2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php
// File name : datamatrix.php
// Version : 1.0.008
// Begin : 2010-06-07
// Last Update : 2014-05-06
// Author : Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com LTD - www.tecnick.com - info@tecnick.com
// License : GNU-LGPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com LTD
// This file is part of TCPDF software library.
// TCPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TCPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with TCPDF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// See LICENSE.TXT file for more information.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class to create DataMatrix ECC 200 barcode arrays for TCPDF class.
// DataMatrix (ISO/IEC 16022:2006) is a 2-dimensional bar code.
* @ file
* Class to create DataMatrix ECC 200 barcode arrays for TCPDF class .
* DataMatrix ( ISO / IEC 16022 : 2006 ) is a 2 - dimensional bar code .
* @ package com . tecnick . tcpdf
* @ author Nicola Asuni
* @ version 1.0 . 00 8
// custom definitions
if ( ! defined ( 'DATAMATRIXDEFS' )) {
* Indicate that definitions for this class are set
define ( 'DATAMATRIXDEFS' , true );
// -----------------------------------------------------
} // end of custom definitions
// #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#
* ASCII encoding : ASCII character 0 to 127 ( 1 byte per CW )
define ( 'ENC_ASCII' , 0 );
* C40 encoding : Upper - case alphanumeric ( 3 / 2 bytes per CW )
define ( 'ENC_C40' , 1 );
* TEXT encoding : Lower - case alphanumeric ( 3 / 2 bytes per CW )
define ( 'ENC_TXT' , 2 );
* X12 encoding : ANSI X12 ( 3 / 2 byte per CW )
define ( 'ENC_X12' , 3 );
* EDIFACT encoding : ASCII character 32 to 94 ( 4 / 3 bytes per CW )
define ( 'ENC_EDF' , 4 );
* BASE 256 encoding : ASCII character 0 to 255 ( 1 byte per CW )
define ( 'ENC_BASE256' , 5 );
* ASCII extended encoding : ASCII character 128 to 255 ( 1 / 2 byte per CW )
define ( 'ENC_ASCII_EXT' , 6 );
* ASCII number encoding : ASCII digits ( 2 bytes per CW )
define ( 'ENC_ASCII_NUM' , 7 );
* @ class Datamatrix
* Class to create DataMatrix ECC 200 barcode arrays for TCPDF class .
* DataMatrix ( ISO / IEC 16022 : 2006 ) is a 2 - dimensional bar code .
* @ package com . tecnick . tcpdf
* @ author Nicola Asuni
* @ version 1.0 . 004
class Datamatrix {
* Barcode array to be returned which is readable by TCPDF .
* @ protected
protected $barcode_array = array ();
* Store last used encoding for data codewords .
* @ protected
protected $last_enc = ENC_ASCII ;
* Table of Data Matrix ECC 200 Symbol Attributes :< ul >
* < li > total matrix rows ( including finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > total matrix cols ( including finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > total matrix rows ( without finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > total matrix cols ( without finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > region data rows ( with finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > region data col ( with finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > region data rows ( without finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > region data col ( without finder pattern ) </ li >
* < li > horizontal regions </ li >
* < li > vertical regions </ li >
* < li > regions </ li >
* < li > data codewords </ li >
* < li > error codewords </ li >
* < li > blocks </ li >
* < li > data codewords per block </ li >
* < li > error codewords per block </ li >
* </ ul >
* @ protected
protected $symbattr = array (
// square form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
array ( 0x00a , 0x00a , 0x008 , 0x008 , 0x00a , 0x00a , 0x008 , 0x008 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x003 , 0x005 , 0x001 , 0x003 , 0x005 ), // 10x10
array ( 0x00c , 0x00c , 0x00a , 0x00a , 0x00c , 0x00c , 0x00a , 0x00a , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x005 , 0x007 , 0x001 , 0x005 , 0x007 ), // 12x12
array ( 0x00e , 0x00e , 0x00c , 0x00c , 0x00e , 0x00e , 0x00c , 0x00c , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x008 , 0x00a , 0x001 , 0x008 , 0x00a ), // 14x14
array ( 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x00e , 0x00e , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x00e , 0x00e , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x00c , 0x00c , 0x001 , 0x00c , 0x00c ), // 16x16
array ( 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x012 , 0x00e , 0x001 , 0x012 , 0x00e ), // 18x18
array ( 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x016 , 0x012 , 0x001 , 0x016 , 0x012 ), // 20x20
array ( 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x01e , 0x014 , 0x001 , 0x01e , 0x014 ), // 22x22
array ( 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x024 , 0x018 , 0x001 , 0x024 , 0x018 ), // 24x24
array ( 0x01a , 0x01a , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x01a , 0x01a , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x02c , 0x01c , 0x001 , 0x02c , 0x01c ), // 26x26
array ( 0x020 , 0x020 , 0x01c , 0x01c , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x00e , 0x00e , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x004 , 0x03e , 0x024 , 0x001 , 0x03e , 0x024 ), // 32x32
array ( 0x024 , 0x024 , 0x020 , 0x020 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x004 , 0x056 , 0x02a , 0x001 , 0x056 , 0x02a ), // 36x36
array ( 0x028 , 0x028 , 0x024 , 0x024 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x004 , 0x072 , 0x030 , 0x001 , 0x072 , 0x030 ), // 40x40
array ( 0x02c , 0x02c , 0x028 , 0x028 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x004 , 0x090 , 0x038 , 0x001 , 0x090 , 0x038 ), // 44x44
array ( 0x030 , 0x030 , 0x02c , 0x02c , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x004 , 0x0ae , 0x044 , 0x001 , 0x0ae , 0x044 ), // 48x48
array ( 0x034 , 0x034 , 0x030 , 0x030 , 0x01a , 0x01a , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x004 , 0x0cc , 0x054 , 0x002 , 0x066 , 0x02a ), // 52x52
array ( 0x040 , 0x040 , 0x038 , 0x038 , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x00e , 0x00e , 0x004 , 0x004 , 0x010 , 0x118 , 0x070 , 0x002 , 0x08c , 0x038 ), // 64x64
array ( 0x048 , 0x048 , 0x040 , 0x040 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x010 , 0x010 , 0x004 , 0x004 , 0x010 , 0x170 , 0x090 , 0x004 , 0x05c , 0x024 ), // 72x72
array ( 0x050 , 0x050 , 0x048 , 0x048 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x004 , 0x004 , 0x010 , 0x1c8 , 0x0c0 , 0x004 , 0x072 , 0x030 ), // 80x80
array ( 0x058 , 0x058 , 0x050 , 0x050 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x004 , 0x004 , 0x010 , 0x240 , 0x0e0 , 0x004 , 0x090 , 0x038 ), // 88x88
array ( 0x060 , 0x060 , 0x058 , 0x058 , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x004 , 0x004 , 0x010 , 0x2b8 , 0x110 , 0x004 , 0x0ae , 0x044 ), // 96x96
array ( 0x068 , 0x068 , 0x060 , 0x060 , 0x01a , 0x01a , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x004 , 0x004 , 0x010 , 0x330 , 0x150 , 0x006 , 0x088 , 0x038 ), // 104x104
array ( 0x078 , 0x078 , 0x06c , 0x06c , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x012 , 0x012 , 0x006 , 0x006 , 0x024 , 0x41a , 0x198 , 0x006 , 0x0af , 0x044 ), // 120x120
array ( 0x084 , 0x084 , 0x078 , 0x078 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x014 , 0x014 , 0x006 , 0x006 , 0x024 , 0x518 , 0x1f0 , 0x008 , 0x0a3 , 0x03e ), // 132x132
array ( 0x090 , 0x090 , 0x084 , 0x084 , 0x018 , 0x018 , 0x016 , 0x016 , 0x006 , 0x006 , 0x024 , 0x616 , 0x26c , 0x00a , 0x09c , 0x03e ), // 144x144
// rectangular form (currently unused) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
array ( 0x008 , 0x012 , 0x006 , 0x010 , 0x008 , 0x012 , 0x006 , 0x010 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x005 , 0x007 , 0x001 , 0x005 , 0x007 ), // 8x18
array ( 0x008 , 0x020 , 0x006 , 0x01c , 0x008 , 0x010 , 0x006 , 0x00e , 0x001 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x00a , 0x00b , 0x001 , 0x00a , 0x00b ), // 8x32
array ( 0x00c , 0x01a , 0x00a , 0x018 , 0x00c , 0x01a , 0x00a , 0x018 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x001 , 0x010 , 0x00e , 0x001 , 0x010 , 0x00e ), // 12x26
array ( 0x00c , 0x024 , 0x00a , 0x020 , 0x00c , 0x012 , 0x00a , 0x010 , 0x001 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x00c , 0x012 , 0x001 , 0x00c , 0x012 ), // 12x36
array ( 0x010 , 0x024 , 0x00e , 0x020 , 0x010 , 0x012 , 0x00e , 0x010 , 0x001 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x020 , 0x018 , 0x001 , 0x020 , 0x018 ), // 16x36
array ( 0x010 , 0x030 , 0x00e , 0x02c , 0x010 , 0x018 , 0x00e , 0x016 , 0x001 , 0x002 , 0x002 , 0x031 , 0x01c , 0x001 , 0x031 , 0x01c ) // 16x48
* Map encodation modes whit character sets .
* @ protected
protected $chset_id = array ( ENC_C40 => 'C40' , ENC_TXT => 'TXT' , ENC_X12 => 'X12' );
* Basic set of characters for each encodation mode .
* @ protected
protected $chset = array (
'C40' => array ( // Basic set for C40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'S1' => 0x00 , 'S2' => 0x01 , 'S3' => 0x02 , 0x20 => 0x03 , 0x30 => 0x04 , 0x31 => 0x05 , 0x32 => 0x06 , 0x33 => 0x07 , 0x34 => 0x08 , 0x35 => 0x09 , //
0x36 => 0x0a , 0x37 => 0x0b , 0x38 => 0x0c , 0x39 => 0x0d , 0x41 => 0x0e , 0x42 => 0x0f , 0x43 => 0x10 , 0x44 => 0x11 , 0x45 => 0x12 , 0x46 => 0x13 , //
0x47 => 0x14 , 0x48 => 0x15 , 0x49 => 0x16 , 0x4a => 0x17 , 0x4b => 0x18 , 0x4c => 0x19 , 0x4d => 0x1a , 0x4e => 0x1b , 0x4f => 0x1c , 0x50 => 0x1d , //
0x51 => 0x1e , 0x52 => 0x1f , 0x53 => 0x20 , 0x54 => 0x21 , 0x55 => 0x22 , 0x56 => 0x23 , 0x57 => 0x24 , 0x58 => 0x25 , 0x59 => 0x26 , 0x5a => 0x27 ), //
'TXT' => array ( // Basic set for TEXT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
'S1' => 0x00 , 'S2' => 0x01 , 'S3' => 0x02 , 0x20 => 0x03 , 0x30 => 0x04 , 0x31 => 0x05 , 0x32 => 0x06 , 0x33 => 0x07 , 0x34 => 0x08 , 0x35 => 0x09 , //
0x36 => 0x0a , 0x37 => 0x0b , 0x38 => 0x0c , 0x39 => 0x0d , 0x61 => 0x0e , 0x62 => 0x0f , 0x63 => 0x10 , 0x64 => 0x11 , 0x65 => 0x12 , 0x66 => 0x13 , //
0x67 => 0x14 , 0x68 => 0x15 , 0x69 => 0x16 , 0x6a => 0x17 , 0x6b => 0x18 , 0x6c => 0x19 , 0x6d => 0x1a , 0x6e => 0x1b , 0x6f => 0x1c , 0x70 => 0x1d , //
0x71 => 0x1e , 0x72 => 0x1f , 0x73 => 0x20 , 0x74 => 0x21 , 0x75 => 0x22 , 0x76 => 0x23 , 0x77 => 0x24 , 0x78 => 0x25 , 0x79 => 0x26 , 0x7a => 0x27 ), //
'SH1' => array ( // Shift 1 set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x00 => 0x00 , 0x01 => 0x01 , 0x02 => 0x02 , 0x03 => 0x03 , 0x04 => 0x04 , 0x05 => 0x05 , 0x06 => 0x06 , 0x07 => 0x07 , 0x08 => 0x08 , 0x09 => 0x09 , //
0x0a => 0x0a , 0x0b => 0x0b , 0x0c => 0x0c , 0x0d => 0x0d , 0x0e => 0x0e , 0x0f => 0x0f , 0x10 => 0x10 , 0x11 => 0x11 , 0x12 => 0x12 , 0x13 => 0x13 , //
0x14 => 0x14 , 0x15 => 0x15 , 0x16 => 0x16 , 0x17 => 0x17 , 0x18 => 0x18 , 0x19 => 0x19 , 0x1a => 0x1a , 0x1b => 0x1b , 0x1c => 0x1c , 0x1d => 0x1d , //
0x1e => 0x1e , 0x1f => 0x1f ), //
'SH2' => array ( // Shift 2 set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x21 => 0x00 , 0x22 => 0x01 , 0x23 => 0x02 , 0x24 => 0x03 , 0x25 => 0x04 , 0x26 => 0x05 , 0x27 => 0x06 , 0x28 => 0x07 , 0x29 => 0x08 , 0x2a => 0x09 , //
0x2b => 0x0a , 0x2c => 0x0b , 0x2d => 0x0c , 0x2e => 0x0d , 0x2f => 0x0e , 0x3a => 0x0f , 0x3b => 0x10 , 0x3c => 0x11 , 0x3d => 0x12 , 0x3e => 0x13 , //
0x3f => 0x14 , 0x40 => 0x15 , 0x5b => 0x16 , 0x5c => 0x17 , 0x5d => 0x18 , 0x5e => 0x19 , 0x5f => 0x1a , 'F1' => 0x1b , 'US' => 0x1e ), //
'S3C' => array ( // Shift 3 set for C40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x60 => 0x00 , 0x61 => 0x01 , 0x62 => 0x02 , 0x63 => 0x03 , 0x64 => 0x04 , 0x65 => 0x05 , 0x66 => 0x06 , 0x67 => 0x07 , 0x68 => 0x08 , 0x69 => 0x09 , //
0x6a => 0x0a , 0x6b => 0x0b , 0x6c => 0x0c , 0x6d => 0x0d , 0x6e => 0x0e , 0x6f => 0x0f , 0x70 => 0x10 , 0x71 => 0x11 , 0x72 => 0x12 , 0x73 => 0x13 , //
0x74 => 0x14 , 0x75 => 0x15 , 0x76 => 0x16 , 0x77 => 0x17 , 0x78 => 0x18 , 0x79 => 0x19 , 0x7a => 0x1a , 0x7b => 0x1b , 0x7c => 0x1c , 0x7d => 0x1d , //
0x7e => 0x1e , 0x7f => 0x1f ),
'S3T' => array ( // Shift 3 set for TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x60 => 0x00 , 0x41 => 0x01 , 0x42 => 0x02 , 0x43 => 0x03 , 0x44 => 0x04 , 0x45 => 0x05 , 0x46 => 0x06 , 0x47 => 0x07 , 0x48 => 0x08 , 0x49 => 0x09 , //
0x4a => 0x0a , 0x4b => 0x0b , 0x4c => 0x0c , 0x4d => 0x0d , 0x4e => 0x0e , 0x4f => 0x0f , 0x50 => 0x10 , 0x51 => 0x11 , 0x52 => 0x12 , 0x53 => 0x13 , //
0x54 => 0x14 , 0x55 => 0x15 , 0x56 => 0x16 , 0x57 => 0x17 , 0x58 => 0x18 , 0x59 => 0x19 , 0x5a => 0x1a , 0x7b => 0x1b , 0x7c => 0x1c , 0x7d => 0x1d , //
0x7e => 0x1e , 0x7f => 0x1f ), //
'X12' => array ( // Set for X12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x0d => 0x00 , 0x2a => 0x01 , 0x3e => 0x02 , 0x20 => 0x03 , 0x30 => 0x04 , 0x31 => 0x05 , 0x32 => 0x06 , 0x33 => 0x07 , 0x34 => 0x08 , 0x35 => 0x09 , //
0x36 => 0x0a , 0x37 => 0x0b , 0x38 => 0x0c , 0x39 => 0x0d , 0x41 => 0x0e , 0x42 => 0x0f , 0x43 => 0x10 , 0x44 => 0x11 , 0x45 => 0x12 , 0x46 => 0x13 , //
0x47 => 0x14 , 0x48 => 0x15 , 0x49 => 0x16 , 0x4a => 0x17 , 0x4b => 0x18 , 0x4c => 0x19 , 0x4d => 0x1a , 0x4e => 0x1b , 0x4f => 0x1c , 0x50 => 0x1d , //
0x51 => 0x1e , 0x52 => 0x1f , 0x53 => 0x20 , 0x54 => 0x21 , 0x55 => 0x22 , 0x56 => 0x23 , 0x57 => 0x24 , 0x58 => 0x25 , 0x59 => 0x26 , 0x5a => 0x27 ) //
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is the class constructor .
* Creates a datamatrix object
* @ param $code ( string ) Code to represent using Datamatrix .
* @ public
public function __construct ( $code ) {
$barcode_array = array ();
if (( is_null ( $code )) OR ( $code == '\0' ) OR ( $code == '' )) {
return false ;
// get data codewords
$cw = $this -> getHighLevelEncoding ( $code );
// number of data codewords
$nd = count ( $cw );
// check size
if ( $nd > 1558 ) {
return false ;
// get minimum required matrix size.
foreach ( $this -> symbattr as $params ) {
if ( $params [ 11 ] >= $nd ) {
break ;
if ( $params [ 11 ] < $nd ) {
// too much data
return false ;
} elseif ( $params [ 11 ] > $nd ) {
// add padding
if ((( $params [ 11 ] - $nd ) > 1 ) AND ( $cw [( $nd - 1 )] != 254 )) {
if ( $this -> last_enc == ENC_EDF ) {
// switch to ASCII encoding
$cw [] = 124 ;
++ $nd ;
} elseif (( $this -> last_enc != ENC_ASCII ) AND ( $this -> last_enc != ENC_BASE256 )) {
// switch to ASCII encoding
$cw [] = 254 ;
++ $nd ;
if ( $params [ 11 ] > $nd ) {
// add first pad
$cw [] = 129 ;
++ $nd ;
// add remaining pads
for ( $i = $nd ; $i < $params [ 11 ]; ++ $i ) {
$cw [] = $this -> get253StateCodeword ( 129 , $i );
// add error correction codewords
$cw = $this -> getErrorCorrection ( $cw , $params [ 13 ], $params [ 14 ], $params [ 15 ]);
// initialize empty arrays
$grid = array_fill ( 0 , ( $params [ 2 ] * $params [ 3 ]), 0 );
// get placement map
$places = $this -> getPlacementMap ( $params [ 2 ], $params [ 3 ]);
// fill the grid with data
$grid = array ();
$i = 0 ;
// region data row max index
$rdri = ( $params [ 4 ] - 1 );
// region data column max index
$rdci = ( $params [ 5 ] - 1 );
// for each vertical region
for ( $vr = 0 ; $vr < $params [ 9 ]; ++ $vr ) {
// for each row on region
for ( $r = 0 ; $r < $params [ 4 ]; ++ $r ) {
// get row
$row = (( $vr * $params [ 4 ]) + $r );
// for each horizontal region
for ( $hr = 0 ; $hr < $params [ 8 ]; ++ $hr ) {
// for each column on region
for ( $c = 0 ; $c < $params [ 5 ]; ++ $c ) {
// get column
$col = (( $hr * $params [ 5 ]) + $c );
// braw bits by case
if ( $r == 0 ) {
// top finder pattern
if ( $c % 2 ) {
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = 0 ;
} else {
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = 1 ;
} elseif ( $r == $rdri ) {
// bottom finder pattern
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = 1 ;
} elseif ( $c == 0 ) {
// left finder pattern
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = 1 ;
} elseif ( $c == $rdci ) {
// right finder pattern
if ( $r % 2 ) {
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = 1 ;
} else {
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = 0 ;
} else { // data bit
if ( $places [ $i ] < 2 ) {
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = $places [ $i ];
} else {
// codeword ID
$cw_id = ( floor ( $places [ $i ] / 10 ) - 1 );
// codeword BIT mask
$cw_bit = pow ( 2 , ( 8 - ( $places [ $i ] % 10 )));
$grid [ $row ][ $col ] = (( $cw [ $cw_id ] & $cw_bit ) == 0 ) ? 0 : 1 ;
++ $i ;
$this -> barcode_array [ 'num_rows' ] = $params [ 0 ];
$this -> barcode_array [ 'num_cols' ] = $params [ 1 ];
$this -> barcode_array [ 'bcode' ] = $grid ;
* Returns a barcode array which is readable by TCPDF
* @ return array barcode array readable by TCPDF ;
* @ public
public function getBarcodeArray () {
return $this -> barcode_array ;
* Product of two numbers in a Power - of - Two Galois Field
* @ param $a ( int ) first number to multiply .
* @ param $b ( int ) second number to multiply .
* @ param $log ( array ) Log table .
* @ param $alog ( array ) Anti - Log table .
* @ param $gf ( array ) Number of Factors of the Reed - Solomon polynomial .
* @ return int product
* @ protected
protected function getGFProduct ( $a , $b , $log , $alog , $gf ) {
if (( $a == 0 ) OR ( $b == 0 )) {
return 0 ;
return ( $alog [( $log [ $a ] + $log [ $b ]) % ( $gf - 1 )]);
* Add error correction codewords to data codewords array ( ANNEX E ) .
* @ param $wd ( array ) Array of datacodewords .
* @ param $nb ( int ) Number of blocks .
* @ param $nd ( int ) Number of data codewords per block .
* @ param $nc ( int ) Number of correction codewords per block .
* @ param $gf ( int ) numner of fields on log / antilog table ( power of 2 ) .
* @ param $pp ( int ) The value of its prime modulus polynomial ( 301 for ECC200 ) .
* @ return array data codewords + error codewords
* @ protected
protected function getErrorCorrection ( $wd , $nb , $nd , $nc , $gf = 256 , $pp = 301 ) {
// generate the log ($log) and antilog ($alog) tables
$log [ 0 ] = 0 ;
$alog [ 0 ] = 1 ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < $gf ; ++ $i ) {
$alog [ $i ] = ( $alog [( $i - 1 )] * 2 );
if ( $alog [ $i ] >= $gf ) {
$alog [ $i ] ^= $pp ;
$log [ $alog [ $i ]] = $i ;
ksort ( $log );
// generate the polynomial coefficients (c)
$c = array_fill ( 0 , ( $nc + 1 ), 0 );
$c [ 0 ] = 1 ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $nc ; ++ $i ) {
$c [ $i ] = $c [( $i - 1 )];
for ( $j = ( $i - 1 ); $j >= 1 ; -- $j ) {
$c [ $j ] = $c [( $j - 1 )] ^ $this -> getGFProduct ( $c [ $j ], $alog [ $i ], $log , $alog , $gf );
$c [ 0 ] = $this -> getGFProduct ( $c [ 0 ], $alog [ $i ], $log , $alog , $gf );
ksort ( $c );
// total number of data codewords
$num_wd = ( $nb * $nd );
// total number of error codewords
$num_we = ( $nb * $nc );
// for each block
for ( $b = 0 ; $b < $nb ; ++ $b ) {
// create interleaved data block
$block = array ();
for ( $n = $b ; $n < $num_wd ; $n += $nb ) {
$block [] = $wd [ $n ];
// initialize error codewords
$we = array_fill ( 0 , ( $nc + 1 ), 0 );
// calculate error correction codewords for this block
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $nd ; ++ $i ) {
$k = ( $we [ 0 ] ^ $block [ $i ]);
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $nc ; ++ $j ) {
$we [ $j ] = ( $we [( $j + 1 )] ^ $this -> getGFProduct ( $k , $c [( $nc - $j - 1 )], $log , $alog , $gf ));
// add error codewords at the end of data codewords
$j = 0 ;
for ( $i = $b ; $i < $num_we ; $i += $nb ) {
$wd [( $num_wd + $i )] = $we [ $j ];
++ $j ;
// reorder codewords
ksort ( $wd );
return $wd ;
* Return the 253 - state codeword
* @ param $cwpad ( int ) Pad codeword .
* @ param $cwpos ( int ) Number of data codewords from the beginning of encoded data .
* @ return pad codeword
* @ protected
protected function get253StateCodeword ( $cwpad , $cwpos ) {
$pad = ( $cwpad + ((( 149 * $cwpos ) % 253 ) + 1 ));
if ( $pad > 254 ) {
$pad -= 254 ;
return $pad ;
* Return the 255 - state codeword
* @ param $cwpad ( int ) Pad codeword .
* @ param $cwpos ( int ) Number of data codewords from the beginning of encoded data .
* @ return pad codeword
* @ protected
protected function get255StateCodeword ( $cwpad , $cwpos ) {
$pad = ( $cwpad + ((( 149 * $cwpos ) % 255 ) + 1 ));
if ( $pad > 255 ) {
$pad -= 256 ;
return $pad ;
* Returns true if the char belongs to the selected mode
* @ param $chr ( int ) Character ( byte ) to check .
* @ param $mode ( int ) Current encoding mode .
* @ return boolean true if the char is of the selected mode .
* @ protected
protected function isCharMode ( $chr , $mode ) {
$status = false ;
switch ( $mode ) {
case ENC_ASCII : { // ASCII character 0 to 127
$status = (( $chr >= 0 ) AND ( $chr <= 127 ));
break ;
case ENC_C40 : { // Upper-case alphanumeric
$status = (( $chr == 32 ) OR (( $chr >= 48 ) AND ( $chr <= 57 )) OR (( $chr >= 65 ) AND ( $chr <= 90 )));
break ;
case ENC_TXT : { // Lower-case alphanumeric
$status = (( $chr == 32 ) OR (( $chr >= 48 ) AND ( $chr <= 57 )) OR (( $chr >= 97 ) AND ( $chr <= 122 )));
break ;
case ENC_X12 : { // ANSI X12
$status = (( $chr == 13 ) OR ( $chr == 42 ) OR ( $chr == 62 ));
break ;
case ENC_EDF : { // ASCII character 32 to 94
$status = (( $chr >= 32 ) AND ( $chr <= 94 ));
break ;
case ENC_BASE256 : { // Function character (FNC1, Structured Append, Reader Program, or Code Page)
$status = (( $chr == 232 ) OR ( $chr == 233 ) OR ( $chr == 234 ) OR ( $chr == 241 ));
break ;
case ENC_ASCII_EXT : { // ASCII character 128 to 255
$status = (( $chr >= 128 ) AND ( $chr <= 255 ));
break ;
case ENC_ASCII_NUM : { // ASCII digits
$status = (( $chr >= 48 ) AND ( $chr <= 57 ));
break ;
return $status ;
* The look - ahead test scans the data to be encoded to find the best mode ( Annex P - steps from J to S ) .
* @ param $data ( string ) data to encode
* @ param $pos ( int ) current position
* @ param $mode ( int ) current encoding mode
* @ return int encoding mode
* @ protected
protected function lookAheadTest ( $data , $pos , $mode ) {
$data_length = strlen ( $data );
if ( $pos >= $data_length ) {
return $mode ;
$charscount = 0 ; // count processed chars
if ( $mode == ENC_ASCII ) {
$numch = array ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1.25 );
} else {
$numch = array ( 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2.25 );
$numch [ $mode ] = 0 ;
while ( true ) {
if (( $pos + $charscount ) == $data_length ) {
if ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ] <= ceil ( min ( $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ]))) {
return ENC_ASCII ;
if ( $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ] < ceil ( min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ]))) {
return ENC_BASE256 ;
if ( $numch [ ENC_EDF ] < ceil ( min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ]))) {
return ENC_EDF ;
if ( $numch [ ENC_TXT ] < ceil ( min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ]))) {
return ENC_TXT ;
if ( $numch [ ENC_X12 ] < ceil ( min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ]))) {
return ENC_X12 ;
return ENC_C40 ;
// get char
$chr = ord ( $data [ $pos + $charscount ]);
$charscount ++ ;
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_NUM )) {
$numch [ ENC_ASCII ] += ( 1 / 2 );
} elseif ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_EXT )) {
$numch [ ENC_ASCII ] = ceil ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ]);
$numch [ ENC_ASCII ] += 2 ;
} else {
$numch [ ENC_ASCII ] = ceil ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ]);
$numch [ ENC_ASCII ] += 1 ;
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_C40 )) {
$numch [ ENC_C40 ] += ( 2 / 3 );
} elseif ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_EXT )) {
$numch [ ENC_C40 ] += ( 8 / 3 );
} else {
$numch [ ENC_C40 ] += ( 4 / 3 );
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_TXT )) {
$numch [ ENC_TXT ] += ( 2 / 3 );
} elseif ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_EXT )) {
$numch [ ENC_TXT ] += ( 8 / 3 );
} else {
$numch [ ENC_TXT ] += ( 4 / 3 );
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_X12 ) OR $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_C40 )) {
$numch [ ENC_X12 ] += ( 2 / 3 );
} elseif ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_EXT )) {
$numch [ ENC_X12 ] += ( 13 / 3 );
} else {
$numch [ ENC_X12 ] += ( 10 / 3 );
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_EDF )) {
$numch [ ENC_EDF ] += ( 3 / 4 );
} elseif ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_EXT )) {
$numch [ ENC_EDF ] += ( 17 / 4 );
} else {
$numch [ ENC_EDF ] += ( 13 / 4 );
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_BASE256 )) {
$numch [ ENC_BASE256 ] += 4 ;
} else {
$numch [ ENC_BASE256 ] += 1 ;
if ( $charscount >= 4 ) {
if (( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ] + 1 ) <= min ( $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ])) {
return ENC_ASCII ;
if ((( $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ] + 1 ) <= $numch [ ENC_ASCII ])
OR (( $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ] + 1 ) < min ( $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ]))) {
return ENC_BASE256 ;
if (( $numch [ ENC_EDF ] + 1 ) < min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ])) {
return ENC_EDF ;
if (( $numch [ ENC_TXT ] + 1 ) < min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_X12 ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ])) {
return ENC_TXT ;
if (( $numch [ ENC_X12 ] + 1 ) < min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_C40 ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ])) {
return ENC_X12 ;
if (( $numch [ ENC_C40 ] + 1 ) < min ( $numch [ ENC_ASCII ], $numch [ ENC_TXT ], $numch [ ENC_EDF ], $numch [ ENC_BASE256 ])) {
if ( $numch [ ENC_C40 ] < $numch [ ENC_X12 ]) {
return ENC_C40 ;
if ( $numch [ ENC_C40 ] == $numch [ ENC_X12 ]) {
$k = ( $pos + $charscount + 1 );
while ( $k < $data_length ) {
$tmpchr = ord ( $data [ $k ]);
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $tmpchr , ENC_X12 )) {
return ENC_X12 ;
} elseif ( ! ( $this -> isCharMode ( $tmpchr , ENC_X12 ) OR $this -> isCharMode ( $tmpchr , ENC_C40 ))) {
break ;
++ $k ;
return ENC_C40 ;
} // end of while
* Get the switching codeword to a new encoding mode ( latch codeword )
* @ param $mode ( int ) New encoding mode .
* @ return ( int ) Switch codeword .
* @ protected
protected function getSwitchEncodingCodeword ( $mode ) {
switch ( $mode ) {
case ENC_ASCII : { // ASCII character 0 to 127
$cw = 254 ;
if ( $this -> last_enc == ENC_EDF ) {
$cw = 124 ;
break ;
case ENC_C40 : { // Upper-case alphanumeric
$cw = 230 ;
break ;
case ENC_TXT : { // Lower-case alphanumeric
$cw = 239 ;
break ;
case ENC_X12 : { // ANSI X12
$cw = 238 ;
break ;
case ENC_EDF : { // ASCII character 32 to 94
$cw = 240 ;
break ;
case ENC_BASE256 : { // Function character (FNC1, Structured Append, Reader Program, or Code Page)
$cw = 231 ;
break ;
return $cw ;
* Choose the minimum matrix size and return the max number of data codewords .
* @ param $numcw ( int ) Number of current codewords .
* @ return number of data codewords in matrix
* @ protected
protected function getMaxDataCodewords ( $numcw ) {
foreach ( $this -> symbattr as $key => $matrix ) {
if ( $matrix [ 11 ] >= $numcw ) {
return $matrix [ 11 ];
return 0 ;
* Get high level encoding using the minimum symbol data characters for ECC 200
* @ param $data ( string ) data to encode
* @ return array of codewords
* @ protected
protected function getHighLevelEncoding ( $data ) {
// STEP A. Start in ASCII encodation.
$enc = ENC_ASCII ; // current encoding mode
$pos = 0 ; // current position
$cw = array (); // array of codewords to be returned
$cw_num = 0 ; // number of data codewords
$data_length = strlen ( $data ); // number of chars
while ( $pos < $data_length ) {
// set last used encoding
$this -> last_enc = $enc ;
switch ( $enc ) {
case ENC_ASCII : { // STEP B. While in ASCII encodation
if (( $data_length > 1 ) AND ( $pos < ( $data_length - 1 )) AND ( $this -> isCharMode ( ord ( $data [ $pos ]), ENC_ASCII_NUM ) AND $this -> isCharMode ( ord ( $data [ $pos + 1 ]), ENC_ASCII_NUM ))) {
// 1. If the next data sequence is at least 2 consecutive digits, encode the next two digits as a double digit in ASCII mode.
$cw [] = ( intval ( substr ( $data , $pos , 2 )) + 130 );
++ $cw_num ;
$pos += 2 ;
} else {
// 2. If the look-ahead test (starting at step J) indicates another mode, switch to that mode.
$newenc = $this -> lookAheadTest ( $data , $pos , $enc );
if ( $newenc != $enc ) {
// switch to new encoding
$enc = $newenc ;
$cw [] = $this -> getSwitchEncodingCodeword ( $enc );
++ $cw_num ;
} else {
// get new byte
$chr = ord ( $data [ $pos ]);
++ $pos ;
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_ASCII_EXT )) {
// 3. If the next data character is extended ASCII (greater than 127) encode it in ASCII mode first using the Upper Shift (value 235) character.
$cw [] = 235 ;
$cw [] = ( $chr - 127 );
$cw_num += 2 ;
} else {
// 4. Otherwise process the next data character in ASCII encodation.
$cw [] = ( $chr + 1 );
++ $cw_num ;
break ;
case ENC_C40 : // Upper-case alphanumeric
case ENC_TXT : // Lower-case alphanumeric
case ENC_X12 : { // ANSI X12
$temp_cw = array ();
$p = 0 ;
$epos = $pos ;
// get charset ID
$set_id = $this -> chset_id [ $enc ];
// get basic charset for current encoding
$charset = $this -> chset [ $set_id ];
do {
// 2. process the next character in C40 encodation.
$chr = ord ( $data [ $epos ]);
++ $epos ;
// check for extended character
if ( $chr & 0x80 ) {
if ( $enc == ENC_X12 ) {
return false ;
$chr = ( $chr & 0x7f );
$temp_cw [] = 1 ; // shift 2
$temp_cw [] = 30 ; // upper shift
$p += 2 ;
if ( isset ( $charset [ $chr ])) {
$temp_cw [] = $charset [ $chr ];
++ $p ;
} else {
if ( isset ( $this -> chset [ 'SH1' ][ $chr ])) {
$temp_cw [] = 0 ; // shift 1
$shiftset = $this -> chset [ 'SH1' ];
} elseif ( isset ( $chr , $this -> chset [ 'SH2' ][ $chr ])) {
$temp_cw [] = 1 ; // shift 2
$shiftset = $this -> chset [ 'SH2' ];
} elseif (( $enc == ENC_C40 ) AND isset ( $this -> chset [ 'S3C' ][ $chr ])) {
$temp_cw [] = 2 ; // shift 3
$shiftset = $this -> chset [ 'S3C' ];
} elseif (( $enc == ENC_TXT ) AND isset ( $this -> chset [ 'S3T' ][ $chr ])) {
$temp_cw [] = 2 ; // shift 3
$shiftset = $this -> chset [ 'S3T' ];
} else {
return false ;
$temp_cw [] = $shiftset [ $chr ];
$p += 2 ;
if ( $p >= 3 ) {
$c1 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
$c2 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
$c3 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
$p -= 3 ;
$tmp = (( 1600 * $c1 ) + ( 40 * $c2 ) + $c3 + 1 );
$cw [] = ( $tmp >> 8 );
$cw [] = ( $tmp % 256 );
$cw_num += 2 ;
$pos = $epos ;
// 1. If the C40 encoding is at the point of starting a new double symbol character and if the look-ahead test (starting at step J) indicates another mode, switch to that mode.
$newenc = $this -> lookAheadTest ( $data , $pos , $enc );
if ( $newenc != $enc ) {
// switch to new encoding
$enc = $newenc ;
if ( $enc != ENC_ASCII ) {
// set unlatch character
$cw [] = $this -> getSwitchEncodingCodeword ( ENC_ASCII );
++ $cw_num ;
$cw [] = $this -> getSwitchEncodingCodeword ( $enc );
++ $cw_num ;
$pos -= $p ;
$p = 0 ;
break ;
} while (( $p > 0 ) AND ( $epos < $data_length ));
// process last data (if any)
if ( $p > 0 ) {
// get remaining number of data symbols
$cwr = ( $this -> getMaxDataCodewords ( $cw_num ) - $cw_num );
if (( $cwr == 1 ) AND ( $p == 1 )) {
// d. If one symbol character remains and one C40 value (data character) remains to be encoded
$c1 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
-- $p ;
$cw [] = ( $chr + 1 );
++ $cw_num ;
$pos = $epos ;
$enc = ENC_ASCII ;
$this -> last_enc = $enc ;
} elseif (( $cwr == 2 ) AND ( $p == 1 )) {
// c. If two symbol characters remain and only one C40 value (data character) remains to be encoded
$c1 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
-- $p ;
$cw [] = 254 ;
$cw [] = ( $chr + 1 );
$cw_num += 2 ;
$pos = $epos ;
$enc = ENC_ASCII ;
$this -> last_enc = $enc ;
} elseif (( $cwr == 2 ) AND ( $p == 2 )) {
// b. If two symbol characters remain and two C40 values remain to be encoded
$c1 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
$c2 = array_shift ( $temp_cw );
$p -= 2 ;
$tmp = (( 1600 * $c1 ) + ( 40 * $c2 ) + 1 );
$cw [] = ( $tmp >> 8 );
$cw [] = ( $tmp % 256 );
$cw_num += 2 ;
$pos = $epos ;
$enc = ENC_ASCII ;
$this -> last_enc = $enc ;
} else {
// switch to ASCII encoding
if ( $enc != ENC_ASCII ) {
$enc = ENC_ASCII ;
$this -> last_enc = $enc ;
$cw [] = $this -> getSwitchEncodingCodeword ( $enc );
++ $cw_num ;
$pos = ( $epos - $p );
break ;
case ENC_EDF : { // F. While in EDIFACT (EDF) encodation
// initialize temporary array with 0 length
$temp_cw = array ();
$epos = $pos ;
$field_length = 0 ;
$newenc = $enc ;
do {
// 2. process the next character in EDIFACT encodation.
$chr = ord ( $data [ $epos ]);
if ( $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_EDF )) {
++ $epos ;
$temp_cw [] = $chr ;
++ $field_length ;
if (( $field_length == 4 ) OR ( $epos == $data_length ) OR ! $this -> isCharMode ( $chr , ENC_EDF )) {
if (( $epos == $data_length ) AND ( $field_length < 3 )) {
$enc = ENC_ASCII ;
$cw [] = $this -> getSwitchEncodingCodeword ( $enc );
++ $cw_num ;
break ;
if ( $field_length < 4 ) {
// set unlatch character
$temp_cw [] = 0x1f ;
++ $field_length ;
// fill empty characters
for ( $i = $field_length ; $i < 4 ; ++ $i ) {
$temp_cw [] = 0 ;
$enc = ENC_ASCII ;
$this -> last_enc = $enc ;
// encodes four data characters in three codewords
$tcw = (( $temp_cw [ 0 ] & 0x3F ) << 2 ) + (( $temp_cw [ 1 ] & 0x30 ) >> 4 );
if ( $tcw > 0 ) {
$cw [] = $tcw ;
$cw_num ++ ;
$tcw = (( $temp_cw [ 1 ] & 0x0F ) << 4 ) + (( $temp_cw [ 2 ] & 0x3C ) >> 2 );
if ( $tcw > 0 ) {
$cw [] = $tcw ;
$cw_num ++ ;
$tcw = (( $temp_cw [ 2 ] & 0x03 ) << 6 ) + ( $temp_cw [ 3 ] & 0x3F );
if ( $tcw > 0 ) {
$cw [] = $tcw ;
$cw_num ++ ;
$temp_cw = array ();
$pos = $epos ;
$field_length = 0 ;
if ( $enc == ENC_ASCII ) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
break ; // die from EDIFACT mode
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
} while ( $epos < $data_length );
break ;
case ENC_BASE256 : { // G. While in Base 256 (B256) encodation
// initialize temporary array with 0 length
$temp_cw = array ();
$field_length = 0 ;
while (( $pos < $data_length ) AND ( $field_length <= 1555 )) {
$newenc = $this -> lookAheadTest ( $data , $pos , $enc );
if ( $newenc != $enc ) {
// 1. If the look-ahead test (starting at step J) indicates another mode, switch to that mode.
$enc = $newenc ;
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
break ; // die from B256 mode
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
} else {
// 2. Otherwise, process the next character in Base 256 encodation.
$chr = ord ( $data [ $pos ]);
++ $pos ;
$temp_cw [] = $chr ;
++ $field_length ;
// set field length
if ( $field_length <= 249 ) {
$cw [] = $this -> get255StateCodeword ( $field_length , ( $cw_num + 1 ));
++ $cw_num ;
} else {
$cw [] = $this -> get255StateCodeword (( floor ( $field_length / 250 ) + 249 ), ( $cw_num + 1 ));
$cw [] = $this -> get255StateCodeword (( $field_length % 250 ), ( $cw_num + 2 ));
$cw_num += 2 ;
if ( ! empty ( $temp_cw )) {
// add B256 field
foreach ( $temp_cw as $p => $cht ) {
$cw [] = $this -> get255StateCodeword ( $cht , ( $cw_num + $p + 1 ));
break ;
} // end of switch enc
} // end of while
return $cw ;
* Places " chr+bit " with appropriate wrapping within array [] .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $marr ( array ) Array of symbols .
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ param $row ( int ) Row number .
* @ param $col ( int ) Column number .
* @ param $chr ( int ) Char byte .
* @ param $bit ( int ) Bit .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col , $chr , $bit ) {
if ( $row < 0 ) {
$row += $nrow ;
$col += ( 4 - (( $nrow + 4 ) % 8 ));
if ( $col < 0 ) {
$col += $ncol ;
$row += ( 4 - (( $ncol + 4 ) % 8 ));
$marr [(( $row * $ncol ) + $col )] = (( 10 * $chr ) + $bit );
return $marr ;
* Places the 8 bits of a utah - shaped symbol character .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $marr ( array ) Array of symbols .
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ param $row ( int ) Row number .
* @ param $col ( int ) Column number .
* @ param $chr ( int ) Char byte .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function placeUtah ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col , $chr ) {
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row - 2 , $col - 2 , $chr , 1 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row - 2 , $col - 1 , $chr , 2 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row - 1 , $col - 2 , $chr , 3 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row - 1 , $col - 1 , $chr , 4 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row - 1 , $col , $chr , 5 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col - 2 , $chr , 6 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col - 1 , $chr , 7 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col , $chr , 8 );
return $marr ;
* Places the 8 bits of the first special corner case .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $marr ( array ) Array of symbols .
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ param $chr ( int ) Char byte .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function placeCornerA ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr ) {
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , 0 , $chr , 1 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , 1 , $chr , 2 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , 2 , $chr , 3 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 2 , $chr , 4 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 5 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 1 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 6 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 2 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 7 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 3 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 8 );
return $marr ;
* Places the 8 bits of the second special corner case .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $marr ( array ) Array of symbols .
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ param $chr ( int ) Char byte .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function placeCornerB ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr ) {
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 3 , 0 , $chr , 1 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 2 , 0 , $chr , 2 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , 0 , $chr , 3 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 4 , $chr , 4 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 3 , $chr , 5 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 2 , $chr , 6 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 7 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 1 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 8 );
return $marr ;
* Places the 8 bits of the third special corner case .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $marr ( array ) Array of symbols .
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ param $chr ( int ) Char byte .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function placeCornerC ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr ) {
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 3 , 0 , $chr , 1 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 2 , 0 , $chr , 2 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , 0 , $chr , 3 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 2 , $chr , 4 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 5 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 1 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 6 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 2 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 7 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 3 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 8 );
return $marr ;
* Places the 8 bits of the fourth special corner case .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $marr ( array ) Array of symbols .
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ param $chr ( int ) Char byte .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function placeCornerD ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr ) {
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , 0 , $chr , 1 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $nrow - 1 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 2 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 3 , $chr , 3 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 2 , $chr , 4 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 0 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 5 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 1 , $ncol - 3 , $chr , 6 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 1 , $ncol - 2 , $chr , 7 );
$marr = $this -> placeModule ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , 1 , $ncol - 1 , $chr , 8 );
return $marr ;
* Build a placement map .
* ( Annex F - ECC 200 symbol character placement )
* @ param $nrow ( int ) Number of rows .
* @ param $ncol ( int ) Number of columns .
* @ return array
* @ protected
protected function getPlacementMap ( $nrow , $ncol ) {
// initialize array with zeros
$marr = array_fill ( 0 , ( $nrow * $ncol ), 0 );
// set starting values
$chr = 1 ;
$row = 4 ;
$col = 0 ;
do {
// repeatedly first check for one of the special corner cases, then
if (( $row == $nrow ) AND ( $col == 0 )) {
$marr = $this -> placeCornerA ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr );
++ $chr ;
if (( $row == ( $nrow - 2 )) AND ( $col == 0 ) AND ( $ncol % 4 )) {
$marr = $this -> placeCornerB ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr );
++ $chr ;
if (( $row == ( $nrow - 2 )) AND ( $col == 0 ) AND (( $ncol % 8 ) == 4 )) {
$marr = $this -> placeCornerC ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr );
++ $chr ;
if (( $row == ( $nrow + 4 )) AND ( $col == 2 ) AND ( ! ( $ncol % 8 ))) {
$marr = $this -> placeCornerD ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $chr );
++ $chr ;
// sweep upward diagonally, inserting successive characters,
do {
if (( $row < $nrow ) AND ( $col >= 0 ) AND ( ! $marr [(( $row * $ncol ) + $col )])) {
$marr = $this -> placeUtah ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col , $chr );
++ $chr ;
$row -= 2 ;
$col += 2 ;
} while (( $row >= 0 ) AND ( $col < $ncol ));
++ $row ;
$col += 3 ;
// & then sweep downward diagonally, inserting successive characters,...
do {
if (( $row >= 0 ) AND ( $col < $ncol ) AND ( ! $marr [(( $row * $ncol ) + $col )])) {
$marr = $this -> placeUtah ( $marr , $nrow , $ncol , $row , $col , $chr );
++ $chr ;
$row += 2 ;
$col -= 2 ;
} while (( $row < $nrow ) AND ( $col >= 0 ));
$row += 3 ;
++ $col ;
// ... until the entire array is scanned
} while (( $row < $nrow ) OR ( $col < $ncol ));
// lastly, if the lower righthand corner is untouched, fill in fixed pattern
if ( ! $marr [(( $nrow * $ncol ) - 1 )]) {
$marr [(( $nrow * $ncol ) - 1 )] = 1 ;
$marr [(( $nrow * $ncol ) - $ncol - 2 )] = 1 ;
return $marr ;
} // end DataMatrix class