2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30

813 lines
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<!-- <button onclick="formSubmit()">GENEATE PDF</button> -->
<div id="htmltextthis">
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* {
font-family: sans-serif;
include ('includes/config/config.php');
include ('log_entry.php');
include_once ("includes/functions.php");
$checkup_id = $_REQUEST['checkup_id'];
$unitMap = getKeyValueMap('unit_master', 'unit_id', 'unit_name');
$query = "select * from ohc_type where ohc_type_id = '" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "'";
error_log("query: 27: " . $query);
// echo $query;
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
$row_company = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
//Code for loading the Check up Sections List for the given Checkup page case
$sql_patient = "select * from checkup_form where checkup_id = '$checkup_id'";
$result_p = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_patient);
$row_p = mysqli_fetch_array($result_p);
$queryc = "select * from company_profile ";
$resultc = mysqli_query($conn, $queryc);
$row_company = mysqli_fetch_array($resultc);
<form name="checkup_form_employee" id="checkup_form_employee" method="POST">
<div id="preexam_form_div">
<table width="100%">
<?php include('new_pdf_header.php'); ?>
<span style="opacity: 0.5; font-size: 10px;">
<center style="width:100%;">
<input type="hidden" id="checkup_section_ids" name="checkup_section_ids[]">
<div class="mainPanel">
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" id="panel-heading1">
echo getTableFieldValue('checkup_type', 'checkup_type_name', 'checkup_type_id', $row_p['checkup_type_id']);
<div style="font-size:12px ;">
<u><b>PATIENT DETAILS</b></u>
<?php if($_GET['attachment'] != 'pdf') { ?>
<button align="center" id="printPageButton" class="btn btn-success" onClick="window.print();">Print</button>
<?php } ?>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="row">
$sql_employee = "select * from patient_master where id=(select emp_id from checkup_form where checkup_id='$checkup_id' )";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_employee);
//$checkup_id = $_REQUEST['flex_checkup_id'];
// $sql_checkup = "select * from checkup_form where checkup_id='$checkup_id'";
//echo $sql_checkup;
$checkup_result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_employee);
$row_checkup = mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkup_result);
while ($row_employee = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$patient = $row_employee['patient_name'];
$gender = $row_employee['gender'] == 'm' || $row_employee['gender'] == 'M' ? 'MALE' : 'FEMALE';
$age = "";
if (!empty($row_employee['dob'])) {
$dob = $row_employee['dob'];
$age = (date('Y') - date('Y', strtotime($dob)));
<table border="0" width="100%" style="margin-bottom:5px">
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo date_format(date_create($row_p['checkup_date']), "d-M-Y") ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<b>PME No.</b>
<?php echo $row_p['ticket_no'] ?>
<td style="font-size:12px;">
<?php if (!empty($row_employee['doj']))
echo date_format(date_create($row_employee['doj']), "d-M-Y") ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo getFieldFromTable('designation_name', 'designation', 'designation_id', $row_employee['designation_id']) ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo getFieldFromTable('dept_name', 'department', 'dept_id', $row_employee['dept_id']) ?>
<td style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo getTableFieldValue('bussiness_unit', 'bu_name', 'bu_id', $row_employee['bu_id'], ''); ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo $row_employee['doj'] ?>
<td width="33%" colspan="2" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo $row_employee['emp_code'] ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo $row_employee['patient_name'] ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?= !empty($row_employee['dob']) ? date_format(date_create($row_employee['dob']), "d-M-Y") : '' ?>
<td style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo $age ?>
<td width="42%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo $row_employee['father_name'] ?>
<td width="33%" style="font-size:12px;">
<?php echo $row_employee['gender'] == 'm' || $row_employee['gender'] == 'M' ? 'MALE' : 'FEMALE' ?>
<td style="font-size:12px;">
<b>BLOOD GROUP: </b>
<?= $row_employee['blood_group'] ?>
<?php } ?>
$checkup_section_ids = $row_p['checkup_section_ids'];
error_log("section ids " . $checkup_section_ids);
$param_present = (explode(',', $row_p['checkup_section_ids']));
error_log("param present " . $param_present);
$param_present = array_unique($param_present);
error_log("unique param present " . $param_present);
// $param_present = '31,160,10,338,12,119';x
// $param_present = array(
// 31,
// 160,
// 10,
// 338,
// 12,
// 119
// );
foreach ($param_present as $x => $val) {
$units = 0;
$ranges = 0;
$notes = '';
$comments = '';
$notes .= getTableFieldValue('checkup_form_section', 'notes', 'section_id', $val);
$comments .= (
<u><b height='' class="section<?= $val ?>"
style="font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;margin-top:10px">
<?php $test_name = getFieldFromTable('section_name', 'checkup_form_section', 'section_id', $val);
echo $test_name;
<table width="100%" class='section<?= $val ?>'
style="margin-top: 10px;border-top:solid 1px ;border-bottom:solid 1px">
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000">
<b> Test Names </b>
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000">
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000"><b class="unit<?= $val ?>">
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000"><b class="range<?= $val ?>">
Ref Range</b>
$param_n = 0;
//query to load fields for each section
$sql_param = "select a.*,b.* from checkup_parameter a left join checkup_form_key_value b on a.column_name = b.checkup_form_key where checkup_form_id = '$checkup_id' and checkup_form_section_id = '$val' order by column_order";
error_log("//query to load fields for each section@@@@@@@!!!!" . $sql_param);
$result_param = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_param);
$param_name = array();
$param_id = array();
$param_ranges = array();
$param_value = array();
$param_unit = array();
$min = array();
$max = array();
while ($row_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_param)) {
array_push($param_name, $row_param['parameter_name']);
array_push($param_id, $row_param['column_name']);
array_push($min, $row_param['starting_range']);
array_push($max, $row_param['ending_range']);
array_push($param_ranges, $row_param['ref_ranges']);
array_push($param_unit, getFieldFromTable('unit_name', 'checkup_parameter_unit_master', 'unit_id', $row_param['unit']));
if ($row_param['input_type'] == 'select') {
array_push($param_value, getFieldFromTable('parameter_value_name', 'checkup_parameter_value', 'parameter_value_id', $row_param['checkup_form_value']));
} else if ($row_param['input_type'] == 'multiselect') {
array_push($param_value, getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select parameter_value_name from checkup_parameter_value", 'parameter_value_id', $row_param['checkup_form_value']));
} else {
array_push($param_value, $row_param['checkup_form_value']);
} ?>
$sql_group_ids = "select count(distinct(a.group_id)) as field_value from checkup_parameter a left join checkup_form_key_value b on a.column_name = b.checkup_form_key where checkup_form_id = '$checkup_id' and checkup_form_section_id = '$val' order by column_order";
error_log("SQL SECTION ID : " . $sql_group_ids );
$result_grp = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_group_ids);
$row_grp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_grp);
$total_group_ids = $row_grp['field_value'];
//echo 'hellooooooooooooooooooo';
error_log("total group ids:" . $total_group_ids);
$group_ids = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_group_ids; $i++) {
$group_id = "select count(group_id) from checkup_parameter where group_id = '$i' and enabled!='N' and checkup_form_section_id = '$val'";
error_log("group id len query:" . $group_id);
$result_group_id = mysqli_query($conn, $group_id);
$row_group_id = mysqli_fetch_array($result_group_id);
array_push($group_ids, $row_group_id['0']);
$max_len = max($group_ids);
error_log("max len :" . $max_len);
error_log(" group ids : " . print_r($group_ids, true));
$k = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $total_group_ids; $i++) {
$grp = $i + 1;
$tital = getTableFieldValue('checkup_parameter_group', 'group_tital', 'group_section', $val, 'group_no', $grp);
if (($tital != '' || $tital != null) && ($param_value[$k] != 0 || $param_value[$k] != null || $param_value[$k] != '')) {
<td colspan="<?= $rows_no_groups[$h] ?>">
<b style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600;"><u>
<?php if (($tital != '' || $tital != null) && ($param_value[$k] != 0 || $param_value[$k] != null || $param_value[$k] != '')) {
echo $tital;
} ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php $value = $group_ids[$i];
$value2 = $max_len - $value;
while ($value != 0) {
if ($param_value[$k] != null && $param_value[$k] != '') {
<td width="25%" style="font-size: 12px;">
<?= $param_name[$k] ?>
$Colors = getTableFieldValue('medical_examination_highlighted', 'highlighted_color', 'highlighted_fieils', "'" . $param_id[$k] . "'", 'medical_exam_id', $checkup_id);
if($Colors !=''){
$colorStyle = "color:".$Colors;
<td width="5%" style="font-size: 12px; <?php echo $colorStyle ?>">
<?php echo $param_value[$k] ?>
<td width="5%"
style="font-size: 12px;color: <?php echo getTableFieldValue('medical_examination_highlighted', 'highlighted_color', 'highlighted_fieils', "'" . $param_id[$k] . "'", 'medical_exam_id', $checkup_id) ?> ">
<span class="unit<?= $val ?>">
if ($param_unit[$k] != '' && $param_unit[$k] != null) {
if (is_numeric($param_value[$k]) == 1) {
echo $param_unit[$k];
} else {
echo $param_unit[$k];
<!-- <td width="25%" style="font-size:7px;">Ref Ranges</td> -->
<td width="30%" style="font-size: 12px;">
<span class="range<?= $val ?>">
if ($param_ranges[$k] != '' && $param_ranges[$k] != null) {
$rangs = explode('$', $param_ranges[$k]);
for ($r = 0; $r < count($rangs); $r++) {
if ($rangs != null && $rangs != '') {
echo '<p>' . $rangs[$r] . '</p>';
<?php }
$value--; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php while ($value2 != 0) { ?>
$value2--; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($ranges == 0) { ?>
$('.range' + <?= $val ?>).hide();
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($units == 0) { ?>
$('.unit' + <?= $val ?>).hide();
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($param_n == 0) { ?>
$('.section' + <?= $val ?>).hide();
<?php } ?>
// echo $row_p['add_param_ids'];
if ($row_p['add_param_ids'] != "" && $row_p['add_param_ids'] != null) {
$units = 0;
$ranges = 0;
style="font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;margin-top:10px">Additional/Other
<table width="100%"
style="margin-top: 10px;border-top:solid 1px ;border-bottom:solid 1px">
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000">
<b> Test Names
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000">
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000">
<td style="border-bottom:1px dashed #000000">
Ref Range
$param_n = 0;
//query to load fields for additional Params
$sql_add_param = "select * from checkup_parameter a left join checkup_form_key_value b on a.column_name=b.checkup_form_key and b.checkup_form_id='" . $checkup_id . "' where a.checkup_parameter_id in (" . $row_p['add_param_ids'] . ") ";
error_log("additional param query " . $sql_add_param);
$result_add_param = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_add_param);
$param_n = mysqli_num_rows($result_add_param);
$param_name = array();
$param_id = array();
$param_ranges = array();
$param_value = array();
$param_unit = array();
$min = array();
$max = array();
while ($row_add_param = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_add_param)) {
array_push($param_name, $row_add_param['parameter_name']);
array_push($param_id, $row_add_param['column_name']);
array_push($min, $row_add_param['starting_range']);
array_push($max, $row_add_param['ending_range']);
array_push($param_ranges, $row_add_param['ref_ranges']);
array_push($param_unit, getFieldFromTable('unit_name', 'checkup_parameter_unit_master', 'unit_id', $row_add_param['unit']));
if ($row_add_param['input_type'] == 'select') {
array_push($param_value, getFieldFromTable('parameter_value_name', 'checkup_parameter_value', 'parameter_value_id', $row_add_param['checkup_form_value']));
} else if ($row_add_param['input_type'] == 'multiselect') {
array_push($param_value, getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause("select parameter_value_name from checkup_parameter_value", 'parameter_value_id', $row_add_param['checkup_form_value']));
} else {
array_push($param_value, $row_add_param['checkup_form_value']);
} ?>
for ($i = 0; $i < $param_n; $i++) {
<td width="25%" style="font-size: 12px;">
<?= $param_name[$i] ?>
<td width="5%"
style="word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;font-size: 12px;color:
<?php echo getTableFieldValue('medical_examination_highlighted', 'highlighted_color', 'highlighted_fieils', "'" . $param_id[$i] . "'", 'medical_exam_id', $checkup_id) ?>">
<?php echo $param_value[$i] ?>
<td width="5%"
style="font-size: 12px;color: <?php echo getTableFieldValue('medical_examination_highlighted', 'highlighted_color', 'highlighted_fieils', "'" . $param_id[$i] . "'", 'medical_exam_id', $checkup_id) ?> ">
if ($param_unit[$i] != '' && $param_unit[$i] != null) {
if (is_numeric($param_value[$i]) == 1) {
echo $param_unit[$i];
} else {
echo $param_unit[$i];
<!-- <td width="25%" style="font-size:7px;">Ref Ranges</td> -->
<td width="30%" style="font-size: 12px;">
if ($param_ranges[$i] != '' && $param_ranges[$i] != null) {
$rangs = explode('$', $param_ranges[$i]);
for ($r = 0; $r < count($rangs); $r++) {
if ($rangs != null && $rangs != '') {
echo '<p>' . $rangs[$r] . '</p>';
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($ranges == 0) { ?>
$('.range' + <?= $val ?>).hide();
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($units == 0) { ?>
$('.unit' + <?= $val ?>).hide();
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($param_n == 0) { ?>
$('.section' + <?= $val ?>).hide();
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- end of additional header loop -->
<span style="font-size:12px">
<u><b> FACTS AND FINDINGS</b></u>
<table width="100%" style="font-size:12px" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<?php $checkup_id = $_REQUEST['checkup_id'];
$query = "select * from checkup_form where checkup_id=$checkup_id";
error_log("Facts :" . $query);
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
$Facts = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
// if($_SESSION['RoleCode'] == $__ROLE_DOCTOR){
// $roleCode = $_SESSION['RoleCode'];
// }else{
// $roleCode = $_SESSION['RoleCode'];
// }
$query = "select e.* from employee_signature e left join checkup_form b on e.emp_id = b.doc_attend where b.checkup_id ='" . $checkup_id . "'";
// error_log("Signatures :" . $query);
$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
$sign_row = mysqli_fetch_array($result1);
<!-- <tr >LAB TECHNICIAN's</tr> -->
<td style="width:5%; height:50px;">Lab Technician Findings</th>
<td style="width:15% height:50px;"> <?= $Facts['comments'] ?></td>
<td style="width:5%; height:50px;">Lab Technician Comments</th>
<td style="width:15%; height:50px;"><?= $Facts['findings'] ?></td>
<td style="width:5%;;font-size:10px">Doctor's Findings</td>
<td style="width:15%;font-size: 10px;">
<?= $Facts['doc_findings'] ?>
<td style=" width:5%;;font-size:10px">Doctor's Comments</td>
<td style="width:15%;font-size: 10px;">
<?= $Facts['doc_comments'] ?>
<td style=" width:5%;font-size:10px">Health Risks :</td>
style="width:5%; font-size: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">
<?= ucwords(strtolower(getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select health_risk_name from health_risk', 'health_risk_id', $Facts['health_risk_id']))) ?>
<td style="width:5%;font-size:10px">Health Advices :</td>
style="width:5%;font-size: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">
<?= ucwords(strtolower(getCommaSeperatedValuesForInClause('select health_advice_name from health_advice', 'health_advice_id', $Facts['health_advice_id']))) ?>
<td style=" width:5%;font-size:10px">Chronic Illness :</td>
style="width:5%; font-size: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">
<?= ucwords(strtolower(implode(",", getChronicIllness($Facts['emp_id'])))); ?>
<td style="width:5%;font-size:10px">Habits :</td>
style="width:5%;font-size: 10px;word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">
<?= ucwords(strtolower(getHabitData($Facts['emp_id']))); ?>
<table border="0" width="100%" style="margin-top:5px">
<td><img src="data:<?php echo $sign_row['image_type'] ?>;base64,<?php echo base64_encode($sign_row['emp_sign']) ?>" style="width: 120px; height: 80px;float: right" /></td>
<table width="100%">
<span style="float: right;">Signature & Stamp</span>
<table width="100%">
<td><span style="float: right;">
echo getFieldFromTable('patient_name', 'patient_master', 'id', $Facts['doc_attend']) . " ," . $sign_row['qualification'];
<table width="100%">
<td><span style="float: right;">KMC Reg No:
<?php echo $sign_row['registration_no'] ?>
<!-- </table> -->
if($_REQUEST['attachment'] == 'pdf'){
<form id="employeeDetailsFormPdf" action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="htmlText" id="htmlText" />
<input type="hidden" name="param" id="param" value="<?php echo $patient . "_" ."CHECKUP" ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="param_value" id="param_value" value="<?php echo $checkup_id ?>" />
function formSubmit() {
document.forms['employeeDetailsFormPdf'].action = "generate_html_pdf.php";
document.forms['employeeDetailsFormPdf'].method = "post";
// window.close();
// setTimeout(function() {
// window.close();
// }, 3000);