if ($_GET['action'] == 'excel') { header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=mockdril_report.xls'); } else { include('pdf_header_reverse.php'); } include('includes/config/config.php'); include_once('includes/functions.php'); $from_date = $_REQUEST['startDate2']; $to_date = $_REQUEST['endDate2']; ?>
Reporting Period : TO |
Sr. No. | Date | Name | Age | Contractor | Location | Blood press | Pulse | SPO2 | RBS | Temp | Given Treatment | Patient attending doctor name | Patient attending staff name | Patients in hospital | Patient condition on discharge time | Inform receiving time | Discharge time | Amb sent | Inform ation | Complaint of Patient | Examine patient |
= $count ?> | = date_format(date_create($row1['date_of_mockdrill']), "d-M-Y ") ?> | = $row3['patient_name'] ?> | = $age ?> | = $row4['employer_contractor_name'] ?> | = $row1['location'] ?> | = $row1['bp'] ?> | = $row1['pulse'] ?> | = $row1['Spo2'] ?> | = $row1['RBS'] ?> | = $row1['temp'] ?> | = $row1['given_treatment'] ?> | = $row1['patient_attending_doctor_name'] ?> | = $row1['patient_attending_staff_name'] ?> | = $row1['patients_in_hospital'] ?> | = $row1['patient_condition_on_discharge_time'] ?> | = $row1['inf_rec_time'] ?> | = $row1['dis_time'] ?> | = $row1['amb_sen_t'] ?> | = $row1['info'] ?> | = $row1['complt_of_patient'] ?> | = $row1['patient_diagnosis'] ?> |