161 lines
6.6 KiB
161 lines
6.6 KiB
// $agencyId = $_REQUEST['agencyId'];
$section_ids = $_POST['section_id'];
error_log("sections id " . $section_ids);
$section_id = implode(",", $section_ids);
$checkup_id = $_REQUEST['checkup_id'];
$appointment_lab_id = trim($_REQUEST['appointment_lab_id']);
$followup_lab_id = trim($_REQUEST['followup_lab_id']);
error_log("appointment id for lab " . $appointment_lab_id . " followup lab id " . $followup_lab_id . " checkup id " . $checkup_id);
$query = "";
if ($appointment_lab_id != '' && $appointment_lab_id > 0 && $followup_lab_id == 0) {
$test_param_ids = getFieldFromTable('recommended_test_param_new', 'employee_appointment', 'appointment_id', $appointment_lab_id);
} else if ($appointment_lab_id != '' && $followup_lab_id != '' && $appointment_lab_id > 0 && $followup_lab_id > 0) {
$test_param_ids = getFieldFromTable('recommended_test_param_new', 'followup_details', 'followup_id', $followup_lab_id);
$paras = array();
$data = array();
if ($test_param_ids != null && $test_param_ids != '' && !empty($test_param_ids)) {
$count = 0;
$i = 0;
$section_arr = [];
foreach ($section_ids as $ids) {
error_log("section ids " . $ids);
// this query if doc has selected the parameters
$query = "select a.checkup_parameter_id,b.device_param_code,b.device_id,a.checkup_form_section_id from checkup_parameter a left join device_param_map b on a.checkup_parameter_id=b.checkup_parameter_id where checkup_form_section_id = '" . $ids . "' and b.device_param_code!='' and b.device_id!='' and a.checkup_parameter_id in ($test_param_ids)";
error_log("CHECKUP PARAMETERS::1" . $query);
if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) {
$count += mysqli_num_rows($result);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
if ($i == 0) $i = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$data[$i]['checkup_parameter_id'] = $row['checkup_parameter_id'];
$data[$i]['device_param_code'] = $row['device_param_code'];
$data[$i]['device_id'] = $row['device_id'];
array_push($paras, $row['checkup_parameter_id']);
array_push($section_arr, $ids);
$data['paras'] = $paras;
} else {
// this query if doc has not selected the parameters
$query = "select a.checkup_parameter_id,b.device_param_code,b.device_id,a.checkup_form_section_id from checkup_parameter a left join device_param_map b on a.checkup_parameter_id=b.checkup_parameter_id where checkup_form_section_id = '" . $ids . "' and b.device_param_code!='' and b.device_id!='' ";
error_log("CHECKUP PARAMETERS::2" . $query);
if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) {
$count += mysqli_num_rows($result);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
if ($i == 0) $i = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$data[$i]['checkup_parameter_id'] = $row['checkup_parameter_id'];
$data[$i]['device_param_code'] = $row['device_param_code'];
$data[$i]['device_id'] = $row['device_id'];
array_push($paras, $row['checkup_parameter_id']);
array_push($section_arr, $ids);
$data['paras'] = $paras;
} else {
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = "Data not found!";
$data['count'] = $count;
$data['sections'] = $section_arr;
} else {
$section_arr = [];
error_log("section ids " . $section_id);
$values_array = explode(',', $section_id);
$isPresent = false;
$query_part = "";
if (in_array('add_section', $values_array)) {
$isPresent = true;
$values_array = array_diff($values_array, ['add_section']);
$new_section_id = implode(',', $values_array);
$add_param_id_sql = "select add_param_ids from checkup_form where checkup_id = '" . $checkup_id . "'";
$result_add_param_id_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $add_param_id_sql);
$row_result_param_id_sql = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_add_param_id_sql);
$add_param_ids = $row_result_param_id_sql['add_param_ids'];
$add_param_ids_array = explode(',', $add_param_ids);
$add_param_ids_array = array_filter(array_map('trim', $add_param_ids_array));
$add_param_ids_in_clause = implode(',', $add_param_ids_array);
if (empty($new_section_id)) {
array_push($section_arr, 'add_section');
$query_part = " and a.checkup_parameter_id in ($add_param_ids_in_clause)";
} else {
array_push($section_arr, 'add_section');
array_push($section_arr, $new_section_id);
$query_part = " and (checkup_form_section_id in ($new_section_id) or a.checkup_parameter_id in ($add_param_ids_in_clause))";
} else {
$isPresent = false;
$new_section_id = $section_id;
if ($isPresent == true) {
$query = "select a.checkup_parameter_id,b.device_param_code,b.device_id from checkup_parameter a left join device_param_map b on a.checkup_parameter_id=b.checkup_parameter_id where b.device_param_code!='' and b.device_id!=''" . $query_part;
} else {
$query = "select a.checkup_parameter_id,b.device_param_code,b.device_id,a.checkup_form_section_id from checkup_parameter a left join device_param_map b on a.checkup_parameter_id=b.checkup_parameter_id where checkup_form_section_id in ($new_section_id) and b.device_param_code!='' and b.device_id!='' ";
error_log("CHECKUP PARAMETERS::3" . $query);
if (!$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $query)) {
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$data[$i]['checkup_parameter_id'] = $row['checkup_parameter_id'];
$data[$i]['device_param_code'] = $row['device_param_code'];
$data[$i]['device_id'] = $row['device_id'];
array_push($paras, $row['checkup_parameter_id']);
$data['paras'] = $paras;
$data['count'] = $count;
$data['sections'] = $section_arr;
} else {
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = "Data not found!";
error_log('paras' . print_r($data, true));
echo json_encode($data);