1538 lines
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1538 lines
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function SerachManuLink(link) {
window.location = link;
var employeeOptions = "";
jQuery(function($) {
<?php $margin = 0; ?>
searchOptions = "<?php echo getsearchOptions($_SESSION["RoleId"]) ?>";
navs_seach = '';
navs_seach += "<div class=\"nav-search input-group\" style=\"width:250px; left: 30%;\"> ";
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" <span class=\"input-group-addon\" style=\"border:1px;!important\"><i class=\"fa fa-search\"></i></span><select class=\"select2 form-control\" name=\"menu_seracher\" data-placeholder=\"Navigate To...\" onchange=\"SerachManuLink(this.value)\" title=\" Go to a Page \" >";
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<span class=\"input-group-addon\" style=\"border:1px;!important\" title=\" Register New Patient\" onclick=\"add_new_patient(this.value)\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-plus\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\"></i></span>
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<table id=\"emp_list_table\" class=\"table table-bordered table-hover\">
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// navs += "<div class=\"nav-search\" style=\"width:150px; margin-right: <?php echo $margin ?>px;\">";
// navs +=
// " <select class=\"chosen-select form-control\" name=\"emp_list\" data-placeholder=\"Injury\" onchange=\"injury_form(this.value)\">";
// navs += " <option></option>";
// navs += employeeOptions;
// navs += " </select>";
// navs += "</div>";
// if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '9', 'W')) {
// ?>
// navs += "<div class=\"nav-search\" style=\"width:150px; margin-right: <?php echo $margin ?>px; \">";
// navs +=
// " <select class=\"chosen-select form-control\" name=\"emp_list_header\" data-placeholder=\"Employee Sickness\" onchange=\"sickness_form(this.value)\">";
// navs += " <option></option>";
// navs += employeeOptions;
// navs += " </select>";
// navs += "</div>";
// <?php
// $margin += 150;
// }
// if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '9', 'W') || isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '25', 'W') || isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {
// ?>
// navs += "<div class=\"nav-search\" style=\"width:5px; margin-right:-10px;\">";
// navs +=
// "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\" onclick=\"add_new_patient(this.value)\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\"></i>";
// navs += "</div>";
// <?php
// $margin += 150;
// } ?>
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remText: '%n character%s remaining...',
limitText: 'max allowed : %n.'
//datepicker plugin
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todayHighlight: true
//show datepicker when clicking on the icon
.next().on(ace.click_event, function() {
//or change it into a date range picker
autoclose: true
//to translate the daterange picker, please copy the "examples/daterange-fr.js" contents here before initialization
'applyClass': 'btn-sm btn-success',
'cancelClass': 'btn-sm btn-default',
locale: {
applyLabel: 'Apply',
cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
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time: 'fa fa-clock-o',
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try {
placeholder: tag_input.attr('placeholder'),
//enable typeahead by specifying the source array
source: ailments, //defined in ace.js >> ace.enable_search_ahead
//or fetch data from database, fetch those that match "query"
source: function(query, process) {
$.ajax({url: 'remote_source.php?q='+encodeURIComponent(query)})
//programmatically add/remove a tag
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$tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
var index = $tag_obj.inValues('some tag');
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//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
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thumbnail: 'large'
//chosen plugin inside a modal will have a zero width because the select element is originally hidden
//and its width cannot be determined.
//so we set the width after modal is show
$('#modal-form').on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
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$(this).find('.chosen-container').each(function() {
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$(this).find('.chosen-search input').css('width', '200px');
//or you can activate the chosen plugin after modal is shown
//this way select element becomes visible with dimensions and chosen works as expected
$('#modal-form').on('shown', function () {
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jQuery(function($) {
//flot chart resize plugin, somehow manipulates default browser resize event to optimize it!
//but sometimes it brings up errors with normal resize event handlers
$.resize.throttleWindow = false;
//pie chart tooltip example
var $tooltip = $("<div class='tooltip top in'><div class='tooltip-inner'></div></div>").hide().appendTo(
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$(document).one('ajaxloadstart.page', function(e) {
var d1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.5) {
d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
var d2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.5) {
d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);
var d3 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.2) {
d3.push([i, Math.tan(i)]);
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placement: tooltip_placement
function tooltip_placement(context, source) {
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return 'left';
size: 300
//Android's default browser somehow is confused when tapping on label which will lead to dragging the task
//so disable dragging when clicking on label
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ace.vars['touch'] && ace.vars['android']) {
$('#tasks').on('touchstart', function(e) {
var li = $(e.target).closest('#tasks li');
if (li.length == 0) return;
var label = li.find('label.inline').get(0);
if (label == e.target || $.contains(label, e.target)) e.stopImmediatePropagation();
var curr_url = "<?php echo $_SESSION['menu_current_page'] ?>";
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$("a[href='" + curr_url + "']").parent("li").parents("li").addClass("active open");
$(document).ready(function() {
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var emp_list_src = 'select_patient_list.php';
source: function(request, response) {
url: emp_list_src,
dataType: "json",
data: {
"searchParam": request.term,
// "strict_search": "Y",
// "search_only_col": "emp_code"
success: function(data) {
$("#emp_list_table tbody tr").remove();
var table = $("#emp_list_table");
if (data.length != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
item = data[i];
table.append("<tr onClick=\"setEmpList(" + item.id + ",'" +
item.patient_name + "(" + item.emp_code +
")')\"><td>" + item.patient_name + " (" + item
.emp_code + ")</td></tr>");
minLength: 1,
delay: 300,
select: function(event, ui) {
log(ui.item ?
"Selected: " + ui.item.label :
"Nothing selected, input was " + this.value);
open: function() {
close: function() {
// Event listener for input field changes
$("#emp_list_header").on("input", function() {
if ($(this).val().trim() === '') {
$("button").on("click", function(event) {
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var originalText = $(this).text();
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console.log("Reset button clicked " + originalText);
var $this = $(this);
$this.prop('disabled', true);
console.log("button clicked DUSHANT");
var counter = 10;
var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
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} else {
if (counter == 0) {
} else {
$this.text("Button Enable in " + counter + " seconds");
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function resizeChosen() {
$(".chosen-container").each(function() {
$(this).attr('style', 'width: 100%');
$(".select2").each(function() {
$(this).attr('style', 'width: 100%');
window.onload = function() {
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//make all inputs in capital to save in db
// $(document).ready(function() {
// $("input[type=text]").keyup(function() {
// $(this).val($(this).val().toUpperCase());
// });
// $("textarea").keyup(function() {
// $(this).val($(this).val().toUpperCase());
// });
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function replaceInputFieldsWithDiv() {
$('input').replaceWith(function() {
return $('<div>' + $(this).val() + '</div>');
$('textarea').replaceWith(function() {
return $('<div>' + $(this).val() + '</div>');
$('select').replaceWith(function() {
return $('<div>' + $(this).find('option:selected').text() + '</div>');
var refreshTime = 600000; // every 10 minutes in milliseconds
window.setInterval(function() {
cache: false,
type: "GET",
url: "session_refresh.php",
success: function(data) {}
}, refreshTime);
function sickness_form(id) {
var action = "fitness.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_sickness_patient_id',
'id': 'flex_sickness_patient_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': '<?php echo getTableFieldValue('role_master','role_home_page','role_id',$_SESSION['RoleId']) ?>',
'type': 'hidden'
function opd_form(id,today_ticket) {
if(today_ticket!='' && today_ticket!=null){
title: 'Confirmation',
message:'This patient has an existing OPD appointment recorded for the same day with appointment ticket '+today_ticket+' .Do you want to add new OPD ?',
closable: false, // <-- Default value is false
draggable: false, // <-- Default value is false
btnCancelLabel: 'No', // <-- Default value is 'Cancel',
btnOKLabel: 'Yes', // <-- Default value is 'OK',
callback: function(result) {
// result will be true if button was click, while it will be false if users close the dialog directly.
if (result) {
var action = "edit_opd.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'appointment_type',
'value': 'O',
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': '<?php echo getTableFieldValue('role_master','role_home_page','role_id',$_SESSION['RoleId']) ?>',
'type': 'hidden'
var action = "edit_opd.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'appointment_type',
'value': 'O',
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': '<?php echo getTableFieldValue('role_master','role_home_page','role_id',$_SESSION['RoleId']) ?>',
'type': 'hidden'
function injury_form(id,today_ticket) {
if(today_ticket!='' && today_ticket!=null){
title: 'Confirmation',
message:'This patient has an existing Injury appointment recorded for the same day with appointment ticket '+today_ticket+' .Do you want to add new Injury ?',
closable: false, // <-- Default value is false
draggable: false, // <-- Default value is false
btnCancelLabel: 'No', // <-- Default value is 'Cancel',
btnOKLabel: 'Yes', // <-- Default value is 'OK',
callback: function(result) {
// result will be true if button was click, while it will be false if users close the dialog directly.
if (result) {
var action = "edit_injury.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': '<?php echo getTableFieldValue('role_master','role_home_page','role_id',$_SESSION['RoleId']) ?>',
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'appointment_type',
'value': 'I',
'type': 'hidden'
var action = "edit_injury.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': '<?php echo getTableFieldValue('role_master','role_home_page','role_id',$_SESSION['RoleId']) ?>',
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'appointment_type',
'value': 'I',
'type': 'hidden'
function checkup_selector(emp_id) {
function checkup_form(id, checkup_id) {
var action = "checkup.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': '<?php echo getTableFieldValue('role_master','role_home_page','role_id',$_SESSION['RoleId']) ?>',
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'patient_id',
'id': 'patient_id',
'value': id,
'type': 'hidden'
})).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'checkup_type_id',
'id': 'checkup_type_id',
'value': checkup_id,
'type': 'hidden'
function add_new_patient(id) {
var action = "add_select_patient.php"
var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
'action': action,
'method': 'POST'
}).append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'task',
'id': 'task',
'value': 'DIRECT_ENTRY',
'type': 'hidden'
function direct_test(id) {
<?php if ($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == 'LAB') { ?>
// checkup_selector(id);
<?php } else { ?>
// var action = "emp_dashboard.php"
// var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
// 'action': action,
// 'method': 'POST'
// }).append(jQuery('<input>', {
// 'name': 'task',
// 'id': 'task',
// 'value': 'DIRECT_ENTRY',
// 'type': 'hidden'
// })).append(jQuery('<input>', {
// 'name': 'flex_opd_id',
// 'id': 'flex_opd_id',
// 'value': id,
// 'type': 'hidden'
// }));
// newForm.appendTo('body').submit().remove();
<?php } ?>
function direct_test_form(id) {
// alert(id);
url: 'get_emp_recent_entries.php',
data: {
id: id
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var patient_det = '';
patient_det += '<a target="_blank" href="emp_dashboard.php?flex_patient_id=' + id +
'"><i style="font-size: 17px;" class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></i></a> ' +
'emp_name'] +
' <a target="_blank" href="edit_employee_details.php?emp_id=' + id +
'"><i style="font-size: 17px;" class="ace-icon fa fa-edit"></i></a>';
var opd_followup = data['opd_followup'];
var inj_followup = data['inj_followup'];
// alert(opd_followup.length);
$tbl_opd = '';
$tbl_opd +=
"<table style='max=height:250px' width='100%'><thead onclick='$(`#opd_data`).toggle()' ><tr><td colspan=3 style='text-align: center;border: groove;' align='center'><b align='center' >Recent OPD</b> </td></tr></thead><tbody id='opd_data' >";
if (data['opd']['ticket_no'] != '' && data['opd']['ticket_no'] != null && data['opd'][
] != undefined) {
$tbl_opd +=
"<tr><td>Ticket No.</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['opd']['ticket_no'] +
" ";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_opd +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" + data['opd'][
] +
"','" + data['opd']['case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','E','');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_opd += "</td></tr><tr><td>Date</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['opd']['date'] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Complains</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['opd'][
] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Treatment</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['opd'][
] +
for (var o = 0; o < opd_followup.length; o++) {
var fol = opd_followup[o].split(',');
var flo_tick = fol[0];
var flo_id = fol[1];
var flo_app_id = fol[2];
$tbl_opd += "<tr><td>";
if (o == 0) {
$tbl_opd += 'Follow-ups'
$tbl_opd += "</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + flo_tick + " ";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_opd +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" +
flo_app_id +
"','" + data['opd']['case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','F'," + flo_id +
");\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
<?php }?>
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_opd +=
"<tr><td><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:80%' onclick=\"opd_form(" +
id + ",'";
var app_date = data['opd']['app_date'];
if (app_date=='true') {
$tbl_opd += data['opd']['ticket_no'];
} else {
$tbl_opd += '';
$tbl_opd +=
"')\">New OPD</button></td><td colspan='2' > <button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm save_button' onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" +
] +
"','" + data['opd']['case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','F','');\"><i class='ace-icon fa fa-plus'></i>Add Followup </button> </td></tr>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_opd += "</tbody></table>";
} else {
$tbl_opd +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;' colspan=2>No OPD Done Yet</td></tr>";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_opd +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:50%' onclick=\"opd_form(" +
id +
")\">New OPD</button></td></tr>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_opd += "</tbody></table>";
// ----injutys -------
$tbl_inj = '';
$tbl_inj +=
"<table style='max=height:250px' width='100%'><thead onclick='$(`#inj_data`).toggle()' ><tr><td colspan=3 style='text-align: center;border: groove;' align='center'><b align='center' >Recent Injury</b> </td></tr></thead><tbody id='inj_data' >";
if (data['inj']['ticket_no'] != '' && data['inj']['ticket_no'] != null && data['inj'][
] != undefined) {
$tbl_inj +=
"<tr><td>Ticket No.</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['inj']['ticket_no'] +
" ";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_inj +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" + data['inj'][
] +
"','" + data['inj']['case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','E','');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_inj += "</td></tr><tr><td>Date</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['inj']['date'] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Complains</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['inj'][
] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Treatment</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['inj'][
] +
for (var n = 0; n < inj_followup.length; n++) {
var fol = inj_followup[n].split(',');
var flo_tick = fol[0];
var flo_id = fol[1];
var flo_app_id = fol[2];
$tbl_inj += "<tr><td>";
if (n == 0) {
$tbl_inj += 'Follow-ups'
$tbl_inj += "</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + flo_tick + " ";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '38', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_inj +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" +
flo_app_id +
"','" + data['inj']['case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','F'," + flo_id +
");\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
<?php }?>
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], $opd_menu_id, 'W')) {?>
$tbl_inj +=
"<tr><td><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:80%;font-size:10px' onclick=\"injury_form(" +
id + ",'";
var app_date_inj = data['inj']['app_date'];
if (app_date_inj=='true') {
$tbl_inj += data['inj']['ticket_no'];
} else {
$tbl_inj += '';
$tbl_inj +=
"')\">New INJ</button></td><td colspan='2' > <button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm save_button' onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" +
] +
"','" + data['inj']['case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','F','');\"><i class='ace-icon fa fa-plus'></i>Add Followup </button> </td></tr>";
<?php }?>
} else {
$tbl_inj +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;' colspan=2>No Injury Done Yet</td></tr>";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], $opd_menu_id, 'W')) {?>
$tbl_inj +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:50%' onclick=\"injury_form(" +
id +
")\">New INJ</button></td></tr>"
<?php }?>
$tbl_inj += "</tbody></table>";
// ----------medical-----
$tbl_medical = '';
$tbl_medical +=
"<table style='max=height:250px' width='100%'><thead onclick='$(`#medical_data`).toggle()' ><tr><td colspan=3 style='text-align: center;border: groove;' align='center'><b align='center' >Recent Medical Examination</b> </td></tr></thead><tbody id='medical_data' >";
if (data['medical']['ticket_no'] != '' && data['medical']['ticket_no'] != null && data[
] != undefined) {
// $tbl_medical +=
// "<tr><td colspan='3' > <button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm save_button ' onclick=\'open_direct_checkup(`" +
// data['medical'][
// 'id'
// ] + "`,`" + id + "`,`F`,`" + data['medical']['checkup_type_id'] +
// "`)'><i class='ace-icon fa fa-plus'></i>Add Followup </button> </td></tr>"
$tbl_medical +=
"<tr><td>Ticket No.</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['medical']['ticket_no'] +
" ";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '25', 'W')) {?>
$tbl_medical +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\'open_direct_checkup(`" + data['medical'][
] + "`,`" + id + "`,`E`,`" + data['medical']['checkup_type_id'] +
"`)'><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit bigger-130\" style=\"font-size:17px\"></i></a>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_medical += "</td></tr><tr><td>Date :</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['medical']['date'] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Examination Type :</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['medical'][
] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Test Categeries :</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
] +
// <?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '25', 'W')) {?>
// if(data['status']!='Inactive'){
// $tbl_medical +=
// "<tr><td style='text-align: center;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:90% ;font-size:10px' onclick=\"checkup_selector(" +
// id +
// ")\">New Medical</button></td></tr>";
// }
// <?php }?>
$tbl_medical += "</tbody></table>";
} else {
$tbl_medical +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;' colspan=2>No Medical Examination Done Yet</td></tr>";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'], '25', 'W')) {?>
// if(data['status']!='Inactive'){
// $tbl_medical +=
// "<tr><td style='text-align: center;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:50%' onclick=\"checkup_selector(" +
// id +
// ")\">New Medical</button></td></tr>"
// }
<?php }?>
$tbl_medical += "</tbody></table>";
// ------sickness---
$tbl_sickness = '';
$tbl_sickness +=
"<table style='max=height:250px' width='100%'><thead onclick='$(`#sickness_data`).toggle()' ><tr><td colspan=3 style='text-align: center;border: groove;' align='center'><b align='center' >Recent Sickness/Fitness</b> </td></tr></thead><tbody id='sickness_data' >";
if (data['sickness']['ticket_no'] != '' && data['sickness']['ticket_no'] != null && data[
'sickness']['ticket_no'] != undefined) {
// $tbl_sickness +=
// "<tr><td colspan='3' > <button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm save_button ' onclick=\"window.location='fitness.php?followup_to_opd=" +
// data[
// 'sickness'][
// 'id'
// ] +
// "'\"><i class='ace-icon fa fa-plus'></i>Add Followup </button> </td></tr>"
$tbl_sickness +=
"<tr><td>Ticket No.</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
$tbl_sickness += "</td></tr><tr><td>Follow To Opd</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['sickness']['opd_ticket'] + " ";
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$opd_menu_id, 'W')) {?>
$tbl_sickness +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"blue\" onclick=\"open_employee_appointment_task('" + data[
] +
"','" + data['sickness']['opd_case_type'] +
"','" + id +
"','E','');\"><i class=\"ace-icon fa fa-edit\" style=\"font-size: 15px;\"></i></a>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_sickness += "</td></tr><tr><td>Date</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" +
data['sickness']['date'] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Absence </td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['sickness'][
] +
"</td></tr><tr><td>Ailment System</td><td colspan=2 align='left'>" + data['sickness'][
] +
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$opd_menu_id, 'W')) {?>
$tbl_sickness +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:90%' onclick=\"sickness_form(" +
id +
")\">New Sickness</button></td></tr>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_sickness += "</tbody></table>";
} else {
$tbl_sickness +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;' colspan=2>No sickness Done Yet </td></tr>"
<?php if (isAccessible($_SESSION['RoleId'],$opd_menu_id, 'W')) {?>
$tbl_sickness +=
"<tr><td style='text-align: center;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm save_button' style='width:50%' onclick=\"sickness_form(" +
id +
")\">New Sickness</button></td></tr>";
<?php }?>
$tbl_sickness +="</tbody></table>"
error: function(data) {
BootstrapDialog.alert('Error: Vaccination Details Not Deleted!');
function open_employee_appointment_task(appointmentId, appointment_type, emp_id, action, follow_up) {
if (appointment_type == "O") {
if (action == 'V') {
document.forms['task_form'].action = "view_opd.php";
} else if (action == 'E' || action == 'F') {
document.forms["task_form"].action = "edit_opd.php";
} else if (appointment_type == "I") {
if (action == 'V') {
document.forms['task_form'].action = "view_injury.php";
} else if (action == 'E' || action == 'F') {
document.forms['task_form'].action = "edit_injury.php";
$("#task_form").method = "post";
if (action == 'F') {
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'followup_to_opd',
'id': 'followup_to_opd',
'value': appointmentId,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'followup_id',
'id': 'followup_id',
'value': follow_up,
'type': 'hidden'
} else {
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'appointmentId',
'id': 'appointmentId',
'value': appointmentId,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id',
'id': 'emp_id',
'value': emp_id,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_opd_id',
'id': 'flex_opd_id',
'value': emp_id,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'returnPage',
'id': 'returnPage',
'value': "appointment_list.php",
'type': 'hidden'
function open_direct_checkup(checkupId, empId, action, checkup_type_id) {
//window.location = 'checkup.php?checkup_id='+checkupId+'';
console.log(checkupId + ':' + empId + ' ; ' + action + ' : ' + checkup_type_id);
if (checkupId != null && checkupId != '') {
oFormObject = document.forms['task_form'];
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'flex_checkup_id',
'id': 'flex_checkup_id',
'value': checkupId,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'checkup_type_id_db',
'id': 'checkup_type_id_db',
'value': checkup_type_id,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'emp_id_history',
'id': 'emp_id_history',
'value': empId,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").append(jQuery('<input>', {
'name': 'toPage',
'id': 'toPage',
'value': action,
'type': 'hidden'
$("#task_form").attr('method', 'POST');
$("#task_form").attr('action', 'checkup_from_before.php');
function setEmpList(emp_id, emp_code) {
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success: function() {
error: function() {
$('#ajaxSpinnerContainer').bind('ajaxStart', function() {
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