include ('includes/functions.php');
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
$audit_id =isset($_POST['appoint'])?$_POST['appoint']:$_POST['audit_id_doc'];
error_log("DIDID ". $audit_id);
if($audit_id==null || $audit_id=='' ) {
	$maxId="SELECT MAX(`id`) as 'id' FROM `health_audit`";
 $result_maxId = @mysqli_query($conn,$maxId);
                                while ($row_maxId = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_maxId)) {
                                    $audit_id= ($row_maxId['id']+1);

 $file_path=$_FILES['file_medical_exam']['tmp_name']; //pdf is the name of the input type where we are uploading files
if ($file_name != ""){
	$query="INSERT INTO medical_document SET medical_doc_desc='".$_POST['medical_exam_document']."',medical_doc = '".$data."',medical_doc_name='".$file_name."',medical_doc_type='".$file_type."',emp_id='".$emp_id."',audit_id='".$audit_id."'";
    error_log("OPD UPLOAD QUERY::" .$query);
// query to insert file in database
 //”field_name” is the name of the field where we are uploading pdf files

	if (! $result = @mysqli_query($conn,$query )) {
	$data ['status'] = 500;
		error_log ( "Failed to upload document Exception:" . mysqli_error($conn) . " Query::: " . $query );
	//rollback ();
	die ( mysqli_error($conn) );
