$item_desc = $item_desc . '<b> Qty: ' . $row_issue_items['issue_qty'][$x] . ' ' . $item_unit . '</b>';
$item_desc = $item_desc . "</p>";
$item_desc = $item_desc.' <p> '.getTableFieldValue('questionaire_master','question','question_id',$row_issue_items['item_id'][$x]);
<td><?php echo $sub_count;
$sub_count++; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $item_desc; ?></td>
<input type="hidden" name="param_id<?php echo $i ?>" id="param_id<?php echo $i ?>"
value="<?php echo $row_issue_items['item_id'][$x].'$'.$row_issue_items['item_type'][$x]; ?>" />
<?php $status_id = "";
$param_data = array();
$query1 = "SELECT * from inventory_parameters_status where month(param_date)='" . $m . "' and year(param_date)='" . $y . "' and shift='$shift' ";
error_log("PARAMETER QUERY." . $query1);
$result1 = @mysqli_query($conn, $query1);
$remark = array();
while ($row_param = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
$status_id = $row_param['status_id'];
$key = $row_param['param_id'] . '_' . $row_param['param_date'];
$value = $row_param['param_status'];
$remark += array(
$key => $row_param['param_remark'],
// error_log(" REMARK " . print_r($remark, true));
$param_data[$key] = $value;
<input type="hidden" name="status_id<?php echo $i ?>" id="status_id<?php echo $i ?>"
value="<?php echo $status_id ?>" />
<?php } ?>
// error_log(" REAMM " . print_r($remark, true));
$db_new_date = "";
$mm = 0;
for ($k = 1; $k <= $last_day; $k++) {
$new_date = $k . "-" . $m . "-" . $y;
$db_new_date = $y . "-" . $m . "-" . $k;
$day = date('D', strtotime($new_date));
if ($k < 10) {
$db_new_date = $y . "-" . $m . "-0" . $k;
<div style="width:80px;">
<input type="checkbox" class="<?php echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime($new_date)) ?>"
style="margin-left:20px;max-width:50%;" id="param_status_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
name="param_status_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>[]"
onchange="save_params(<?php echo $i ?>,<?php echo $k ?>)" />
<input type="text" name="param_remark_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
id="param_remark_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>" onchange=""
style="margin-left:5px;max-width:90%;" placeholder="Remarks">
$(document).ready(function() {
<?php $key = $row_issue_items['item_id'][$x].'$'.$row_issue_items['item_type'][$x] . '_' . $db_new_date; ?>
var existingParamValues<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?> =
"<?php echo $param_data[$key] ?>"
"param_status_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
).value =
existingParamValues<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>;
if (document.getElementById(
"param_status_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
).value == "1" || document.getElementById(
"param_status_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
).value == "on") {
"param_status_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
).checked = true;
"param_remark_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
).value = "<?php
echo $remark[$key]; ?>";
<input type="hidden" name="param_date_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>"
id="param_date_<?php echo $i ?>_<?php echo $k ?>" value="<?php echo $new_date ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<?php $query_app = "select e.emp_sign,e.image_type from employee_signature e left join tbl_users u on u.emp_id=e.emp_id left join inventory_checklist_status c on u.user_id=c.approver_user_id where c.status_id ='" . $_REQUEST['status_id'] . "'";
error_log("app Signatures :" . $query_app);
$result_app = mysqli_query($conn, $query_app);
$app_sign_row = mysqli_fetch_array($result_app);
$query_ck = "select e.emp_sign,e.image_type from employee_signature e left join tbl_users u on u.emp_id=e.emp_id left join inventory_checklist_status c on u.user_id=c.checker_user_id where c.status_id ='" . $_REQUEST['status_id'] . "'";
error_log("ch Signatures :" . $query_ck);
$result_ck = mysqli_query($conn, $query_ck);
$ck_sign_row = mysqli_fetch_array($result_ck);
<div class="row">
<div style="width: 100%;" class="leftailgn">
<?php if($ck_sign_row['emp_sign']!='' || $ck_sign_row['emp_sign']!=null){ ?>
<img id='sign' align="left" style="text-align:center; width:150px; height:80px;" class="card-img-bottm"
src="data:<?= $ck_sign_row['image_type']; ?>;base64,<?= base64_encode($ck_sign_row['emp_sign']) ?>">
<?php }?>
<?php if($app_sign_row['emp_sign']!='' || $app_sign_row['emp_sign']!=null){ ?>
<img align="right" id='sign' style="text-align:center; width:150px; height:80px;" class="card-img-bottm"
src="data:<?= $app_sign_row['image_type']; ?>;base64,<?= base64_encode($app_sign_row['emp_sign']) ?>">
<?php }?>
<!-- <div class="row">
<div style="width: 100%;" class="leftailgn">
<div style="width: 100%;" class="leftailgn">
<span align='left'>(SIGNATURE OF PT.)</span>
<span align='right'>(SIGNATURE OF DOCTOR)</span>
</div> -->
<div class="row">
<div style="width: 100%;" class="">
<?php if($ck_sign_row['emp_sign']!='' || $ck_sign_row['emp_sign']!=null){ ?>
<div align='left'>
<?php }?>
<?php if($app_sign_row['emp_sign']!='' || $app_sign_row['emp_sign']!=null){ ?>
<div align='right'>
<?php }?>
<!-- <div class="row">
<div style="width: 100%;" class="leftailgn">
<span align='left'>(SIGNATURE OF PT.)</span>
<span align='right'>(SIGNATURE OF DOCTOR)</span>
</div> -->