"; } else { $inc_link = ""; } $pdf_link = $space . ""; $short_pdf_link = $space . ""; $lab_record_exist = "select checkup_id from checkup_form where appointment_id='" . $appointment_id . "' and current_status='MRA'"; $result_lab = mysqli_query($conn, $lab_record_exist); // $num_rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_lab); $row_lab = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_lab); error_log("lab sql " . $lab_record_exist); // error_log("lab record exists " . $lab_record_exist); if ($row_lab['checkup_id'] != null && $row_lab['checkup_id'] != '') { $lab_pdf_link = $space . ""; } else { $lab_pdf_link = ""; } if ($ref_to != '' || $ref_to != null) { $referral_letter = $space . ""; } // $view_link = $space . ""; $dashboard_link = $space . ""; $email_link = $space . ""; } $GIVE_EDIT_OPTION_AFTER_THIS_DATE = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'GIVE_EDIT_OPTION_AFTER_THIS_DATE'); if (isAccessibleForSameDoc($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_key, 'W', $row_employee_appointment['doctor_last_attended'], 0)) { // to avoid edit in old opd data of chirayu if (date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row_employee_appointment['appointment_date'])) > date("Y-m-d", strtotime($GIVE_EDIT_OPTION_AFTER_THIS_DATE))) { $edit_link = $space . ""; } } $time_difference_seconds = time() - strtotime($row_employee_appointment['appointment_date']); $time_difference_hours = $time_difference_seconds / (60 * 60); $deletion_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'ALLOWED_DELETION_FOR_FIXED_HOURS'); if (isAccessibleForSameDoc($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_key, 'E', $row_employee_appointment['doctor_last_attended'], 0) && $treatment_text == '' && $time_difference_hours < $deletion_config) { $delete_link = $space . ""; } $query_followup = "select * from followup_details where appointment_id='" . $row_employee_appointment['appointment_id'] . "' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' "; error_log("Patient_Search_followup:" . $query_followup); if (!$result_followup = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_followup)) { die(mysqli_error($conn)); } if (mysqli_num_rows($result_followup) > 0) { while ($row_followup = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_followup)) { $followup_ticket = $row_followup['ticket_no']; $followups_pdf .= $space . ""; if (isAccessibleForSameDoc($_SESSION['RoleId'], $menu_key, 'W', $row_followup['doctor_last_attended'], 0)) { $followups_pdf .= $space . "" . $row_followup["ticket_no"] . "
"; } } } // if($row_employee_appointment['doctor_attended_flag'] != 'Y'){ // $pdf_link=""; // } $links = $view_link . $edit_link . $delete_link . $pdf_link . $short_pdf_link . $email_link . $inc_link . $dashboard_link . $lab_pdf_link . $referral_letter; $isEmergency = ""; $isInjury = ""; $isDetention = ""; if ($appointment_type == 'I') { $isInjury = "Yes"; } else { $isInjury = "No"; } // if ($row_employee_appointment['IsEmergency'] == 1) { // $isEmergency = "Yes"; // } else { // $isEmergency = "No"; // } if ($row_employee_appointment['attended_status'] == 'DET') { $isDetention = $space . "Yes ()"; } else { $isDetention = "No"; } $doctor_attended_flag = "No"; if ($row_employee_appointment['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') { $doctor_attended_flag = "Yes"; } else { $doctor_attended_flag = "No"; } $issue_by = ''; $medicin_issued = "select distinct(issue_by) as issue_by from treatment where appointment_id='" . $row_employee_appointment['appointment_id'] . "'"; if (!$result_issue_by = @mysqli_query($conn, $medicin_issued)) { die(mysqli_error($conn)); } if (mysqli_num_rows($result_issue_by) > 0) { while ($row_issue_by = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_issue_by)) { if ($issue_by != '') { $issue_by .= '&' . $space; } $doc_emp_id = getTableFieldValue("tbl_users", "emp_id", "user_id", '"' . $row_issue_by['issue_by'] . '"'); $issue_by .= getTableFieldValue('patient_master', "patient_name", 'id', '"' . $doc_emp_id . '"') . $space; } } // error_log('trtr' . $issueing_user); $check_results = "SBP:" . $row_employee_appointment['bp_sbp'] . ", DBP:" . $row_employee_appointment['bp_dbp'] . ",Temp:" . $row_employee_appointment['temperature'] . ",SPOC2%:" . $row_employee_appointment['spo2_percent'] . ",WEIGHT:" . $row_employee_appointment['weight'] . ",HEIGHT:" . $row_employee_appointment['height'] . ",BMI:" . $row_employee_appointment['bmi'] . ",RESPIRATORY RATE:" . $row_employee_appointment['respiratory_rate'] . ",HEART RATE:" . $row_employee_appointment['heart_rate'] . ",PULSE OUTPUT:" . $row_employee_appointment['pulse_output'] . ", GLASGOW COMA SCALE:" . $row_employee_appointment['glasgow_coma_scale']; $data['rows'][] = array( 'id' => $row_employee_appointment['appointment_id'], 'cell' => array( $count++, $links, getFieldFromTable('ohc_type_name', 'ohc_type', 'ohc_type_id', $row_employee_appointment['ohc_type_id']), date_format(date_create($row_employee_appointment['appointment_date']), "d-M-Y h:i a"), $row_employee_appointment['ticket_no'], $followups_pdf, $row_employee_appointment['emp_code'], $row_employee_appointment['patient_name'], // $case_type, // $followup_remarks, // $isEmergency, $isInjury, $isDetention, $doctor_attended_flag, $issue_by, $complaints, // $findings, $diagnosis, $treatment_text, $doc_name, $referral, $row_employee_appointment['followup'], $check_results ) ); } $data['rows'][] = array( 'id' => $row['filterkey'], 'cell' => array( '', "", "", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ) ); echo json_encode($data); ?>