
 * PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Worksheet
 * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015 PHPExcel
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * @category   PHPExcel
 * @package    PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt    LGPL
 * @version    ##VERSION##, ##DATE##

// Original file header of PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet (used as the base for this class):
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /*
// *  Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <xnoguer@rezebra.com>
// *
// *  The majority of this is _NOT_ my code.  I simply ported it from the
// *  PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
// *
// *  The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
// *  <jmcnamara@cpan.org>
// *
// *  I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
// *  porting of this code to PHP.  Any questions directly related to this
// *  class library should be directed to me.
// *
// *  License Information:
// *
// *    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
// *    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer xnoguer@rezebra.com
// *
// *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// *    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// *    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// *
// *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
// *
// *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// */
class PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Worksheet extends PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_BIFFwriter
     * Formula parser
     * @var PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Parser
    private $parser;

     * Maximum number of characters for a string (LABEL record in BIFF5)
     * @var integer
    private $xlsStringMaxLength;

     * Array containing format information for columns
     * @var array
    private $columnInfo;

     * Array containing the selected area for the worksheet
     * @var array
    private $selection;

     * The active pane for the worksheet
     * @var integer
    private $activePane;

     * Whether to use outline.
     * @var integer
    private $outlineOn;

     * Auto outline styles.
     * @var bool
    private $outlineStyle;

     * Whether to have outline summary below.
     * @var bool
    private $outlineBelow;

     * Whether to have outline summary at the right.
     * @var bool
    private $outlineRight;

     * Reference to the total number of strings in the workbook
     * @var integer
    private $stringTotal;

     * Reference to the number of unique strings in the workbook
     * @var integer
    private $stringUnique;

     * Reference to the array containing all the unique strings in the workbook
     * @var array
    private $stringTable;

     * Color cache
    private $colors;

     * Index of first used row (at least 0)
     * @var int
    private $firstRowIndex;

     * Index of last used row. (no used rows means -1)
     * @var int
    private $lastRowIndex;

     * Index of first used column (at least 0)
     * @var int
    private $firstColumnIndex;

     * Index of last used column (no used columns means -1)
     * @var int
    private $lastColumnIndex;

     * Sheet object
     * @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
    public $phpSheet;

     * Count cell style Xfs
     * @var int
    private $countCellStyleXfs;

     * Escher object corresponding to MSODRAWING
     * @var PHPExcel_Shared_Escher
    private $escher;

     * Array of font hashes associated to FONT records index
     * @var array
    public $fontHashIndex;

     * Constructor
     * @param int        &$str_total        Total number of strings
     * @param int        &$str_unique    Total number of unique strings
     * @param array        &$str_table        String Table
     * @param array        &$colors        Colour Table
     * @param mixed        $parser            The formula parser created for the Workbook
     * @param boolean    $preCalculateFormulas    Flag indicating whether formulas should be calculated or just written
     * @param string    $phpSheet        The worksheet to write
     * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $phpSheet
    public function __construct(&$str_total, &$str_unique, &$str_table, &$colors, $parser, $preCalculateFormulas, $phpSheet)
        // It needs to call its parent's constructor explicitly

        // change BIFFwriter limit for CONTINUE records
//        $this->_limit = 8224;

        $this->_preCalculateFormulas = $preCalculateFormulas;
        $this->stringTotal        = &$str_total;
        $this->stringUnique        = &$str_unique;
        $this->stringTable        = &$str_table;
        $this->colors            = &$colors;
        $this->parser            = $parser;

        $this->phpSheet = $phpSheet;

        //$this->ext_sheets        = array();
        //$this->offset            = 0;
        $this->xlsStringMaxLength = 255;
        $this->columnInfo  = array();
        $this->selection   = array(0,0,0,0);
        $this->activePane  = 3;

        $this->_print_headers = 0;

        $this->outlineStyle  = 0;
        $this->outlineBelow  = 1;
        $this->outlineRight  = 1;
        $this->outlineOn     = 1;

        $this->fontHashIndex = array();

        // calculate values for DIMENSIONS record
        $minR = 1;
        $minC = 'A';

        $maxR  = $this->phpSheet->getHighestRow();
        $maxC = $this->phpSheet->getHighestColumn();

        // Determine lowest and highest column and row
//        $this->firstRowIndex = ($minR > 65535) ? 65535 : $minR;
        $this->lastRowIndex = ($maxR > 65535) ? 65535 : $maxR ;

        $this->firstColumnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($minC);
        $this->lastColumnIndex  = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($maxC);

//        if ($this->firstColumnIndex > 255) $this->firstColumnIndex = 255;
        if ($this->lastColumnIndex > 255) {
            $this->lastColumnIndex = 255;

        $this->countCellStyleXfs = count($phpSheet->getParent()->getCellStyleXfCollection());

     * Add data to the beginning of the workbook (note the reverse order)
     * and to the end of the workbook.
     * @access public
     * @see PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Workbook::storeWorkbook()
    public function close()
        $phpSheet = $this->phpSheet;

        $num_sheets = $phpSheet->getParent()->getSheetCount();

        // Write BOF record

        // Write PRINTHEADERS

        // Write PRINTGRIDLINES

        // Write GRIDSET

        // Calculate column widths

        // Column dimensions
        if (($defaultWidth = $phpSheet->getDefaultColumnDimension()->getWidth()) < 0) {
            $defaultWidth = PHPExcel_Shared_Font::getDefaultColumnWidthByFont($phpSheet->getParent()->getDefaultStyle()->getFont());

        $columnDimensions = $phpSheet->getColumnDimensions();
        $maxCol = $this->lastColumnIndex -1;
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $maxCol; ++$i) {
            $hidden = 0;
            $level = 0;
            $xfIndex = 15; // there are 15 cell style Xfs

            $width = $defaultWidth;

            $columnLetter = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i);
            if (isset($columnDimensions[$columnLetter])) {
                $columnDimension = $columnDimensions[$columnLetter];
                if ($columnDimension->getWidth() >= 0) {
                    $width = $columnDimension->getWidth();
                $hidden = $columnDimension->getVisible() ? 0 : 1;
                $level = $columnDimension->getOutlineLevel();
                $xfIndex = $columnDimension->getXfIndex() + 15; // there are 15 cell style Xfs

            // Components of columnInfo:
            // $firstcol first column on the range
            // $lastcol  last column on the range
            // $width    width to set
            // $xfIndex  The optional cell style Xf index to apply to the columns
            // $hidden   The optional hidden atribute
            // $level    The optional outline level
            $this->columnInfo[] = array($i, $i, $width, $xfIndex, $hidden, $level);

        // Write GUTS

        // Write WSBOOL
        // Write horizontal and vertical page breaks
        // Write page header
        // Write page footer
        // Write page horizontal centering
        // Write page vertical centering
        // Write left margin
        // Write right margin
        // Write top margin
        // Write bottom margin
        // Write page setup
        // Write sheet protection
        // Write SCENPROTECT
        // Write OBJECTPROTECT
        // Write sheet password
        // Write DEFCOLWIDTH record

        // Write the COLINFO records if they exist
        if (!empty($this->columnInfo)) {
            $colcount = count($this->columnInfo);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; ++$i) {
        $autoFilterRange = $phpSheet->getAutoFilter()->getRange();
        if (!empty($autoFilterRange)) {
            // Write AUTOFILTERINFO

        // Write sheet dimensions

        // Row dimensions
        foreach ($phpSheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
            $xfIndex = $rowDimension->getXfIndex() + 15; // there are 15 cellXfs
            $this->writeRow($rowDimension->getRowIndex() - 1, $rowDimension->getRowHeight(), $xfIndex, ($rowDimension->getVisible() ? '0' : '1'), $rowDimension->getOutlineLevel());

        // Write Cells
        foreach ($phpSheet->getCellCollection() as $cellID) {
            $cell = $phpSheet->getCell($cellID);
            $row = $cell->getRow() - 1;
            $column = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($cell->getColumn()) - 1;

            // Don't break Excel!
//            if ($row + 1 > 65536 or $column + 1 > 256) {
            if ($row > 65535 || $column > 255) {

            // Write cell value
            $xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex() + 15; // there are 15 cell style Xfs

            $cVal = $cell->getValue();
            if ($cVal instanceof PHPExcel_RichText) {
                // $this->writeString($row, $column, $cVal->getPlainText(), $xfIndex);
                $arrcRun = array();
                $str_len = PHPExcel_Shared_String::CountCharacters($cVal->getPlainText(), 'UTF-8');
                $str_pos = 0;
                $elements = $cVal->getRichTextElements();
                foreach ($elements as $element) {
                    // FONT Index
                    if ($element instanceof PHPExcel_RichText_Run) {
                        $str_fontidx = $this->fontHashIndex[$element->getFont()->getHashCode()];
                    } else {
                        $str_fontidx = 0;
                    $arrcRun[] = array('strlen' => $str_pos, 'fontidx' => $str_fontidx);
                    // Position FROM
                    $str_pos += PHPExcel_Shared_String::CountCharacters($element->getText(), 'UTF-8');
                $this->writeRichTextString($row, $column, $cVal->getPlainText(), $xfIndex, $arrcRun);
            } else {
                switch ($cell->getDatatype()) {
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING:
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL:
                        if ($cVal === '' || $cVal === null) {
                            $this->writeBlank($row, $column, $xfIndex);
                        } else {
                            $this->writeString($row, $column, $cVal, $xfIndex);

                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC:
                        $this->writeNumber($row, $column, $cVal, $xfIndex);

                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA:
                        $calculatedValue = $this->_preCalculateFormulas ?
                            $cell->getCalculatedValue() : null;
                        $this->writeFormula($row, $column, $cVal, $xfIndex, $calculatedValue);

                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL:
                        $this->writeBoolErr($row, $column, $cVal, 0, $xfIndex);

                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR:
                        $this->writeBoolErr($row, $column, self::mapErrorCode($cVal), 1, $xfIndex);


        // Append

        // Write WINDOW2 record

        // Write PLV record

        // Write ZOOM record
        if ($phpSheet->getFreezePane()) {

        // Write SELECTION record

        // Write MergedCellsTable Record

        // Hyperlinks
        foreach ($phpSheet->getHyperLinkCollection() as $coordinate => $hyperlink) {
            list($column, $row) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($coordinate);

            $url = $hyperlink->getUrl();

            if (strpos($url, 'sheet://') !== false) {
                // internal to current workbook
                $url = str_replace('sheet://', 'internal:', $url);

            } elseif (preg_match('/^(http:|https:|ftp:|mailto:)/', $url)) {
                // URL
                // $url = $url;

            } else {
                // external (local file)
                $url = 'external:' . $url;

            $this->writeUrl($row - 1, PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($column) - 1, $url);


        // Write SHEETPROTECTION record

        $arrConditionalStyles = $phpSheet->getConditionalStylesCollection();
        if (!empty($arrConditionalStyles)) {
            $arrConditional = array();
            // @todo CFRule & CFHeader
            // Write CFHEADER record
            // Write ConditionalFormattingTable records
            foreach ($arrConditionalStyles as $cellCoordinate => $conditionalStyles) {
                foreach ($conditionalStyles as $conditional) {
                    if ($conditional->getConditionType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_EXPRESSION
                        || $conditional->getConditionType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_CELLIS) {
                        if (!in_array($conditional->getHashCode(), $arrConditional)) {
                            $arrConditional[] = $conditional->getHashCode();
                            // Write CFRULE record


     * Write a cell range address in BIFF8
     * always fixed range
     * See section 2.5.14 in OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format
     * @param string $range E.g. 'A1' or 'A1:B6'
     * @return string Binary data
    private function writeBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed($range = 'A1')
        $explodes = explode(':', $range);

        // extract first cell, e.g. 'A1'
        $firstCell = $explodes[0];

        // extract last cell, e.g. 'B6'
        if (count($explodes) == 1) {
            $lastCell = $firstCell;
        } else {
            $lastCell = $explodes[1];

        $firstCellCoordinates = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($firstCell); // e.g. array(0, 1)
        $lastCellCoordinates  = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($lastCell);  // e.g. array(1, 6)

        return pack('vvvv', $firstCellCoordinates[1] - 1, $lastCellCoordinates[1] - 1, PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($firstCellCoordinates[0]) - 1, PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($lastCellCoordinates[0]) - 1);

     * Retrieves data from memory in one chunk, or from disk in $buffer
     * sized chunks.
     * @return string The data
    public function getData()
        $buffer = 4096;

        // Return data stored in memory
        if (isset($this->_data)) {
            $tmp   = $this->_data;
            return $tmp;
        // No data to return
        return false;

     * Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.
     * @access public
     * @param integer $print Whether to print the headers or not. Defaults to 1 (print).
    public function printRowColHeaders($print = 1)
        $this->_print_headers = $print;

     * This method sets the properties for outlining and grouping. The defaults
     * correspond to Excel's defaults.
     * @param bool $visible
     * @param bool $symbols_below
     * @param bool $symbols_right
     * @param bool $auto_style
    public function setOutline($visible = true, $symbols_below = true, $symbols_right = true, $auto_style = false)
        $this->outlineOn    = $visible;
        $this->outlineBelow = $symbols_below;
        $this->outlineRight = $symbols_right;
        $this->outlineStyle = $auto_style;

        // Ensure this is a boolean vale for Window2
        if ($this->outlineOn) {
            $this->outlineOn = 1;

     * Write a double to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
     * An integer can be written as a double. Excel will display an
     * integer. $format is optional.
     * Returns  0 : normal termination
     *         -2 : row or column out of range
     * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
     * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
     * @param float   $num    The number to write
     * @param mixed   $xfIndex The optional XF format
     * @return integer
    private function writeNumber($row, $col, $num, $xfIndex)
        $record    = 0x0203;                 // Record identifier
        $length    = 0x000E;                 // Number of bytes to follow

        $header        = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $xfIndex);
        $xl_double    = pack("d", $num);
        if (self::getByteOrder()) { // if it's Big Endian
            $xl_double = strrev($xl_double);


     * Write a LABELSST record or a LABEL record. Which one depends on BIFF version
     * @param int $row Row index (0-based)
     * @param int $col Column index (0-based)
     * @param string $str The string
     * @param int $xfIndex Index to XF record
    private function writeString($row, $col, $str, $xfIndex)
        $this->writeLabelSst($row, $col, $str, $xfIndex);

     * Write a LABELSST record or a LABEL record. Which one depends on BIFF version
     * It differs from writeString by the writing of rich text strings.
     * @param int $row Row index (0-based)
     * @param int $col Column index (0-based)
     * @param string $str The string
     * @param mixed   $xfIndex The XF format index for the cell
     * @param array $arrcRun Index to Font record and characters beginning
    private function writeRichTextString($row, $col, $str, $xfIndex, $arrcRun)
        $record    = 0x00FD;                   // Record identifier
        $length    = 0x000A;                   // Bytes to follow
        $str = PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeShort($str, $arrcRun);

        /* check if string is already present */
        if (!isset($this->stringTable[$str])) {
            $this->stringTable[$str] = $this->stringUnique++;

        $header    = pack('vv', $record, $length);
        $data    = pack('vvvV', $row, $col, $xfIndex, $this->stringTable[$str]);

     * Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
     * NOTE: there is an Excel 5 defined limit of 255 characters.
     * $format is optional.
     * Returns  0 : normal termination
     *         -2 : row or column out of range
     *         -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars
     * @access public
     * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
     * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
     * @param string  $str    The string to write
     * @param mixed   $xfIndex The XF format index for the cell
     * @return integer
    private function writeLabel($row, $col, $str, $xfIndex)
        $strlen    = strlen($str);
        $record    = 0x0204;                   // Record identifier
        $length    = 0x0008 + $strlen;         // Bytes to follow

        $str_error = 0;

        if ($strlen > $this->xlsStringMaxLength) { // LABEL must be < 255 chars
            $str    = substr($str, 0, $this->xlsStringMaxLength);
            $length    = 0x0008 + $this->xlsStringMaxLength;
            $strlen    = $this->xlsStringMaxLength;
            $str_error = -3;

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data    = pack("vvvv", $row, $col, $xfIndex, $strlen);
        $this->append($header . $data . $str);

     * Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
     * This is the BIFF8 version (no 255 chars limit).
     * $format is optional.
     * Returns  0 : normal termination
     *         -2 : row or column out of range
     *         -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars
     * @access public
     * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
     * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
     * @param string  $str    The string to write
     * @param mixed   $xfIndex The XF format index for the cell
     * @return integer
    private function writeLabelSst($row, $col, $str, $xfIndex)
        $record    = 0x00FD;                   // Record identifier
        $length    = 0x000A;                   // Bytes to follow

        $str = PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($str);

        /* check if string is already present */
        if (!isset($this->stringTable[$str])) {
            $this->stringTable[$str] = $this->stringUnique++;

        $header    = pack('vv', $record, $length);
        $data    = pack('vvvV', $row, $col, $xfIndex, $this->stringTable[$str]);

     * Writes a note associated with the cell given by the row and column.
     * NOTE records don't have a length limit.
     * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
     * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
     * @param string  $note   The note to write
    private function writeNote($row, $col, $note)
        $note_length    = strlen($note);
        $record            = 0x001C;            // Record identifier
        $max_length        = 2048;                // Maximun length for a NOTE record

        // Length for this record is no more than 2048 + 6
        $length    = 0x0006 + min($note_length, 2048);
        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data    = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $note_length);
        $this->append($header . $data . substr($note, 0, 2048));

        for ($i = $max_length; $i < $note_length; $i += $max_length) {
            $chunk  = substr($note, $i, $max_length);
            $length = 0x0006 + strlen($chunk);
            $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
            $data   = pack("vvv", -1, 0, strlen($chunk));

     * Write a blank cell to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
     * A blank cell is used to specify formatting without adding a string
     * or a number.
     * A blank cell without a format serves no purpose. Therefore, we don't write
     * a BLANK record unless a format is specified.
     * Returns  0 : normal termination (including no format)
     *         -1 : insufficient number of arguments
     *         -2 : row or column out of range
     * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
     * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
     * @param mixed   $xfIndex The XF format index
    public function writeBlank($row, $col, $xfIndex)
        $record    = 0x0201;                 // Record identifier
        $length    = 0x0006;                 // Number of bytes to follow

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $xfIndex);
        $this->append($header . $data);
        return 0;

     * Write a boolean or an error type to the specified row and column (zero indexed)
     * @param int $row Row index (0-based)
     * @param int $col Column index (0-based)
     * @param int $value
     * @param boolean $isError Error or Boolean?
     * @param int $xfIndex
    private function writeBoolErr($row, $col, $value, $isError, $xfIndex)
        $record = 0x0205;
        $length = 8;

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("vvvCC", $row, $col, $xfIndex, $value, $isError);
        $this->append($header . $data);
        return 0;

     * Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
     * The textual representation of the formula is passed to the parser in
     * Parser.php which returns a packed binary string.
     * Returns  0 : normal termination
     *         -1 : formula errors (bad formula)
     *         -2 : row or column out of range
     * @param integer $row     Zero indexed row
     * @param integer $col     Zero indexed column
     * @param string  $formula The formula text string
     * @param mixed   $xfIndex  The XF format index
     * @param mixed   $calculatedValue  Calculated value
     * @return integer
    private function writeFormula($row, $col, $formula, $xfIndex, $calculatedValue)
        $record    = 0x0006;     // Record identifier

        // Initialize possible additional value for STRING record that should be written after the FORMULA record?
        $stringValue = null;

        // calculated value
        if (isset($calculatedValue)) {
            // Since we can't yet get the data type of the calculated value,
            // we use best effort to determine data type
            if (is_bool($calculatedValue)) {
                // Boolean value
                $num = pack('CCCvCv', 0x01, 0x00, (int)$calculatedValue, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFFFF);
            } elseif (is_int($calculatedValue) || is_float($calculatedValue)) {
                // Numeric value
                $num = pack('d', $calculatedValue);
            } elseif (is_string($calculatedValue)) {
                if (array_key_exists($calculatedValue, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::getErrorCodes())) {
                    // Error value
                    $num = pack('CCCvCv', 0x02, 0x00, self::mapErrorCode($calculatedValue), 0x00, 0x00, 0xFFFF);
                } elseif ($calculatedValue === '') {
                    // Empty string (and BIFF8)
                    $num = pack('CCCvCv', 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFFFF);
                } else {
                    // Non-empty string value (or empty string BIFF5)
                    $stringValue = $calculatedValue;
                    $num = pack('CCCvCv', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFFFF);
            } else {
                // We are really not supposed to reach here
                $num = pack('d', 0x00);
        } else {
            $num = pack('d', 0x00);

        $grbit        = 0x03;                // Option flags
        $unknown    = 0x0000;            // Must be zero

        // Strip the '=' or '@' sign at the beginning of the formula string
        if ($formula{0} == '=') {
            $formula = substr($formula, 1);
        } else {
            // Error handling
            $this->writeString($row, $col, 'Unrecognised character for formula');
            return -1;

        // Parse the formula using the parser in Parser.php
        try {
            $error = $this->parser->parse($formula);
            $formula = $this->parser->toReversePolish();

            $formlen    = strlen($formula);    // Length of the binary string
            $length     = 0x16 + $formlen;     // Length of the record data

            $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);

            $data      = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $xfIndex)
                        . $num
                        . pack("vVv", $grbit, $unknown, $formlen);
            $this->append($header . $data . $formula);

            // Append also a STRING record if necessary
            if ($stringValue !== null) {

            return 0;

        } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
            // do nothing


     * Write a STRING record. This
     * @param string $stringValue
    private function writeStringRecord($stringValue)
        $record = 0x0207;     // Record identifier
        $data = PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($stringValue);

        $length = strlen($data);
        $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write a hyperlink.
     * This is comprised of two elements: the visible label and
     * the invisible link. The visible label is the same as the link unless an
     * alternative string is specified. The label is written using the
     * writeString() method. Therefore the 255 characters string limit applies.
     * $string and $format are optional.
     * The hyperlink can be to a http, ftp, mail, internal sheet (not yet), or external
     * directory url.
     * Returns  0 : normal termination
     *         -2 : row or column out of range
     *         -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars
     * @param integer $row    Row
     * @param integer $col    Column
     * @param string  $url    URL string
     * @return integer
    private function writeUrl($row, $col, $url)
        // Add start row and col to arg list
        return($this->writeUrlRange($row, $col, $row, $col, $url));

     * This is the more general form of writeUrl(). It allows a hyperlink to be
     * written to a range of cells. This function also decides the type of hyperlink
     * to be written. These are either, Web (http, ftp, mailto), Internal
     * (Sheet1!A1) or external ('c:\temp\foo.xls#Sheet1!A1').
     * @access private
     * @see writeUrl()
     * @param integer $row1   Start row
     * @param integer $col1   Start column
     * @param integer $row2   End row
     * @param integer $col2   End column
     * @param string  $url    URL string
     * @return integer
    public function writeUrlRange($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url)
        // Check for internal/external sheet links or default to web link
        if (preg_match('[^internal:]', $url)) {
            return($this->writeUrlInternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url));
        if (preg_match('[^external:]', $url)) {
            return($this->writeUrlExternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url));
        return($this->writeUrlWeb($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url));

     * Used to write http, ftp and mailto hyperlinks.
     * The link type ($options) is 0x03 is the same as absolute dir ref without
     * sheet. However it is differentiated by the $unknown2 data stream.
     * @access private
     * @see writeUrl()
     * @param integer $row1   Start row
     * @param integer $col1   Start column
     * @param integer $row2   End row
     * @param integer $col2   End column
     * @param string  $url    URL string
     * @return integer
    public function writeUrlWeb($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url)
        $record      = 0x01B8;                       // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x00000;                      // Bytes to follow

        // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
        $unknown1    = pack("H*", "D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000");
        $unknown2    = pack("H*", "E0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B");

        // Pack the option flags
        $options     = pack("V", 0x03);

        // Convert URL to a null terminated wchar string
        $url         = join("\0", preg_split("''", $url, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
        $url         = $url . "\0\0\0";

        // Pack the length of the URL
        $url_len     = pack("V", strlen($url));

        // Calculate the data length
        $length      = 0x34 + strlen($url);

        // Pack the header data
        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2);

        // Write the packed data
        $this->append($header . $data .
                       $unknown1 . $options .
                       $unknown2 . $url_len . $url);
        return 0;

     * Used to write internal reference hyperlinks such as "Sheet1!A1".
     * @access private
     * @see writeUrl()
     * @param integer $row1   Start row
     * @param integer $col1   Start column
     * @param integer $row2   End row
     * @param integer $col2   End column
     * @param string  $url    URL string
     * @return integer
    public function writeUrlInternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url)
        $record      = 0x01B8;                       // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x00000;                      // Bytes to follow

        // Strip URL type
        $url = preg_replace('/^internal:/', '', $url);

        // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
        $unknown1    = pack("H*", "D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000");

        // Pack the option flags
        $options     = pack("V", 0x08);

        // Convert the URL type and to a null terminated wchar string
        $url .= "\0";

        // character count
        $url_len = PHPExcel_Shared_String::CountCharacters($url);
        $url_len = pack('V', $url_len);

        $url = PHPExcel_Shared_String::ConvertEncoding($url, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');

        // Calculate the data length
        $length      = 0x24 + strlen($url);

        // Pack the header data
        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2);

        // Write the packed data
        $this->append($header . $data .
                       $unknown1 . $options .
                       $url_len . $url);
        return 0;

     * Write links to external directory names such as 'c:\foo.xls',
     * c:\foo.xls#Sheet1!A1', '../../foo.xls'. and '../../foo.xls#Sheet1!A1'.
     * Note: Excel writes some relative links with the $dir_long string. We ignore
     * these cases for the sake of simpler code.
     * @access private
     * @see writeUrl()
     * @param integer $row1   Start row
     * @param integer $col1   Start column
     * @param integer $row2   End row
     * @param integer $col2   End column
     * @param string  $url    URL string
     * @return integer
    public function writeUrlExternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url)
        // Network drives are different. We will handle them separately
        // MS/Novell network drives and shares start with \\
        if (preg_match('[^external:\\\\]', $url)) {
            return; //($this->writeUrlExternal_net($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $str, $format));

        $record      = 0x01B8;                       // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x00000;                      // Bytes to follow

        // Strip URL type and change Unix dir separator to Dos style (if needed)
        $url = preg_replace('/^external:/', '', $url);
        $url = preg_replace('/\//', "\\", $url);

        // Determine if the link is relative or absolute:
        //   relative if link contains no dir separator, "somefile.xls"
        //   relative if link starts with up-dir, "..\..\somefile.xls"
        //   otherwise, absolute

        $absolute = 0x00; // relative path
        if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]:/', $url)) {
            $absolute = 0x02; // absolute path on Windows, e.g. C:\...
        $link_type               = 0x01 | $absolute;

        // Determine if the link contains a sheet reference and change some of the
        // parameters accordingly.
        // Split the dir name and sheet name (if it exists)
        $dir_long = $url;
        if (preg_match("/\#/", $url)) {
            $link_type |= 0x08;

        // Pack the link type
        $link_type   = pack("V", $link_type);

        // Calculate the up-level dir count e.g.. (..\..\..\ == 3)
        $up_count    = preg_match_all("/\.\.\\\/", $dir_long, $useless);
        $up_count    = pack("v", $up_count);

        // Store the short dos dir name (null terminated)
        $dir_short   = preg_replace("/\.\.\\\/", '', $dir_long) . "\0";

        // Store the long dir name as a wchar string (non-null terminated)
        $dir_long       = $dir_long . "\0";

        // Pack the lengths of the dir strings
        $dir_short_len = pack("V", strlen($dir_short));
        $dir_long_len  = pack("V", strlen($dir_long));
        $stream_len    = pack("V", 0); //strlen($dir_long) + 0x06);

        // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
        $unknown1 = pack("H*", 'D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000');
        $unknown2 = pack("H*", '0303000000000000C000000000000046');
        $unknown3 = pack("H*", 'FFFFADDE000000000000000000000000000000000000000');
        $unknown4 = pack("v", 0x03);

        // Pack the main data stream
        $data        = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2) .
                          $unknown1     .
                          $link_type    .
                          $unknown2     .
                          $up_count     .
                          $dir_short    .
                          $unknown3     .
                          $stream_len   ;/*.
                          $dir_long_len .
                          $unknown4     .
                          $dir_long     .
                          $sheet_len    .
                          $sheet        ;*/

        // Pack the header data
        $length   = strlen($data);
        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);

        // Write the packed data
        $this->append($header. $data);
        return 0;

     * This method is used to set the height and format for a row.
     * @param integer $row    The row to set
     * @param integer $height Height we are giving to the row.
     *                        Use null to set XF without setting height
     * @param integer $xfIndex  The optional cell style Xf index to apply to the columns
     * @param bool    $hidden The optional hidden attribute
     * @param integer $level  The optional outline level for row, in range [0,7]
    private function writeRow($row, $height, $xfIndex, $hidden = false, $level = 0)
        $record      = 0x0208;               // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0010;               // Number of bytes to follow

        $colMic      = 0x0000;               // First defined column
        $colMac      = 0x0000;               // Last defined column
        $irwMac      = 0x0000;               // Used by Excel to optimise loading
        $reserved    = 0x0000;               // Reserved
        $grbit       = 0x0000;               // Option flags
        $ixfe        = $xfIndex;

        if ($height < 0) {
            $height = null;

        // Use writeRow($row, null, $XF) to set XF format without setting height
        if ($height != null) {
            $miyRw = $height * 20;  // row height
        } else {
            $miyRw = 0xff;          // default row height is 256

        // Set the options flags. fUnsynced is used to show that the font and row
        // heights are not compatible. This is usually the case for WriteExcel.
        // The collapsed flag 0x10 doesn't seem to be used to indicate that a row
        // is collapsed. Instead it is used to indicate that the previous row is
        // collapsed. The zero height flag, 0x20, is used to collapse a row.

        $grbit |= $level;
        if ($hidden) {
            $grbit |= 0x0030;
        if ($height !== null) {
            $grbit |= 0x0040; // fUnsynced
        if ($xfIndex !== 0xF) {
            $grbit |= 0x0080;
        $grbit |= 0x0100;

        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data     = pack("vvvvvvvv", $row, $colMic, $colMac, $miyRw, $irwMac, $reserved, $grbit, $ixfe);

     * Writes Excel DIMENSIONS to define the area in which there is data.
    private function writeDimensions()
        $record = 0x0200; // Record identifier

        $length = 0x000E;
        $data = pack('VVvvv', $this->firstRowIndex, $this->lastRowIndex + 1, $this->firstColumnIndex, $this->lastColumnIndex + 1, 0x0000); // reserved

        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);

     * Write BIFF record Window2.
    private function writeWindow2()
        $record         = 0x023E;     // Record identifier
        $length         = 0x0012;

        $grbit          = 0x00B6;     // Option flags
        $rwTop          = 0x0000;     // Top row visible in window
        $colLeft        = 0x0000;     // Leftmost column visible in window

        // The options flags that comprise $grbit
        $fDspFmla       = 0;                     // 0 - bit
        $fDspGrid       = $this->phpSheet->getShowGridlines() ? 1 : 0; // 1
        $fDspRwCol      = $this->phpSheet->getShowRowColHeaders() ? 1 : 0; // 2
        $fFrozen        = $this->phpSheet->getFreezePane() ? 1 : 0;        // 3
        $fDspZeros      = 1;                     // 4
        $fDefaultHdr    = 1;                     // 5
        $fArabic        = $this->phpSheet->getRightToLeft() ? 1 : 0; // 6
        $fDspGuts       = $this->outlineOn;    // 7
        $fFrozenNoSplit = 0;                     // 0 - bit
        // no support in PHPExcel for selected sheet, therefore sheet is only selected if it is the active sheet
        $fSelected      = ($this->phpSheet === $this->phpSheet->getParent()->getActiveSheet()) ? 1 : 0;
        $fPaged         = 1;                     // 2
        $fPageBreakPreview = $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getView() === PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_BREAK_PREVIEW;

        $grbit             = $fDspFmla;
        $grbit            |= $fDspGrid       << 1;
        $grbit            |= $fDspRwCol       << 2;
        $grbit            |= $fFrozen           << 3;
        $grbit            |= $fDspZeros       << 4;
        $grbit            |= $fDefaultHdr       << 5;
        $grbit            |= $fArabic           << 6;
        $grbit            |= $fDspGuts       << 7;
        $grbit            |= $fFrozenNoSplit << 8;
        $grbit            |= $fSelected       << 9;
        $grbit            |= $fPaged           << 10;
        $grbit            |= $fPageBreakPreview << 11;

        $header  = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data    = pack("vvv", $grbit, $rwTop, $colLeft);

        // FIXME !!!
        $rgbHdr       = 0x0040; // Row/column heading and gridline color index
        $zoom_factor_page_break = ($fPageBreakPreview ? $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getZoomScale() : 0x0000);
        $zoom_factor_normal =  $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getZoomScaleNormal();

        $data .= pack("vvvvV", $rgbHdr, 0x0000, $zoom_factor_page_break, $zoom_factor_normal, 0x00000000);


     * Write BIFF record DEFAULTROWHEIGHT.
    private function writeDefaultRowHeight()
        $defaultRowHeight = $this->phpSheet->getDefaultRowDimension()->getRowHeight();

        if ($defaultRowHeight < 0) {

        // convert to twips
        $defaultRowHeight = (int) 20 * $defaultRowHeight;

        $record   = 0x0225;      // Record identifier
        $length   = 0x0004;      // Number of bytes to follow

        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data     = pack("vv", 1, $defaultRowHeight);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write BIFF record DEFCOLWIDTH if COLINFO records are in use.
    private function writeDefcol()
        $defaultColWidth = 8;

        $record   = 0x0055;      // Record identifier
        $length   = 0x0002;      // Number of bytes to follow

        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data = pack("v", $defaultColWidth);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write BIFF record COLINFO to define column widths
     * Note: The SDK says the record length is 0x0B but Excel writes a 0x0C
     * length record.
     * @param array $col_array This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:
     *                0 => First formatted column,
     *                1 => Last formatted column,
     *                2 => Col width (8.43 is Excel default),
     *                3 => The optional XF format of the column,
     *                4 => Option flags.
     *                5 => Optional outline level
    private function writeColinfo($col_array)
        if (isset($col_array[0])) {
            $colFirst = $col_array[0];
        if (isset($col_array[1])) {
            $colLast = $col_array[1];
        if (isset($col_array[2])) {
            $coldx = $col_array[2];
        } else {
            $coldx = 8.43;
        if (isset($col_array[3])) {
            $xfIndex = $col_array[3];
        } else {
            $xfIndex = 15;
        if (isset($col_array[4])) {
            $grbit = $col_array[4];
        } else {
            $grbit = 0;
        if (isset($col_array[5])) {
            $level = $col_array[5];
        } else {
            $level = 0;
        $record   = 0x007D;          // Record identifier
        $length   = 0x000C;          // Number of bytes to follow

        $coldx   *= 256;             // Convert to units of 1/256 of a char

        $ixfe     = $xfIndex;
        $reserved = 0x0000;            // Reserved

        $level = max(0, min($level, 7));
        $grbit |= $level << 8;

        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data     = pack("vvvvvv", $colFirst, $colLast, $coldx, $ixfe, $grbit, $reserved);

     * Write BIFF record SELECTION.
    private function writeSelection()
        // look up the selected cell range
        $selectedCells = $this->phpSheet->getSelectedCells();
        $selectedCells = PHPExcel_Cell::splitRange($this->phpSheet->getSelectedCells());
        $selectedCells = $selectedCells[0];
        if (count($selectedCells) == 2) {
            list($first, $last) = $selectedCells;
        } else {
            $first = $selectedCells[0];
            $last  = $selectedCells[0];

        list($colFirst, $rwFirst) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($first);
        $colFirst = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($colFirst) - 1; // base 0 column index
        --$rwFirst; // base 0 row index

        list($colLast, $rwLast) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($last);
        $colLast = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($colLast) - 1; // base 0 column index
        --$rwLast; // base 0 row index

        // make sure we are not out of bounds
        $colFirst = min($colFirst, 255);
        $colLast  = min($colLast, 255);

        $rwFirst = min($rwFirst, 65535);
        $rwLast  = min($rwLast, 65535);

        $record   = 0x001D;                  // Record identifier
        $length   = 0x000F;                  // Number of bytes to follow

        $pnn      = $this->activePane;     // Pane position
        $rwAct    = $rwFirst;                // Active row
        $colAct   = $colFirst;               // Active column
        $irefAct  = 0;                       // Active cell ref
        $cref     = 1;                       // Number of refs

        if (!isset($rwLast)) {
            $rwLast   = $rwFirst;       // Last  row in reference
        if (!isset($colLast)) {
            $colLast  = $colFirst;      // Last  col in reference

        // Swap last row/col for first row/col as necessary
        if ($rwFirst > $rwLast) {
            list($rwFirst, $rwLast) = array($rwLast, $rwFirst);

        if ($colFirst > $colLast) {
            list($colFirst, $colLast) = array($colLast, $colFirst);

        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data     = pack("CvvvvvvCC", $pnn, $rwAct, $colAct, $irefAct, $cref, $rwFirst, $rwLast, $colFirst, $colLast);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Store the MERGEDCELLS records for all ranges of merged cells
    private function writeMergedCells()
        $mergeCells = $this->phpSheet->getMergeCells();
        $countMergeCells = count($mergeCells);

        if ($countMergeCells == 0) {

        // maximum allowed number of merged cells per record
        $maxCountMergeCellsPerRecord = 1027;

        // record identifier
        $record = 0x00E5;

        // counter for total number of merged cells treated so far by the writer
        $i = 0;

        // counter for number of merged cells written in record currently being written
        $j = 0;

        // initialize record data
        $recordData = '';

        // loop through the merged cells
        foreach ($mergeCells as $mergeCell) {

            // extract the row and column indexes
            $range = PHPExcel_Cell::splitRange($mergeCell);
            list($first, $last) = $range[0];
            list($firstColumn, $firstRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($first);
            list($lastColumn, $lastRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($last);

            $recordData .= pack('vvvv', $firstRow - 1, $lastRow - 1, PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($firstColumn) - 1, PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($lastColumn) - 1);

            // flush record if we have reached limit for number of merged cells, or reached final merged cell
            if ($j == $maxCountMergeCellsPerRecord or $i == $countMergeCells) {
                $recordData = pack('v', $j) . $recordData;
                $length = strlen($recordData);
                $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
                $this->append($header . $recordData);

                // initialize for next record, if any
                $recordData = '';
                $j = 0;

     * Write SHEETLAYOUT record
    private function writeSheetLayout()
        if (!$this->phpSheet->isTabColorSet()) {

        $recordData = pack(
            0x0000, // unused
            0x00000000, // unused
            0x00000000, // unused
            0x00000014, // size of record data
            $this->colors[$this->phpSheet->getTabColor()->getRGB()], // color index
            0x0000        // unused

        $length = strlen($recordData);

        $record = 0x0862; // Record identifier
        $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
        $this->append($header . $recordData);

    private function writeSheetProtection()
        // record identifier
        $record = 0x0867;

        // prepare options
        $options  =   (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getObjects()
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getScenarios()           << 1
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getFormatCells()         << 2
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getFormatColumns()       << 3
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getFormatRows()          << 4
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getInsertColumns()       << 5
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getInsertRows()          << 6
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getInsertHyperlinks()    << 7
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getDeleteColumns()       << 8
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getDeleteRows()          << 9
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSelectLockedCells()   << 10
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSort()                << 11
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getAutoFilter()          << 12
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getPivotTables()         << 13
                    | (int) !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSelectUnlockedCells() << 14 ;

        // record data
        $recordData = pack(
            0x0867, // repeated record identifier
            0x0000, // not used
            0x0000, // not used
            0x00, // not used
            0x01000200, // unknown data
            0xFFFFFFFF, // unknown data
            $options, // options
            0x0000 // not used

        $length = strlen($recordData);
        $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);

        $this->append($header . $recordData);

     * Write BIFF record RANGEPROTECTION
     * Openoffice.org's Documentaion of the Microsoft Excel File Format uses term RANGEPROTECTION for these records
     * Microsoft Office Excel 97-2007 Binary File Format Specification uses term FEAT for these records
    private function writeRangeProtection()
        foreach ($this->phpSheet->getProtectedCells() as $range => $password) {
            // number of ranges, e.g. 'A1:B3 C20:D25'
            $cellRanges = explode(' ', $range);
            $cref = count($cellRanges);

            $recordData = pack(

            foreach ($cellRanges as $cellRange) {
                $recordData .= $this->writeBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed($cellRange);

            // the rgbFeat structure
            $recordData .= pack(

            $recordData .= PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong('p' . md5($recordData));

            $length = strlen($recordData);

            $record = 0x0868;        // Record identifier
            $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
            $this->append($header . $recordData);

     * Write BIFF record EXTERNCOUNT to indicate the number of external sheet
     * references in a worksheet.
     * Excel only stores references to external sheets that are used in formulas.
     * For simplicity we store references to all the sheets in the workbook
     * regardless of whether they are used or not. This reduces the overall
     * complexity and eliminates the need for a two way dialogue between the formula
     * parser the worksheet objects.
     * @param integer $count The number of external sheet references in this worksheet
    private function writeExterncount($count)
        $record = 0x0016;          // Record identifier
        $length = 0x0002;          // Number of bytes to follow

        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data   = pack("v", $count);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Writes the Excel BIFF EXTERNSHEET record. These references are used by
     * formulas. A formula references a sheet name via an index. Since we store a
     * reference to all of the external worksheets the EXTERNSHEET index is the same
     * as the worksheet index.
     * @param string $sheetname The name of a external worksheet
    private function writeExternsheet($sheetname)
        $record    = 0x0017;         // Record identifier

        // References to the current sheet are encoded differently to references to
        // external sheets.
        if ($this->phpSheet->getTitle() == $sheetname) {
            $sheetname = '';
            $length    = 0x02;  // The following 2 bytes
            $cch       = 1;     // The following byte
            $rgch      = 0x02;  // Self reference
        } else {
            $length    = 0x02 + strlen($sheetname);
            $cch       = strlen($sheetname);
            $rgch      = 0x03;  // Reference to a sheet in the current workbook

        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data   = pack("CC", $cch, $rgch);
        $this->append($header . $data . $sheetname);

     * Writes the Excel BIFF PANE record.
     * The panes can either be frozen or thawed (unfrozen).
     * Frozen panes are specified in terms of an integer number of rows and columns.
     * Thawed panes are specified in terms of Excel's units for rows and columns.
    private function writePanes()
        $panes = array();
        if ($freezePane = $this->phpSheet->getFreezePane()) {
            list($column, $row) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($freezePane);
            $panes[0] = $row - 1;
            $panes[1] = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($column) - 1;
        } else {
            // thaw panes

        $y       = isset($panes[0]) ? $panes[0] : null;
        $x       = isset($panes[1]) ? $panes[1] : null;
        $rwTop   = isset($panes[2]) ? $panes[2] : null;
        $colLeft = isset($panes[3]) ? $panes[3] : null;
        if (count($panes) > 4) { // if Active pane was received
            $pnnAct = $panes[4];
        } else {
            $pnnAct = null;
        $record  = 0x0041;       // Record identifier
        $length  = 0x000A;       // Number of bytes to follow

        // Code specific to frozen or thawed panes.
        if ($this->phpSheet->getFreezePane()) {
            // Set default values for $rwTop and $colLeft
            if (!isset($rwTop)) {
                $rwTop   = $y;
            if (!isset($colLeft)) {
                $colLeft = $x;
        } else {
            // Set default values for $rwTop and $colLeft
            if (!isset($rwTop)) {
                $rwTop   = 0;
            if (!isset($colLeft)) {
                $colLeft = 0;

            // Convert Excel's row and column units to the internal units.
            // The default row height is 12.75
            // The default column width is 8.43
            // The following slope and intersection values were interpolated.
            $y = 20*$y + 255;
            $x = 113.879*$x + 390;

        // Determine which pane should be active. There is also the undocumented
        // option to override this should it be necessary: may be removed later.
        if (!isset($pnnAct)) {
            if ($x != 0 && $y != 0) {
                $pnnAct = 0; // Bottom right
            if ($x != 0 && $y == 0) {
                $pnnAct = 1; // Top right
            if ($x == 0 && $y != 0) {
                $pnnAct = 2; // Bottom left
            if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
                $pnnAct = 3; // Top left

        $this->activePane = $pnnAct; // Used in writeSelection

        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data = pack("vvvvv", $x, $y, $rwTop, $colLeft, $pnnAct);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Store the page setup SETUP BIFF record.
    private function writeSetup()
        $record       = 0x00A1;                  // Record identifier
        $length       = 0x0022;                  // Number of bytes to follow

        $iPaperSize   = $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getPaperSize();    // Paper size

        $iScale = $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getScale() ?
            $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getScale() : 100;   // Print scaling factor

        $iPageStart   = 0x01;                 // Starting page number
        $iFitWidth    = (int) $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getFitToWidth();    // Fit to number of pages wide
        $iFitHeight    = (int) $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getFitToHeight();    // Fit to number of pages high
        $grbit        = 0x00;                 // Option flags
        $iRes         = 0x0258;               // Print resolution
        $iVRes        = 0x0258;               // Vertical print resolution

        $numHdr       = $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->getHeader();  // Header Margin

        $numFtr       = $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->getFooter();   // Footer Margin
        $iCopies      = 0x01;                 // Number of copies

        $fLeftToRight = 0x0;                     // Print over then down

        // Page orientation
        $fLandscape = ($this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getOrientation() == PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) ?
            0x0 : 0x1;

        $fNoPls       = 0x0;                     // Setup not read from printer
        $fNoColor     = 0x0;                     // Print black and white
        $fDraft       = 0x0;                     // Print draft quality
        $fNotes       = 0x0;                     // Print notes
        $fNoOrient    = 0x0;                     // Orientation not set
        $fUsePage     = 0x0;                     // Use custom starting page

        $grbit           = $fLeftToRight;
        $grbit          |= $fLandscape    << 1;
        $grbit          |= $fNoPls        << 2;
        $grbit          |= $fNoColor      << 3;
        $grbit          |= $fDraft        << 4;
        $grbit          |= $fNotes        << 5;
        $grbit          |= $fNoOrient     << 6;
        $grbit          |= $fUsePage      << 7;

        $numHdr = pack("d", $numHdr);
        $numFtr = pack("d", $numFtr);
        if (self::getByteOrder()) { // if it's Big Endian
            $numHdr = strrev($numHdr);
            $numFtr = strrev($numFtr);

        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data1  = pack("vvvvvvvv", $iPaperSize, $iScale, $iPageStart, $iFitWidth, $iFitHeight, $grbit, $iRes, $iVRes);
        $data2  = $numHdr.$numFtr;
        $data3  = pack("v", $iCopies);
        $this->append($header . $data1 . $data2 . $data3);

     * Store the header caption BIFF record.
    private function writeHeader()
        $record  = 0x0014;               // Record identifier

        /* removing for now
        // need to fix character count (multibyte!)
        if (strlen($this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->getOddHeader()) <= 255) {
            $str      = $this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->getOddHeader();       // header string
        } else {
            $str = '';

        $recordData = PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->getOddHeader());
        $length = strlen($recordData);

        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);

        $this->append($header . $recordData);

     * Store the footer caption BIFF record.
    private function writeFooter()
        $record  = 0x0015;               // Record identifier

        /* removing for now
        // need to fix character count (multibyte!)
        if (strlen($this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->getOddFooter()) <= 255) {
            $str = $this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->getOddFooter();
        } else {
            $str = '';

        $recordData = PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->getOddFooter());
        $length = strlen($recordData);

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);

        $this->append($header . $recordData);

     * Store the horizontal centering HCENTER BIFF record.
     * @access private
    private function writeHcenter()
        $record   = 0x0083;              // Record identifier
        $length   = 0x0002;              // Bytes to follow

        $fHCenter = $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getHorizontalCentered() ? 1 : 0;     // Horizontal centering

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("v", $fHCenter);


     * Store the vertical centering VCENTER BIFF record.
    private function writeVcenter()
        $record   = 0x0084;              // Record identifier
        $length   = 0x0002;              // Bytes to follow

        $fVCenter = $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getVerticalCentered() ? 1 : 0;     // Horizontal centering

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("v", $fVCenter);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Store the LEFTMARGIN BIFF record.
    private function writeMarginLeft()
        $record  = 0x0026;                   // Record identifier
        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow

        $margin  = $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->getLeft();     // Margin in inches

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("d", $margin);
        if (self::getByteOrder()) { // if it's Big Endian
            $data = strrev($data);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Store the RIGHTMARGIN BIFF record.
    private function writeMarginRight()
        $record  = 0x0027;                   // Record identifier
        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow

        $margin  = $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->getRight();     // Margin in inches

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("d", $margin);
        if (self::getByteOrder()) { // if it's Big Endian
            $data = strrev($data);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Store the TOPMARGIN BIFF record.
    private function writeMarginTop()
        $record  = 0x0028;                   // Record identifier
        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow

        $margin  = $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->getTop();     // Margin in inches

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("d", $margin);
        if (self::getByteOrder()) { // if it's Big Endian
            $data = strrev($data);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Store the BOTTOMMARGIN BIFF record.
    private function writeMarginBottom()
        $record  = 0x0029;                   // Record identifier
        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow

        $margin  = $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->getBottom();     // Margin in inches

        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("d", $margin);
        if (self::getByteOrder()) { // if it's Big Endian
            $data = strrev($data);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write the PRINTHEADERS BIFF record.
    private function writePrintHeaders()
        $record      = 0x002a;                   // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;                   // Bytes to follow

        $fPrintRwCol = $this->_print_headers;     // Boolean flag

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("v", $fPrintRwCol);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write the PRINTGRIDLINES BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the
     * GRIDSET record.
    private function writePrintGridlines()
        $record      = 0x002b;                    // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;                    // Bytes to follow

        $fPrintGrid  = $this->phpSheet->getPrintGridlines() ? 1 : 0;    // Boolean flag

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("v", $fPrintGrid);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write the GRIDSET BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the
     * PRINTGRIDLINES record.
    private function writeGridset()
        $record      = 0x0082;                        // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;                        // Bytes to follow

        $fGridSet    = !$this->phpSheet->getPrintGridlines();     // Boolean flag

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("v", $fGridSet);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write the AUTOFILTERINFO BIFF record. This is used to configure the number of autofilter select used in the sheet.
    private function writeAutoFilterInfo()
        $record      = 0x009D;                        // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;                        // Bytes to follow

        $rangeBounds = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($this->phpSheet->getAutoFilter()->getRange());
        $iNumFilters = 1 + $rangeBounds[1][0] - $rangeBounds[0][0];

        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data     = pack("v", $iNumFilters);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write the GUTS BIFF record. This is used to configure the gutter margins
     * where Excel outline symbols are displayed. The visibility of the gutters is
     * controlled by a flag in WSBOOL.
     * @see writeWsbool()
    private function writeGuts()
        $record      = 0x0080;   // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0008;   // Bytes to follow

        $dxRwGut     = 0x0000;   // Size of row gutter
        $dxColGut    = 0x0000;   // Size of col gutter

        // determine maximum row outline level
        $maxRowOutlineLevel = 0;
        foreach ($this->phpSheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
            $maxRowOutlineLevel = max($maxRowOutlineLevel, $rowDimension->getOutlineLevel());

        $col_level   = 0;

        // Calculate the maximum column outline level. The equivalent calculation
        // for the row outline level is carried out in writeRow().
        $colcount = count($this->columnInfo);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; ++$i) {
            $col_level = max($this->columnInfo[$i][5], $col_level);

        // Set the limits for the outline levels (0 <= x <= 7).
        $col_level = max(0, min($col_level, 7));

        // The displayed level is one greater than the max outline levels
        if ($maxRowOutlineLevel) {
        if ($col_level) {

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("vvvv", $dxRwGut, $dxColGut, $maxRowOutlineLevel, $col_level);


     * Write the WSBOOL BIFF record, mainly for fit-to-page. Used in conjunction
     * with the SETUP record.
    private function writeWsbool()
        $record      = 0x0081;   // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;   // Bytes to follow
        $grbit       = 0x0000;

        // The only option that is of interest is the flag for fit to page. So we
        // set all the options in one go.
        // Set the option flags
        $grbit |= 0x0001;                           // Auto page breaks visible
        if ($this->outlineStyle) {
            $grbit |= 0x0020; // Auto outline styles
        if ($this->phpSheet->getShowSummaryBelow()) {
            $grbit |= 0x0040; // Outline summary below
        if ($this->phpSheet->getShowSummaryRight()) {
            $grbit |= 0x0080; // Outline summary right
        if ($this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->getFitToPage()) {
            $grbit |= 0x0100; // Page setup fit to page
        if ($this->outlineOn) {
            $grbit |= 0x0400; // Outline symbols displayed

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("v", $grbit);
        $this->append($header . $data);

    private function writeBreaks()
        // initialize
        $vbreaks = array();
        $hbreaks = array();

        foreach ($this->phpSheet->getBreaks() as $cell => $breakType) {
            // Fetch coordinates
            $coordinates = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($cell);

            // Decide what to do by the type of break
            switch ($breakType) {
                case PHPExcel_Worksheet::BREAK_COLUMN:
                    // Add to list of vertical breaks
                    $vbreaks[] = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($coordinates[0]) - 1;
                case PHPExcel_Worksheet::BREAK_ROW:
                    // Add to list of horizontal breaks
                    $hbreaks[] = $coordinates[1];
                case PHPExcel_Worksheet::BREAK_NONE:
                    // Nothing to do

        //horizontal page breaks
        if (!empty($hbreaks)) {
            // Sort and filter array of page breaks
            sort($hbreaks, SORT_NUMERIC);
            if ($hbreaks[0] == 0) { // don't use first break if it's 0

            $record  = 0x001b;               // Record identifier
            $cbrk    = count($hbreaks);       // Number of page breaks
            $length  = 2 + 6 * $cbrk;      // Bytes to follow

            $header  = pack("vv", $record, $length);
            $data    = pack("v", $cbrk);

            // Append each page break
            foreach ($hbreaks as $hbreak) {
                $data .= pack("vvv", $hbreak, 0x0000, 0x00ff);

            $this->append($header . $data);

        // vertical page breaks
        if (!empty($vbreaks)) {
            // 1000 vertical pagebreaks appears to be an internal Excel 5 limit.
            // It is slightly higher in Excel 97/200, approx. 1026
            $vbreaks = array_slice($vbreaks, 0, 1000);

            // Sort and filter array of page breaks
            sort($vbreaks, SORT_NUMERIC);
            if ($vbreaks[0] == 0) { // don't use first break if it's 0

            $record  = 0x001a;               // Record identifier
            $cbrk    = count($vbreaks);       // Number of page breaks
            $length  = 2 + 6 * $cbrk;      // Bytes to follow

            $header  = pack("vv", $record, $length);
            $data    = pack("v", $cbrk);

            // Append each page break
            foreach ($vbreaks as $vbreak) {
                $data .= pack("vvv", $vbreak, 0x0000, 0xffff);

            $this->append($header . $data);

     * Set the Biff PROTECT record to indicate that the worksheet is protected.
    private function writeProtect()
        // Exit unless sheet protection has been specified
        if (!$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSheet()) {

        $record      = 0x0012;             // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;             // Bytes to follow

        $fLock      = 1;    // Worksheet is protected

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("v", $fLock);


     * Write SCENPROTECT
    private function writeScenProtect()
        // Exit if sheet protection is not active
        if (!$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSheet()) {

        // Exit if scenarios are not protected
        if (!$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getScenarios()) {

        $record = 0x00DD; // Record identifier
        $length = 0x0002; // Bytes to follow

        $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
        $data = pack('v', 1);

        $this->append($header . $data);

    private function writeObjectProtect()
        // Exit if sheet protection is not active
        if (!$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSheet()) {

        // Exit if objects are not protected
        if (!$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getObjects()) {

        $record = 0x0063; // Record identifier
        $length = 0x0002; // Bytes to follow

        $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
        $data = pack('v', 1);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write the worksheet PASSWORD record.
    private function writePassword()
        // Exit unless sheet protection and password have been specified
        if (!$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getSheet() || !$this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getPassword()) {

        $record      = 0x0013;               // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0002;               // Bytes to follow

        $wPassword   = hexdec($this->phpSheet->getProtection()->getPassword());     // Encoded password

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("v", $wPassword);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet.
     * @access public
     * @param integer $row     The row we are going to insert the bitmap into
     * @param integer $col     The column we are going to insert the bitmap into
     * @param mixed   $bitmap  The bitmap filename or GD-image resource
     * @param integer $x       The horizontal position (offset) of the image inside the cell.
     * @param integer $y       The vertical position (offset) of the image inside the cell.
     * @param float   $scale_x The horizontal scale
     * @param float   $scale_y The vertical scale
    public function insertBitmap($row, $col, $bitmap, $x = 0, $y = 0, $scale_x = 1, $scale_y = 1)
        $bitmap_array = (is_resource($bitmap) ? $this->processBitmapGd($bitmap) : $this->processBitmap($bitmap));
        list($width, $height, $size, $data) = $bitmap_array; //$this->processBitmap($bitmap);

        // Scale the frame of the image.
        $width  *= $scale_x;
        $height *= $scale_y;

        // Calculate the vertices of the image and write the OBJ record
        $this->positionImage($col, $row, $x, $y, $width, $height);

        // Write the IMDATA record to store the bitmap data
        $record      = 0x007f;
        $length      = 8 + $size;
        $cf          = 0x09;
        $env         = 0x01;
        $lcb         = $size;

        $header      = pack("vvvvV", $record, $length, $cf, $env, $lcb);

     * Calculate the vertices that define the position of the image as required by
     * the OBJ record.
     *         +------------+------------+
     *         |     A      |      B     |
     *   +-----+------------+------------+
     *   |     |(x1,y1)     |            |
     *   |  1  |(A1)._______|______      |
     *   |     |    |              |     |
     *   |     |    |              |     |
     *   +-----+----|    BITMAP    |-----+
     *   |     |    |              |     |
     *   |  2  |    |______________.     |
     *   |     |            |        (B2)|
     *   |     |            |     (x2,y2)|
     *   +---- +------------+------------+
     * Example of a bitmap that covers some of the area from cell A1 to cell B2.
     * Based on the width and height of the bitmap we need to calculate 8 vars:
     *     $col_start, $row_start, $col_end, $row_end, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2.
     * The width and height of the cells are also variable and have to be taken into
     * account.
     * The values of $col_start and $row_start are passed in from the calling
     * function. The values of $col_end and $row_end are calculated by subtracting
     * the width and height of the bitmap from the width and height of the
     * underlying cells.
     * The vertices are expressed as a percentage of the underlying cell width as
     * follows (rhs values are in pixels):
     *       x1 = X / W *1024
     *       y1 = Y / H *256
     *       x2 = (X-1) / W *1024
     *       y2 = (Y-1) / H *256
     *       Where:  X is distance from the left side of the underlying cell
     *               Y is distance from the top of the underlying cell
     *               W is the width of the cell
     *               H is the height of the cell
     * The SDK incorrectly states that the height should be expressed as a
     *        percentage of 1024.
     * @access private
     * @param integer $col_start Col containing upper left corner of object
     * @param integer $row_start Row containing top left corner of object
     * @param integer $x1        Distance to left side of object
     * @param integer $y1        Distance to top of object
     * @param integer $width     Width of image frame
     * @param integer $height    Height of image frame
    public function positionImage($col_start, $row_start, $x1, $y1, $width, $height)
        // Initialise end cell to the same as the start cell
        $col_end    = $col_start;  // Col containing lower right corner of object
        $row_end    = $row_start;  // Row containing bottom right corner of object

        // Zero the specified offset if greater than the cell dimensions
        if ($x1 >= PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_start))) {
            $x1 = 0;
        if ($y1 >= PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_start + 1)) {
            $y1 = 0;

        $width      = $width  + $x1 -1;
        $height     = $height + $y1 -1;

        // Subtract the underlying cell widths to find the end cell of the image
        while ($width >= PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_end))) {
            $width -= PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_end));

        // Subtract the underlying cell heights to find the end cell of the image
        while ($height >= PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_end + 1)) {
            $height -= PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_end + 1);

        // Bitmap isn't allowed to start or finish in a hidden cell, i.e. a cell
        // with zero eight or width.
        if (PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_start)) == 0) {
        if (PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_end))   == 0) {
        if (PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_start + 1) == 0) {
        if (PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_end + 1)   == 0) {

        // Convert the pixel values to the percentage value expected by Excel
        $x1 = $x1     / PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_start))   * 1024;
        $y1 = $y1     / PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_start + 1)   *  256;
        $x2 = $width  / PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col_end))     * 1024; // Distance to right side of object
        $y2 = $height / PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $row_end + 1)     *  256; // Distance to bottom of object

        $this->writeObjPicture($col_start, $x1, $row_start, $y1, $col_end, $x2, $row_end, $y2);

     * Store the OBJ record that precedes an IMDATA record. This could be generalise
     * to support other Excel objects.
     * @param integer $colL Column containing upper left corner of object
     * @param integer $dxL  Distance from left side of cell
     * @param integer $rwT  Row containing top left corner of object
     * @param integer $dyT  Distance from top of cell
     * @param integer $colR Column containing lower right corner of object
     * @param integer $dxR  Distance from right of cell
     * @param integer $rwB  Row containing bottom right corner of object
     * @param integer $dyB  Distance from bottom of cell
    private function writeObjPicture($colL, $dxL, $rwT, $dyT, $colR, $dxR, $rwB, $dyB)
        $record      = 0x005d;   // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x003c;   // Bytes to follow

        $cObj        = 0x0001;   // Count of objects in file (set to 1)
        $OT          = 0x0008;   // Object type. 8 = Picture
        $id          = 0x0001;   // Object ID
        $grbit       = 0x0614;   // Option flags

        $cbMacro     = 0x0000;   // Length of FMLA structure
        $Reserved1   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
        $Reserved2   = 0x0000;   // Reserved

        $icvBack     = 0x09;     // Background colour
        $icvFore     = 0x09;     // Foreground colour
        $fls         = 0x00;     // Fill pattern
        $fAuto       = 0x00;     // Automatic fill
        $icv         = 0x08;     // Line colour
        $lns         = 0xff;     // Line style
        $lnw         = 0x01;     // Line weight
        $fAutoB      = 0x00;     // Automatic border
        $frs         = 0x0000;   // Frame style
        $cf          = 0x0009;   // Image format, 9 = bitmap
        $Reserved3   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
        $cbPictFmla  = 0x0000;   // Length of FMLA structure
        $Reserved4   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
        $grbit2      = 0x0001;   // Option flags
        $Reserved5   = 0x0000;   // Reserved

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("V", $cObj);
        $data       .= pack("v", $OT);
        $data       .= pack("v", $id);
        $data       .= pack("v", $grbit);
        $data       .= pack("v", $colL);
        $data       .= pack("v", $dxL);
        $data       .= pack("v", $rwT);
        $data       .= pack("v", $dyT);
        $data       .= pack("v", $colR);
        $data       .= pack("v", $dxR);
        $data       .= pack("v", $rwB);
        $data       .= pack("v", $dyB);
        $data       .= pack("v", $cbMacro);
        $data       .= pack("V", $Reserved1);
        $data       .= pack("v", $Reserved2);
        $data       .= pack("C", $icvBack);
        $data       .= pack("C", $icvFore);
        $data       .= pack("C", $fls);
        $data       .= pack("C", $fAuto);
        $data       .= pack("C", $icv);
        $data       .= pack("C", $lns);
        $data       .= pack("C", $lnw);
        $data       .= pack("C", $fAutoB);
        $data       .= pack("v", $frs);
        $data       .= pack("V", $cf);
        $data       .= pack("v", $Reserved3);
        $data       .= pack("v", $cbPictFmla);
        $data       .= pack("v", $Reserved4);
        $data       .= pack("v", $grbit2);
        $data       .= pack("V", $Reserved5);

        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Convert a GD-image into the internal format.
     * @access private
     * @param resource $image The image to process
     * @return array Array with data and properties of the bitmap
    public function processBitmapGd($image)
        $width = imagesx($image);
        $height = imagesy($image);

        $data = pack("Vvvvv", 0x000c, $width, $height, 0x01, 0x18);
        for ($j=$height; $j--;) {
            for ($i=0; $i < $width; ++$i) {
                $color = imagecolorsforindex($image, imagecolorat($image, $i, $j));
                foreach (array("red", "green", "blue") as $key) {
                    $color[$key] = $color[$key] + round((255 - $color[$key]) * $color["alpha"] / 127);
                $data .= chr($color["blue"]) . chr($color["green"]) . chr($color["red"]);
            if (3*$width % 4) {
                $data .= str_repeat("\x00", 4 - 3*$width % 4);

        return array($width, $height, strlen($data), $data);

     * Convert a 24 bit bitmap into the modified internal format used by Windows.
     * This is described in BITMAPCOREHEADER and BITMAPCOREINFO structures in the
     * MSDN library.
     * @access private
     * @param string $bitmap The bitmap to process
     * @return array Array with data and properties of the bitmap
    public function processBitmap($bitmap)
        // Open file.
        $bmp_fd = @fopen($bitmap, "rb");
        if (!$bmp_fd) {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("Couldn't import $bitmap");

        // Slurp the file into a string.
        $data = fread($bmp_fd, filesize($bitmap));

        // Check that the file is big enough to be a bitmap.
        if (strlen($data) <= 0x36) {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap doesn't contain enough data.\n");

        // The first 2 bytes are used to identify the bitmap.
        $identity = unpack("A2ident", $data);
        if ($identity['ident'] != "BM") {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap doesn't appear to be a valid bitmap image.\n");

        // Remove bitmap data: ID.
        $data = substr($data, 2);

        // Read and remove the bitmap size. This is more reliable than reading
        // the data size at offset 0x22.
        $size_array   = unpack("Vsa", substr($data, 0, 4));
        $size   = $size_array['sa'];
        $data   = substr($data, 4);
        $size  -= 0x36; // Subtract size of bitmap header.
        $size  += 0x0C; // Add size of BIFF header.

        // Remove bitmap data: reserved, offset, header length.
        $data = substr($data, 12);

        // Read and remove the bitmap width and height. Verify the sizes.
        $width_and_height = unpack("V2", substr($data, 0, 8));
        $width  = $width_and_height[1];
        $height = $width_and_height[2];
        $data   = substr($data, 8);
        if ($width > 0xFFFF) {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap: largest image width supported is 65k.\n");
        if ($height > 0xFFFF) {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap: largest image height supported is 65k.\n");

        // Read and remove the bitmap planes and bpp data. Verify them.
        $planes_and_bitcount = unpack("v2", substr($data, 0, 4));
        $data = substr($data, 4);
        if ($planes_and_bitcount[2] != 24) { // Bitcount
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap isn't a 24bit true color bitmap.\n");
        if ($planes_and_bitcount[1] != 1) {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap: only 1 plane supported in bitmap image.\n");

        // Read and remove the bitmap compression. Verify compression.
        $compression = unpack("Vcomp", substr($data, 0, 4));
        $data = substr($data, 4);

        //$compression = 0;
        if ($compression['comp'] != 0) {
            throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("$bitmap: compression not supported in bitmap image.\n");

        // Remove bitmap data: data size, hres, vres, colours, imp. colours.
        $data = substr($data, 20);

        // Add the BITMAPCOREHEADER data
        $header  = pack("Vvvvv", 0x000c, $width, $height, 0x01, 0x18);
        $data    = $header . $data;

        return (array($width, $height, $size, $data));

     * Store the window zoom factor. This should be a reduced fraction but for
     * simplicity we will store all fractions with a numerator of 100.
    private function writeZoom()
        // If scale is 100 we don't need to write a record
        if ($this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getZoomScale() == 100) {

        $record      = 0x00A0;               // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0004;               // Bytes to follow

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data        = pack("vv", $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getZoomScale(), 100);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Get Escher object
     * @return PHPExcel_Shared_Escher
    public function getEscher()
        return $this->escher;

     * Set Escher object
     * @param PHPExcel_Shared_Escher $pValue
    public function setEscher(PHPExcel_Shared_Escher $pValue = null)
        $this->escher = $pValue;

     * Write MSODRAWING record
    private function writeMsoDrawing()
        // write the Escher stream if necessary
        if (isset($this->escher)) {
            $writer = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Escher($this->escher);
            $data = $writer->close();
            $spOffsets = $writer->getSpOffsets();
            $spTypes = $writer->getSpTypes();
            // write the neccesary MSODRAWING, OBJ records

            // split the Escher stream
            $spOffsets[0] = 0;
            $nm = count($spOffsets) - 1; // number of shapes excluding first shape
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $nm; ++$i) {
                // MSODRAWING record
                $record = 0x00EC;            // Record identifier

                // chunk of Escher stream for one shape
                $dataChunk = substr($data, $spOffsets[$i -1], $spOffsets[$i] - $spOffsets[$i - 1]);

                $length = strlen($dataChunk);
                $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);

                $this->append($header . $dataChunk);

                // OBJ record
                $record = 0x005D; // record identifier
                $objData = '';

                // ftCmo
                if ($spTypes[$i] == 0x00C9) {
                    // Add ftCmo (common object data) subobject
                    $objData .=
                            0x0015, // 0x0015 = ftCmo
                            0x0012, // length of ftCmo data
                            0x0014, // object type, 0x0014 = filter
                            $i, // object id number, Excel seems to use 1-based index, local for the sheet
                            0x2101, // option flags, 0x2001 is what OpenOffice.org uses
                            0, // reserved
                            0, // reserved
                            0  // reserved

                    // Add ftSbs Scroll bar subobject
                    $objData .= pack('vv', 0x00C, 0x0014);
                    $objData .= pack('H*', '0000000000000000640001000A00000010000100');
                    // Add ftLbsData (List box data) subobject
                    $objData .= pack('vv', 0x0013, 0x1FEE);
                    $objData .= pack('H*', '00000000010001030000020008005700');
                } else {
                    // Add ftCmo (common object data) subobject
                    $objData .=
                            0x0015, // 0x0015 = ftCmo
                            0x0012, // length of ftCmo data
                            0x0008, // object type, 0x0008 = picture
                            $i, // object id number, Excel seems to use 1-based index, local for the sheet
                            0x6011, // option flags, 0x6011 is what OpenOffice.org uses
                            0, // reserved
                            0, // reserved
                            0  // reserved

                // ftEnd
                $objData .=
                        0x0000, // 0x0000 = ftEnd
                        0x0000  // length of ftEnd data

                $length = strlen($objData);
                $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
                $this->append($header . $objData);

     * Store the DATAVALIDATIONS and DATAVALIDATION records.
    private function writeDataValidity()
        // Datavalidation collection
        $dataValidationCollection = $this->phpSheet->getDataValidationCollection();

        // Write data validations?
        if (!empty($dataValidationCollection)) {
            // DATAVALIDATIONS record
            $record = 0x01B2;      // Record identifier
            $length = 0x0012;      // Bytes to follow

            $grbit  = 0x0000;       // Prompt box at cell, no cached validity data at DV records
            $horPos = 0x00000000;  // Horizontal position of prompt box, if fixed position
            $verPos = 0x00000000;  // Vertical position of prompt box, if fixed position
            $objId  = 0xFFFFFFFF;  // Object identifier of drop down arrow object, or -1 if not visible

            $header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
            $data   = pack('vVVVV', $grbit, $horPos, $verPos, $objId, count($dataValidationCollection));

            // DATAVALIDATION records
            $record = 0x01BE;              // Record identifier

            foreach ($dataValidationCollection as $cellCoordinate => $dataValidation) {
                // initialize record data
                $data = '';

                // options
                $options = 0x00000000;

                // data type
                $type = $dataValidation->getType();
                switch ($type) {
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_NONE:
                        $type = 0x00;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_WHOLE:
                        $type = 0x01;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_DECIMAL:
                        $type = 0x02;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_LIST:
                        $type = 0x03;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_DATE:
                        $type = 0x04;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_TIME:
                        $type = 0x05;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_TEXTLENGTH:
                        $type = 0x06;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_CUSTOM:
                        $type = 0x07;
                $options |= $type << 0;

                // error style
                $errorStyle = $dataValidation->getType();
                switch ($errorStyle) {
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::STYLE_STOP:
                        $errorStyle = 0x00;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::STYLE_WARNING:
                        $errorStyle = 0x01;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::STYLE_INFORMATION:
                        $errorStyle = 0x02;
                $options |= $errorStyle << 4;

                // explicit formula?
                if ($type == 0x03 && preg_match('/^\".*\"$/', $dataValidation->getFormula1())) {
                    $options |= 0x01 << 7;

                // empty cells allowed
                $options |= $dataValidation->getAllowBlank() << 8;

                // show drop down
                $options |= (!$dataValidation->getShowDropDown()) << 9;

                // show input message
                $options |= $dataValidation->getShowInputMessage() << 18;

                // show error message
                $options |= $dataValidation->getShowErrorMessage() << 19;

                // condition operator
                $operator = $dataValidation->getOperator();
                switch ($operator) {
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_BETWEEN:
                        $operator = 0x00;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_NOTBETWEEN:
                        $operator = 0x01;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_EQUAL:
                        $operator = 0x02;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL:
                        $operator = 0x03;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN:
                        $operator = 0x04;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_LESSTHAN:
                        $operator = 0x05;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_GREATERTHANOREQUAL:
                        $operator = 0x06;
                    case PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_LESSTHANOREQUAL:
                        $operator = 0x07;
                $options |= $operator << 20;

                $data        = pack('V', $options);

                // prompt title
                $promptTitle = $dataValidation->getPromptTitle() !== '' ?
                    $dataValidation->getPromptTitle() : chr(0);
                $data .= PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($promptTitle);

                // error title
                $errorTitle = $dataValidation->getErrorTitle() !== '' ?
                    $dataValidation->getErrorTitle() : chr(0);
                $data .= PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($errorTitle);

                // prompt text
                $prompt = $dataValidation->getPrompt() !== '' ?
                    $dataValidation->getPrompt() : chr(0);
                $data .= PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($prompt);

                // error text
                $error = $dataValidation->getError() !== '' ?
                    $dataValidation->getError() : chr(0);
                $data .= PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($error);

                // formula 1
                try {
                    $formula1 = $dataValidation->getFormula1();
                    if ($type == 0x03) { // list type
                        $formula1 = str_replace(',', chr(0), $formula1);
                    $formula1 = $this->parser->toReversePolish();
                    $sz1 = strlen($formula1);
                } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
                    $sz1 = 0;
                    $formula1 = '';
                $data .= pack('vv', $sz1, 0x0000);
                $data .= $formula1;

                // formula 2
                try {
                    $formula2 = $dataValidation->getFormula2();
                    if ($formula2 === '') {
                        throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception('No formula2');
                    $formula2 = $this->parser->toReversePolish();
                    $sz2 = strlen($formula2);
                } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
                    $sz2 = 0;
                    $formula2 = '';
                $data .= pack('vv', $sz2, 0x0000);
                $data .= $formula2;

                // cell range address list
                $data .= pack('v', 0x0001);
                $data .= $this->writeBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed($cellCoordinate);

                $length = strlen($data);
                $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);

                $this->append($header . $data);

     * Map Error code
     * @param string $errorCode
     * @return int
    private static function mapErrorCode($errorCode)
        switch ($errorCode) {
            case '#NULL!':
                return 0x00;
            case '#DIV/0!':
                return 0x07;
            case '#VALUE!':
                return 0x0F;
            case '#REF!':
                return 0x17;
            case '#NAME?':
                return 0x1D;
            case '#NUM!':
                return 0x24;
            case '#N/A':
                return 0x2A;

        return 0;

     * Write PLV Record
    private function writePageLayoutView()
        $record      = 0x088B;               // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0010;               // Bytes to follow

        $rt         = 0x088B; // 2
        $grbitFrt   = 0x0000; // 2
        $reserved   = 0x0000000000000000; // 8
        $wScalvePLV = $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getZoomScale(); // 2

        // The options flags that comprise $grbit
        if ($this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getView() == PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT) {
            $fPageLayoutView   = 1;
        } else {
            $fPageLayoutView   = 0;
        $fRulerVisible     = 0;
        $fWhitespaceHidden = 0;

        $grbit      = $fPageLayoutView; // 2
        $grbit        |= $fRulerVisible       << 1;
        $grbit        |= $fWhitespaceHidden  << 3;

        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
        $data      = pack("vvVVvv", $rt, $grbitFrt, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, $wScalvePLV, $grbit);
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write CFRule Record
     * @param PHPExcel_Style_Conditional $conditional
    private function writeCFRule(PHPExcel_Style_Conditional $conditional)
        $record      = 0x01B1;               // Record identifier

        // $type : Type of the CF
        // $operatorType : Comparison operator
        if ($conditional->getConditionType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_EXPRESSION) {
            $type = 0x02;
            $operatorType = 0x00;
        } elseif ($conditional->getConditionType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_CELLIS) {
            $type = 0x01;

            switch ($conditional->getOperatorType()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_NONE:
                    $operatorType = 0x00;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_EQUAL:
                    $operatorType = 0x03;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN:
                    $operatorType = 0x05;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_GREATERTHANOREQUAL:
                    $operatorType = 0x07;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_LESSTHAN:
                    $operatorType = 0x06;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_LESSTHANOREQUAL:
                    $operatorType = 0x08;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL:
                    $operatorType = 0x04;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_BETWEEN:
                    $operatorType = 0x01;
                    // not OPERATOR_NOTBETWEEN 0x02

        // $szValue1 : size of the formula data for first value or formula
        // $szValue2 : size of the formula data for second value or formula
        $arrConditions = $conditional->getConditions();
        $numConditions = sizeof($arrConditions);
        if ($numConditions == 1) {
            $szValue1 = ($arrConditions[0] <= 65535 ? 3 : 0x0000);
            $szValue2 = 0x0000;
            $operand1 = pack('Cv', 0x1E, $arrConditions[0]);
            $operand2 = null;
        } elseif ($numConditions == 2 && ($conditional->getOperatorType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_BETWEEN)) {
            $szValue1 = ($arrConditions[0] <= 65535 ? 3 : 0x0000);
            $szValue2 = ($arrConditions[1] <= 65535 ? 3 : 0x0000);
            $operand1 = pack('Cv', 0x1E, $arrConditions[0]);
            $operand2 = pack('Cv', 0x1E, $arrConditions[1]);
        } else {
            $szValue1 = 0x0000;
            $szValue2 = 0x0000;
            $operand1 = null;
            $operand2 = null;

        // $flags : Option flags
        // Alignment
        $bAlignHz = ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getHorizontal() == null ? 1 : 0);
        $bAlignVt = ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getVertical() == null ? 1 : 0);
        $bAlignWrapTx = ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getWrapText() == false ? 1 : 0);
        $bTxRotation = ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getTextRotation() == null ? 1 : 0);
        $bIndent = ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getIndent() == 0 ? 1 : 0);
        $bShrinkToFit = ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getShrinkToFit() == false ? 1 : 0);
        if ($bAlignHz == 0 || $bAlignVt == 0 || $bAlignWrapTx == 0 || $bTxRotation == 0 || $bIndent == 0 || $bShrinkToFit == 0) {
            $bFormatAlign = 1;
        } else {
            $bFormatAlign = 0;
        // Protection
        $bProtLocked = ($conditional->getStyle()->getProtection()->getLocked() == null ? 1 : 0);
        $bProtHidden = ($conditional->getStyle()->getProtection()->getHidden() == null ? 1 : 0);
        if ($bProtLocked == 0 || $bProtHidden == 0) {
            $bFormatProt = 1;
        } else {
            $bFormatProt = 0;
        // Border
        $bBorderLeft = ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getLeft()->getColor()->getARGB() == PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_BLACK
                        && $conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getLeft()->getBorderStyle() == PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE ? 1 : 0);
        $bBorderRight = ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getRight()->getColor()->getARGB() == PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_BLACK
                        && $conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getRight()->getBorderStyle() == PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE ? 1 : 0);
        $bBorderTop = ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getTop()->getColor()->getARGB() == PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_BLACK
                        && $conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getTop()->getBorderStyle() == PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE ? 1 : 0);
        $bBorderBottom = ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getBottom()->getColor()->getARGB() == PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_BLACK
                        && $conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getBottom()->getBorderStyle() == PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE ? 1 : 0);
        if ($bBorderLeft == 0 || $bBorderRight == 0 || $bBorderTop == 0 || $bBorderBottom == 0) {
            $bFormatBorder = 1;
        } else {
            $bFormatBorder = 0;
        // Pattern
        $bFillStyle = ($conditional->getStyle()->getFill()->getFillType() == null ? 0 : 1);
        $bFillColor = ($conditional->getStyle()->getFill()->getStartColor()->getARGB() == null ? 0 : 1);
        $bFillColorBg = ($conditional->getStyle()->getFill()->getEndColor()->getARGB() == null ? 0 : 1);
        if ($bFillStyle == 0 || $bFillColor == 0 || $bFillColorBg == 0) {
            $bFormatFill = 1;
        } else {
            $bFormatFill = 0;
        // Font
        if ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getName() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSize() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getBold() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getItalic() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSuperScript() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSubScript() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getUnderline() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getStrikethrough() != null
            || $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getColor()->getARGB() != null) {
            $bFormatFont = 1;
        } else {
            $bFormatFont = 0;
        // Alignment
        $flags = 0;
        $flags |= (1 == $bAlignHz      ? 0x00000001 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bAlignVt      ? 0x00000002 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bAlignWrapTx  ? 0x00000004 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bTxRotation   ? 0x00000008 : 0);
        // Justify last line flag
        $flags |= (1 == 1              ? 0x00000010 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bIndent       ? 0x00000020 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bShrinkToFit  ? 0x00000040 : 0);
        // Default
        $flags |= (1 == 1              ? 0x00000080 : 0);
        // Protection
        $flags |= (1 == $bProtLocked   ? 0x00000100 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bProtHidden   ? 0x00000200 : 0);
        // Border
        $flags |= (1 == $bBorderLeft   ? 0x00000400 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bBorderRight  ? 0x00000800 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bBorderTop    ? 0x00001000 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bBorderBottom ? 0x00002000 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == 1              ? 0x00004000 : 0); // Top left to Bottom right border
        $flags |= (1 == 1              ? 0x00008000 : 0); // Bottom left to Top right border
        // Pattern
        $flags |= (1 == $bFillStyle    ? 0x00010000 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bFillColor    ? 0x00020000 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == $bFillColorBg  ? 0x00040000 : 0);
        $flags |= (1 == 1              ? 0x00380000 : 0);
        // Font
        $flags |= (1 == $bFormatFont   ? 0x04000000 : 0);
        // Alignment:
        $flags |= (1 == $bFormatAlign  ? 0x08000000 : 0);
        // Border
        $flags |= (1 == $bFormatBorder ? 0x10000000 : 0);
        // Pattern
        $flags |= (1 == $bFormatFill   ? 0x20000000 : 0);
        // Protection
        $flags |= (1 == $bFormatProt   ? 0x40000000 : 0);
        // Text direction
        $flags |= (1 == 0              ? 0x80000000 : 0);

        // Data Blocks
        if ($bFormatFont == 1) {
            // Font Name
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getName() == null) {
                $dataBlockFont =  pack('VVVVVVVV', 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('VVVVVVVV', 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);
            } else {
                $dataBlockFont = PHPExcel_Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeLong($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getName());
            // Font Size
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSize() == null) {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', 20 * 11);
            } else {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', 20 * $conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSize());
            // Font Options
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', 0);
            // Font weight
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getBold() == true) {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('v', 0x02BC);
            } else {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('v', 0x0190);
            // Escapement type
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSubScript() == true) {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('v', 0x02);
                $fontEscapement = 0;
            } elseif ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getSuperScript() == true) {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('v', 0x01);
                $fontEscapement = 0;
            } else {
                $dataBlockFont .= pack('v', 0x00);
                $fontEscapement = 1;
            // Underline type
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getUnderline()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_NONE:
                    $dataBlockFont .= pack('C', 0x00);
                    $fontUnderline = 0;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLE:
                    $dataBlockFont .= pack('C', 0x02);
                    $fontUnderline = 0;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLEACCOUNTING:
                    $dataBlockFont .= pack('C', 0x22);
                    $fontUnderline = 0;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLE:
                    $dataBlockFont .= pack('C', 0x01);
                    $fontUnderline = 0;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLEACCOUNTING:
                    $dataBlockFont .= pack('C', 0x21);
                    $fontUnderline = 0;
                default: $dataBlockFont .= pack('C', 0x00);
                    $fontUnderline = 1;
            // Not used (3)
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('vC', 0x0000, 0x00);
            // Font color index
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getColor()->getRGB()) {
                case '000000':
                    $colorIdx = 0x08;
                case 'FFFFFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x09;
                case 'FF0000':
                    $colorIdx = 0x0A;
                case '00FF00':
                    $colorIdx = 0x0B;
                case '0000FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x0C;
                case 'FFFF00':
                    $colorIdx = 0x0D;
                case 'FF00FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x0E;
                case '00FFFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x0F;
                case '800000':
                    $colorIdx = 0x10;
                case '008000':
                    $colorIdx = 0x11;
                case '000080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x12;
                case '808000':
                    $colorIdx = 0x13;
                case '800080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x14;
                case '008080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x15;
                case 'C0C0C0':
                    $colorIdx = 0x16;
                case '808080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x17;
                case '9999FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x18;
                case '993366':
                    $colorIdx = 0x19;
                case 'FFFFCC':
                    $colorIdx = 0x1A;
                case 'CCFFFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x1B;
                case '660066':
                    $colorIdx = 0x1C;
                case 'FF8080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x1D;
                case '0066CC':
                    $colorIdx = 0x1E;
                case 'CCCCFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x1F;
                case '000080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x20;
                case 'FF00FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x21;
                case 'FFFF00':
                    $colorIdx = 0x22;
                case '00FFFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x23;
                case '800080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x24;
                case '800000':
                    $colorIdx = 0x25;
                case '008080':
                    $colorIdx = 0x26;
                case '0000FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x27;
                case '00CCFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x28;
                case 'CCFFFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x29;
                case 'CCFFCC':
                    $colorIdx = 0x2A;
                case 'FFFF99':
                    $colorIdx = 0x2B;
                case '99CCFF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x2C;
                case 'FF99CC':
                    $colorIdx = 0x2D;
                case 'CC99FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x2E;
                case 'FFCC99':
                    $colorIdx = 0x2F;
                case '3366FF':
                    $colorIdx = 0x30;
                case '33CCCC':
                    $colorIdx = 0x31;
                case '99CC00':
                    $colorIdx = 0x32;
                case 'FFCC00':
                    $colorIdx = 0x33;
                case 'FF9900':
                    $colorIdx = 0x34;
                case 'FF6600':
                    $colorIdx = 0x35;
                case '666699':
                    $colorIdx = 0x36;
                case '969696':
                    $colorIdx = 0x37;
                case '003366':
                    $colorIdx = 0x38;
                case '339966':
                    $colorIdx = 0x39;
                case '003300':
                    $colorIdx = 0x3A;
                case '333300':
                    $colorIdx = 0x3B;
                case '993300':
                    $colorIdx = 0x3C;
                case '993366':
                    $colorIdx = 0x3D;
                case '333399':
                    $colorIdx = 0x3E;
                case '333333':
                    $colorIdx = 0x3F;
                    $colorIdx = 0x00;
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', $colorIdx);
            // Not used (4)
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', 0x00000000);
            // Options flags for modified font attributes
            $optionsFlags = 0;
            $optionsFlagsBold = ($conditional->getStyle()->getFont()->getBold() == null ? 1 : 0);
            $optionsFlags |= (1 == $optionsFlagsBold  ? 0x00000002 : 0);
            $optionsFlags |= (1 == 1                  ? 0x00000008 : 0);
            $optionsFlags |= (1 == 1                  ? 0x00000010 : 0);
            $optionsFlags |= (1 == 0                  ? 0x00000020 : 0);
            $optionsFlags |= (1 == 1                  ? 0x00000080 : 0);
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', $optionsFlags);
            // Escapement type
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', $fontEscapement);
            // Underline type
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', $fontUnderline);
            // Always
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', 0x00000000);
            // Always
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('V', 0x00000000);
            // Not used (8)
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('VV', 0x00000000, 0x00000000);
            // Always
            $dataBlockFont .= pack('v', 0x0001);
        if ($bFormatAlign == 1) {
            $blockAlign = 0;
            // Alignment and text break
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getHorizontal()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL:
                    $blockAlign = 0;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_LEFT:
                    $blockAlign = 1;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT:
                    $blockAlign = 3;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER:
                    $blockAlign = 2;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER_CONTINUOUS:
                    $blockAlign = 6;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY:
                    $blockAlign = 5;
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getWrapText() == true) {
                $blockAlign |= 1 << 3;
            } else {
                $blockAlign |= 0 << 3;
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getVertical()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_BOTTOM:
                    $blockAlign = 2 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP:
                    $blockAlign = 0 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER:
                    $blockAlign = 1 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_JUSTIFY:
                    $blockAlign = 3 << 4;
            $blockAlign |= 0 << 7;

            // Text rotation angle
            $blockRotation = $conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getTextRotation();

            // Indentation
            $blockIndent = $conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getIndent();
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getAlignment()->getShrinkToFit() == true) {
                $blockIndent |= 1 << 4;
            } else {
                $blockIndent |= 0 << 4;
            $blockIndent |= 0 << 6;

            // Relative indentation
            $blockIndentRelative = 255;

            $dataBlockAlign = pack('CCvvv', $blockAlign, $blockRotation, $blockIndent, $blockIndentRelative, 0x0000);
        if ($bFormatBorder == 1) {
            $blockLineStyle = 0;
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getLeft()->getBorderStyle()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x00;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x01;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUM:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x02;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x03;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOTTED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x04;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x05;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOUBLE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x06;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_HAIR:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x07;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x08;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x09;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0A;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0B;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0C;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0D;
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getRight()->getBorderStyle()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x00 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x01 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUM:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x02 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x03 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOTTED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x04 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x05 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOUBLE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x06 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_HAIR:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x07 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x08 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x09 << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0A << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0B << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0C << 4;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0D << 4;
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getTop()->getBorderStyle()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x00 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x01 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUM:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x02 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x03 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOTTED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x04 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x05 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOUBLE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x06 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_HAIR:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x07 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x08 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x09 << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0A << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0B << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0C << 8;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0D << 8;
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getBottom()->getBorderStyle()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x00 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x01 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUM:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x02 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x03 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOTTED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x04 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x05 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOUBLE:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x06 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_HAIR:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x07 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x08 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x09 << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0A << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0B << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0C << 12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT:
                    $blockLineStyle |= 0x0D << 12;
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockLineStyle => Index Color for left line
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockLineStyle => Index Color for right line
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockLineStyle => Top-left to bottom-right on/off
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockLineStyle => Bottom-left to top-right on/off
            $blockColor = 0;
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockColor => Index Color for top line
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockColor => Index Color for bottom line
            //@todo writeCFRule() => $blockColor => Index Color for diagonal line
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getBorders()->getDiagonal()->getBorderStyle()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE:
                    $blockColor |= 0x00 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN:
                    $blockColor |= 0x01 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUM:
                    $blockColor |= 0x02 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHED:
                    $blockColor |= 0x03 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOTTED:
                    $blockColor |= 0x04 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK:
                    $blockColor |= 0x05 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOUBLE:
                    $blockColor |= 0x06 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_HAIR:
                    $blockColor |= 0x07 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED:
                    $blockColor |= 0x08 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT:
                    $blockColor |= 0x09 << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT:
                    $blockColor |= 0x0A << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockColor |= 0x0B << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT:
                    $blockColor |= 0x0C << 21;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT:
                    $blockColor |= 0x0D << 21;
            $dataBlockBorder = pack('vv', $blockLineStyle, $blockColor);
        if ($bFormatFill == 1) {
            // Fill Patern Style
            $blockFillPatternStyle = 0;
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getFill()->getFillType()) {
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_NONE:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x00;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x01;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_MEDIUMGRAY:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x02;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRAY:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x03;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRAY:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x04;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKHORIZONTAL:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x05;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKVERTICAL:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x06;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKDOWN:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x07;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKUP:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x08;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRID:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x09;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKTRELLIS:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0A;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTHORIZONTAL:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0B;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTVERTICAL:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0C;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTDOWN:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0D;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTUP:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0E;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRID:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0F;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTTRELLIS:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x10;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY125:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x11;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY0625:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x12;
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_LINEAR:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x00;
                    break;    // does not exist in BIFF8
                case PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_PATH:
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x00;
                    break;    // does not exist in BIFF8
                    $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x00;
            // Color
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getFill()->getStartColor()->getRGB()) {
                case '000000':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x08;
                case 'FFFFFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x09;
                case 'FF0000':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x0A;
                case '00FF00':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x0B;
                case '0000FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x0C;
                case 'FFFF00':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x0D;
                case 'FF00FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x0E;
                case '00FFFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x0F;
                case '800000':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x10;
                case '008000':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x11;
                case '000080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x12;
                case '808000':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x13;
                case '800080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x14;
                case '008080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x15;
                case 'C0C0C0':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x16;
                case '808080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x17;
                case '9999FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x18;
                case '993366':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x19;
                case 'FFFFCC':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x1A;
                case 'CCFFFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x1B;
                case '660066':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x1C;
                case 'FF8080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x1D;
                case '0066CC':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x1E;
                case 'CCCCFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x1F;
                case '000080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x20;
                case 'FF00FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x21;
                case 'FFFF00':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x22;
                case '00FFFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x23;
                case '800080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x24;
                case '800000':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x25;
                case '008080':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x26;
                case '0000FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x27;
                case '00CCFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x28;
                case 'CCFFFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x29;
                case 'CCFFCC':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x2A;
                case 'FFFF99':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x2B;
                case '99CCFF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x2C;
                case 'FF99CC':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x2D;
                case 'CC99FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x2E;
                case 'FFCC99':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x2F;
                case '3366FF':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x30;
                case '33CCCC':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x31;
                case '99CC00':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x32;
                case 'FFCC00':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x33;
                case 'FF9900':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x34;
                case 'FF6600':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x35;
                case '666699':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x36;
                case '969696':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x37;
                case '003366':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x38;
                case '339966':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x39;
                case '003300':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x3A;
                case '333300':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x3B;
                case '993300':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x3C;
                case '993366':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x3D;
                case '333399':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x3E;
                case '333333':
                    $colorIdxBg = 0x3F;
                          $colorIdxBg = 0x41;
            // Fg Color
            switch ($conditional->getStyle()->getFill()->getEndColor()->getRGB()) {
                case '000000':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x08;
                case 'FFFFFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x09;
                case 'FF0000':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x0A;
                case '00FF00':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x0B;
                case '0000FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x0C;
                case 'FFFF00':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x0D;
                case 'FF00FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x0E;
                case '00FFFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x0F;
                case '800000':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x10;
                case '008000':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x11;
                case '000080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x12;
                case '808000':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x13;
                case '800080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x14;
                case '008080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x15;
                case 'C0C0C0':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x16;
                case '808080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x17;
                case '9999FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x18;
                case '993366':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x19;
                case 'FFFFCC':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x1A;
                case 'CCFFFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x1B;
                case '660066':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x1C;
                case 'FF8080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x1D;
                case '0066CC':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x1E;
                case 'CCCCFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x1F;
                case '000080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x20;
                case 'FF00FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x21;
                case 'FFFF00':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x22;
                case '00FFFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x23;
                case '800080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x24;
                case '800000':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x25;
                case '008080':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x26;
                case '0000FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x27;
                case '00CCFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x28;
                case 'CCFFFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x29;
                case 'CCFFCC':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x2A;
                case 'FFFF99':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x2B;
                case '99CCFF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x2C;
                case 'FF99CC':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x2D;
                case 'CC99FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x2E;
                case 'FFCC99':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x2F;
                case '3366FF':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x30;
                case '33CCCC':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x31;
                case '99CC00':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x32;
                case 'FFCC00':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x33;
                case 'FF9900':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x34;
                case 'FF6600':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x35;
                case '666699':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x36;
                case '969696':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x37;
                case '003366':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x38;
                case '339966':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x39;
                case '003300':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x3A;
                case '333300':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x3B;
                case '993300':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x3C;
                case '993366':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x3D;
                case '333399':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x3E;
                case '333333':
                    $colorIdxFg = 0x3F;
                          $colorIdxFg = 0x40;
            $dataBlockFill = pack('v', $blockFillPatternStyle);
            $dataBlockFill .= pack('v', $colorIdxFg | ($colorIdxBg << 7));
        if ($bFormatProt == 1) {
            $dataBlockProtection = 0;
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getProtection()->getLocked() == PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_PROTECTED) {
                $dataBlockProtection = 1;
            if ($conditional->getStyle()->getProtection()->getHidden() == PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_PROTECTED) {
                $dataBlockProtection = 1 << 1;

        $data      = pack('CCvvVv', $type, $operatorType, $szValue1, $szValue2, $flags, 0x0000);
        if ($bFormatFont == 1) { // Block Formatting : OK
            $data .= $dataBlockFont;
        if ($bFormatAlign == 1) {
            $data .= $dataBlockAlign;
        if ($bFormatBorder == 1) {
            $data .= $dataBlockBorder;
        if ($bFormatFill == 1) { // Block Formatting : OK
            $data .= $dataBlockFill;
        if ($bFormatProt == 1) {
            $data .= $dataBlockProtection;
        if (!is_null($operand1)) {
            $data .= $operand1;
        if (!is_null($operand2)) {
            $data .= $operand2;
        $header      = pack('vv', $record, strlen($data));
        $this->append($header . $data);

     * Write CFHeader record
    private function writeCFHeader()
        $record      = 0x01B0;               // Record identifier
        $length      = 0x0016;               // Bytes to follow

        $numColumnMin = null;
        $numColumnMax = null;
        $numRowMin = null;
        $numRowMax = null;
        $arrConditional = array();
        foreach ($this->phpSheet->getConditionalStylesCollection() as $cellCoordinate => $conditionalStyles) {
            foreach ($conditionalStyles as $conditional) {
                if ($conditional->getConditionType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_EXPRESSION
                        || $conditional->getConditionType() == PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_CELLIS) {
                    if (!in_array($conditional->getHashCode(), $arrConditional)) {
                        $arrConditional[] = $conditional->getHashCode();
                    // Cells
                    $arrCoord = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($cellCoordinate);
                    if (!is_numeric($arrCoord[0])) {
                        $arrCoord[0] = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($arrCoord[0]);
                    if (is_null($numColumnMin) || ($numColumnMin > $arrCoord[0])) {
                        $numColumnMin = $arrCoord[0];
                    if (is_null($numColumnMax) || ($numColumnMax < $arrCoord[0])) {
                        $numColumnMax = $arrCoord[0];
                    if (is_null($numRowMin) || ($numRowMin > $arrCoord[1])) {
                        $numRowMin = $arrCoord[1];
                    if (is_null($numRowMax) || ($numRowMax < $arrCoord[1])) {
                        $numRowMax = $arrCoord[1];
        $needRedraw = 1;
        $cellRange = pack('vvvv', $numRowMin-1, $numRowMax-1, $numColumnMin-1, $numColumnMax-1);

        $header      = pack('vv', $record, $length);
        $data      = pack('vv', count($arrConditional), $needRedraw);
        $data     .= $cellRange;
        $data     .= pack('v', 0x0001);
        $data     .= $cellRange;
        $this->append($header . $data);