2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
< ? php
include ( 'includes/config/config.php' );
include ( 'includes/functions.php' );
include ( 'log_entry.php' );
error_log ( " Start Printing Request Attributes " );
$requestStr = " " ;
foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $value ) {
$requestStr .= $key . " : " . $value . " \n " ;
error_log ( $key . " : " . $value . " <br /> \r \n " );
error_log ( " End Printing Request Attributes " );
save_log ( $requestStr , 'Disease Master' , 'SAVE' , 'save_disease_list.php' );
$noOfRows = $_POST [ 'count_items' ];
error_log ( " rows: " . $noOfRows );
$id = $_REQUEST [ 'id_first' ];
$medicine_idddd = $_REQUEST [ 'medicine_frequency0' ];
$abnormality_id = trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'abnormality_id' ]);
$patient_name = " ' " . $_REQUEST [ 'patient_name' ] . " ' " ;
$emp_id = trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'patient_id' ]);
$diag_date = $_REQUEST [ 'diag_date' ];
$remission_date = $_REQUEST [ 'remission_date' ];
$ohc_type_id = $_SESSION [ 'current_ohcttype' ];
error_log ( " date " . $diag_date );
$remark = $_REQUEST [ 'remark' ];
error_log ( " date " . $diag_date );
$query_initial = " " ;
$endquery = " " ;
begin ();
$prescription_id = $_REQUEST [ 'id' ];
error_log ( $id . " ididid " );
error_log ( $prescription_id . " id " );
if ( ! empty ( $prescription_id )) {
$query_initial = " update " ;
$endquery = " where prescription_id = ' " . $prescription_id . " ' " ;
} else {
$query_initial = " insert into " ;
$entered_med = false ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $noOfRows ; $i ++ ) {
error_log ( " in the foreach loop " );
if (( $ { " medicine_name $i " } != null && $ { " medicine_name $i " } != '' ) || ( $ { " other_med $i " } != null && trim ( $ { " other_med $i " }) != '' )) {
error_log ( " in the condition " . " flag is " . $entered_med );
$entered_med = true ;
$health_advice_ids = implode ( " , " , $ { " health_advice_name_new $i " });
error_log ( " advices " . $ { " health_advice_name_new $i " });
updateChronicDiagnosisMapping ( $abnormality_id , $GLOBALS [ 'conn' ]);
$query = $query_initial . " prescription_master set diseases = ' $abnormality_id ',emp_id=' $emp_id ', medicine_name = ' " . $ { " medicine_name $i " } . " ', medicine_frequency = ' " . $ { " medicine_frequency $i " } . " ',medicine_timing = ' " . $ { " medicine_timing $i " } . " ' , admin_route = ' " . $ { " admin_route $i " } . " ' , duration = ' " . $ { " duration $i " } . " ' ,other_med = ' " . $ { " other_med $i " } . " ',remark=' " . trim ( $remark ) . " ',health_advices=' " . $health_advice_ids . " ',ohc_type_id=' " . $ohc_type_id . " ', dose_qty = ' " . $ { " dose_qty $i " } . " ',diagnosis_date = STR_TO_DATE(' " . $diag_date . " ','%Y-%m-%d') " . $endquery ;
error_log ( " final query " . $query );
error_log ( $query . " save query " );
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
rollback ();
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( error_log ( mysqli_error ( $conn )));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
if ( $entered_med == false ) {
if ( ! empty ( $abnormality_id ) && ! empty ( $emp_id )) {
updateChronicDiagnosisMapping ( $abnormality_id , $GLOBALS [ 'conn' ]);
$query = $query_initial . " prescription_master set diseases = ' " . $abnormality_id . " ',emp_id=' " . $emp_id . " ',remark=' " . trim ( $remark ) . " ',health_advices=' " . $health_advice_ids . " ',ohc_type_id=' " . $ohc_type_id . " ',diagnosis_date = STR_TO_DATE(' " . $diag_date . " ','%Y-%m-%d') " . $endquery ;
error_log ( " final query " . $query );
error_log ( $query . " save query " );
if ( ! $result = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query )) {
rollback ();
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( error_log ( mysqli_error ( $conn )));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
updateRemissionDate ( $remission_date , $GLOBALS [ 'conn' ], $abnormality_id , $emp_id );
function updateRemissionDate ( $remission_date , $conn , $abnormality_id , $emp_id )
// if ($remission_date != '' && $remission_date != null && $remission_date != '1970-01-01' && $remission_date != '0000-00-00') {
$query_rem = " update prescription_master set remission_date = STR_TO_DATE(' " . $remission_date . " ','%Y-%m-%d') where diseases = ' $abnormality_id ' and emp_id=' $emp_id ' " ;
error_log ( " final query_rem " . $query_rem );
error_log ( $query_rem . " save query_rem " );
if ( ! $result_rem = @ mysqli_query ( $conn , $query_rem )) {
rollback ();
2024-11-02 18:03:13 +05:30
die ( error_log ( mysqli_error ( $conn )));
2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30
// }
function updateChronicDiagnosisMapping ( $abnormality_id , $conn )
// update or insert this chronic illness with diagnosis mapping table
$exist_map_sql = " select * from diagnosis_chronic_mapping where chronic_id =' " . $abnormality_id . " ' " ;
$result_map_sql = mysqli_query ( $conn , $exist_map_sql );
$map_rows = mysqli_num_rows ( $result_map_sql );
$chronic_name = getFieldFromTable ( 'abnormality_name' , 'abnormality' , 'abnormality_id' , $abnormality_id );
$map_diag_id_sql = " select ailment_id from ailment where ailment_name = lower(trim(' $chronic_name ')) and is_active='Y' limit 1 " ;
error_log ( " map_diag_id_sql " . $map_diag_id_sql );
$result_map_diag_sql = mysqli_query ( $conn , $map_diag_id_sql );
$row_map_diag_sql = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result_map_diag_sql );
$map_diag_id = $row_map_diag_sql [ 'ailment_id' ];
if ( $map_diag_id != '' && $map_diag_id != null && $map_diag_id != '0' ) {
if ( $map_rows > 0 ) {
$delete_map = " delete from diagnosis_chronic_mapping where chronic_id =' " . $abnormality_id . " ' " ;
error_log ( " delete map query " . $delete_map );
$result_delete_map = mysqli_query ( $conn , $delete_map );
$insert_map_sql = " insert into diagnosis_chronic_mapping set chronic_id=' " . $abnormality_id . " ' , ailment_id=' " . $map_diag_id . " ' " ;
error_log ( " map query " . $insert_map_sql );
$result_insert_map = mysqli_query ( $conn , $insert_map_sql );
} else {
$insert_map_sql = " insert into diagnosis_chronic_mapping set chronic_id=' " . $abnormality_id . " ' , ailment_id=' " . $map_diag_id . " ' " ;
error_log ( " map query " . $insert_map_sql );
$result_insert_map = mysqli_query ( $conn , $insert_map_sql );
commit ();