2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_header.php' );
<!-- Main Content Container for side bar and body -->
< div class = " main-container ace-save-state " id = " main-container " >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
try {
ace . settings . loadState ( 'main-container' )
} catch ( e ) {}
</ script >
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_sidebar.php' ); ?>
< ? php
error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_PARSE );
$id = ( $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != '' && $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != null ) ? $_POST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] : $_REQUEST [ 'emp_id_history' ];
// echo $id;
$query = " select * from patient_master where id = ' " . $id . " ' " ;
// echo $query;
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
} else {
$row = @ mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
@ extract ( $row );
< div class = " main-content " >
< div class = " main-content-inner " >
< div class = " breadcrumbs ace-save-state " id = " breadcrumbs " >
< ul class = " breadcrumb " >
< li >< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-home home-icon " ></ i > < a href = " # " > Home </ a >
</ li >
< li class = " # " > Patient Visit </ li >
< li class = " active " > Health Surveillance </ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " row " id = " sickness_form_id " >
< div class = " col-xs-12 " >
< div class = " widget-box " >
< div class = " widget-body " >
< div class = " widget-main " >
< div class = " row " >
< div style = " margin: 5px; " >
< div class = " tabbable " >
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs " id = " myTab " >
< li class = " active " >< a data - toggle = " tab " href = " #appointment " aria - expanded = " false " > Preventive Check - up Form < span class = " badge badge-success " >+</ span >
</ a ></ li >
<!-- < li >< a href = '#' class = " blue " onclick = " open_dashboard(<?= $patient_id ?>) " >< i class = " ace-icon fa fa-user bigger-130 " ></ i >< ? = $patient_name ?> 's Profile</a>
</ li > -->
< li class = " " >< a data - toggle = " tab " href = " #history1 " aria - expanded = " false " > < input type = " hidden " id = " emp_id " name = " emp_id " value = " <?php echo ( $_REQUEST['flex_opd_id'] != '' && $_REQUEST['flex_opd_id'] != null) ? $_POST['flex_opd_id'] : $_REQUEST['emp_id_history'] ; ?> " >
History < span class = " badge badge-danger " id = " history_record " >< ? php
$history_count = getTableFieldValue ( 'checkup_form' , 'count(*)' , 'emp_id' , ( $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != '' && $_REQUEST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] != null ) ? $_POST [ 'flex_opd_id' ] : $_REQUEST [ 'emp_id_history' ]);
if ( $history_count == '' || $history_count == null )
$history_count = 0 ;
echo $history_count ;
?> </span>
</ a ></ li >
< ? php if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'returnPage' ])) { ?>
< div class = " dt-buttons btn-overlap btn-group " style = " margin-left: 608px; margin-top: 2px " >
< a href = " <?= $_REQUEST['returnPage'] . '&backButon=back' ?> " class = " dt-button buttons-csv buttons-html5 btn btn-white btn-primary btn-bold save_button " > Back </ a >
< ? php } ?>
</ div >
</ ul >
< div class = " tab-content " >
< div id = " appointment " class = " tab-pane fade in active " >
< ? php
error_log ( " going into checkup_form " );
include ( 'checkup_form.php' ); ?>
</ div >
< div id = " history1 " class = " tab-pane fade " >
< ? php
error_log ( " entry into history " );
include ( 'history_checkup.php' ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
<!-- end tab table -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner row -->
</ div >
<!-- end of widget - main -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner widgetbody -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner widgetbox -->
</ div >
<!-- end of xs -->
</ div >
<!-- end of inner widgetbody -->
</ div >
</ div >
<!-- end of outer col - xs - 12 " >-->
</ div >
<!-- end of outer row -->
</ div >
< form name = " f1 " method = " post " id = " flex_opd_id_medical " action = " " >
< div id = " flex1 " style = " width: 100% " ></ div >
< input type = " hidden " name = " flex_opd_id " id = " flex_opd_id " />
</ form >
< script >
function open_dashboard ( emp_id ) {
if ( emp_id != null && emp_id != '' ) {
$ ( " #flex_opd_id " ) . val ( emp_id );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . attr ( 'target' , '_blank' );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . attr ( 'method' , 'POST' );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . attr ( 'action' , 'emp_dashboard.php' );
$ ( " #flex_opd_id_medical " ) . submit ();
< ? php error_log ( " function start in checkup " ); ?>
function save () {
//alert(" gfgdgdg");
get_section_id ();
$ . ajax ({
url : 'save_checkup_form.php' ,
type : " POST " ,
data : $ ( " #checkup_form_employee " ) . serialize (),
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data . indexOf ( " FAILURE " ) != - 1 ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Saving Checkup Form :Select the checkup_section_ids.' );
} else {
var checkId = JSON . parse ( data );
updateApp ( checkId );
if ( $ ( " #checkup_id " ) . val () == " " ) {
var history_record = $ ( " #history_record " ) . text ();
$ ( '#history_record' ) . text ( parseInt ( history_record ) + 1 );
$ ( " #checkup_id " ) . val ( checkId );
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Checkup Form Saved Successfully.' );
opens ( checkId );
< ? php if ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleCode' ] == 'RCP' ) {
echo " location.replace(' " . $_SESSION [ 'role_home_page' ] . " ') " ;
} ?>
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Saving Checkup Form' );
return ;
// $('.close').click();
var flex_checkup_id = " <?php echo $_REQUEST['flex_checkup_id'] ; ?> "
if ( flex_checkup_id != " " && flex_checkup_id != null )
opens ( flex_checkup_id );
function opens ( id ) {
$ . ajax ({
url : 'select_checkup_form.php?id=' + id + '' ,
type : 'POST' ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data != null ) {
var data = $ . parseJSON ( data );
myDateFormaterTime ( data . parent . checkup_date );
$ ( " #checkup_id " ) . val ( data . parent . checkup_id );
var checkup_parameter_array = < ? php echo json_encode ( $checkup_parameter_array ) ?> ;
$ ( " #remarks " ) . val ( data . parent . remarks );
if ( data . child != 'undefined' && data . child != '' && data . child != null )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < data . child . length ; i ++ ) {
$ ( " # " + data . child [ i ] . checkup_form_key ) . val ( data . child [ i ] . checkup_form_value );
$ ( " # " + data . child [ i ] . checkup_form_key ) . trigger ( 'chosen:updated' );
$ ( " #checkup_type_id " ) . val ( data . parent . checkup_type_id );
$ ( '#checkup_type_id' ) . trigger ( 'chosen:updated' );
var element = document . getElementById ( 'health_risk_name' );
var element1 = document . getElementById ( 'health_advice_name' );
if ( data . parent . health_advice_id != null && data . parent . health_advice_id != '' ) {
var health_advice_name = data . parent . health_advice_id ;
if ( health_advice_name . length > 0 ) {
dataarray1 = health_advice_name . split ( " , " );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < element1 . options . length ; i ++ ) {
element1 . options [ i ] . selected = dataarray1 . indexOf ( element1 . options [ i ] . value ) >= 0 ;
$ ( '#health_advice_name' ) . trigger ( 'chosen:updated' );
if ( data . parent . health_risk_id != null && data . parent . health_risk_id != '' ) {
var health_risk_name = data . parent . health_risk_id ;
if ( health_risk_name . length > 0 ) {
dataarray = health_risk_name . split ( " , " );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < element . options . length ; i ++ ) {
element . options [ i ] . selected = dataarray . indexOf ( element . options [ i ] . value ) >= 0 ;
$ ( '#health_risk_name' ) . trigger ( 'chosen:updated' );
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Populating Checkup Form ' );
return ;
/* $ ( '#checkdown_date' ) . datepicker ({
autoclose : true ,
format : 'dd/mm/yyyy' ,
}) . next () . on ( ace . click_event , function (){
$ ( this ) . prev () . focus ();
}); */
function myDateFormaterTime ( myDate ) {
$ ( '#checkdown_date' ) . datetimepicker ({
format : 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A' , //use this option to display seconds
defaultDate : new Date ( myDate ),
var highlightedFields = " <?php echo getFieldFromTable( " highlighted_fields " , " medical_examination_highlighted " , " medical_exam_id " , $_REQUEST['flex_checkup_id'] ) ?> "
console . log ( highlightedFields );
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
$ ( " #hiddenHighlighter " ) . val ( highlightedFields );
highlightedFields = highlightedFields . split ( " , " )
console . log ( highlightedFields );
// console.log("length"+highlighted_fieldslds.length);
for ( var i = 1 ; i < highlightedFields . length ; i ++ ) {
console . log ( " values: " + highlightedFields [ i ]);
ids = $ ( " [name=' " + highlightedFields [ i ] + " '] " );
ids . css ( " borderColor " , " tomato " );
ids . css ( " color " , " red " );
function updateApp ( id ){
$ . ajax ({
url : 'update_book_app.php' ,
data : {
id : id ,
emp_id : $ ( '#checkup_emp_id' ) . val (),
app_type : 'MED' ,
checkdown_date : $ ( '#checkdown_date' ) . val (),
type : 'POST' ,
success : function ( data ) {
var checkId = JSON . parse ( data );
if ( checkId != '' && checkId != null ){
open_mail ( checkId , 'save' );
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error Populating Checkup Form ' );
return ;
function open_mail ( appointmentId , type ) {
$ . ajax ({
url : 'select_app_data.php' ,
type : " POST " ,
data : {
'cityId' : appointmentId ,
dataType : 'json' ,
success : function ( data ) {
var app_id = data . id ;
var link = " " + data . app_root + " /checkup_form_pdf.php?checkup_id= " + data . app_id ;
// var link = "" + app_root + "/opd_form_pdf.php?appointment_id_pdf=" + app_id;
var emailContent = " " ;
var status = '' ;
var sub_status = '' ;
sub_status = 'completed' ;
status = " <font color=green>completed</font> " ;
data . app_type = 'Periodic Health Checkup' ;
var email_list_to = data . emp_mail ;
var email_list_cc = data . doc_mail ;
// var app_root = '<?php echo getConfigKey('APP_ROOT') ?>';
ref_type = " Appointments Booked " ;
var subject = 'Your ' + data . app_type + ' got ' + sub_status + ' in ' + data . ohc_type + ' OHC on ' + data
. date + '.' ;
emailContent +=
" <p>Dear Sir/Madam,</p><p>Your " + data . app_type + " in " + data . ohc_type + " ohc got " +
status +
" .<br>Below are more details of your booking </p><br><table class=`table-bordered` width=`100%`><thead><tr><th>Date</th><th>Time</th><th>Patient Name</th> " ;
// emailContent +="<th>Doc Name</th>";
emailContent += " <th> Appointment Type</th><th> status</th><th> Remarks</th></tr><thead><tbody> " ;
emailContent += " <tr><td> " + data . date + " </td><td> " + data . slot + '-' + data . slot_end +
" </td><td> " +
data . patient_name +
// "</td><td>" +
// data.doctor_name +
" </td><td> " + data . app_type +
" </td><td> " + status +
" </td><td> " + data . remarks + " </td></tr> " ;
emailContent +=
" </tbody></table> " ;
emailContent += " <br><a href= " + link +
" >More Details</a> " ;
emailContent += " <p> Regards,</p><p> Team OHC</p> " ;
message = emailContent ;
var id = appointmentId ;
message = emailContent ;
send_email ( ref_type , appointmentId , email_list_to , email_list_cc , subject ,
message , type );
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error In Pulling Id' );
return id ;
function send_email ( ref_type , ref_identifier , email_list_to , email_list_cc , subject , message , type ) {
$ . ajax ({
url : 'send_email.php' ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : {
ref_type : ref_type ,
ref_identifier : ref_identifier ,
email_list_to : email_list_to ,
email_list_cc : email_list_cc ,
subject : subject ,
message : message ,
success : function ( data ) {
return ;
error : function ( data ) {
BootstrapDialog . alert ( 'Error in sending mail' );
return ;
$ ( '.close' ) . click ();
</ script >
< ? php
$header_visible = getFieldFromTable ( 'sec_choice' , 'checkup_type' , 'checkup_type_id' , $checkup_type_id );
error_log ( " key value header visible: " . $header_visible );
if ( $header_visible == " No " ) {
< script >
document . getElementById ( " checkup_section_header " ) . style . display = " none " ;
</ script >
< ? php
< ? php include ( 'techsyn_footer.php' ); ?>