2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30

422 lines
14 KiB

/*! http://keith-wood.name/signature.html
Signature plugin for jQuery UI v1.2.1.
Requires excanvas.js in IE.
Written by Keith Wood (wood.keith{at}optusnet.com.au) April 2012.
Available under the MIT (http://keith-wood.name/licence.html) license.
Please attribute the author if you use it. */
/* globals G_vmlCanvasManager */
(function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict
'use strict';
/** Signature capture and display.
<p>Depends on <code>jquery.ui.widget</code>, <code>jquery.ui.mouse</code>.</p>
<p>Expects HTML like:</p>
@namespace Signature
@augments $.Widget
@example $(selector).signature()
$(selector).signature({color: 'blue', guideline: true}) */
var signatureOverrides = {
/** Be notified when a signature changes.
@callback SignatureChange
@this Signature
@example change: function() {
console.log('Signature changed');
} */
/** Global defaults for signature.
@memberof Signature
@property {number} [distance=0] The minimum distance to start a drag.
@property {string} [background='#fff'] The background colour.
@property {string} [color='#000'] The colour of the signature.
@property {number} [thickness=2] The thickness of the lines.
@property {boolean} [guideline=false] <code>true</code> to add a guideline.
@property {string} [guidelineColor='#a0a0a0'] The guideline colour.
@property {number} [guidelineOffset=50] The guideline offset (pixels) from the bottom.
@property {number} [guidelineIndex=10] The guideline indent (pixels) from the edges.
@property {string} [notAvailable='Your browser doesn\'t support signing']
The error message to show when no canvas is available.
@property {number} [scale=1] A scaling factor for rendering the signature (only applies to redraws).
@property {string|Element|jQuery} [syncField=null] The selector, DOM element, or jQuery object
for a field to automatically synchronise with a text version of the signature.
@property {string} [syncFormat='JSON'] The output representation: 'JSON', 'SVG', 'PNG', 'JPEG'.
@property {boolean} [svgStyles=false] <code>true</code> to use the <code>style</code> attribute in SVG.
@property {SignatureChange} [change=null] A callback triggered when the signature changes.
@example $.extend($.kbw.signature.options, {guideline: true}) */
options: {
distance: 0,
background: '#fff',
color: '#000',
thickness: 2,
guideline: false,
guidelineColor: '#a0a0a0',
guidelineOffset: 50,
guidelineIndent: 10,
notAvailable: 'Your browser doesn\'t support signing',
scale: 1,
syncField: null,
syncFormat: 'JSON',
svgStyles: false,
change: null
/** Initialise a new signature area.
@memberof Signature
@private */
_create: function() {
this.element.addClass(this.widgetFullName || this.widgetBaseClass);
try {
this.canvas = $('<canvas width="' + this.element.width() + '" height="' +
this.element.height() + '">' + this.options.notAvailable + '</canvas>')[0];
catch (e) {
this.resize = true;
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.setAttribute('width', this.element.width());
this.canvas.setAttribute('height', this.element.height());
this.canvas.innerHTML = this.options.notAvailable;
/* jshint -W106 */
if (G_vmlCanvasManager) { // Requires excanvas.js
/* jshint +W106 */
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
/** Refresh the appearance of the signature area.
@memberof Signature
@param {boolean} init <code>true</code> if initialising. */
_refresh: function(init) {
if (this.resize) {
var parent = $(this.canvas);
$('div', this.canvas).css({width: parent.width(), height: parent.height()});
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.options.background;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.color;
this.ctx.lineWidth = this.options.thickness;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
/** Clear the signature area.
@memberof Signature
@param {boolean} init <code>true</code> if initialising - internal use only.
@example $(selector).signature('clear') */
clear: function(init) {
if (this.options.disabled) {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.element.width(), this.element.height());
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.element.width(), this.element.height());
if (this.options.guideline) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.guidelineColor;
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
this.element.height() - this.options.guidelineOffset);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.element.width() - this.options.guidelineIndent,
this.element.height() - this.options.guidelineOffset);
this.lines = [];
if (!init) {
/** Synchronise changes and trigger a change event.
@memberof Signature
@param {Event} event The triggering event. */
_changed: function(event) {
if (this.options.syncField) {
var output = '';
switch (this.options.syncFormat) {
case 'PNG':
output = this.toDataURL();
case 'JPEG':
output = this.toDataURL('image/jpeg');
case 'SVG':
output = this.toSVG();
output = this.toJSON();
this._trigger('change', event, {});
/** Refresh the signature when options change.
@memberof Signature
@param {object} options The new option values. */
_setOptions: function(/* options */) {
if (this._superApply) {
this._superApply(arguments); // Base widget handling
else {
$.Widget.prototype._setOptions.apply(this, arguments); // Base widget handling
var count = 0;
var onlyDisable = true;
for (var name in arguments[0]) {
if (arguments[0].hasOwnProperty(name)) {
onlyDisable = onlyDisable && name === 'disabled';
if (count > 1 || !onlyDisable) {
/** Determine if dragging can start.
@memberof Signature
@param {Event} event The triggering mouse event.
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if allowed, <code>false</code> if not */
_mouseCapture: function(/* event */) {
return !this.options.disabled;
/** Start a new line.
@memberof Signature
@param {Event} event The triggering mouse event. */
_mouseStart: function(event) {
this.offset = this.element.offset();
this.offset.left -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
this.offset.top -= document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
this.lastPoint = [this._round(event.clientX - this.offset.left),
this._round(event.clientY - this.offset.top)];
this.curLine = [this.lastPoint];
/** Track the mouse.
@memberof Signature
@param {Event} event The triggering mouse event. */
_mouseDrag: function(event) {
var point = [this._round(event.clientX - this.offset.left),
this._round(event.clientY - this.offset.top)];
this.ctx.moveTo(this.lastPoint[0], this.lastPoint[1]);
this.ctx.lineTo(point[0], point[1]);
this.lastPoint = point;
/** End a line.
@memberof Signature
@param {Event} event The triggering mouse event. */
_mouseStop: function(event) {
if (this.curLine.length === 1) {
event.clientY += this.options.thickness;
this.lastPoint = null;
this.curLine = null;
/** Round to two decimal points.
@memberof Signature
@param {number} value The value to round.
@return {number} The rounded value. */
_round: function(value) {
return Math.round(value * 100) / 100;
/** Convert the captured lines to JSON text.
@memberof Signature
@return {string} The JSON text version of the lines.
@example var json = $(selector).signature('toJSON') */
toJSON: function() {
return '{"lines":[' + $.map(this.lines, function(line) {
return '[' + $.map(line, function(point) {
return '[' + point + ']';
}) + ']';
}) + ']}';
/** Convert the captured lines to SVG text.
@memberof Signature
@return {string} The SVG text version of the lines.
@example var svg = $(selector).signature('toSVG') */
toSVG: function() {
var attrs1 = (this.options.svgStyles ? 'style="fill: ' + this.options.background + ';"' :
'fill="' + this.options.background + '"');
var attrs2 = (this.options.svgStyles ?
'style="fill: none; stroke: ' + this.options.color + '; stroke-width: ' + this.options.thickness + ';"' :
'fill="none" stroke="' + this.options.color + '" stroke-width="' + this.options.thickness + '"');
return '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC ' +
'"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n' +
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="15cm" height="15cm">\n' +
' <g ' + attrs1 + '>\n' +
' <rect x="0" y="0" width="' + this.canvas.width + '" height="' + this.canvas.height + '"/>\n' +
' <g ' + attrs2 + '>\n'+
$.map(this.lines, function(line) {
return ' <polyline points="' +
$.map(line, function(point) { return point + ''; }).join(' ') + '"/>\n';
}).join('') +
' </g>\n </g>\n</svg>\n';
/** Convert the captured lines to an image encoded in a <code>data:</code> URL.
@memberof Signature
@param {string} [type='image/png'] The MIME type of the image.
@param {number} [quality=0.92] The image quality, between 0 and 1.
@return {string} The signature as a data: URL image.
@example var data = $(selector).signature('toDataURL', 'image/jpeg') */
toDataURL: function(type, quality) {
return this.canvas.toDataURL(type, quality);
/** Draw a signature from its JSON or SVG description or <code>data:</code> URL.
<p>Note that drawing a <code>data:</code> URL does not reconstruct the internal representation!</p>
@memberof Signature
@param {object|string} sig An object with attribute <code>lines</code> being an array of arrays of points
or the text version of the JSON or SVG or a <code>data:</code> URL containing an image.
@example $(selector).signature('draw', sigAsJSON) */
draw: function(sig) {
if (this.options.disabled) {
if (typeof sig === 'string' && sig.indexOf('data:') === 0) { // Data URL
this._drawDataURL(sig, this.options.scale);
} else if (typeof sig === 'string' && sig.indexOf('<svg') > -1) { // SVG
this._drawSVG(sig, this.options.scale);
} else {
this._drawJSON(sig, this.options.scale);
/** Draw a signature from its JSON description.
@memberof Signature
@param {object|string} sig An object with attribute <code>lines</code> being an array of arrays of points
or the text version of the JSON.
@param {number} scale A scaling factor. */
_drawJSON: function(sig, scale) {
if (typeof sig === 'string') {
sig = $.parseJSON(sig);
this.lines = sig.lines || [];
var ctx = this.ctx;
$.each(this.lines, function() {
$.each(this, function(i) {
ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](this[0] * scale, this[1] * scale);
/** Draw a signature from its SVG description.
@memberof Signature
@param {string} sig The text version of the SVG.
@param {number} scale A scaling factor. */
_drawSVG: function(sig, scale) {
var lines = this.lines = [];
$(sig).find('polyline').each(function() {
var line = [];
$.each($(this).attr('points').split(' '), function(i, point) {
var xy = point.split(',');
line.push([parseFloat(xy[0]), parseFloat(xy[1])]);
var ctx = this.ctx;
$.each(this.lines, function() {
$.each(this, function(i) {
ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](this[0] * scale, this[1] * scale);
/** Draw a signature from its <code>data:</code> URL.
<p>Note that this does not reconstruct the internal representation!</p>
@memberof Signature
@param {string} sig The <code>data:</code> URL containing an image.
@param {number} scale A scaling factor. */
_drawDataURL: function(sig, scale) {
var image = new Image();
var context = this.ctx;
image.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(this, 0, 0, image.width * scale, image.height * scale);
image.src = sig;
/** Determine whether or not any drawing has occurred.
@memberof Signature
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if not signed, <code>false</code> if signed.
@example if ($(selector).signature('isEmpty')) ... */
isEmpty: function() {
return this.lines.length === 0;
/** Remove the signature functionality.
@memberof Signature
@private */
_destroy: function() {
this.element.removeClass(this.widgetFullName || this.widgetBaseClass);
this.canvas = this.ctx = this.lines = null;
if (!$.Widget.prototype._destroy) {
$.extend(signatureOverrides, {
/* Remove the signature functionality. */
destroy: function() {
$.Widget.prototype.destroy.call(this); // Base widget handling
if ($.Widget.prototype._getCreateOptions === $.noop) {
$.extend(signatureOverrides, {
/* Restore the metadata functionality. */
_getCreateOptions: function() {
return $.metadata && $.metadata.get(this.element[0])[this.widgetName];
$.widget('kbw.signature', $.ui.mouse, signatureOverrides);
// Make some things more accessible
$.kbw.signature.options = $.kbw.signature.prototype.options;