Yearly report of bio medical waste generation

1.Particulars of the applicant
    i. Name of the authorized person (occupier/operator) :
    ii. Name and address of institution: ,

2. Category of waste (as per schedule-I of the rule) generated and quantity for the Year of: -

Category Waste Quantity
Yellow- (Category-1,2,3&6) gms
Red (Category-3,6&7) gms
Blue (Category-7) gms
White Translucent (Category-4) gms

3. Brief details of the treatment facility:
    In case off-site facility:
      i. Name of the operator:
      ii. Name and address of the facility: ,

4. Category-wise quantity of waste treated:
      i. Incineration/Burial (Yellow bag): gms
      ii. Autoclave/Microwave
        a) Red Bag: gms
        b) Blue bag: gms
        c) White Translucent bag: gms

5. Mode of treatment with details: Waste is handed over to the authorized disposal agency (i.e. )

6. Any other information:

7. Certified that the above report is for the period from to

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Date :
Place : Signature:
Designation : Head Medical Services
Factory Medical Officer