<?php error_reporting(0); include "../includes/config/config.php"; include "../includes/functions.php"; include 'log_entry.php'; // include "mailend.php"; $response = array(); $date = date_format(date_create($_REQUEST["date"]), "Y-m-d"); // $d=date_format($_REQUEST["date"] , "Y/m/d"); $time = $_REQUEST["time"]; $emp_id = $_REQUEST["emp_id"]; $ohc_type_id = $_REQUEST["ohc_type_id"]; $day = $_REQUEST["day"]; $doctor_id = $_REQUEST["doctor_id"]; $type = $_REQUEST["type"]; $id = $_REQUEST["id"]; // $query="INSERT INTO `appointment_details`( `date`, `time`, `day`,`doctor_id`,`emp_id`) VALUES ('$date','$time','$day','$doctor_id','$emp_id')"; // $exe=mysqli_query($conn,$query); // $arr=[]; // if($exe){ // $arr["sucess"]="true"; // }else{ // $arr["sucess"]="false"; // } // print(json_encode($arr)) $sql = "SELECT * FROM appointment_details WHERE emp_id='$emp_id' AND doctor_id='$doctor_id' AND `date` = '$date' AND `time` = '$time'"; error_log("API LOGIN DM : " . $sql); $check = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if ($check->num_rows > 0) { if ($check) { $arr = "false"; } } else { if ($id) { $insertSql = "UPDATE `appointment_details` SET doctor_id='$doctor_id' , time='$time',date='$date' WHERE id='$id'"; } else { $insertSql = "INSERT INTO `appointment_details`( `date`, `time`, `day`,`doctor_id`,`emp_id` ,`ohc_type_id` , `status` ,`app_type`) VALUES ('$date','$time','$day','$doctor_id','$emp_id' , '$ohc_type_id' , 'BOOKED' , '$type')"; } // If not, save the date and time to the database error_log("API LOGIN DM : " . $insertSql); $exe = mysqli_query($conn, $insertSql); if ($id) { $new_id=$id; }else{ $new_id=mysqli_insert_id($conn); } if ($exe) { $sql1 = "SELECT * from appointment_details where id = '$new_id'"; error_log('apps' . $sql1); $query1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1); $Update_Doc_Status = "UPDATE `doc_slots` SET `status` = 'BOOKED' WHERE doc_slot_id = '$time' AND ohc_type_id = '$ohc_type_id'"; error_log("Update_Doc_Status: " . $Update_Doc_Status); $update_exe = mysqli_query($conn, $Update_Doc_Status); $arr = "true"; // while ($fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query1)) { // $emailContent = "<p>Dear Sir/Madam, </p>"; // $status = ''; // $sub_status = ''; // if ($fetch['status'] == 'BOOKED') { // $sub_status = 'confirmed'; // $status = "<font color=green>confirmed</font> "; // } else if ($fetch['status'] == 'DRP') { // $sub_status = 'pending'; // $status = "<font color=red>confirmed</font>"; // } else if ($fetch['status'] == 'DRA') { // $sub_status = 'completed'; // $status = "<font color=green>completed</font> "; // } else if ($fetch['status'] == 'CANCELLED') { // $sub_status = 'cancelled'; // $status = " <font color=red>cancelled</font>"; // } // if ($fetch['app_type'] == 'FIT') { // $fetch['app_type'] = 'sickness/fitness'; // } else if ($fetch['app_type'] == 'MED') { // $fetch['app_type'] = 'periodic health checkup'; // } // $email_list_to = getTableFieldValue('patient_master', 'offiial_email_id', 'id', '"' . $fetch['emp_id'] . '"'); // $email_list_cc = getTableFieldValue('patient_master', 'offiial_email_id', 'id', '"' . $fetch['doctor_id'] . '"'); // $ref_type = $fetch['app_type'] . " Appointment"; // $subject = 'Your appointment got ' . $sub_status . ' in ' . getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_type_name', 'ohc_type_id', '"' . $fetch['ohc_type_id'] . '"') . ' OHC on ' . // date_format(date_create($fetch['date']), "d-m-Y ") . '.'; // // if ($type != 'del') { // // emailContent += "<p>Your appointment got " + status + " in " + data.ohc_type + " OHC on " + // // data.date + // // " between " + // // data.slot + // // " - " + // // data.slot_end + // // ".</p>"; // // emailContent += // // "<p>Kindly make sure 12 hours fasting is required (You can consume water) before this health checkup. </p><p> Regards,</p><p> Team OHC</p>"; // // } else { // $emailContent .= "<p>You have booked your health checkup in " . getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_type_name', 'ohc_type_id', '"' . $fetch['ohc_type_id'] . '"') ." OHC got <font color=red>Cancelled</font> .</p>"; // $emailContent .= "<p> Regards,</p><p> Team OHC</p>"; // // } // // emailContent += "<br><a href=`" + link + // // "`> Details</a> "; // $message = $emailContent; // $id = $appointmentId; // $message = $emailContent; // send_mail( // $email_list_to, // $subject, // $message, // "", // ); // //send_email($appointmentId, getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'ohc_type_name', 'ohc_type_id', '"' . $fetch['ohc_type_id'] . '"'), getTableFieldValue('ohc_type', 'primary_email', 'ohc_type_id', '"' . $fetch['ohc_type_id'] . '"'), date_format(date_create($fetch['date']), "d-m-Y "), getTableFieldValue('patient_master', 'patient_name', 'id', '"' . $fetch['emp_id'] . '"'), $fetch['app_type'], $link, $type); // } } else { $arr = "false"; } } echo json_encode($arr);