execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $ohc_types = $result->fetch_array(); mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); } else { error_log("Error: " . mysqli_error($conn)); } // error_log("Error: " . print_r($ohc_types,true)); $ohc_filter = ''; $ohc = $row_for_company['company_name']; if ($_REQUEST['plant'] != '') { $ohc_filter = " and `ohc_type_id` = '" . $_REQUEST['plant'] . "' "; $ohc = getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_type_name', 'ohc_type_id', $_REQUEST['plant']); } $sql1 = "SELECT SUM(plant_yellow_qty ) as plant_yellow_qty,sum(yellow_bags) as total_yellow_bags,sum(plant_white_qty) as plant_white_qty,sum(white_bags) as total_white_bags,sum(plant_blue_qty) as plant_blue_qty,sum(blue_bags) as total_blue_bags,sum(plant_red_qty) as plant_red_qty,sum(red_bags) as total_red_bags ,DATE_FORMAT(date(`waste_gen_date`), '%d/%m/%Y') as date FROM `bio_medical_waste_new` WHERE date(`waste_gen_date`) between STR_TO_DATE('" . $from_date . "', '%d-%m-%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE('" . $to_date . "', '%d-%m-%Y') " . $ohc_filter; error_log($sql1); $result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1); $row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1); extract($row1); //echo "hello".$row1[0]; $date = ($row1['date']); error_log("date:" . $date); $plant_yellow_qty = number_format($row1['plant_yellow_qty'], 3); $plant_blue_qty = number_format($row1['plant_blue_qty'], 3); $plant_red_qty = number_format($row1['plant_red_qty'], 3); $plant_white_qty = number_format($row1['plant_white_qty'], 3); //echo $abc; ?>

Form IV
(See rule 13)

S.No Particulars
1. Particulars of the Occupier
(i) Name of the authorized person (occupier of facility)
Vice President-Employee Resource Management

(ii) Name of HCF or CBMWTF
(iii) Address for correspondence
Vice President-Employee Resource Management

(iv) Address of facility
(v) Tel. No, Fax. No Phone:
Fax :
(vi) E-mail ID
(vii) URL of Website -
(viii) GPS co-ordinates of HCF or CBMWTF Latitude 12.441854 N Decimal Degrees
Longitude 77.471632 E Decimal Degrees
(ix) Ownership of HCF or CBMWTF (State Government or Private or Semi Govt. Or any other) Private
(x) Status of Consents under Water Act and Air Act Authorization No. : Water Consent -2107133076821;
Air Consent- 2107233076821
Valid up to: March 31, 2022
(xi) Status of Authorization under the Bio-Medical Waste ( Management and Handling) Rules Authorization No - 20BAC28600232 Dated 06/02/2020 (One time)
2. Type of Health Care Facility Out-patient Care
(i) Bedded Hospitals No. of Beds : Nil
(ii) Non-bedded Hospitals (Clinic or Blood Bank or Clinical Laboratory or Research Institute or Veterinary Hospitals or any other) Clinic + Clinical Laboratory inside company premises
(iii) License number and its date of expiry Not Applicable
3. Details of CBMWTF Not Applicable
(i) Number of healthcare facilities covered by CBMWTF Not Applicable
(ii) No.of beds covered by CBMWTF Not Applicable
(iii) Installed treatment and disposal capacity of CBMWTF Not Applicable
(iv) Quantity of biomedical waste treated or disposed by CBMWTF Not Applicable
4. Quantity of waste generated or disposed in Kg per annum (on monthly average basis) Yellow Category: Kg/annum (About Kg/month)
Red Category: Kg/annum (About Kg/month)
White Category: Kg/annum (About Kg/month)
Blue Category: Kg/annum (About Kg/month)
General Solid waste: Nil
5 Details of the Storage, treatment, transportation, processing and Disposal Facility The waste is stored temporarily in a container and disposed within 48 hours
(i) Details of the on-site storage facility Size : Not Applicable
Capacity : Not Applicable
Provision of on-site storage : ( cold storage or any other provision) Not Applicable
(ii) Disposal facilities
Type of Treatment Equipment No. of Units Capacity (Kg/day) Quantity Treated or Disposed (Kg/annum)
Incinerators -
Plasma Pyrolysis -
Autoclaves -
Microwave -
Hydroclave -
Shredder -
Needle tip cutter or destroyer -
Sharps encapsulation or concrete pit -
Deep burial pits -
Chemical disinfection -
Any other treatment equipment -
(iii) Quantity of recyclable wastes sold to authorized recyclers after treatment in kg per annum Not Applicable
(iv) No of vehicles used for collection and transportation of biomedical waste Not Applicable
(v) Details of incineration ash and ETP sludge generated and disposed during the treatment of wastes in Kg per annum
Quantity generated Wherever disposed
Incineration Ash
Not Applicable
ETP Sludge
Not Applicable
(vi) Name of the Common Bio-­Medical Waste Treatment Facility Operator through which wastes are disposed of ,
(vii) List of member HCF not handed over biomedical waste Not Applicable
6. Do you have bio­medical waste management committee? If yes, attach minutes of the meetings held during the reporting period No
7. Details training conducted on BMW
(i) Number of trainings conducted on BMW Management
(ii) Number of personnel trained
(iii) Number of personnel trained at the time of induction
(iv) Number of personnel not undergone any training so far
(v) Whether standard manual for training is available?
(vi) Any other information
8. Details of accident occurred during the year
(i) Number of trainings conducted on BMW Management
(ii) Number of persons affected
(iii) Remedial action taken ( Please attach details if any)
(iv) Any Fatality occurred, details
9. Are you meeting the standards of air pollution from the incinerator? How many times in last year could not met the standards? Not Applicable
Details of Continuous online emission monitoring systems installed Not Applicable
10. Liquid waste generated and treatment methods in place. How many times you have not met the standards in a year? Liquid wastes are segregated at source and are treated suitably.
There are no incidents of non­adherence to standard.
11. Is the disinfection method or sterilization meeting the log 4 standards? How many times you have not met the standards in a year? Yes
There are no incidents of non-­adherence to standard
12. Any other relevant information (Air Pollution Control Devices attached with the Incinerator)

Certified that the above report is for the period from to .


Vice President - Employee Resource Management
Name and Signature of the Head of the Institution