2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php
include ( 'includes/config/config.php' );
include ( 'includes/auth/auth.php' );
include ( 'includes/functions.php' );
include ( 'access.php' );
include ( 'log_entry.php' );
// error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
< ? php
$emp_id = $_REQUEST [ 'emp_id' ];;
// echo $emp_id;
// Connect to mysqli database
$page = 1 ; // The current page
$sortname = 'appointment_date' ; // Sort column
$sortorder = 'desc' ; // Sort order
$qtype = '' ; // Search column
$query = '' ; // Search string
// Get posted data
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'page' ])) {
$page = mysqli_real_escape_string ( $conn , $_POST [ 'page' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'sortname' ])) {
$sortname = mysqli_real_escape_string ( $conn , $_POST [ 'sortname' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'sortorder' ])) {
$sortorder = mysqli_real_escape_string ( $conn , $_POST [ 'sortorder' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'qtype' ])) {
$qtype = mysqli_real_escape_string ( $conn , $_POST [ 'qtype' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'query' ])) {
$query = mysqli_real_escape_string ( $conn , $_POST [ 'query' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'rp' ])) {
$rp = mysqli_real_escape_string ( $conn , $_POST [ 'rp' ]);
// Setup sort and search SQL using posted data
$sortSql = " order by $sortname $sortorder " ;
if ( $qtype == 'emp_code' ) {
$emp_id = getFieldFromTable ( 'id' , 'patient_master' , 'emp_code' , trim ( $query ));
$searchSql = ( $qtype != '' && $query != '' && trim ( $query ) != '' ) ? " and ep.emp_id = ' " . $emp_id . " ' " : '' ;
} else {
$searchSql = ( $qtype != '' && $query != '' ) ? " and upper( $qtype ) like upper('% $query %') " : '' ;
// Get total count of records
// echo 'shu'.$p;
$sql = " select count(*)from employee_appointment ep inner join patient_master e on e.id=ep.emp_id where ((doctor_attended_flag='N' and attended_status='DRP') or (doctor_attended_flag='Y' and attended_status='MDP')) and ep.appointment_type='I' and ep.ohc_type_id=' " . $_SESSION [ 'current_ohcttype' ] . " ' $searchSql " ;
// echo $sql;
error_log ( " query: 90: " . $sql );
$result = mysqli_query ( $conn , $sql );
$row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
$total = $row [ 0 ];
// Setup paging
if ( ! isset ( $rp )) {
$rp = 10 ;
$pageStart = ( $page - 1 ) * $rp ;
$limitSql = " limit $pageStart , $rp " ;
// Return JSON data
$data = array ();
$data [ 'page' ] = $page ;
$data [ 'total' ] = $total ;
$data [ 'rows' ] = array ();
$sql_employee_appointment = " select patient_name,emp_code ,ep.modified_by,e.id,appointment_id,ticket_no,token_no, appointment_date,bp_sbp,bp_dbp,blood_sugar_fbs,blood_sugar_rbs,blood_sugar_ppbs,temperature,spo2_percent,remarks_rece ,complaints,examination_remarks,ailment_ids,hospital_treatment, referral,followup,remarks,IsEmergency ,appointment_type,injury_types
from employee_appointment ep inner join patient_master e on e . id = ep . emp_id where (( doctor_attended_flag = 'N' and attended_status = 'DRP' ) or ( doctor_attended_flag = 'Y' and attended_status = 'MDP' )) and ep . appointment_type = 'I' and ep . ohc_type_id = '" . $_SESSION[' current_ohcttype '] . "' " ;
// echo $sql_employee_appointment;
$sql_export = $sql_employee_appointment ;
$sql_employee_appointment .= " $searchSql $sortSql $limitSql " ;
$sql_export .= " $searchSql $sortSql " ;
error_log ( " sql employee_appointment: 143: " . $sql_employee_appointment );
$results_employee_appointment = mysqli_query ( $conn , $sql_employee_appointment );
// echo $sql_employee_appointment;
$count = ( $page - 1 ) * $rp + 1 ;
// echo $sql_ailment;
// echo $access_level;
while ( $row_employee_appointment = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $results_employee_appointment )) {
extract ( $row_employee_appointment );
$appointment_type = $row_employee_appointment [ 'appointment_type' ];
$emp_id = $row_employee_appointment [ 'id' ];
$complaints = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause ( " select complaint from complaints " , " complaint_id " , $row_employee_appointment [ 'complaints' ]);
if ( $appointment_type == 'O' ) {
$diagnosis = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause ( " select ailment_name from ailment " , " ailment_id " , $row_employee_appointment [ 'ailment_ids' ]);
} else if ( $appointment_type == 'I' ) {
$diagnosis = getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause ( " select injury_type_name from injury_type " , " injury_type_id " , $row_employee_appointment [ 'injury_types' ]);
$appointment_type = $row_employee_appointment [ 'appointment_type' ];
$employee_appointment = $row_employee_appointment [ 'appointment_id' ];
$emp_id = $row_employee_appointment [ 'emp_id' ];
// echo $ailment_id;
$view_link = " " ;
$edit_link = " " ;
$delete_link = " " ;
$approve_link = " " ;
$links = " " ;
$space = " " ;
// echo "shubham";
// if ($appointment_type == 'O') {
// $view_link = "<a href=\"view_opd.php?appointmentId=" . $appointment_id . "&flex_opd_id=" . $emp_id . "&returnPage=pending_medical_disbursement_list.php?view=view\" class=\"green\" ><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-search-plus bigger-130\"></i></a>";
// $view_link .= $space;
// } else if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
// $view_link = "<a href=\"#\" class=\"grey\"view_injury.php?appointmentId=" . $appointment_id . "&flex_opd_id=" . $emp_id . "&returnPage=pending_medical_disbursement_list.php?view=view\" class=\"green\" ><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-eye bigger-130\"></i></a>";
// $view_link .= $space;
// }
// if ($appointment_type == 'O') {
// $edit_link = "<a href=\"edit_opd.php?appointmentId=" . $appointment_id . "&flex_opd_id=" . $emp_id . "&returnPage=pending_medical_disbursement_list.php?view=edit\" class=\"blue\" ><i class=\"menu-icon fa fa-pencil-square-o\"></i></a>";
// $edit_link .= $space;
// } else if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
$view_link = $space . " <a id='appointment_id_ " . $appointment_id . " ' href= \" # \" class= \" grey \" onclick= \" open_employee_appointment(' " . $appointment_id . " ',' " . $appointment_type . " ',' " . $emp_id . " ','V'); \" ><i class= \" ace-icon fa fa-eye \" style= \" font-size: 15px; \" ></i></a> " ;
$edit_link = $space . " <a href= \" # \" class= \" blue \" onclick= \" open_employee_appointment(' " . $appointment_id . " ',' " . $appointment_type . " ',' " . $emp_id . " ','E'); \" ><i class= \" ace-icon fa fa-edit \" style= \" font-size: 15px; \" ></i></a> " ;
$followup_links = " " ;
$query_followup = " select * from followup_details where appointment_id=' " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'appointment_id' ] . " ' and ((doctor_attended_flag='N' and attended_status='DRP') or (doctor_attended_flag='Y' and attended_status='MDP') or (doctor_attended_flag='Y' and attended_status='DRP')) and appointment_type='I' and ohc_type_id=' " . $_SESSION [ 'current_ohcttype' ] . " ' " ;
error_log ( " Patient_Search_followup: " . $query_followup );
if ( ! $result_followup = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query_followup )) {
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( mysqli_error ( $conn ));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result_followup ) > 0 ) {
while ( $row_followup = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result_followup )) {
if ( isAccessible ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleId' ], $menu_key , 'W' )) {
$followup_links .= " <a href= \" # \" class= \" green \" onclick= \" open_employee_appointment(' " . $appointment_id . " ',' " . $appointment_type . " ',' " . $emp_id . " ','F',' " . $row_followup [ 'followup_id' ] . " '); \" > " . $row_followup [ " ticket_no " ] . " </a> " ;
// $edit_link .= $space;
// }
// if ($appointment_type == 'O') {
// $approve_link = "<a onclick=\"open_approval();\" class=\"blue\" ><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip\"></i></a>";
// $approve_link .= $space;
// } else if ($appointment_type == 'I') {
// $approve_link .= $space;
// }
// $convert_link="<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"convertToOPD();\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-edit\"></i></a>";
// $delete_link="<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"delete_employee_appointment_history('".$appointment_id."');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130\"></i></a>";
// echo $hasReadAccess =isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$menu_key,'R');
// echo $hasWriteAccess = isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$menu_key,'W');
// echo $hasReadAccess;
// echo $hasWriteAccess;
if ( ! isAccessible ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleId' ], $menu_key , 'R' )) {
$view_link = " " ;
if ( ! isAccessible ( $_SESSION [ 'RoleId' ], $menu_key , 'W' )) {
$edit_link = " " ;
$links = $view_link . $space . $edit_link ;
$isEmergency = " " ;
if ( $row_employee_appointment [ 'IsEmergency' ] == 1 ) {
$isEmergency = " <span class=' lighter red'>Yes</i></span> " ;
} else {
$isEmergency = " <span class='green'>No</i></span> " ;
$doctor_attended_flag = " " ;
if ( $row_employee_appointment [ 'doctor_attended_flag' ] == 'Y' ) {
$doctor_attended_flag = " <span class=' lighter red'>Yes</i></span> " ;
} else {
$doctor_attended_flag = " <span class='green'>No</i></span> " ;
$check_results = " SBP: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'bp_sbp' ] . " , DBP: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'bp_dbp' ] . " , FBS: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'blood_sugar_fbs' ] . " , RBS: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'blood_sugar_rbs' ] . " , PPBS: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'blood_sugar_ppbs' ] . " , TEMP: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'temperature' ] . " , SpO2: " . $row_employee_appointment [ 'spo2_percent' ];;
// echo $row_employee_appointment['bp_sbp'];
$data [ 'rows' ][] = array (
'id' => $row_employee_appointment [ 'appointment_id' ],
'cell' => array (
$links ,
$count ++ ,
date_format ( date_create ( $row_employee_appointment [ 'appointment_date' ]), " d-M-Y H:i A " ),
$followup_links ,
$row_employee_appointment [ 'ticket_no' ],
$row_employee_appointment [ 'emp_code' ],
$row_employee_appointment [ 'patient_name' ],
$isEmergency ,
$doctor_attended_flag ,
$complaints ,
$check_results ,
$row_employee_appointment [ 'remarks_rece' ],
$data [ 'rows' ][] = array (
'id' => $row [ 'filterkey' ],
'cell' => array (
'' ,
" <input type=hidden name='filterkey' id='filterkey' value= \" " . base64_encode ( $sql_export ) . " \" > " ,
" <input type=hidden name=paramlist id=paramlist value= \" " . base64_encode ( $paramlist ) . " \" > " ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
error_log ( " data: " . print_r ( $data , true ));
echo json_encode ( $data );