0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $appointment_id = $row['appointment_id'] + 1; } } } error_log("appointment_id" . $appointment_id); $consume_id = $_REQUEST['detentionId']; $data = array(); $appointment_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['appointment_date'])); $disposal_time = ($_POST['disposal_time'] != null) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['disposal_time'])) : null; $query = ""; $query_initial = ""; $query_end = " "; begin(); $sql_select_existing = "select * from opd_consumables where consume_id='" . $appointment_id . "' "; $results = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_select_existing); $num_rows_existing = mysqli_num_rows($results); // if update case found if ($num_rows_existing != 0) { //add back to the dispensary stock the existing qty if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) { resetOPDConsumablesDispensaryItemsStock($appointment_id, $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']); } else { resetOPDConsumablesStoreItemsStock($appointment_id, $_SESSION['current_ohcttype']); } //then delete the record if (!@mysqli_query($conn, "delete from opd_consumables where consume_id='" . $appointment_id . "' ")) { error_log("No records found for deletion:" . mysqli_error($conn)); rollback(); die(mysqli_error($conn)); } } for ($i = 0; $i < $_REQUEST['count_items1']; $i++) { if (${"medicine$i"} != null && ${"medicine$i"} != "") { $query_consumables = "insert into opd_consumables SET consume_id='" . $appointment_id . "', medicine='" . addslashes(${"medicine$i"}) . "',consum_item_batch_no='" . addslashes(${"consum_item_batch_no$i"}) . "',issued_qty='" . ${"issued_qty$i"} . "',modified_by='" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' "; error_log("queryyyyyy" . $query_consumables); if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query_consumables)) { error_log("Error Saving consumables data: " . mysqli_error($conn) . " Failed Query:" . $query_consumables); rollback(); die(mysqli_error($conn)); } // insert or update the cost details start $past_consume_id = getTableFieldValue('treatment_cost_master', 'consumable_id', 'item_id', ${"medicine$i"}, 'consumable_id', $appointment_id); if ($past_consume_id != "" || $past_consume_id != null) { error_log("update case for cost saving for detention "); $initquery = "update "; $endquery = " where item_id='" . ${"medicine$i"} . "' and consumable_id='" . $appointment_id . "'"; } else { $initquery = "insert into "; $endquery = ""; } $present_per_unit_cost = getTableFieldValue('item_cost', 'item_rate_latest', 'ohc_type_id', $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], 'item_id', ${"medicine$i"}); $total_cost = round($present_per_unit_cost * ${"issued_qty$i"}); error_log("latest rate for item id " . getItemWithFormName(${"medicine$i"}) . " " . $present_per_unit_cost . " total sum for this item " . $total_cost); $insert_treatment_cost = $initquery . " treatment_cost_master set consumable_id='" . $appointment_id . "',ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "',issued_item_cost='" . $total_cost . "',item_id='" . ${"medicine$i"} . "' $endquery"; error_log("cost saving query for opd consumables" . $insert_treatment_cost); if (!$insert_treatment_cost_result = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_treatment_cost)) { error_log("error in cost saving query for opd consumables" . mysqli_error($conn)); } // insert or update the cost details end //reduce the new stock qty from the dispensary stock if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'DIS' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) { updateItemStockAtDispensaryLevel($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], addslashes(${"medicine$i"}), ${"issued_qty$i"}, ); } else { updateItemStockAtStoreLevel($_SESSION['current_ohcttype'], addslashes(${"medicine$i"}), ${"issued_qty$i"}, ${"consum_item_batch_no$i"}); } } } commit(); $data['appointment_id'] = $appointment_id; echo json_encode($data); ?>