2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30

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<ul class="breadcrumb">
<i class="ace-icon fa fa-home home-icon"></i>
<a href="#">Home</a>
<li class="">Patient Visit</li>
<li class="active">Pending Medical Examination</li>
<!-- End of breadcrumb -->
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function get_lab_data() {
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message: "Please wait loading the data from Lab Machines..",
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url: 'process_device_result.php',
success: function(data) {
var responseData = JSON.parse(data);
if (responseData.success) {
} else {
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while loading the data from machine");
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function send_all() {
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if (component.checked) {
// console.log(checkboxArr);
if (checkboxArr.length == 0) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Select some checkboxes to send for doc approval");
} else {
type: 'post',
url: 'send_doc_approval.php',
data: {
checkupIds: checkboxArr
success: function(data) {
if (data == 400) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while sending for approval");
} else if (data == 200) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Sent For Doc Approval");
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while sending for approval");
function pdf() {
window.open('ajax_pdf.php', 'OPD-Injury List');
function excel() {
function upload_excel() {
window.location = 'upload_excel_medical.php';
function download_template() {
function download_excel() {
window.location = 'download_excel_medical.php';
function add_params(checkup_id, emp_id, checkup_type_id, additional_param_ids) {
// console.log(checkup_id + " " + emp_id + " " + checkup_type_id);
async: 'false',
type: 'post',
url: 'get_parameters.php',
data: {
checkup_type_id: checkup_type_id
success: function(data) {
try {
var response = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (err) {
var checkup_parameter_item = "";
response.map((item) => {
// console.log(item);
checkup_parameter_item += "<option value='" + item.checkup_parameter_id + "'>" + item.parameter_name + "</option>"
// console.log(checkup_parameter_item);
// console.log("already added params " + additional_param_ids);
if (additional_param_ids != null) {
dataarray = additional_param_ids.split(",");
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Error Loading Parameters Please Try Again");
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BootstrapDialog.confirm('Are you sure to delete the checkup form?', function(result) {
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url: 'delete_checkup.php',
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data: $("#flex_form_checkup").serialize(),
success: function(data) {
if (data.indexOf("SUCCESS") != -1) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('checkup form Deleted Successfully.');
} else {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Deleting checkup form');
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Deleting checkup form');
function open_checkup(checkupId, empId, action, checkup_type_id) {
currentUrl = window.location.href;
//window.location = 'checkup.php?checkup_id='+checkupId+'';
console.log(checkupId + ':' + empId + ' ; ' + action + ' : ' + checkup_type_id);
if (checkupId != null && checkupId != '') {
$("#flex_form_checkup").attr('method', 'POST');
$("#flex_form_checkup").attr('action', 'checkup_from_before.php');
function get_device_parameters(section_id, appointment_lab_id, followup_lab_id, checkup_id) {
// console.log("get_device_parameters called " + section_id + " " + appointment_lab_id + " " + followup_lab_id + " " + checkup_id);
type: 'post',
url: 'select_checkup_parameters.php',
data: {
section_id: section_id,
appointment_lab_id: appointment_lab_id,
followup_lab_id: followup_lab_id,
checkup_id: checkup_id,
success: function(data) {
try {
var dt = JSON.parse(data);
var checkup_cat = "";
for (var i = 0; i < dt.count; i++) {
checkup_cat += "<option value='" + dt[i].checkup_parameter_id + "' selected>" +
dt[i].device_param_code + "</option>"
} catch (err) {
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while auto selecting the checkup category and parameters");
function generate_barcode(checkup_id, id, checkup_section_ids, appointment_lab_id, followup_lab_id) {
// $("#flex_checkup_type_id").val(checkup_type_id);
let section_arr = [];
url: 'select_checkup_section_ids.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
checkup_id: checkup_id
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
console.log("sections data " + data);
var checkup_cat = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
checkup_cat += "<option selected value='" + data[i].section_id + "'>" + data[i].section_name + "</option>"
// console.log(section_arr);
get_device_parameters(section_arr, appointment_lab_id, followup_lab_id, checkup_id);
error: function(data) {
function open_medical_examination_form(medical_exam_id, patient_id, task) {
if (medical_exam_id != null && medical_exam_id != '' && patient_id != null && patient_id != '') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('method', 'POST');
if (task == 'pme') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters_pme.php');
} else if (task == 'ime_short') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters_ime_short_term.php');
} else if (task == 'annual') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_initial_medical_examination_longterm.php');
} else if (task == 'semi_annual') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters_ame_below_40.php');
if (task == 'ime_long' || task == 'pre_employment') {
$("#flex_medical_form").attr('action', 'add_patient_physical_parameters.php');
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// component.checked = isChecked;
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// });
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