2024-10-16 19:18:52 +05:30

266 lines
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* Class for parsing XLS files
* @author Martins Pilsetnieks
class SpreadsheetReader_XLS implements Iterator, Countable
* @var array Options array, pre-populated with the default values.
private $Options = array(
* @var resource File handle
private $Handle = false;
private $Index = 0;
private $Error = false;
* @var array Sheet information
private $Sheets = false;
private $SheetIndexes = array();
* @var int Current sheet index
private $CurrentSheet = 0;
* @var array Content of the current row
private $CurrentRow = array();
* @var int Column count in the sheet
private $ColumnCount = 0;
* @var int Row count in the sheet
private $RowCount = 0;
* @var array Template to use for empty rows. Retrieved rows are merged
* with this so that empty cells are added, too
private $EmptyRow = array();
* @param string Path to file
* @param array Options
public function __construct($Filepath, array $Options = null)
if (!is_readable($Filepath))
throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLS: File not readable ('.$Filepath.')');
if (!class_exists('Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader'))
throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLS: Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader class not available');
$this -> Handle = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($Filepath, false, 'UTF-8');
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
$this -> Handle -> setUTFEncoder('mb');
if (empty($this -> Handle -> sheets))
$this -> Error = true;
return null;
$this -> ChangeSheet(0);
public function __destruct()
unset($this -> Handle);
* Retrieves an array with information about sheets in the current file
* @return array List of sheets (key is sheet index, value is name)
public function Sheets()
if ($this -> Sheets === false)
$this -> Sheets = array();
$this -> SheetIndexes = array_keys($this -> Handle -> sheets);
foreach ($this -> SheetIndexes as $SheetIndex)
$this -> Sheets[] = $this -> Handle -> boundsheets[$SheetIndex]['name'];
return $this -> Sheets;
* Changes the current sheet in the file to another
* @param int Sheet index
* @return bool True if sheet was successfully changed, false otherwise.
public function ChangeSheet($Index)
$Index = (int)$Index;
$Sheets = $this -> Sheets();
if (isset($this -> Sheets[$Index]))
$this -> rewind();
$this -> CurrentSheet = $this -> SheetIndexes[$Index];
$this -> ColumnCount = $this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['numCols'];
$this -> RowCount = $this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['numRows'];
// For the case when Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader doesn't have the row count set correctly.
if (!$this -> RowCount && count($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells']))
end($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells']);
$this -> RowCount = (int)key($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells']);
if ($this -> ColumnCount)
$this -> EmptyRow = array_fill(1, $this -> ColumnCount, '');
$this -> EmptyRow = array();
return false;
public function __get($Name)
switch ($Name)
case 'Error':
return $this -> Error;
return null;
// !Iterator interface methods
* Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
* Similar to the reset() function for arrays in PHP
public function rewind()
$this -> Index = 0;
* Return the current element.
* Similar to the current() function for arrays in PHP
* @return mixed current element from the collection
public function current()
if ($this -> Index == 0)
$this -> next();
return $this -> CurrentRow;
* Move forward to next element.
* Similar to the next() function for arrays in PHP
public function next()
// Internal counter is advanced here instead of the if statement
// because apparently it's fully possible that an empty row will not be
// present at all
$this -> Index++;
if ($this -> Error)
return array();
elseif (isset($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells'][$this -> Index]))
$this -> CurrentRow = $this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells'][$this -> Index];
if (!$this -> CurrentRow)
return array();
$this -> CurrentRow = $this -> CurrentRow + $this -> EmptyRow;
ksort($this -> CurrentRow);
$this -> CurrentRow = array_values($this -> CurrentRow);
return $this -> CurrentRow;
$this -> CurrentRow = $this -> EmptyRow;
return $this -> CurrentRow;
* Return the identifying key of the current element.
* Similar to the key() function for arrays in PHP
* @return mixed either an integer or a string
public function key()
return $this -> Index;
* Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
* Used to check if we've iterated to the end of the collection
* @return boolean FALSE if there's nothing more to iterate over
public function valid()
if ($this -> Error)
return false;
return ($this -> Index <= $this -> RowCount);
// !Countable interface method
* Ostensibly should return the count of the contained items but this just returns the number
* of rows read so far. It's not really correct but at least coherent.
public function count()
if ($this -> Error)
return 0;
return $this -> RowCount;