3665 lines
177 KiB
3665 lines
177 KiB
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$('#medical_doc_' + delete_id).remove();
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delete_id: delete_id
method: "POST",
success: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Document deleted successfully ');
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error deleting document');
var docAttendedNotDoc = false;
var appointment_id = '<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>'
if (document.getElementById('edit_table_key')) {
var treatmentTableDisableSwitch = '';
if (document.getElementById('edit_table_key')) {
var treatmentTableDisableSwitch = document.getElementById('edit_table_key').value;
if (document.getElementById('med_dis_key')) {
var medicine_issued = document.getElementById('med_dis_key').value;
var defaultFrequency = '';
function setDefaultFrequency() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
async: 'false',
type: 'get',
url: 'get_default_frequency.php',
success: function (data) {
try {
// console.log(defaultFrequency);
} catch (err) {
}, error: function (data) {
reject("error fetching default freq");
<?php if ($rolecode != 'DOC' && $row['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') { ?>
docAttendedNotDoc = true;
$('textarea').prop('readonly', true);
$('#followup_remarks').prop('readonly', false);
$("div .tag").children().prop('readonly', true);
$('#sbp').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#DBP').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#heart_rate').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#fbs').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#rbs').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#ppbs').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#temperature').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#spo2_percent').attr("readonly", "readonly");
$('#token_no').attr("readonly", "readonly");
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$('#injury_section').prop('disabled', true);
$('#health_advice_name').prop('disabled', true);
$('#isEmergency').prop('disabled', true);
<?php } ?>
* Get Medicine function to be used for populating the OPD/Injury Medicine Recommendation section.
function getMedicine() {
if (!ace.vars['old_ie']) $('#appointment_date').datetimepicker({
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A', //use this option to display seconds
defaultDate: new Date("<?php echo $row['appointment_date'] ?>"),
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appointment_id = '<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>'
var content = "";
content += "<thead>"
content += "<tr class=\"active info\" >"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\" >Medicine</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Frequency</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Timing</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Admin. Route</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Duration / Days</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Daily Dose Qty</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Total Qty</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Available Qty</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">BATCH</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">Qty Issued</th>"
content += "<th style=\"font-size:9px; text-align: center;\">"
// if doctor consulted then only doctor should be allowed to add additional medicines
if ($row['doctor_attended_flag'] != 'Y' || $rolecode == 'DOC') {
content +=
"<a onclick=\"addRow('<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>')\" id=\"addrow<?php echo $row_history['appointment_id'] ?>\">"
content += "<i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-plus-square bigger-200\"></i></a>"
content +=
"<a onclick=\"addRowExternal('<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>')\" id=\"addrowExternal<?php echo $row_history['appointment_id'] ?>\">"
content += "<i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-plus-square-o bigger-200\"></i></a>"
<?php } ?>
content += "</th></tr></thead>";
content += "<tbody>";
<?php $row_treatment = null; ?>
var count = 0;
$issued_qty_by_pharma = array();
$item_count = 0;
if ($num_rows_treatment > 0) {
while ($row_treatment = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatment)) {
$issued_qty_by_pharma[$row_treatment['item_id'] . '_' . $item_count] = $row_treatment['issued_qty'];
$unit_id = getFieldFromTable("unit_id", "tbl_items", "item_id", $row_treatment['item_id']);
if ($rolecode == 'DIS') {
$current_stock = getStockQtyAtDispensaryLevel($row_treatment['item_id'], $ohc_type_id);
} {
$current_stock = getStockQtyAtStoreLevel($row_treatment['item_id'], $ohc_type_id, '');
content = "";
content += "<tr style=\"width:70%\">"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" id=\"treatment_item_td_" + count + "\">";
//case when already reviewed by the doctor
<?php if ($rolecode != 'DOC' && $row['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') { ?>
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_" + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>' type=\"hidden\">"
content += "<?php echo getItemWithFormName($row_treatment['item_id']); ?></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['frequency_id'] ?>'type=\"hidden\">"
content +=
"<?php echo getTableFieldValue("medicine_frequency", "medicine_frequency", "frequency_id", $row_treatment['frequency_id']); ?></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:7%\">"
content += "<input id=\"timings" + '_' + count + "\" name=\"timings" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['timing_id'] ?>'type=\"hidden\">"
content +=
"<?php echo getTableFieldValue("medicine_timings", "medicine_timing", "timing_id", $row_treatment['timing_id']); ?></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + '_' + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" +
count + "\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['dosage_category_id'] ?>'type=\"hidden\">"
content +=
"<?php echo getTableFieldValue("dosage_category", "dosage_category", "dosage_category_id", $row_treatment['dosage_category_id']); ?></td>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_id" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['treatment_id'] ?>\"></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style='width:1%'>"
content += "<center><?php echo $row_treatment['for_days'] ?></center>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_item_days" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_days" + '_' +
count + "\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['for_days'] ?>'/>"
//case when directly dispensary is handling
<?php } else if (($rolecode == 'DIS' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) && $row['doctor_discussed'] != 'Y') { ?>
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"treatment_item" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"treatment_item" + count + "\" onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + count +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + count +
"','current_stock_div" + count + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + count +
"');\" data-placeholder=\"Treatment...\">"
content +=
"<?php echo generate_options("SELECT item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(item_code,''),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where status='1' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' and is_prescription!='1' order by item_name", $row_treatment['item_id'], 'item_id', 'item_name', '', ''); ?></select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + count +
"\" data-placeholder=\"Dosages...\" onchange=\"getFrequenceyQty(this.value,'frequency_qty" + "_" + count +
"','dosage" + "_" + count + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + count + "');\">"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption('medicine_frequency', 'medicine_frequency', 'frequency_id', $row_treatment['frequency_id'], ''); ?>"
content += "</select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:7%\">"
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"timings" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"timings" + count + "\" data-placeholder=\"Timings...\">"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption('medicine_timings', 'medicine_timing', 'timing_id', $row_treatment['timing_id'], ''); ?>"
content += "</select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<select id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + '_' + count +
"\" class=\"form-control select2\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['dosage_category_id'] ?>'>"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption("dosage_category", "dosage_category", "dosage_category_id", $row_treatment['dosage_category_id'], ''); ?></td>"
content += "</select>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_id" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['treatment_id'] ?>\"></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\"style='width:7%'>"
content +=
"<input type=\"number\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:11px\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_days" +
count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_days" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['for_days'] ?>\" onchange=\"updateTotalMedicineQtyNew('frequency_qty" +
"_" + count + "','treatment_item_days" + '_' + count + "'," + count + ");\"/>"
<?php } else { ?>
//When its doctor
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"treatment_item" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"treatment_item" + count + "\" onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + count +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + count +
"','current_stock_div" + count + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + count +
"');\" data-placeholder=\"Treatment...\">"
content +=
"<?php echo generate_options("SELECT item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(item_code,''),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where status='1' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' order by item_name", $row_treatment['item_id'], 'item_id', 'item_name', '', ''); ?></select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + count +
"\" data-placeholder=\"Dosages...\" onchange=\"getFrequenceyQty(this.value,'frequency_qty" + "_" + count +
"','dosage" + "_" + count + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + count + "');\">"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption('medicine_frequency', 'medicine_frequency', 'frequency_id', $row_treatment['frequency_id'], ''); ?>"
content += "</select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:7%\">"
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"timings" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"timings" + count + "\" data-placeholder=\"Timings...\" >"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption('medicine_timings', 'medicine_timing', 'timing_id', $row_treatment['timing_id'], ''); ?>"
content += "</select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<select id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + '_' + count +
"\" style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['dosage_category_id'] ?>'>"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption("dosage_category", "dosage_category", "dosage_category_id", $row_treatment['dosage_category_id'], ''); ?></td>"
content += "</select>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_id" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['treatment_id'] ?>\"></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style='width:7%'>"
content +=
"<input type=\"number\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:11px\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_days" +
count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_days" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['for_days'] ?>\" onchange=\"updateTotalMedicineQtyNew('frequency_qty" +
"_" + count + "','treatment_item_days" + '_' + count + "'," + count + ");\"/>"
<?php } ?>
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:7%;\">"
content +=
"<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"form-control\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px\" name=\"frequency_qty" +
count + "\" id=\"frequency_qty" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo getMedicineFrequencyQty($row_treatment['frequency_id']) ?>\"/>"
content +=
"<input type=\"number\" class=\"form-control\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px\" onblur=\"updateTotalMedicineQtyNew('frequency_qty" +
"_" + count + "','treatment_item_days" + '_' + count + "'," + count + ");\" readonly name=\"dose_qty" + count +
"\" id=\"dose_qty" + '_' + count + "\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['item_qty'] ?>\"/>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dosage" + count + "\" id=\"dosage" + '_' + count + "\" />"
content += "</td><td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:5%\"><span id=\"treatment_item_total_div" + count +
"\"><?php echo $row_treatment['item_qty'] ?></span> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_item_total" +
count + "\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['item_qty'] ?>\" id=\"treatment_item_total" + '_' + count +
"\" readonly />"
content += "</td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<div style=\"text-align:right\" id=\"current_stock_div" + count + "\">"
content +=
"<center><?php echo $current_stock ?> <?php echo isset($unitMap[$unit_id]) ? $unitMap[$unit_id] : '' ?></center>"
content += "</div>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"current_stock" + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $current_stock ?>\"id=\"current_stock" + '_' + count + "\" />"
content += "</td>"
content += `<td style="width: 10%"><select onchange='alert_exp_batch(this.value,"` + count + `")' name="item_batch_no` + count + `" id="item_batch_no` + count +
`" class="form-control">
<option value="<?php echo $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?>" selected><?php echo $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?></option>
</select></td>` + "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:10%\" id=\"qty_td" + count +
if (jQuery.inArray("<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>", groupItems) != -1) {
content += "<label id='group_" + count + "' onclick='openGroup(" + count +
")'><span class=\"ace-icon fa fa-medkit\"><span></label>"
content +=
"<input type=\"hidden\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn_hidden" + '_' + count + "\" value=\"1\" />"
content += "<input type='hidden' id='group_child_flag_" + count + "' name='group_child_flag_" + count +
"' value='0' ><div style='display:none' id=\"group_items" + '_' + count + "\"></div>"
} else {
content += "<div class='input-group' >"
<?php if ($rolecode == 'DIS' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) { ?>
content +=
"<input type=\"number\" min='0' style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['issued_qty'] ?>\" onchange=\"checkQty()\"/>"
<?php } else if ($treatment_followup_picked) { ?>
content +=
"<input type=\"number\" min='0' style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + count + "\" readonly/>"
<?php } else { ?>
content +=
"<input type=\"number\" min='0' style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['issued_qty'] ?>\" readonly/>"
<?php } ?>
content +=
"<span class='input-group-addon' style='font-size:8px; margin:1px;padding:1px;'><?php echo isset($unitMap[$unit_id]) ? $unitMap[$unit_id] : '' ?></span>";
// getAvailableQty(<?php echo ($row_treatment['item_id']) ?>, count, '<?= $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?>');
// getItemDetails("<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>", "current_stock" + '_' + count, "current_stock_div" +
// count, appointment_id + "_" + count, count, 'edit');
// getFrequenceyQty($("#treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count).val(), "frequency_qty" + '_' + count, "dosage" + '_' +
// count, appointment_id, count);
// updateTotalMedicineQtyNew("frequency_qty" + '_' + count, "treatment_item_days" + '_' + count, count);
content += "</td>"
/// if(count>0)
content +=
'<td style=\"width:3%\"><?php if ($rolecode != 'DOC' && $row['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') {
} else { ?><label><i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i></label><?php } ?></td>';
// else
// content += '<td style=\"width:5%\"></td>';
content += "</tr>"
getAvailableQty(<?php echo ($row_treatment['item_id']) ?>, count, '<?= $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?>', appointment_id);
getItemDetails("<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>", "current_stock" + '_' + count, "current_stock_div" +
count, appointment_id + "_" + count, count, 'edit');
getFrequenceyQty($("#treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count).val(), "frequency_qty" + '_' + count, "dosage" + '_' +
count, appointment_id, count);
updateTotalMedicineQtyNew("frequency_qty" + '_' + count, "treatment_item_days" + '_' + count, count);
count = count + 1;
if ($num_rows_treatment_external > 0) {
// echo "inside external treatments";
while ($row_treatment_external = @mysqli_fetch_array($result_for_treatment_external)) {
content = "";
content += "<tr style=\"width:70%\">"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:15%\" id=\"treatment_item_td_" + count + "\">";
<?php if ($rolecode != 'DOC' && $row['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') { ?>
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_external" + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item_external" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['item_name'] ?>' type=\"hidden\">"
content += "<?php echo $row_treatment_external['item_name']; ?></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['dosage'] ?>'type=\"hidden\">"
content += "<?php echo $row_treatment_external['dosage']; ?></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:7%\">"
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"timings" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"timings" + count + "\" data-placeholder=\"Timings...\" >"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption('medicine_timings', 'medicine_timing', 'timing_id', $row_treatment_external['timing'], ''); ?>"
content += "</select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<select id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + '_' + count +
"\" style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['dosage_category_id'] ?>'>"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption("dosage_category", "dosage_category", "dosage_category_id", $row_treatment_external['dosage_category_id'], ''); ?></td>"
content += "</select>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_id" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment_external['treatment_id'] ?>\"></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style='width:7%'>"
content += "<?php echo $row_treatment_external['for_days'] ?>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_item_days" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_item_days" + '_' +
count + "\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['for_days'] ?>'/>"
<?php } else { ?>
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_external" + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item_external" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['item_name'] ?>' class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\">"
content += "</td><td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<input id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count + "\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['dosage'] ?>'class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\">"
content += "</td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:7%\">"
content += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" id=\"timings" + '_' + count +
"\" name=\"timings" + count + "\" data-placeholder=\"Timings...\" >"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption('medicine_timings', 'medicine_timing', 'timing_id', $row_treatment_external['timing'], ''); ?>"
content += "</select></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-2\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<select id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + '_' + count +
"\" style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + count +
"\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment['dosage_category_id'] ?>'>"
content += "<option value=''>N/A</option>";
content +=
"<?php echo generateOption("dosage_category", "dosage_category", "dosage_category_id", $row_treatment_external['dosage_category_id'], ''); ?></td>"
content += "</select>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id" + count + "\" id=\"treatment_id" + '_' + count +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment_external['treatment_id'] ?>\"></td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\"style='width:7%' >"
content += "<input class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\" name=\"treatment_item_days" + count +
"\" id=\"treatment_item_days" + '_' + count + "\" value='<?php echo $row_treatment_external['for_days'] ?>'/>"
<?php } ?>
content += "</td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:7%;\">"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"frequency_qty" + count + "\" id=\"frequency_qty" +
'_' + count + "\" value=\"<?php echo getMedicineFrequencyQty($row_treatment_external['frequency_id']) ?>\"/>"
content += "<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" readonly name=\"dose_qty" + count + "\" id=\"dose_qty" + '_' +
count + "\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment_external['item_qty'] ?>\" />"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dosage" + count + "\" id=\"dosage" + '_' + count + "\" />"
content += "</td><td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:5%\"><span id=\"treatment_item_total_div" + count +
"\"><?php echo $row_treatment_external['item_qty'] ?></span><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_item_total" +
count + "\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment_external['item_qty'] ?>\" id=\"treatment_item_total" + '_' +
count + "\" readonly/>"
content += "</td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "<div style=\"text-align:right\" id=\"current_stock_div" + count + "\">"
content += "</div>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"current_stock" + count + "\" id=\"current_stock" + '_' + count + "\" />"
content += "</td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:5%\"> NA"
content += "</td>"
content += "<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:5%\">"
content += "</td>"
// if(count>0)
content +=
'<td style=\"width:3%\"><?php if ($rolecode != 'DOC' && $row['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') {
} else { ?><label><i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i></label><?php } ?></td>';
// else
// content += '<td style=\"width:5%\"></td>';
content += "</tr>"
getAvailableQty("<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>", count, '', appointment_id);
getItemDetails("<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>", "current_stock" + '_' + count, "current_stock_div" +
count, appointment_id + "_" + count, count, 'edit');
getFrequenceyQty($("#treatment_item_dosage" + '_' + count).val(), "frequency_qty" + '_' + count, "dosage" + '_' +
count, appointment_id, count);
updateTotalMedicineQtyNew("frequency_qty" + '_' + count, "treatment_item_days" + '_' + count, count);
count = count + 1;
if ($num_rows_treatment_external > 0 || $num_rows_treatment > 0) {
var content = "";
content += "</tbody>"
content += "<tfoot>"
content += "<tr>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"count_treatment_item\" id=\"count_treatment_item\" value=\"" + count +
"\" />"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"count_treatment_item_old\" id=\"count_treatment_item_old\" value=\"" +
count + "\" />"
content += "</tfoot>"
// $("#count_treatment_item").val(count);
<?php if ($rolecode != 'DIS' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) { ?>setFieldDisableOrEnable(
'<?php echo $row['medi_disbursement']; ?>') <?php } ?>
} else if ($num_rows_treatment_external == 0 && $num_rows_treatment == 0) {
var content = "";
content += "</tbody>"
content += "<tfoot>"
content += "<tr>"
content += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"count_treatment_item\" id=\"count_treatment_item\" value=\"0\" />"
content +=
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"count_treatment_item_old\" id=\"count_treatment_item_old\" value=\"0\" />"
content += "</tr>"
content += "<tr>"
content += "</tr>"
content += "</tfoot>"
function loadExistingAppointmentTreatment(referenceAppointmentId) {
if (referenceAppointmentId == null || referenceAppointmentId == 0 || referenceAppointmentId == undefined ||
referenceAppointmentId == "") {
$("#treatmentTable > tbody").empty();
//first check for internal treatments
url: 'ajax_2.php',
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
data: {
"request_type": "selectAllTableElementsByIdJSON",
"tableName": "treatment",
"idCol": "appointment_id",
"idColVal": referenceAppointmentId
success: function (data) {
if (data.length > 0) {
rowCntr = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
rowCntr = addRow('<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>');
//Set Field values after adding row
$("#treatment_item_dosage_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].frequency_id);
$("#timings_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].timing_id);
$("#treatment_item_dosage_category_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].dosage_category_id);
$("#treatment_item_days_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].for_days);
$("#frequency_qty" + rowCntr).val(data[i].treatment_id);
$("#treatment_item_total_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].item_qty);
$("#treatment_id_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].treatment_id);
$("#treatment_item_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].item_id);
$("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].issued_qty);
//var availableQty = getDispensaryItemAvailableQty('<?php echo $ohc_type_id ?>',data[i].item_id);
//var qtydisplay= availableQty+" "+unitMap[data[i].unit_id];
getAvailableQty(data[i].item_id, i, '', referenceAppointmentId);
$("#item_batch_no" + rowCntr).val(data[i].item_batch_no);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error In Treatment Details');
//first check for internal treatments
url: 'ajax_2.php',
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
data: {
"request_type": "selectAllTableElementsByIdJSON",
"tableName": "treatment_external",
"idCol": "appointment_id",
"idColVal": referenceAppointmentId
success: function (data) {
if (data.length > 0) {
rowCntr = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
rowCntr = addRowExternal('<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>');
$("#treatment_item_dosage_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].frequency_id);
$("#frequency_qty_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].treatment_id);
$("#treatment_item_total_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].item_qty);
$("#treatment_item_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].item_name);
$("#treatment_item_dosage_category_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i]
$("#treatment_item_days_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].for_days);
$("#timings_external_" + rowCntr).val(data[i].timing_id);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error In Treatment Details');
function addRow(appointment_id, isAutomateTreatment = false) {
var rolecode = '<?= $rolecode ?>';
var itemOptions = "";
var counter = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
var doctorDiscussed = $('input[name=doctor_discussed]:checked').val();
if (rolecode != 'DOC' && doctorDiscussed != 'Y') {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDis;
} else {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDoc;
var itemDosages = "<?php echo generate_options("select medicine_frequency,frequency_id from medicine_frequency where `active` <> 0 order by CASE WHEN display_order IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, display_order asc", '', 'frequency_id', 'medicine_frequency', '', ''); ?>";
var timings = "<?php echo generateOption('medicine_timings', 'medicine_timing', 'timing_id', '', ''); ?>";
var newRow = $("<tr style=\"width:70%\">");
var cols = "";
var select_treatment = "";
select_treatment += "<select onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + counter +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + counter +
"','current_stock_div" + counter + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + counter +
"');\" style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" ";
select_treatment += "id=\"treatment_item" + "_" + counter + "\"name=\"treatment_item" + counter +
//select_treatment+="style=\"display: none;\"";
select_treatment += ">";
select_treatment += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_treatment += itemOptions
select_treatment += "</select>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:15%\" class=\"col-sm-2\" id=\"treatment_item_td_' + counter + '\">' + select_treatment +
var select_dosage = "";
select_dosage += "<select onchange=\"getFrequenceyQty(this.value,'frequency_qty" + "_" + counter + "','dosage" +
"_" + counter + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + counter +
"');\" style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" ";
select_dosage += "id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + "_" + counter + "\"name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + counter +
//select_dosage+="style=\"display: none;\"";
select_dosage += ">";
select_dosage += "<option value=\"\">N/A</option>";
select_dosage += itemDosages
select_dosage += "</select>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\"class=\"col-sm-2\" >' + select_dosage + '</td>';
var select_timing = "";
select_timing += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" ";
select_timing += "id=\"timings" + "_" + counter + "\"name=\"timings" + counter +
"\" data-placeholder=\"Timings...\"";
select_timing += ">";
select_timing += "<option value=\"\">N/A</option>";
select_timing += timings;
select_timing += "</select>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:7%\" class=\"col-sm-2\" >' + select_timing + '</td>';
var select_dosage_cateogory = "";
select_dosage_cateogory += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" ";
select_dosage_cateogory += "id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + "_" + counter +
"\"name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + counter + "\"data-placeholder=\"Route of Admin.\"";
//select_dosage+="style=\"display: none;\"";
select_dosage_cateogory += ">";
select_dosage_cateogory += "<option value=\"\">N/A</option>";
select_dosage_cateogory += itemDosage_categories
select_dosage_cateogory += "</select>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\" class=\"col-sm-2\" >' + select_dosage_cateogory + '</td>';
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\" class=\"col-sm-1\" ><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id' + counter +
'" id=\"treatment_id' + '_' + counter +
'" ><input type="number" style="height:25px;font-size:12px" class="form-control"id ="treatment_item_days' +
'_' + counter + '" value="2" onblur="updateTotalMedicineQtyNew(\'frequency_qty' + '_' + counter +
'\',\'treatment_item_days' + '_' + counter + '\', ' + counter + ')" name="treatment_item_days' + counter +
cols +=
'<td style=\"width:7%;\"class=\"col-sm-1\"><input type="hidden" class=\"form-control\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px\" name="frequency_qty' +
counter + '" id="frequency_qty' + '_' + counter +
'" /><input type="number" class=\"form-control\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px\" readonly name="dose_qty' +
counter + '" id="dose_qty' + '_' + counter + '" onblur="updateTotalMedicineQtyNew(\'frequency_qty' + '_' +
counter + '\',\'treatment_item_days' + '_' + counter + '\', ' + counter +
')" /><input type="hidden" name="dosage' + counter + '" id="dosage' + appointment_id + '_' + counter +
'" /> </td>';
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%;\"class=\"col-sm-1\" ><span id=\"treatment_item_total_div' + counter +
'\"></span><input type="hidden" id="treatment_item_total_' + counter + '" name="treatment_item_total' +
counter + '" readonly/></td>'
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\"><div style="text-align:right" id="current_stock_div' + counter +
'" ></div><input type="hidden" id="current_stock' + '_' + counter + '" name="current_stock' + counter +
'" /></td>';
cols += `<td style="width: 10%"><select name="item_batch_no` + counter + `" id="item_batch_no` + counter +
`" onchange='alert_exp_batch(this.value,"` + counter + `")' class="form-control"><option value="<?php echo $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?>" selected><?php echo $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?></option></select></td>` +
"<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:7%\" id=\"qty_td" + counter +
if (jQuery.inArray("<?php echo $row_treatment['item_id'] ?>", groupItems) != -1) {
cols += "<label id='group_" + count + "' onclick='openGroup(" + counter +
")'><span class=\"ace-icon fa fa-medkit\"><span></label>"
cols +=
"<input type=\"hidden\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
counter + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn_hidden" + '_' + counter + "\" value=\"1\" />"
cols += "<input type='hidden' id=' _" + counter + "' name='group_child_flag_" + counter +
"' value='0' ><div style='display:none' id=\"group_items" + '_' + counter + "\"></div>"
} else {
<?php if ($rolecode == 'DIS' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) { ?>
cols +=
"<input type=\"number\" min='0' style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
counter + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + counter +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['issued_qty'] ?>\" onchange=\"checkQty()\"/>"
<?php } else { ?>
cols +=
"<input type=\"number\" min='0' readonly style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
counter + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + counter +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['issued_qty'] ?>\" onchange=\"checkQty()\"/>"
<?php } ?>
cols += '<td style=\"width:3%\"><label><i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i></label></td>';
// else
// cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\"></td>';
var valueChecked = $('input[name=medicine_disbursement]:checked').val();
$(".select2").each(function () {
$(this).attr('style', 'width: 100%');
if (isAutomateTreatment == false) {
setDefaultFrequency().then((data) => {
defaultFrequency = data;
$("#treatment_item_dosage_" + (counter - 1)).val(defaultFrequency);
getFrequenceyQty(defaultFrequency, "frequency_qty" + '_' + (counter - 1), "dosage" + '_' + (counter - 1), appointment_id, (counter - 1));
console.log("got here ", (counter - 1), " frequency ", defaultFrequency);
}).catch((data) => {
console.log("Error in setDefaultFrequency ", data);
return eval(counter - 1);
//end of addRow
$("#treatmentTable").on("click", ".fa-trash-o", function (event) {
var counter = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
counter -= 1
function addRowExternal(appointment_id) {
var counter = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
var doctorDiscussed = $('input[name=doctor_discussed]:checked').val();
var newRow = $("<tr style=\"width:70%\">");
var cols = "";
var timings = "<?php echo generateOption('medicine_timings', 'medicine_timing', 'timing_id', '', ''); ?>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:15%\" id=\"treatment_item_td_' + counter +
'\"><input type="text" class="form-control" id=\"treatment_item_external_' + counter +
'\"name=\"treatment_item_external' + counter + '\"></td>';
var select_dosage = "";
select_dosage += "<input type='text' class='form-control'";
select_dosage += "id=\"treatment_item_dosage" + "_" + counter + "\"name=\"treatment_item_dosage" + counter +
select_dosage += ">";
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\" >' + select_dosage + '</td>';
var select_timing = "";
select_timing += "<select style=\"width:100%\" class=\"select2 form-control\" ";
select_timing += "id=\"timings" + "_" + counter + "\"name=\"timings" + counter +
"\" data-placeholder=\"Timings...\"";
select_timing += ">";
select_timing += "<option value=\"\">N/A</option>";
select_timing += timings;
select_timing += "</select>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:7%\" class=\"col-sm-2\" >' + select_timing + '</td>';
var select_dosage_cateogory = "";
select_dosage_cateogory += "<select style='width:100%' class='form-control select2'";
select_dosage_cateogory += "id=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + "_" + counter +
"\"name=\"treatment_item_dosage_category" + counter + "\"data-placeholder=\"Route of Admin.\"";
//select_dosage+="style=\"display: none;\"";
select_dosage_cateogory += ">";
select_dosage_cateogory += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_dosage_cateogory += itemDosage_categories
select_dosage_cateogory += "</select>";
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\" >' + select_dosage_cateogory + '</td>';
cols += '<td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"treatment_id' + counter + '" id=\"treatment_id' + '_' + counter +
'" ><input type="number" style="height:25px;font-size:12px" class="form-control"id ="treatment_item_days' +
'_' + counter + '" value="1" name="treatment_item_days' + counter + '"/></td>';
cols +=
'<td style=\"width:7%;\"class=\"col-sm-1\"><input type="hidden" class=\"form-control\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px\" name="frequency_qty' +
counter + '" id="frequency_qty' + '_' + counter +
'" /><input type="number" class=\"form-control\" onblur="updateTotalMedicineQtyNew(\'frequency_qty' + '_' +
counter + '\',\'treatment_item_days' + '_' + counter + '\', ' + counter +
')" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px\" readonly name="dose_qty' + counter + '" id="dose_qty' + '_' + counter +
'" /><input type="hidden" name="dosage' + counter + '" id="dosage' + appointment_id + '_' + counter +
'" /> </td>';
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%;\"class=\"col-sm-1\"><span id=\"treatment_item_total_div' + counter +
'\"><?php echo $row_treatment['item_qty'] ?></span><input type="hidden" id="treatment_item_total_' + counter +
'" name="treatment_item_total' + counter + '" readonly/></td>'
cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\"><div style="text-align:center display:none" id="current_stock_div' + counter +
'" ></div><input type="hidden" id="current_stock' + '_' + counter + '" name="current_stock' + counter +
'" /></td>';
cols += `<td style="width: 10%"><select onchange='alert_exp_batch(this.value,"` + counter + `")' name="item_batch_no` + counter + `" id="item_batch_no` + counter +
`" class="form-control"><option value="<?php echo $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?>" Selected><?php echo $row_treatment['item_batch_no'] ?></option></select></td>` +
"<td class=\"col-sm-1\" style=\"width:7%\" id=\"qty_td" + counter +
cols +=
"<input type=\"hidden\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
counter + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + counter +
"\" value=\"<?php echo $row_treatment['issued_qty'] ?>\" onchange=\"checkQty()\"/>"
cols += '<td style=\"width:3%\"><label><i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i></label></td>';
// cols += '<td style=\"width:5%\"></td>';
// $('#treatment_item_dosage'+"_"+counter).next().css({'width': $('#treatment_item_dosage'+counter).parent().width()});
//$('#treatment_item'+"_"+counter).next().css({'width': $('#treatment_item'+counter).parent().width()});
var valueChecked = $('input[name=medicine_disbursement]:checked').val();
return eval(counter - 1);
//End of AddRowExternal
$("#treatmentTable").on("click", ".fa-trash-o", function (event) {
var counter = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
counter -= 1
function alert_exp_batch(selectTag, counter) {
url: 'get_item_batch_nos_exp.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
batch_no: selectTag
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
// console.log(data[0].expiry_date);
const expiryDate = new Date(data[0].expiry_date);
const currentDate = new Date();
const sixtyDaysLater = new Date(currentDate);
sixtyDaysLater.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 60);
// Check if expiry is within the next 60 days
if (expiryDate > currentDate && expiryDate <= sixtyDaysLater) {
console.log("Alert condition reached.");
BootstrapDialog.alert("This " + data[0].item_batch_no + " batch no has expiry within the next 60 days");
error: function (data) {
function getFrequenceyQty(frequency_id, qty_value_field_id, dosage_desc_field_id, appointment_id, counter) {
console.log("in function getFrequenceyQty", frequency_id);
url: 'select_frequency.php?frequency_id=' + frequency_id,
type: "GET",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
if (data.qty != null) {
$("#dose_qty_" + counter).val(data.qty);
$("#" + qty_value_field_id).val(data.qty);
$("#" + dosage_desc_field_id).val(data.frequency_description);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling frequency qty');
updateTotalMedicineQtyNew('frequency_qty' + '_' + counter, 'treatment_item_days' + '_' + counter, counter)
function getAvailableQty(value, counter, batch, appointment_id) {
url: '<?php if ($rolecode == 'DIS') {
echo 'get_medicine_available_qty.php';
} else {
echo 'get_medicine_available_qty_store.php';
} ?>',
type: 'POST',
data: {
value: value,
appointment_id: appointment_id,
batch: batch,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
// console.log(`Available Data for medicine ${data.stock_qty} prev issue qty ${data.pre_issued_qty}`);
$("#available" + counter).html(data.stock_qty);
$("#current_stock_" + counter).val(data.stock_qty);
if (data.pre_issued_qty == "" || data.pre_issued_qty == null) {
data.pre_issued_qty = 0;
var tot_qty = (data.stock_qty) + (data.pre_issued_qty);
// console.log(tot_qty + " = " + data.stock_qty + " + " + (data.pre_issued_qty));
if (!isNaN(tot_qty) && tot_qty > 0) {
$("#current_stock_div" + counter).html(data.stock_qty + " " + unitMap[data.unit_id]);
// $("#unit").html(unitMap[data.unit_id]);
$("#unit" + counter).html(unitMap[data.unit_id]);
setItemBatchNo(value, counter, batch);
} else {
BootstrapDialog.alert("This Item Is Not Available In Stock Select Another Alternate If Available!!!");
// $("#treatment_item_"+counter).val("");
// $(".select2").select2();
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Retrieving Medicine Available Quantity.!!');
function setItemBatchNo(item_id, count, batch) {
url: 'get_item_batch_nos.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
item_id: item_id,
batch: batch,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var content_item_batch =
"<option value=\"\" selected disabled >Please Select Batch No</option>";
if (data != null && data != "") {
item_batch = data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var select = '';
if ((batch == '' || batch == null) && i == 0) {
select = 'selected';
if (batch == data[i].item_batch_no) {
select = 'selected';
const expiryDate = new Date(data[i].expiry_date);
const currentDate = new Date();
const sixtyDaysLater = new Date(currentDate);
sixtyDaysLater.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 60);
// Check if expiry is within the next 60 days
if (expiryDate > currentDate && expiryDate <= sixtyDaysLater) {
console.log("Alert condition reached.");
BootstrapDialog.alert("This " + data[i].item_batch_no + " batch no has expiry within the next 60 days");
content_item_batch += "<option value='" + data[i].item_batch_no + "' " + select + ">" +
.item_batch_no + " (Expiry Date:" + myDateFormaterMonthYear(data[i].expiry_date) +
", Stock Qty:" + data[i].stock_qty + ")</option>"
$("#item_batch_no" + count).html(content_item_batch);
error: function (data) { }
function myDateFormaterMonthYear(myDate) {
var d = new Date(myDate);
var m = d.getMonth() + 1;
var y = d.getFullYear();
var date = d.getDate();
// alert(date+"/"+m+"/"+y);
return m + "/" + y;
function getItemDetails(item_id, current_stock_field, current_stock_field_div, appointment_id, counter, e) {
var issued_qty_by_pharma = <?php echo json_encode($issued_qty_by_pharma); ?>
async: false,
url: '<?php if ($rolecode == 'DIS') {
echo "select_item_dispensary.php";
} else {
echo "select_item_store.php";
} ?>?item_id=' + item_id,
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
var content = "";
if (data.current_stock_level == 0 || data.current_stock_level == '' || data
.current_stock_level == null) {
// BootstrapDialog.alert('This Item is not available in stock.');
async: false,
url: 'get_alternate_med_data.php',
type: 'post',
data: {
item_id: item_id
success: function (data) {
var items = JSON.parse(data);
if (items != null) {
if (items.length > 0) {
var table = $('<table>').addClass(
'table table-bordered table-striped');
var tableHeader = $('<thead>').addClass('thead-dark');
var tableBody = $('<tbody>');
var headerRow = $('<tr>');
headerRow.append($('<th>').text('Medicine Name'));
headerRow.append($('<th>').text('Click To Select'));
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
var row = $('<tr>');
var medicineNameCell = $('<td>').text(item.item_name);
var stockCell = $('<td>').text(item.qty);
var plusCell = $('<td>');
var plusButton = $('<button>').text('+').addClass(
'btn btn-primary');
plusButton.attr('data-item-id', item.item_id);
plusButton.attr('data-is-prescription', item.is_prescribed);
// console.log("is_prescription " + item.is_prescribed);
// Attach the click event handler to the plus button
plusButton.click(function (event) {
// Retrieve the item_id and additional parameter from data attributes
var item_id = $(this).data('item-id');
var is_prescription = $(this).data(
document.getElementById('treatment_item_' + counter)
.value = item_id;
var doc_dis = document.querySelector(
var doc_dis_value;
if (doc_dis) {
doc_dis_value = doc_dis.value;
console.log("Selected Value: " + doc_dis_value);
} else {
"Radio button not defined or not selected."
// if (doc_dis_value == 'Y' && is_prescription ==
// "1") {
// console.log("is_prescription" +
// is_prescription);
// $('#treatment_item_' + counter).trigger(
// 'chosen:updated');
// } else {
// console.log("is_prescription" + is_prescription);
$("#treatment_item_" + counter).select2();
// }
getItemDetails(item_id, "current_stock_" + counter,
"current_stock_div" + counter,
'<?= $_REQUEST['appointmentId'] ?>', i);
setItemBatchNo(item_id, counter, '');
error: function (data) {
"Something went wrong while fetching the alternate medicine data! Try Again..."
async: false,
url: 'get_med_salt_data.php',
type: 'post',
data: {
item_id: item_id
success: function (data) {
// console.log(typeof data);
try {
var salt_data = JSON.parse(data);
// console.log(salt_data);
var selected_allergy = $("#drug_allergy").val();
console.log("allergies " + selected_allergy);
for (let salt of salt_data) {
// console.log("in loop "+ salt);
let allergy_ids = selected_allergy.split(',');
if (allergy_ids.includes(salt)) {
"Patient Is Allergic To This Medicine Please Change Medicine ."
} else {
console.log("Allergy not found: " + salt);
} catch (error) {
"Either allergy field is blank or salt is not mapped with medicine"
error: function (data) {
"Something went wrong while fetching the drug allergy data! Try Again..."
if (jQuery.inArray(item_id, groupItems) != -1) {
content += "<label id='group_" + counter + "' onclick='openGroup(" + counter +
")'><span class=\"ace-icon fa fa-medkit\"><span></label>"
content +=
"<input type=\"hidden\" style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
counter + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn_hidden" + '_' + counter +
"\" value=\"1\" />"
content += "<input type='hidden' id='group_child_flag_" + counter +
"' name='group_child_flag_" + counter +
"' value='0' ><div style='display:none' id=\"group_items" + '_' + counter + "\"></div>"
$("#qty_td" + counter).html(content);
document.getElementById(current_stock_field_div + "").innerText = 'N/A';
} else {
var issue_qty = 0
if (issued_qty_by_pharma[item_id + '_' + counter] == 0 || issued_qty_by_pharma[item_id + '_' + counter] == '' ||
issued_qty_by_pharma[item_id + '_' + counter] == null) {
<?php if ($row['medi_disbursement'] != 'Y') { ?>
updateTotalMedicineQtyNew('frequency_qty' + '_' + counter, 'treatment_item_days' + '_' + counter, counter);
<?php } ?>
// var issue_qty = 0
} else {
issue_qty = issued_qty_by_pharma[item_id + '_' + counter];
// alert(issue_qty);
content +=
"<div class='input-group' ><input type=\"number\" min='0' style=\"height:25px;font-size:12px;\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" +
counter + "\" id=\"treatment_item_qtygvn" + '_' + counter +
"\" value=" + issue_qty + "";
<?php if ($rolecode == 'DOC') { ?> content += " readonly ";
<?php } ?>
content +=
" onchange=\"checkQty()\"/><span class='input-group-addon' style='font-size:8px; margin:1px;padding:1px;'>" +
unitMap[data.unit_id] + "</span></div>";
$("#qty_td" + counter).html(content);
if (e == 'edit') {
var treatmentTableDisableSwitch = '';
if (document.getElementById('edit_table_key')) {
var treatmentTableDisableSwitch = document.getElementById('edit_table_key').value;
if (treatmentTableDisableSwitch.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'true') {
if (data.current_stock_level == null || data.current_stock_level == 'undefined' || data
.current_stock_level == undefined) {
} else {
$("#" + current_stock_field).val(data.current_stock_level)
document.getElementById(current_stock_field_div + "").innerText = data
.current_stock_level + " " + unitMap[data.unit_id];
} else if (data.current_stock_level > 1) {
$("#" + current_stock_field).val(data.current_stock_level)
document.getElementById(current_stock_field_div + "").innerText = data
.current_stock_level + " " + unitMap[data.unit_id];
} else {
if (data.current_stock_level == null || data.current_stock_level == 'undefined' || data
.current_stock_level == undefined) {
document.getElementById(current_stock_field_div + "").innerText = '0.0';
} else {
document.getElementById(current_stock_field_div + "").innerText = data
.current_stock_level + " " + unitMap[data.unit_id];
if (flagReload == 1) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('This Item is not available in stock.');
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Item Details');
function itemLevelTotol(treatment_item_qtygvn_field, current_rate_field, treatment_item_total_amount_field,
treatment_item_total_amount_field_div) {
var appointment_id = '<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>'
var count = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
var price = $("#" + current_rate_field).val();
var qty = $("#" + treatment_item_qtygvn_field).val();
var totalValue = price * qty;
$("#" + treatment_item_total_amount_field).val(totalValue);
document.getElementById(treatment_item_total_amount_field_div + "").innerText = totalValue;
function orderLevelTotal(count) {
var totalAmount = 0;
var appointment_id = '<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>'
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(count); i++) {
totalAmount = totalAmount + parseInt($("#treatment_item_total_amount" + '_' + i).val());
document.getElementById("order_level_total_div").innerText = totalAmount;
function updateTotalMedicineQtyNew(frequency_qty_fieild, treatment_item_days_fieild, counter) {
let treatment_item_id = $("#treatment_item_" + counter).val();
// alert(treatment_item_id);
if (treatment_item_id) {
async: 'false',
type: 'post',
url: 'get_form_name.php',
data: {
item_id: treatment_item_id,
appointment_id: appointment_id
success: function (data) {
let result_data = JSON.parse(data);
// console.log("to check is qty fixed "+ data);
let is_qty_fixed = result_data['is_qty_fixed'];
if (is_qty_fixed != null && is_qty_fixed != '' && is_qty_fixed != undefined && is_qty_fixed.toLowerCase().trim() ==
'yes') {
$("#treatment_item_total_" + counter).val(1);
$("#treatment_item_total_div" + counter).html(1);
if ($("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + counter).val() == '0' || $("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + counter).val() == '') {
<?php if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] != 'DOC') { ?>
$("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + counter).val(1);
<?php } ?>
} else {
frequency_qty = parseFloat($("#" + frequency_qty_fieild).val());
treatment_item_days = parseInt($("#" + treatment_item_days_fieild).val());
if (treatment_item_days == null || treatment_item_days == '' || treatment_item_days == 0) {
treatment_item_days = 1;
var dose_qty = $("#dose_qty_" + counter).val();
// if someone changing dose manually than do this also to get right result
if (frequency_qty != dose_qty) {
frequency_qty = dose_qty;
$("#treatment_item_total_" + counter).val(treatment_item_days * frequency_qty);
// console.log("total value " + treatment_item_days * frequency_qty);
$("#treatment_item_total_div" + counter).html(treatment_item_days * frequency_qty);
// if($("#treatment_item_qtygvn_"+counter).val() =='0' || $("#treatment_item_qtygvn_"+counter).val() == ''){
avl_qty = parseInt($("#current_stock_div" + counter).text().split(" ")[0]);
if (avl_qty == undefined || avl_qty == '' || avl_qty == null || isNaN(avl_qty)) {
// no need to populate issued qty automatic
} else {
if ('<?= $row['medi_disbursement'] ?>' != 'Y') {
<?php if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] != 'DOC') { ?>
$("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + counter).val(treatment_item_days * frequency_qty);
<?php } ?>
// }
error: function (data) {
var flagReload = 1;
var itemOptionsDis = "";
var itemOptionsDoc = "";
var itemDosage_categories = "";
var groupItems = <?php echo json_encode(getGroupItemsList()); ?>;
$(document).ready(function () {
itemOptionsDis =
"<?php echo generate_options("SELECT i.item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(item_code,' '),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where `status`='1' AND f.form_code NOT IN ('MEDICAL/SURGICAL INS','SURGICAL') and i.ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' and is_prescription!='1' order by item_name", '', 'item_id', 'item_name', '', '') ?>";
itemOptionsDoc =
"<?php echo generate_options("SELECT i.item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(item_code,' '),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where `status`='1' and f.form_code NOT IN ('MEDICAL/SURGICAL INS','SURGICAL') and i.ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' order by item_name", '', 'item_id', 'item_name', '', ''); ?>";
var appointment_id = "<?php echo $row['appointment_id'] ?>";
itemDosage_categories =
"<?php echo generateOption('dosage_category', 'dosage_category', 'dosage_category_id', '', ''); ?>";
allow_single_deselect: true
//resize the chosen on window resize
.on('resize.chosen', function () {
$('.chosen-select').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
// $this.next().css({'width': '200px'});
//resize chosen on sidebar collapse/expand
$(document).on('settings.ace.chosen', function (e, event_name, event_val) {
if (event_name != 'sidebar_collapsed') return;
$('.chosen-select').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
//$this.next().css({'width': '200px'});
function setDoctorDiscussed(discussedVal) {
var counterT = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
var doctorDiscussed = $('input[name=doctor_discussed]:checked').val();
var itemOptions = "";
for (var i = 0; i < counterT; i++) {
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html('')
if (rolecode != 'DOC' && doctorDiscussed != 'Y') {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDis;
} else {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDoc;
var select_treatment = "";
select_treatment += "<select onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + i +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + i +
"','current_stock_div" + i + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + i +
"');\" class='select2 form-control'";
select_treatment += "id=\"treatment_item" + "_" + i + "\"name=\"treatment_item" + i +
select_treatment += "style=\"width: 100%;\"";
select_treatment += ">";
select_treatment += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_treatment += itemOptions
select_treatment += "</select>";
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html(select_treatment);
// $('#treatment_item_' + i).chosen({
// allow_single_deselect: true
// });
// $('#treatment_item_' + i).next().css({
// 'width': '250px'
// });
// document.getElementById('treatment_item_'+i).style.setProperty('width', '200px', 'important');
// $('#treatment_item_' + i).css('width', '200px');
function validate_update(formId, appointment_id) {
var appointment_date = $('#appointment_date' + appointment_id).val();
if (appointment_date == '') {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Please Enter Appointment Date.!!!');
return false;
var complaints = $('#complaints' + appointment_id).val();
if (complaints == '') {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Please Enter Complaints.!!!');
return false;
update_appointment(formId, appointment_id);
function update_appointment(formId, appointment_id) {
url: 'save_opd.php',
type: "POST",
data: $("#" + formId).serialize(),
success: function (data) {
//BootstrapDialog.alert('Details Updated Successfully.');
//window.location = 'employee_appointment_form.php?appointmentId='+appointmentId+' ';
message: 'Details Updated Successfully.',
buttons: [{
label: 'OK',
action: function (dialogItself) {
}, {
label: 'Cancel',
action: function () {
$(".modal-header .close").click();
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Updating Details');
function setFieldDisableOrEnable(value) {
// alert(value);
var count = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
if (value == 'N') {
// $("[name='field07']").prop("disabled", false);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// $("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).prop("disabled", false);
} else if (value == 'Y') {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// $("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).prop("disabled", true);
function checkQty() {
var total_item = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
// alert(total_item);
for (var i = 0; i < total_item; i++) {
var item_id = $("#treatment_item_" + i).val();
var item_batch = $("#item_batch_no" + i).val();
var issue_qty = $("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).val();
if (issue_qty == null || issue_qty == '') {
issue_qty = 0;
if (item_id == undefined || issue_qty == undefined) continue;
if (issue_qty < 0) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Negative values are not allowed!!!");
$("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).val("");
return false;
var avl_qty = $("#current_stock_" + i).val();
// alert("avl qty "+avl_qty);
if (avl_qty == undefined || avl_qty == '' || avl_qty == null || isNaN(avl_qty)) {
avl_qty = parseInt($("#current_stock_div" + i).text().split(" ")[0]);
if (avl_qty == undefined || avl_qty == '' || avl_qty == null || isNaN(avl_qty)) {
avl_qty = 0;
// alert("avl qty "+avl_qty);
type: 'post',
async: false,
url: 'get_prev_issue_qty.php',
data: {
item_id: item_id,
appointment_id: appointment_id,
item_batch: item_batch,
success: function (data) {
let pre_issue = JSON.parse(data);
if (pre_issue == null || pre_issue == '') pre_issue = 0;
if (eval(avl_qty) + eval(pre_issue) < issue_qty) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Issue quantity can not be greater than available quantity.!!!');
$("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).val("");
return false;
error: function (data) {
console.log("Something went wrong in fetching the previous itme qty for checking")
// }
function toCheckItemStock() {
var counter = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
for (var i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
var treatment_qty = $("#treatment_item_total_" + i).val();
var issued_qty = $("#treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).val();
if (issued_qty == null || issued_qty == '') {
issued_qty = 0;
/* if(issued_qty>treatment_qty){
BootstrapDialog.alert(' Issue Qty should be less than or equal to Treatment Qty .!!!');
return false;
function validate_template(formId) {
url: 'save_opd_template.php',
type: "POST",
data: $("#opd_form").serialize(),
success: function (data) {
message: 'Details Updated Successfully.',
buttons: [{
label: 'OK',
action: function (dialogItself) {
}, {
label: 'Cancel',
action: function () {
$(".modal-header .close").click();
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Templates Details');
// Save & Update
function validate() {
var appointment_date = $('#appointment_date').val();
if (appointment_date == '') {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Please Enter Appointment Name.!!!');
return false;
var complaints = $('#complaints').val();
if (complaints == '') {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Please Enter Complaints.!!!');
return false;
function save_appointment() {
url: 'save_opd.php',
type: "POST",
data: $("#opd_form").serialize(),
success: function (data) {
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
if (data.appointment_id != null) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Details Saved Successfully.');
//loadAppointmentHistory('<?php echo $_REQUEST['flex_opd_id'] ?>');
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Saving Details');
* Handle Free Entry Tag boxes for OPD and Injury forms
//Entry is allowed only for Doctors and Dispensary if in case not already updated by Doctor
<?php if ($rolecode != 'DOC' && $row['doctor_attended_flag'] == 'Y') { ?>
$('#ailment_system_new').prop('readonly', true);
// $('#ailment_new').prop('readonly', true);
// $('#complaints').prop('readonly', true);
$diagnosis_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'diagnosis_tag_switch');
error_log("diagnosis tag switch in opd injury common code " . $diagnosis_config);
if (!strcmp(strtolower($diagnosis_config), "true")) {
$ailment_names = explode(',', $row['ailments_new']); ?>
"<?php foreach ($ailment_names as $ailment_name) {
echo strtoupper(getTableFieldValue('ailment', 'ailment_name', 'ailment_id', $ailment_name));
} ?>"
).prop('readonly', true);
<?php } ?>
$complaint_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'complaint_tag_switch');
error_log("complaint_tag_switch tag switch in opd injury common code " . $complaint_config);
if (!strcmp(strtolower($complaint_config), "true")) {
$complaints = explode(',', $row['complaints']); ?>
"<?php foreach ($complaints as $complaint) {
echo strtoupper(getTableFieldValue('complaints', 'complaint', 'complaint_id', $complaint));
} ?>"
).prop('readonly', true);
<?php } ?>
$injury_part_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'injury_part_switch');
error_log("injury_part_config tag switch in opd injury common code " . $injury_part_config);
if (!strcmp(strtolower($injury_part_config), "true")) {
$injury_parts_new = explode(',', $row['injury_parts_new']); ?>
"<?php foreach ($injury_parts_new as $injury_part) {
echo strtoupper(getTableFieldValue('injury_part', 'inj_name', 'inj_id', $injury_part));
} ?>"
).prop('readonly', true);
<?php } ?>
$injury_mech_config = getFieldFromTable('value', 'config', 'key_name', 'injury_mechanism_switch');
error_log("injury_mech_config tag switch in opd injury common code " . $injury_mech_config);
if (!strcmp(strtolower($injury_mech_config), "true")) {
$injury_mech_new = explode(',', $row['injury_mech']); ?>
"<?php foreach ($injury_mech_new as $injury_mech) {
echo strtoupper(getTableFieldValue('injury_mechanism', 'injury_mech_name', 'injury_mech_id', $injury_mech));
} ?>"
).prop('readonly', true);
<?php } ?>
$('#drug_allergy').prop('readonly', true);
$('#examination_remarks').prop('readonly', true);
$('#recommended_test_new').val("<?php echo $row['recommended_tests_new'] ?>").prop('readonly', true);
$('#injury_class_new').prop('readonly', true);
$('#injury_type_new').prop('readonly', true);
'readonly', true);
$('#health_advice_name_new').val("<?php echo $row['health_advices_new'] ?>").prop('readonly', true);
<?php } else if ($rolecode == 'DOC' || $rolecode == 'DIS' || $rolecode == 'RCP' || in_array('DIS', $Rolecodes)) { ?>
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($diagnosis_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#ailment_new')) {
var ailments = new Array();
function getAilments() {
url: 'select_ailments.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
ailments = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Ailments');
<?php } ?>
var ailmentSystems= new Array();
function getAilmentSystems(){
url : 'select_ailment_systems.php',
type : "GET",
success : function(data) {
ailmentSystems = $.parseJSON(data);
error : function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Ailment Systems');
if ($('#health_advice_name_new')) {
var healthAdvices = new Array();
function getHealthAdvices() {
url: 'select_health_advices.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
healthAdvices = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Health Advices');
if ($('#injury_type_new')) {
var injuryTypes = new Array();
function getInjuryTypes() {
url: 'select_injury_types.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
injuryTypes = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Injury Types');
var injuryClasses= new Array();
function getInjuryClasses(){
url : 'select_injury_classes.php',
type : "GET",
success : function(data) {
injuryClasses = $.parseJSON(data);
error : function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Injury Classes');
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($injury_part_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#injury_part')) {
var affectedBodyParts = new Array();
function getAffectedBodyParts() {
url: 'select_injury_parts.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
affectedBodyParts = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Affected body parts');
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($injury_mech_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#injury_mech_new')) {
var injurymech = new Array();
function getInjuryMech() {
url: 'select_injury_mechs.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
injurymech = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Affected body parts');
<?php } ?>
if ($('#recommended_test_new')) {
var recommendedTests = new Array();
function getRecommendedTests() {
url: 'select_recommended_tests.php',
type: "GET",
success: function(data) {
recommendedTests = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Health Advices');
} */
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($complaint_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#complaints')) {
var complaints = new Array();
function getComplaints() {
url: 'select_complaints.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
complaints = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Complaints!!');
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($examination_remarks_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#examination_remarks')) {
var findings = new Array();
function getFindings() {
url: 'select_findings.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
findings = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling Examination findings!!');
<?php } ?>
if ($('#referral')) {
var referrals = new Array();
function getReferrals() {
url: 'select_referrals.php',
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
referrals = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error pulling referrals!!');
$(document).ready(function () {
// getMedicine();
var tag_input_ailment_systems = $('#ailment_system_new');
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#ailment_system_new').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingAilmentSystems = "<?php echo $row['ailment_systems_new'] ?>"
if (existingAilmentSystems != undefined && existingAilmentSystems != null && existingAilmentSystems != '') {
var existingAilmentSystemsArr = existingAilmentSystems.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingAilmentSystemsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
}catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_ailment_systems.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_ailment_systems.attr('id') + '" name="' + tag_input_ailment_systems.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_ailment_systems.val() + '</textarea>').remove();
}//end ailmentSystems */
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($diagnosis_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#ailment_new')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_ailments = $('#ailment_new');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_ailments.attr('placeholder'),
source: ailments,
tagClass: 'bigTag',
trimValue: true,
allowDuplicates: false
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#ailment_new').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
//var existingAilments = "<?php echo $row['ailments_new'] ?>"
var existingAilments =
"<?php echo getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select ailment_name from ailment', 'ailment_id', $row['ailments_new']) ?>"
if (existingAilments != undefined && existingAilments != null && existingAilments !=
'') {
var existingAilmentsArr = existingAilments.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingAilmentsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_ailments.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_ailments.attr('id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_ailments.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_ailments.val() +
var y = $('#ailment_new').parents(".col-sm-3").width();
$('#ailment_new').siblings().css('width', y - 5);
}, 500);
} //end Ailments*/
<?php } ?>
if ($('#recommended_test_new')) {
setTimeout(function() {
var tag_input_advices = $('#recommended_test_new');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_advices.attr('placeholder'),
source: recommendedTests,
tagClass: 'bigTag',
trimValue: true,
allowDuplicates: false,
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#recommended_test_new').data('tag');
var existingHealthAdvices = "<?php echo $row['recommended_tests_new'] ?>"
if (existingHealthAdvices != undefined && existingHealthAdvices != null &&
existingHealthAdvices != '') {
var existingHealthAdvicesArr = existingHealthAdvices.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingHealthAdvicesArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_advices.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_advices.attr('id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_advices.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_advices.val() +
}, 500);
} //end tests */
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($complaint_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#complaints')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_complaints = $('#complaints');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_complaints.attr('placeholder'),
source: complaints,
trimValue: true,
allowDuplicates: false
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#complaints').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingComplaints = "<?php echo getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select complaint from complaints', 'complaint_id', $row['complaints']) ?>"
if (existingComplaints != undefined && existingComplaints != null &&
existingComplaints != '') {
var existingComplaintsArr = existingComplaints.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingComplaintsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_complaints.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_complaints.attr('id') +
'" name="' + tag_input_complaints.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' +
tag_input_complaints.val() + '</textarea>').remove();
var y = $('#complaints').parents(".col-sm-3").width();
$('#complaints').siblings().css('width', y - 5);
}, 500);
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($examination_remarks_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#examination_remarks')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_findings = $('#examination_remarks');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_findings.attr('placeholder'),
source: findings,
// tagClass: 'bigTag',
// trimValue: true,
// allowDuplicates: false
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#examination_remarks').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingFindings =
"<?php echo getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select examination_finding from examination_findings', 'id', $row['examination_remarks']) ?>"
if (existingFindings != undefined && existingFindings != null && existingFindings !=
'') {
var existingFindingsArr = existingFindings.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingFindingsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_findings.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_findings.attr('id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_findings.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_findings.val() +
var y = $('#examination_remarks').parents(".col-sm-3").width();
$('#examination_remarks').siblings().css('width', y - 5);
}, 500);
<?php } ?>
if ($('#referral')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_referrals = $('#referral');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_referrals.attr('placeholder'),
source: referrals
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#referral').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingReferrals =
"<?php echo getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select referral_point_name from referral_point', 'referral_point_id', $row['referral']) ?>"
if (existingReferrals != undefined && existingReferrals != null && existingReferrals !=
'') {
var existingReferralsArr = existingReferrals.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingReferralsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_referrals.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_referrals.attr('id') +
'" name="' + tag_input_referrals.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' +
tag_input_referrals.val() + '</textarea>').remove();
var y = $('#referral').parents(".col-sm-4").width();
$('#referral').siblings().css('width', y - 5);
}, 500);
var tag_input_classes = $('#injury_class_new');
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#injury_class_new').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingClasses = "<?php echo $row['injury_classes_new'] ?>"
if (existingClasses != undefined && existingClasses != null && existingClasses != '') {
var existingClassesArr = existingClasses.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingClassesArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
}catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_classes.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_classes.attr('id') + '" name="' + tag_input_classes.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_classes.val() + '</textarea>').remove();
}//end injury parts*/
var tag_input_types = $('#injury_type_new');
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#injury_type_new').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingTypes = "<?php echo $row['injury_types_new'] ?>"
if (existingTypes != undefined && existingTypes != null && existingTypes != '') {
var existingTypesArr = existingTypes.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingTypesArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
}catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_types.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_types.attr('id') + '" name="' + tag_input_types.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_types.val() + '</textarea>').remove();
}//end injury Types*/
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($injury_part_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#injury_part')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_parts = $('#injury_part');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_parts.attr('placeholder'),
source: affectedBodyParts
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#injury_part').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingParts = "<?php echo getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select inj_name from injury_part', 'inj_id', $row['injury_parts_new']) ?>"
if (existingParts != undefined && existingParts != null && existingParts != '') {
var existingPartsArr = existingParts.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingPartsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_parts.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_parts.attr('id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_parts.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_parts.val() +
var y = $('#injury_part').parents(".col-sm-3").width();
$('#injury_part').siblings().css('width', y - 5);
}, 500);
} //end injury parts
<?php } ?>
// injury mech start
<?php if (!strcmp(strtolower($injury_mech_config), "true")) { ?>
if ($('#injury_mech_new')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_parts = $('#injury_mech_new');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_parts.attr('placeholder'),
source: injurymech
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#injury_mech_new').data('tag');
//$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var existingMechs = "<?php echo getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select injury_mech_name from injury_mechanism', 'injury_mech_id', $row['injury_mech']) ?>"
if (existingMechs != undefined && existingMechs != null && existingMechs != '') {
var existingMechsArr = existingMechs.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingMechsArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_parts.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_parts.attr('id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_parts.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_parts.val() +
var y = $('#injury_mech_new').parents(".col-sm-3").width();
$('#injury_mech_new').siblings().css('width', y - 5);
}, 500);
<?php } ?>
// end injury mech
if ($('#health_advice_name_new')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_advices = $('#health_advice_name_new');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_advices.attr('placeholder'),
source: healthAdvices,
tagClass: 'bigTag',
trimValue: true,
allowDuplicates: false,
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#health_advice_name_new').data('tag');
var existingHealthAdvices = "<?php echo $row['health_advices_new'] ?>"
if (existingHealthAdvices != undefined && existingHealthAdvices != null &&
existingHealthAdvices != '') {
var existingHealthAdvicesArr = existingHealthAdvices.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingHealthAdvicesArr, function (i, val) {
//var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
// $tag_obj.remove(index);
} catch (e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input_advices.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_advices.attr('id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_advices.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' + tag_input_advices.val() +
}, 500);
} //end health advices
<?php } ?>
function openGroup(item_id_counter) {
var content = "";
var footerContent = "";
item_id = $("#treatment_item_" + item_id_counter).val();
url: 'select_group_item.php?item_id=' + item_id + ' ',
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
data = $.parseJSON(data);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
childItem = data[i];
content += "<div class='row'>";
content += "<div class='col-md-12'>";
content += "<div class='col-md-6'>";
content += childItem.child_item_name;
content += "</div>";
content += "<div class='col-md-6'>";
content += "<div class='input-group'>";
content += "<input type='hidden' class='form-control' id='child_item_" + item_id_counter +
"_" + i + "' name='child_item_" + item_id_counter + "_" + i + "' value='" + childItem
.item_id + "'>";
if ($("#child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i) != undefined && $(
"#child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i).val() != undefined) {
content += "<input type='number' class='form-control' id='child_item_qty_gvn" +
item_id_counter + "_" + i + "' name='child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" +
i + "' value='" + $("#child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i).val() + "'>";
} else {
content += "<input type='number' class='form-control' id='child_item_qty_gvn" +
item_id_counter + "_" + i + "' name='child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" +
i + "' value='" + childItem.qty + "'>";
content +=
"<span class='input-group-addon' style='font-size:8px; margin:1px;padding:1px;'>" +
unitMap[childItem.unit_id] + "</span>";
content += "</div>";
content += "</div>";
content += "</div>";
content += "</div>";
if (data.length > 0) {
footerContent += " <div><button type=\"button\" onclick=\"saveGroupChanges(" +
item_id_counter + "," + data.length + ")\" "
footerContent += " class=\"btn btn-primary\">Save Changes</button>";
footerContent += " </div>";
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error Populating Sickness');
// loading treatment dynamically acc to already present prescription
var activated = false;
function loadMedData() {
let med_tab_count = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
let current_row_count = $('#treatmentTable tbody tr').length;
let med_arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= (med_tab_count + current_row_count); i++) {
if (document.getElementById("treatment_item_" + i)) {
med_arr.push($("#treatment_item_" + i).val());
$("#med-detail-table tbody").html("");
async: 'false',
type: 'post',
url: 'get_med_data.php',
data: {
med_arr: med_arr
success: function (data) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
var rowData = "";
for (medId in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(medId)) {
var med_detail = data[medId];
var item_name = med_detail['item_name'].split(",");
var precaution = med_detail['item_precaution'];
var alternate = med_detail['item_alternate'];
var prescription = med_detail['is_prescription'];
var composition = med_detail['composition'];
var indication = med_detail['indication'];
var contraIndication = med_detail['contraIndication'];
var effect = med_detail['effect'];
var interaction = med_detail['interaction'];
// var itemNamesHTML = '';
// item_names.forEach(function(name) {
// itemNamesHTML += `<div>${name}</div>`; // Wrap each item in a <div> for new line
// });
rowData +=
// console.log(rowData);
} catch (err) {
console.log("some error in load med function");
error: function (data) {
console.log("something went wrong");
function initializeDataTable() {
$(document).ready(function () {
if (activated == false) {
let table3 = new DataTable('#med-detail-table', {
responsive: 'true'
activated = true;
function loadTreatment() {
document.getElementById("load-treatment-btn").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader")[0].style.display = 'block';
var diag_arr = $("#ailment_new").val();
var chronic_arr = $("#abnormality").val();
async: 'false',
type: 'post',
url: 'show_prescription.php',
data: {
diagnosis: diag_arr,
illness: chronic_arr
success: function (data) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (err) {
console.log("some error in loading med function " + err.name);
let tab_count = 0;
var health_advice_arr = [];
var med_info = [];
var drug_count = 0;
try {
for (medId in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(medId)) {
var drugArr = data[medId];
'drug': '',
'name': '',
'freq': '',
'freq_val': '',
'timing': '',
'admin_route': '',
'duration': '',
'dose': '',
'drug_count': '',
'is_prescription': ''
// console.log(drug + typeof drug);
med_info[tab_count]['drug'] = medId;
med_info[tab_count]['name'] = drugArr['name'];
med_info[tab_count]['freq'] = drugArr['frequency'];
med_info[tab_count]['freq_val'] = drugArr['freq_val'];
med_info[tab_count]['timing'] = drugArr['timing'];
med_info[tab_count]['admin_route'] = drugArr['admin_route'];
med_info[tab_count]['duration'] = drugArr['duration'];
med_info[tab_count]['dose'] = drugArr['dose'];
med_info[tab_count]['drug_count'] = drugArr['count'];
med_info[tab_count]['is_prescription'] = drugArr['is_prescription'];
drug_count = drugArr['count'];
// console.log(drugArr['health_advices']);
if (drugArr['health_advices']) {
var health_advices = drugArr['health_advices'].split(",");
for (let y of health_advices) {
} else {
// no data
var actual_rowCount = $('#treatmentTable tbody tr').length;
console.log("actual row present this moment " + actual_rowCount);
let added_row_count = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
console.log("actual row added by plus button " + added_row_count);
console.log("drug count " + drug_count);
let new_added_row_count = 0;
if (actual_rowCount < drug_count) {
while (drug_count > actual_rowCount) {
addRow('', true);
// else if (actual_rowCount > drug_count) {
// while (actual_rowCount > drug_count) {
// $('#treatmentTable tbody tr:nth-last-child(1)').remove();
// actual_rowCount--;
// }
// }
var index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= (added_row_count + new_added_row_count); i++) {
if (document.getElementById('treatment_item_td_' + i)) {
console.log('treatment_item_td_' + i);
console.log("got here with index " + index);
var drug = med_info[index]['drug'];
var name = med_info[index]['name'];
var freq = med_info[index]['freq'];
var freq_qty = med_info[index]['freq_val'];
var timing = med_info[index]['timing'];
var admin_route = med_info[index]['admin_route'];
var duration = med_info[index]['duration'];
var dose = med_info[index]['dose'];
var is_prescription = med_info[index]['is_prescription'];
// check if this row already has a item
var isItemPresent = document.getElementById('treatment_item_' + i).value;
if ((isItemPresent != null && isItemPresent != '' && isItemPresent != undefined && isItemPresent > 0 && isItemPresent != drug)) {
console.log("got inside if cond because some medicines are already present in table ");
addRow('', true);
} else if (isItemPresent == drug) {
console.log("got inside if cond because some medicines are already present in table same as we are going to add ");
if (is_prescription == 1 && '<?= $_SESSION['RoleCode'] ?>' != 'DOC') {
isPrescribed = true;
document.getElementById('doctor_discussed_yes').checked = true;
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html('');
var itemOptions =
"<?php echo generate_options("SELECT item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(item_code,''),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where status='1' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' order by item_name", '', 'item_id', 'item_name', '', ''); ?>";
var select_treatment = "";
select_treatment +=
"<select onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + i +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + i +
"','current_stock_div" + i + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + i +
"');\" class='select2 form-control'";
select_treatment += "id=\"treatment_item" + "_" + i +
"\"name=\"treatment_item" + i +
select_treatment += "style=\"width: 200px;\"";
select_treatment += ">";
select_treatment += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_treatment += itemOptions
select_treatment += "</select>";
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html(select_treatment);
// $('#treatment_item_' + i).chosen({
// allow_single_deselect: true
// });
$('#treatment_item_' + i).next().css({
// 'width': '200px',
'border': '1px solid red',
'border-radius': '5px'
// $("#treatmentTable tbody tr:nth-child(" + (i) + ")").css('border', '1px solid red');
document.getElementById('treatment_item_' + i).value = drug;
// $('#treatment_item_' + i).trigger('chosen:updated');
document.getElementById('treatment_item_dosage_' + i).value = freq;
document.getElementById('timings_' + i).value = timing;
document.getElementById('treatment_item_dosage_category_' + i).value = admin_route;
document.getElementById('treatment_item_days_' + i).value = duration;
document.getElementById('dose_qty_' + i).value = dose;
getItemDetails(drug, "current_stock_" + i, "current_stock_div" + i,
'<?= $_REQUEST['appointmentId'] ?>', i);
setItemBatchNo(drug, i, '');
if (duration == null || duration == '' || duration == 0) {
duration = 1;
$("#treatment_item_total_" + i).val(parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty));
$("#treatment_item_total_div" + i).html(parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty));
<?php if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] != 'DOC') { ?>
var total_qty_gvn = parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty);
document.getElementById("treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).value = total_qty_gvn;
console.log("total qty " + duration + " " + freq_qty + " " + dose + " id for total issue " + " treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i);
<?php } ?>
console.log("total qty " + duration + " " + freq_qty + " " + dose);
// $("#count_treatment_item").val(drug_count);
if ($('#health_advice_name_new')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_advices = $('#health_advice_name_new');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_advices.attr('placeholder'),
source: healthAdvices,
tagClass: 'bigTag',
trimValue: true,
allowDuplicates: false,
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#health_advice_name_new').data('tag');
var existingHealthAdvicesArr = health_advice_arr;
// if (existingHealthAdvices != undefined && existingHealthAdvices != null &&
// existingHealthAdvices != '') {
// var existingHealthAdvicesArr = existingHealthAdvices.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingHealthAdvicesArr, function (i, val) {
// }
} catch (e) {
tag_input_advices.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_advices.attr(
'id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_advices.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' +
tag_input_advices.val() +
}, 500);
} //end health advices
} catch (err) {
console.log("Got some error in loading treatment function " + err.name);
} finally {
document.getElementById("load-treatment-btn").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader")[0].style.display = 'none';
error: function (data) {
document.getElementById("load-treatment-btn").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader")[0].style.display = 'none';
BootstrapDialog.alert("something went wrong while loading the treatment.");
function loadChronicTreatment() {
document.getElementById("load-chronic-treatment-btn").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader-chronic")[0].style.display = 'block';
var diag_arr = $("#abnormality").val();
console.log("chronic arr " + diag_arr);
var emp_id = $("#emp_id").val();
console.log("emp id " + emp_id);
var chronic_day = $("#chronic_day").val();
console.log("days " + chronic_day);
if (chronic_day == 0 || chronic_day == '' || chronic_day == null) {
chronic_day = 2;
console.log("days " + chronic_day);
if (chronic_day != null && chronic_day != '' && chronic_day != '0') {
async: 'false',
type: 'post',
url: 'show_prescription_chronic.php',
data: {
chronic: diag_arr,
emp_id: emp_id
success: function (data) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (err) {
console.log("some error in loading med function " + err.name);
let tab_count = 0;
var health_advice_arr = [];
const diagnosis_chronic_arr = new Set();
var med_info = [];
var drug_count = 0;
try {
for (medId in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(medId)) {
var drugArr = data[medId];
'drug': '',
'name': '',
'freq': '',
'freq_val': '',
'timing': '',
'admin_route': '',
'duration': '',
'dose': '',
'drug_count': '',
'is_prescription': ''
// console.log(drug + typeof drug);
med_info[tab_count]['drug'] = medId;
med_info[tab_count]['name'] = drugArr['name'];
med_info[tab_count]['freq'] = drugArr['frequency'];
med_info[tab_count]['freq_val'] = drugArr['freq_val'];
med_info[tab_count]['timing'] = drugArr['timing'];
med_info[tab_count]['admin_route'] = drugArr['admin_route'];
med_info[tab_count]['duration'] = drugArr['duration'];
med_info[tab_count]['dose'] = drugArr['dose'];
med_info[tab_count]['drug_count'] = drugArr['count'];
med_info[tab_count]['is_prescription'] = drugArr['is_prescription'];
drug_count = drugArr['count'];
// console.log(drugArr['health_advices']);
if (drugArr['health_advices']) {
var health_advices = drugArr['health_advices'].split(",");
for (let y of health_advices) {
} else {
// no data
if (drugArr['diagnosis']) {
var diagnosis_chronic_mapped = drugArr['diagnosis'].split(",");
for (let z of diagnosis_chronic_mapped) {
} else {
// no data
// const setToArrayDiagnosis = Array.from(diagnosis_chronic_arr);
// $("#ailment_new").val(setToArrayDiagnosis);
// $('#ailment_new').trigger('chosen:updated');
var actual_rowCount = $('#treatmentTable tbody tr').length;
console.log("actual row present this moment " + actual_rowCount);
let added_row_count = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
console.log("actual row added by plus button " + added_row_count);
console.log("drug count " + drug_count);
let new_added_row_count = 0;
if (actual_rowCount < drug_count) {
while (drug_count > actual_rowCount) {
addRow('', true);
// else if (actual_rowCount > drug_count) {
// while (actual_rowCount > drug_count) {
// $('#treatmentTable tbody tr:nth-last-child(1)').remove();
// actual_rowCount--;
// }
// }
var index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= (added_row_count + new_added_row_count); i++) {
if (document.getElementById('treatment_item_td_' + i)) {
console.log('treatment_item_td_' + i);
console.log("got here with index " + index);
var drug = med_info[index]['drug'];
var name = med_info[index]['name'];
var freq = med_info[index]['freq'];
var freq_qty = med_info[index]['freq_val'];
var timing = med_info[index]['timing'];
var admin_route = med_info[index]['admin_route'];
var duration = med_info[index]['duration'];
var dose = med_info[index]['dose'];
var is_prescription = med_info[index]['is_prescription'];
// check if this row already has a item
var isItemPresent = document.getElementById('treatment_item_' + i).value;
if ((isItemPresent != null && isItemPresent != '' && isItemPresent != undefined && isItemPresent > 0 && isItemPresent != drug)) {
console.log("got inside if cond because some medicines are already present in table ");
addRow('', true);
} else if (isItemPresent == drug) {
console.log("got inside if cond because some medicines are already present in table same as we are going to add ");
// update duration if user changed the duration only
if (duration == null || duration == '' || duration == undefined) {
document.getElementById('treatment_item_days_' + i).value = chronic_day;
} else {
document.getElementById('treatment_item_days_' + i).value = duration;
if (duration == null || duration == '' || duration == 0) {
if (chronic_day == null || chronic_day == '' || chronic_day == 0 ||
chronic_day == undefined) {
duration = 1;
} else {
duration = chronic_day;
document.getElementById("treatment_item_total_" + i).value = parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty);
$("#treatment_item_total_div" + i).html(parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty));
<?php if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] != 'DOC') { ?>
var total_qty_gvn = parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty);
document.getElementById("treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).value = total_qty_gvn;
console.log("total qty " + duration + " " + freq_qty + " " + dose +
" id for total issue " + " treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i);
<?php } ?>
if (is_prescription == 1 && '<?= $_SESSION['RoleCode'] ?>' != 'DOC') {
isPrescribed = true;
document.getElementById('doctor_discussed_yes').checked = true;
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html('');
var itemOptions =
"<?php echo generate_options("SELECT item_id,trim(concat(ifnull(item_code,''),' ',item_name)) item_name FROM tbl_items i left join medicine_form f on i.item_form_id=f.form_id where status='1' and ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' order by item_name", '', 'item_id', 'item_name', '', ''); ?>";
var select_treatment = "";
select_treatment +=
"<select onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + i +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + i +
"','current_stock_div" + i + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + i +
"');\" class='select2 form-control'";
select_treatment += "id=\"treatment_item" + "_" + i +
"\"name=\"treatment_item" + i +
select_treatment += "style=\"width: 200px;\"";
select_treatment += ">";
select_treatment += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_treatment += itemOptions
select_treatment += "</select>";
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html(select_treatment);
// $('#treatment_item_' + i).chosen({
// allow_single_deselect: true
// });
$('#treatment_item_' + i).next().css({
// 'width': '200px',
'border': '1px solid red',
'border-radius': '5px'
// $("#treatmentTable tbody tr:nth-child(" + (i) + ")").css('border', '1px solid red');
document.getElementById('treatment_item_' + i).value = drug;
$('#treatment_item_' + i).trigger('chosen:updated');
document.getElementById('treatment_item_dosage_' + i).value = freq;
document.getElementById('timings_' + i).value = timing;
document.getElementById('treatment_item_dosage_category_' + i).value =
if (duration == null || duration == '' || duration == undefined) {
document.getElementById('treatment_item_days_' + i).value = chronic_day;
} else {
document.getElementById('treatment_item_days_' + i).value = duration;
document.getElementById('dose_qty_' + i).value = dose;
getItemDetails(drug, "current_stock_" + i, "current_stock_div" + i,
'<?= $_REQUEST['appointmentId'] ?>', i);
setItemBatchNo(drug, i, '');
if (duration == null || duration == '' || duration == 0) {
if (chronic_day == null || chronic_day == '' || chronic_day == 0 ||
chronic_day == undefined) {
duration = 1;
} else {
duration = chronic_day;
$("#treatment_item_total_" + i).val(parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty));
$("#treatment_item_total_div" + i).html(parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty));
<?php if ($_SESSION["RoleCode"] != 'DOC') { ?>
var total_qty_gvn = parseInt(duration) * (freq_qty);
document.getElementById("treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i).value = total_qty_gvn;
console.log("total qty " + duration + " " + freq_qty + " " + dose +
" id for total issue " + " treatment_item_qtygvn_" + i);
<?php } ?>
// $("#count_treatment_item").val(drug_count);
if ($('#health_advice_name_new')) {
setTimeout(function () {
var tag_input_advices = $('#health_advice_name_new');
try {
placeholder: tag_input_advices.attr('placeholder'),
source: healthAdvices,
tagClass: 'bigTag',
trimValue: true,
allowDuplicates: false,
//programmatically add/remove a tag
var $tag_obj = $('#health_advice_name_new').data('tag');
var existingHealthAdvicesArr = health_advice_arr;
// if (existingHealthAdvices != undefined && existingHealthAdvices != null &&
// existingHealthAdvices != '') {
// var existingHealthAdvicesArr = existingHealthAdvices.split(",");
jQuery.each(existingHealthAdvicesArr, function (i, val) {
// }
} catch (e) {
tag_input_advices.after('<textarea id="' + tag_input_advices.attr(
'id') + '" name="' +
tag_input_advices.attr('name') + '" rows="3">' +
tag_input_advices.val() +
}, 500);
} //end health advices
} catch (err) {
console.log("Got some error in loading treatment function " + err);
} finally {
document.getElementById("load-chronic-treatment-btn").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader-chronic")[0].style.display = 'none';
error: function (data) {
document.getElementById("load-chronic-treatment-btn").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader-chronic")[0].style.display = 'none';
BootstrapDialog.alert("something went wrong while loading the treatment.");
} else {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Add Days First Than Click On Load Chronic Treatment Button..");
document.getElementById("load-chronic-treatment-btn").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementsByClassName("loader-chronic")[0].style.display = 'none';
// end
function createAndSubmitForm(actionUrl) {
var dynamicForm = $('<form>', {
'id': 'task_form',
'method': 'post',
'action': actionUrl
var hiddenFields = [{
name: 'emp_id',
value: $("#emp_id").val()
name: 'flex_opd_id',
value: $("#emp_id").val()
name: 'returnPage',
value: 'appointment_list.php'
$.each(hiddenFields, function (index, field) {
dynamicForm.append($('<input>', {
'type': 'hidden',
'name': field.name,
'value': field.value
function redirectTo(redirectValue) {
if (redirectValue.trim() == 'O') {
} else if (redirectValue.trim() == 'I') {
function resetTreatmentRows() {
var counterT = $("#count_treatment_item").val();
var doctorDiscussed = $('input[name=doctor_discussed]:checked').val();
var itemOptions = "";
for (var i = 0; i < counterT; i++) {
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html('')
if (rolecode != 'DOC' && doctorDiscussed != 'Y') {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDis;
} else {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDoc;
var select_treatment = "";
select_treatment += "<select onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + i +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + i +
"','current_stock_div" + i + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + i +
"');\" class='select2 form-control'";
select_treatment += "id=\"treatment_item" + "_" + i + "\"name=\"treatment_item" + i +
select_treatment += "style=\"width: 100%;\"";
select_treatment += ">";
select_treatment += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_treatment += itemOptions
select_treatment += "</select>";
$('#treatment_item_td_' + i).html(select_treatment);
function resetTreatmentRowsParticular(currentRowid) {
var doctorDiscussed = $('input[name=doctor_discussed]:checked').val();
let curr = '';
try {
curr = currentRowid.split("_")[2];
} catch (err) {
$('#treatment_item_td_' + curr).html('')
if (rolecode != 'DOC' && doctorDiscussed != 'Y') {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDis;
} else {
itemOptions = itemOptionsDoc;
var select_treatment = "";
select_treatment += "<select onchange=\"getAvailableQty(this.value," + curr +
",'','" + appointment_id + "');getItemDetails(this.value,'current_stock" + "_" + curr +
"','current_stock_div" + curr + "','" + appointment_id + "', '" + curr +
"');\" class='select2 form-control'";
select_treatment += "id=\"treatment_item" + "_" + curr + "\"name=\"treatment_item" + curr +
select_treatment += "style=\"width: 100%;\"";
select_treatment += ">";
select_treatment += "<option value=\"\"> </option>";
select_treatment += itemOptions
select_treatment += "</select>";
$('#treatment_item_td_' + curr).html(select_treatment);
$('#treatment_item' + "_" + curr).select2();
// $('.select2').select2();
// search by salt name start
let typingTimer;
const doneTypingInterval = 2000; // Adjust the interval as needed
//checking if user stopped the generic search feature or not
var myBox = document.getElementById('genericSearchCheckbox');
if (myBox != '' && myBox != null && myBox != "undefined") {
myBox.addEventListener('change', () => {
if (!myBox.checked) {
document.addEventListener('input', function (event) {
var ulOptionElement = document.querySelector('.select2-results__options');
if (ulOptionElement != '' && ulOptionElement != null) {
selectedOptionId = ulOptionElement.id.split("-")[1];
var pattern = /^treatment_item_\d+$/;
console.log("id is ", selectedOptionId);
if (pattern.test(selectedOptionId)) {
if (event.target.classList.contains('select2-search__field')) {
var userEnteredSalt = event.target.value.trim();
console.log('User entered salt:', userEnteredSalt);
var genericSearchBox = document.getElementById("genericSearchCheckbox");
if (genericSearchBox.checked) {
console.log("inside if and searching by salt ");
// Clear the previous timer (if any)
if (document.getElementsByClassName('select2-results__message')[0]) {
var loadingMessage = document.getElementsByClassName('select2-results__message')[0];
loadingMessage.innerText = 'Keep Typing We Are Searching...';
// Adding some styling to the loading message
loadingMessage.style.color = '#007bff';
loadingMessage.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
loadingMessage.style.fontSize = '12px';
if (userEnteredSalt.length > 0) {
// Set a new timer
typingTimer = setTimeout(function () {
// Perform the desired action here
console.log('User finished typing:', userEnteredSalt);
type: 'post',
url: 'get_medicine_by_generic_name.php',
data: {
generics: userEnteredSalt
success: function (data) {
if (document.getElementsByClassName('select2-results__message')[0]) {
var loadingMessage = document.getElementsByClassName('select2-results__message')[0];
loadingMessage.innerText = 'Keep Typing We Are Searching...';
// Adding some styling to the loading message
loadingMessage.style.color = '#007bff';
loadingMessage.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
loadingMessage.style.fontSize = '12px';
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.length > 0) {
var dynamicSelect = "";
try {
var ulElement = document.querySelector('.select2-results__options');
dynamicSelect = $("#" + ulElement.id.split("-")[1]);
} catch (err) {
var dataArray = Array.isArray(data) ? data : Object.values(data);
dynamicSelect.append(new Option("Select an item", ""));
data.forEach(function (item) {
dynamicSelect.append(new Option(item.item_name, item.item_id));
} else {
if (document.getElementsByClassName('select2-results__message')[0]) {
document.getElementsByClassName('select2-results__message')[0].innerText = 'No Results Found';
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something Went Wrong While Loading The Medicines According to Generic Names");
}, doneTypingInterval);
// else{
// var currentRowId = ulElement.id.split("-")[1];
// resetTreatmentRowsParticular(currentRowId);
// }
} else {
// its an another field no need to do anything
function removeEmptyRowsFromTable(tableId) {
console.log("cleaning function called");
var table = document.getElementById(tableId);
if (!table) {
console.error('Table with ID ' + tableId + ' not found.');
var rows = table.rows;
for (var i = rows.length - 2; i >= 1; i--) {
var row = rows[i];
var treatmentIdInput = row.querySelector('[name^="treatment_item"]');
if (treatmentIdInput) {
var treatmentId = treatmentIdInput.value;
if (treatmentId == '' && !treatmentId > 0) {
console.log("cleaning function worked");
function disableTreatmentTable() {
try {
// var inputs = document.getElementById('treatmentTable').getElementsByTagName('input');
// for(var i=0; i<inputs.length; ++i){
// inputs[i].readOnly=true;
// }
// var selects = document.getElementById('treatmentTable').getElementsByTagName('select');
// for(var i=0; i<selects.length; ++i){
// selects[i].disabled=true;
// }
//removing the plus icons
//document.getElementById('treatmentTable').getElementsByTagName('th')[10].innerText = "";
document.getElementById('load-med-data').style.display = 'none';
//disabling the load treatment buttons also
document.getElementById('chronic_day').readOnly = true;
document.getElementById('load-treatment-btn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('load-chronic-treatment-btn').disabled = true;
//disabling the search by salt name switch
document.getElementById('genericSearchCheckbox').disabled = true;
} catch (err) {
console.log("error in disableTreatmentTable ".err);
$(document).ready(function () {
var treatmentTableDisableSwitch = '';
if (document.getElementById('edit_table_key')) {
var treatmentTableDisableSwitch = document.getElementById('edit_table_key').value;
console.log("switch ", treatmentTableDisableSwitch);
if ((treatmentTableDisableSwitch.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'false') && (medicine_issued == 'Y')) {
console.log("got here in first if");
function saveGroupChanges(item_id_counter, childItemCount) {
$('#group_child_flag_' + item_id_counter).val("1");
var map = new Map();
for (var i = 0; i < childItemCount; i++) {
newVal = $("#child_item_" + item_id_counter + "_" + i).val();
map.set("#child_item_" + item_id_counter + "_" + i, newVal);
newVal = $("#child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i).val();
map.set("#child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i, newVal);
var newContent = "";
for (var i = 0; i < childItemCount; i++) {
newContent += "<input type='hidden' name=\"child_item_" + item_id_counter + "_" + i + "\" id=\"child_item_" +
item_id_counter + "_" + i + "\" value=\"" + map.get("#child_item_" + item_id_counter + "_" + i) + "\">";
newContent += "<input type='hidden' name=\"child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i +
"\" id=\"child_item_qty_gvn" + item_id_counter + "_" + i + "\" value=\"" + map.get("#child_item_qty_gvn" +
item_id_counter + "_" + i) + "\">";
$('#group_items_' + item_id_counter).html(newContent);
function getHeightWeightBmi() {
var emp_id = $("#emp_id").val();
type: 'post',
url: 'auto_populate_vital.php',
data: {
emp_id: emp_id
success: function (data) {
try {
if (data !== null && data !== '') {
data = JSON.parse(data);
for (var key in data) {
if ($("#" + key).length) {
var alreadyPresentData = $("#" + key).val();
if (alreadyPresentData == null || alreadyPresentData == '') {
$("#" + key).val(data[key]);
} else {
console.log(key + " is not present in form");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error parsing JSON: ", error);
error: function (data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert("Something went wrong while loading height weight bmi from patient records!");
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input[type=text]").keyup(function () {
$("textarea").keyup(function () {
// to set default frequency if not added
// setDefaultFrequency();
var flagReload = 0;
<?php include ('group_item_pop.php'); ?>
<?php include 'support_opd_document.php' ?>
<?php include 'image_popup_opd.php' ?>
.tags .tag {
font-size: 10px;