$value) { $requestStr .= $key . " : " . $value . "\n"; error_log($key . " : " . $value . "
\r\n"); } error_log("End Printing Request Attributes"); $checkup_type_id = $_REQUEST['checkup_type_id']; $checkup_section_ids = getFieldFromTable('checkup_form_section_ids', 'checkup_type', 'checkup_type_id', $checkup_type_id); error_log("section ids " . $checkup_section_ids); $key_param_name_array = ['systolic blood pressure', 'sbp', 'diastolic blood pressure', 'dbp', 'fbs', 'rbs', 'ppbs', 'height', 'weight', 'total cholesterol']; $data = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($key_param_name_array); $i++) { $checkup_column_name = "select column_name as name from checkup_parameter where checkup_form_section_id in ($checkup_section_ids) and key_health_map_name=(select key_param_id from key_health_reportable_parameter_master where key_param_name='" . $key_param_name_array[$i] . "' )"; error_log("section column getting query " . $checkup_column_name); $result_column_name = mysqli_query($conn, $checkup_column_name); $row_column_name = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_column_name); $data[$key_param_name_array[$i]] = $_REQUEST[$row_column_name['name']]; } $height = $data['height']; $weight = $data['weight']; $bmi = 0; if ($height != null && $height != '' && $weight != null && $weight != '') { $height = floatval($height); $weight = floatval($weight); if ($height != 0.0) { $bmi = ($weight / ($height * $height)) * 100 * 100; } } $sbp = $data['systolic blood pressure']; if (empty($sbp) || $sbp == '') { $sbp = $data['sbp']; } $dbp = $data['diastolic blood pressure']; if (empty($dbp) || $dbp == '') { $dbp = $data['dbp']; } $sugar = $data['fbs']; if (empty($sugar) || $sugar == '') { $sugar = $data['rbs']; if (empty($sugar) || $sugar == '') { $sugar = $data['ppbs']; } } $cholesterol = $data['total cholesterol']; $health_score = calculateHealthIndex($sbp, $dbp, $bmi, $sugar, $cholesterol); error_log("entered value to cal health index " . print_r($data, true)); error_log("calculated health index " . $health_score); echo json_encode($health_score);