2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30

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if (isset($_GET['excel']) != "YES") { ?>
@media print {
#printPageButton {
display: none;
<button align="center" id="printPageButton" class="btn btn-success" onClick="window.print();">Print</button>
<?php }
$startDate = $_POST['startDateForm16'];
$endDate = $_POST['endDateForm16'];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<title>Form 16 Report</title>
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if (isset($_GET['excel']) == "YES") {
header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=form16_report'.$startDate.'To'.$endDate.'.xls');
<h3 style="text-align: center;">
<b style="text-align: center;">
Report From : <?php echo date_format(date_create($startDate), "d-M-Y"); ?> To <?php echo date_format(date_create($endDate), "d-M-Y"); ?>
if (isset($_GET['excel']) == "YES") {?>
<table width="100%" border="1">
}else{ ?>
<table width="100%" class="table table-bordered">
Sl No
Emp Code
Name of Worker
Age (At Last Birth day)
Date of Employment on present Work
Date of Leaving or transfer to other work with reasons for discharge or transfer
Nature of Job or Occupation
Raw Materials or by products likely to be exposed to
Dates of Medical Examination and results thereof
Result - Fit/Unfit
Signs and symptom observed during Examination
Nature of Tests and Results
If declared unfit for work, state period of suspension with reasons in detaial
Whether certificate of Unfitness issued to the Worker
Recertified fit to resume duty on
Signature of the Certifying Surgeon with Date
$department = $_POST['DepartmentForm16'];
if ($department == "ALL") {
$departmentSql = "";
} else {
$departmentSql = " AND p.dept_id = '$department'";
$Employee_Cate = $_POST['employeeCateForm16'];
if ($Employee_Cate == "ALL") {
$Employee_CateSql = "";
} else {
$Employee_CateSql = " AND p.patient_cat_id = '$Employee_Cate'";
$sqlForFetchData = "SELECT * FROM checkup_form c INNER JOIN patient_master p ON c.emp_id = p.id INNER JOIN form_32 f ON c.checkup_id = f.checkup_id WHERE c.form_type = 'form_16' AND DATE(checkup_date) BETWEEN '$startDate' AND '$endDate' $departmentSql $Employee_CateSql ";
error_log("SQL: " . $sqlForFetchData);
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlForFetchData);
$count = 1;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?>
echo $count;
$count = $count + 1;
$departmentId = $row['dept_id'];
echo getFieldFromTable('dept_name', 'department', 'dept_id', $departmentId);
echo $row['emp_code'];
echo $row['patient_name'];
if ($row['gender'] == 'M') {
echo "Male";
} else if ($row['gender'] == 'F') {
echo "Female";
} else if ($row['gender'] == 'O') {
echo "Others";
if (!empty($row['dob'])) {
$dob = $row['dob'];
echo $age = (date('Y') - date('Y', strtotime($dob)));
if (!empty($row['dob'])) {
echo date_format(date_create($row['dob']), 'd-m-Y');
$date_leaving = "NA";
$date_leavingVal = $row['date_leaving'];
error_log("date leaving " . $date_leavingVal);
if (empty($date_leavingVal) || $date_leavingVal == '30-Nov-0001' || $date_leavingVal == '00-00-0000' || $date_leavingVal == '0000-00-00' || $date_leavingVal == null) {
$date_leaving = 'NA';
} else {
$date_leaving = date_format(date_create($row['date_leaving']), "d-m-Y");
$nature_of_job = getFieldFromTable('nature_of_job', 'department', 'dept_id', $row['dept_id']);
if ($nature_of_job == '') {
$nature_of_job = $row['nature_of_job'];
echo $nature_of_job;
$raw_material_exposed = getFieldFromTable('raw_materials_exposed', 'department', 'dept_id', $row['dept_id']);
if ($raw_material_exposed == '') {
$raw_material_exposed = $row['raw_materials_exposed'];
echo $raw_material_exposed;
if (!empty($row['checkup_date'])) {
echo date_format(date_create($row['checkup_date']), 'd-m-Y');
<td><?php echo $row['fit_unfit_status'] ?></td>
if ($row['signs_symptoms'] != '' && $row['signs_symptoms'] != null) {
$tests_final = explode(",", $row['signs_symptoms']);
<td width="22%">
<u><b>Test Performed: </b></u>
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tests_final); $i++) {
echo " $tests_final[$i] ";
$date_unfit = "NA";
$date_unfitVal = $row['date_unfit'];
error_log("date unfit " . $date_unfitVal);
if (empty($date_unfitVal) || $date_unfitVal == '30-Nov-0001' || $date_unfitVal == '00-00-0000' || $date_unfitVal == '0000-00-00' || $date_unfitVal == null) {
$date_unfit = 'NA';
} else {
$date_unfit = date_format(date_create($row['date_unfit']), "d-m-Y");
echo $date_unfit;
$date_recitifed = "NA";
$date_recitifedVal = $row['date_recertified'];
error_log("date unfit " . $date_recitifedVal);
if (empty($date_recitifedVal) || $date_recitifedVal == '30-Nov-0001' || $date_recitifedVal == '00-00-0000' || $date_recitifedVal == '0000-00-00' || $date_recitifedVal == null) {
$date_recitifed = 'NA';
} else {
$date_recitifed = date_format(date_create($row['date_recertified']), "d-m-Y");
echo $date_recitifed;
$sql_sign = "select * from employee_signature where emp_id='" . $row['doc_attend'] . "'";
$result_sign = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_sign);
$row_sign = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_sign);
error_log("sign query " . $sql_sign);
<img id='sign' style="align:center; width:70px; height:30px;" class="card-img-bottm" src="data:<?= $row_sign['image_type']; ?>;base64,<?= base64_encode($row_sign['emp_sign']) ?>"><br>
echo getFieldFromTable('patient_name', 'patient_master', 'id', $row['doc_attend']);
echo $row_sign['qualification']
<?php echo $row_sign['registration_no'] ?>