# makefile # # @since 2015-02-21 # @category Library # @package Barcode # @author Nicola Asuni # @copyright 2015-2015 Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com LTD # @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU-LGPL v3 (see LICENSE) # @link https://github.com/tecnickcom/tc-lib-barcode # # This file is part of tc-lib-barcode software library. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # List special make targets that are not associated with files .PHONY: help all test docs phpcs phpcs_test phpcbf phpcbf_test phpmd phpmd_test phpcpd phploc phpdep phpcmpinfo report qa qa_test qa_all clean build build_dev update server install uninstall rpm deb bz2 bintray # Project owner OWNER=tecnickcom # Project vendor VENDOR=${OWNER} # Project name PROJECT=tc-lib-barcode # Project version VERSION=$(shell cat VERSION) # Project release number (packaging build number) RELEASE=$(shell cat RELEASE) # Name of RPM or DEB package PKGNAME=php-${OWNER}-${PROJECT} # Data dir DATADIR=usr/share # PHP home folder PHPHOME=${DATADIR}/php/Com/Tecnick # Default installation path for code LIBPATH=${PHPHOME}/Barcode/ # Path for configuration files (etc/$(PKGNAME)/) CONFIGPATH= # Default installation path for documentation DOCPATH=${DATADIR}/doc/$(PKGNAME)/ # Installation path for the code PATHINSTBIN=$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBPATH) # Installation path for the configuration files PATHINSTCFG=$(DESTDIR)/$(CONFIGPATH) # Installation path for documentation PATHINSTDOC=$(DESTDIR)/$(DOCPATH) # Current directory CURRENTDIR=$(shell pwd) # RPM Packaging path (where RPMs will be stored) PATHRPMPKG=$(CURRENTDIR)/target/RPM # DEB Packaging path (where DEBs will be stored) PATHDEBPKG=$(CURRENTDIR)/target/DEB # BZ2 Packaging path (where BZ2s will be stored) PATHBZ2PKG=$(CURRENTDIR)/target/BZ2 # Default port number for the example server PORT?=8000 # Composer executable (disable APC to as a work-around of a bug) COMPOSER=$(shell which php) -d "apc.enable_cli=0" $(shell which composer) # --- MAKE TARGETS --- # Display general help about this command help: @echo "" @echo "${PROJECT} Makefile." @echo "The following commands are available:" @echo "" @echo " make qa : Run the targets: test, phpcs, phpmd and phpcpd" @echo " make qa_test : Run the targets: phpcs_test and phpmd_test" @echo " make qa_all : Run the targets: qa and qa_all" @echo "" @echo " make test : Run the PHPUnit tests" @echo "" @echo " make phpcs : Run PHPCS on the source code and show any style violations" @echo " make phpcs_test : Run PHPCS on the test code and show any style violations" @echo "" @echo " make phpcbf : Run PHPCBF on the source code to fix style violations" @echo " make phpcbf_test : Run PHPCBF on the test code to fix style violations" @echo "" @echo " make phpmd : Run PHP Mess Detector on the source code" @echo " make phpmd_test : Run PHP Mess Detector on the test code" @echo "" @echo " make phpcpd : Run PHP Copy/Paste Detector" @echo " make phploc : Run PHPLOC to analyze the structure of the project" @echo " make phpdep : Run JDepend static analysis and generate graphs" @echo " make phpcmpinfo : Find out the minimum version and extensions required" @echo " make report : Generates various static-analisys reports" @echo "" @echo " make docs : Generate source code documentation" @echo "" @echo " make clean : Delete the vendor and target directory" @echo " make build : Clean and download the composer dependencies" @echo " make build_dev : Clean and download the composer dependencies including dev ones" @echo " make update : Update composer dependencies" @echo "" @echo " make server : Run the example server at http://localhost:"$(PORT) @echo "" @echo " make install : Install this library" @echo " make uninstall : Remove all installed files" @echo "" @echo " make rpm : Build an RPM package" @echo " make deb : Build a DEB package" @echo " make bz2 : Build a tar bz2 (tbz2) compressed archive" @echo "" # alias for help target all: help # run the PHPUnit tests test: ./vendor/bin/phpunit test # generate docs docs: @rm -rf target/phpdocs && ./vendor/apigen/apigen/bin/apigen generate --source="src/" --destination="target/phpdocs/" --exclude="vendor" --access-levels="public,protected,private" --charset="UTF-8" --title="${PROJECT}" # run PHPCS on the source code and show any style violations phpcs: @./vendor/bin/phpcs --ignore="./vendor/" --standard=psr2 src # run PHPCS on the test code and show any style violations phpcs_test: @./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=psr2 test # run PHPCBF on the source code and show any style violations phpcbf: @./vendor/bin/phpcbf --ignore="./vendor/" --standard=psr2 src # run PHPCBF on the test code and show any style violations phpcbf_test: @./vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=psr2 test # Run PHP Mess Detector on the source code phpmd: @./vendor/bin/phpmd src text codesize,unusedcode,naming,design --exclude vendor # run PHP Mess Detector on the test code phpmd_test: @./vendor/bin/phpmd test text unusedcode,naming,design # run PHP Copy/Paste Detector phpcpd: @mkdir -p ./target/report/ @./vendor/bin/phpcpd src --exclude vendor > ./target/report/phpcpd.txt # run PHPLOC to analyze the structure of the project phploc: @mkdir -p ./target/report/ @./vendor/bin/phploc src --exclude vendor > ./target/report/phploc.txt # PHP static analysis phpdep: @mkdir -p ./target/report/ @./vendor/bin/pdepend --jdepend-xml=./target/report/dependencies.xml --summary-xml=./target/report/metrics.xml --jdepend-chart=./target/report/dependecies.svg --overview-pyramid=./target/report/overview-pyramid.svg --ignore=vendor ./src # parse any data source to find out the minimum version and extensions required for it to run phpcmpinfo: @./vendor/bartlett/php-compatinfo/bin/phpcompatinfo --no-ansi analyser:run src/ > ./target/report/phpcompatinfo.txt # generate various reports report: phploc phpdep phpcmpinfo # alias to run targets: test, phpcs and phpmd qa: test phpcs phpmd phpcpd # alias to run targets: phpcs_test and phpmd_test qa_test: phpcs_test phpmd_test # alias to run targets: qa and qa_test qa_all: qa qa_test # delete the vendor and target directory clean: rm -rf ./vendor/ # clean and download the composer dependencies build: rm -rf ./vendor/ && ($(COMPOSER) install --no-dev --no-interaction) # clean and download the composer dependencies including dev ones build_dev: rm -rf ./vendor/ && ($(COMPOSER) install --no-interaction) # update composer dependencies update: ($(COMPOSER) update --no-interaction) # Run the development server server: php -t example -S localhost:$(PORT) # Install this application install: uninstall mkdir -p $(PATHINSTBIN) cp -rf ./src/* $(PATHINSTBIN) cp -f ./resources/autoload.php $(PATHINSTBIN) find $(PATHINSTBIN) -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $(PATHINSTBIN) -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; mkdir -p $(PATHINSTDOC) cp -f ./LICENSE $(PATHINSTDOC) cp -f ./README.md $(PATHINSTDOC) cp -f ./VERSION $(PATHINSTDOC) cp -f ./RELEASE $(PATHINSTDOC) chmod -R 644 $(PATHINSTDOC)* ifneq ($(strip $(CONFIGPATH)),) mkdir -p $(PATHINSTCFG) touch -c $(PATHINSTCFG)* cp -ru ./resources/${CONFIGPATH}* $(PATHINSTCFG) find $(PATHINSTCFG) -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $(PATHINSTCFG) -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; endif # Remove all installed files uninstall: rm -rf $(PATHINSTBIN) rm -rf $(PATHINSTDOC) # --- PACKAGING --- # Build the RPM package for RedHat-like Linux distributions rpm: rm -rf $(PATHRPMPKG) rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(PATHRPMPKG)" --define "_vendor $(VENDOR)" --define "_owner $(OWNER)" --define "_project $(PROJECT)" --define "_package $(PKGNAME)" --define "_version $(VERSION)" --define "_release $(RELEASE)" --define "_current_directory $(CURRENTDIR)" --define "_libpath /$(LIBPATH)" --define "_docpath /$(DOCPATH)" --define "_configpath /$(CONFIGPATH)" -bb resources/rpm/rpm.spec # Build the DEB package for Debian-like Linux distributions deb: build rm -rf $(PATHDEBPKG) make install DESTDIR=$(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) rm -f $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/$(DOCPATH)LICENSE tar -zcvf $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz -C $(PATHDEBPKG)/ $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) cp -rf ./resources/debian $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian find $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/~#DATE#~/`date -R`/" {} \; find $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/~#VENDOR#~/$(VENDOR)/" {} \; find $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/~#PROJECT#~/$(PROJECT)/" {} \; find $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/~#PKGNAME#~/$(PKGNAME)/" {} \; find $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/~#VERSION#~/$(VERSION)/" {} \; find $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/~#RELEASE#~/$(RELEASE)/" {} \; echo $(LIBPATH) > $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/$(PKGNAME).dirs echo "$(LIBPATH)* $(LIBPATH)" > $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/install echo $(DOCPATH) >> $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/$(PKGNAME).dirs echo "$(DOCPATH)* $(DOCPATH)" >> $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/install ifneq ($(strip $(CONFIGPATH)),) echo $(CONFIGPATH) >> $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/$(PKGNAME).dirs echo "$(CONFIGPATH)* $(CONFIGPATH)" >> $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/install endif echo "new-package-should-close-itp-bug" > $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/$(PKGNAME).lintian-overrides cd $(PATHDEBPKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) && debuild -us -uc # build a compressed bz2 archive bz2: build rm -rf $(PATHBZ2PKG) make install DESTDIR=$(PATHBZ2PKG) tar -jcvf $(PATHBZ2PKG)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).tbz2 -C $(PATHBZ2PKG) $(DATADIR) # upload linux packages to bintray bintray: rpm deb @curl -T target/RPM/RPMS/noarch/php-tecnickcom-${PROJECT}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.noarch.rpm -u${APIUSER}:${APIKEY} -H "X-Bintray-Package:${PROJECT}" -H "X-Bintray-Version:${VERSION}" -H "X-Bintray-Publish:1" -H "X-Bintray-Override:1" https://api.bintray.com/content/tecnickcom/rpm/php-tecnickcom-${PROJECT}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.noarch.rpm @curl -T target/DEB/php-tecnickcom-${PROJECT}_${VERSION}-${RELEASE}_all.deb -u${APIUSER}:${APIKEY} -H "X-Bintray-Package:${PROJECT}" -H "X-Bintray-Version:${VERSION}" -H "X-Bintray-Debian-Distribution:all" -H "X-Bintray-Debian-Component:main" -H "X-Bintray-Debian-Architecture:all" -H "X-Bintray-Publish:1" -H "X-Bintray-Override:1" https://api.bintray.com/content/tecnickcom/deb/php-tecnickcom-${PROJECT}_${VERSION}-${RELEASE}_all.deb