118 lines
4.7 KiB
118 lines
4.7 KiB
ini_set('max_execution_time', 120000);
header('Content-type: application/json');
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
$targetPath = 'docs/Chornic Master-Mysore-21-12-2023.xlsx';
$Reader = new SpreadsheetReader($targetPath);
$sheetCount = count($Reader->sheets());
for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) {
$j = 0;
foreach ($Reader as $Row) {
if ($j == 0) {
$j = 1;
error_log("CURRENT ROW-> " . print_r($Row, true));
error_log("again here");
$emp_code = $Row[0];
$chronic_illness = trim($Row[2]);
$dig_date = getDateInDbFormat($Row[3]);
$med_code_id = getFieldFromTable('item_id', 'tbl_items', 'item_code', trim($Row[4]));
$freq_id = getFieldFromTable('frequency_id', 'medicine_frequency', 'medicine_frequency', trim($Row[6]));
$values = get_update_chronic_id($chronic_illness);
error_log(" chronic ids " . $values . " item ids " . $med_code_id . " freq id " . $freq_id);
$rid = 0;
$rid = get_rid($emp_code, $values, $med_code_id, $freq_id);
update_response_details($rid, $values, $emp_code, $dig_date, $med_code_id, $freq_id);
function get_update_chronic_id($val)
$values = '';
$chronic = get_chronic_id($val);
if ($chronic > 0) {
$values = $chronic;
} else {
$insert = "insert into abnormality set abnormality_name='" . trim($val) . "'";
error_log("query " . $insert);
$r_insert = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $insert);
$chronic = get_chronic_id($val);
$values = $chronic;
return $values;
function get_chronic_id($chronic)
$sql = "select abnormality_id from abnormality where abnormality_name = '" . trim($chronic) . "'";
error_log("query " . $sql);
$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row['abnormality_id'];
function update_response_details($rid, $values, $emp_code, $dig_date, $item_id, $freq_id)
error_log("for rid " . $rid);
if (($rid == 0 || $rid == '') && ($item_id == 0 || $item_id == '')) {
$sql = "insert into prescription_master set diseases='" . $values . "', emp_id = (select id from patient_master where emp_code = '" . $emp_code . "') , diagnosis_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $dig_date . "','%Y-%m-%d') ,ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "'";
} else if ($rid > 0 && ($item_id == 0 || $item_id == '')) {
$sql = "update prescription_master set diseases='" . $values . "', emp_id = (select id from patient_master where emp_code = '" . $emp_code . "') , diagnosis_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $dig_date . "','%Y-%m-%d') ,ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' where prescription_id='" . $rid . "'";
} else if (($rid == 0 || $rid == '') && ($item_id > 0)) {
$sql = "insert into prescription_master set diseases='" . $values . "', emp_id = (select id from patient_master where emp_code = '" . $emp_code . "') , diagnosis_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $dig_date . "','%Y-%m-%d'), medicine_name='" . $item_id . "', medicine_frequency='" . $freq_id . "' ,ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "'";
} else if ($rid > 0 && $item_id > 0) {
$sql = "update prescription_master set diseases='" . $values . "', emp_id = (select id from patient_master where emp_code = '" . $emp_code . "') , diagnosis_date=STR_TO_DATE('" . $dig_date . "','%Y-%m-%d') , medicine_name='" . $item_id . "', medicine_frequency='" . $freq_id . "' ,ohc_type_id='" . $_SESSION['current_ohcttype'] . "' where prescription_id='" . $rid . "'";
error_log("query " . $sql);
if (!$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql)) {
error_log("error in inserting record " . mysqli_error($GLOBALS['conn']) . " query " . $sql);
function get_rid($emp_code, $chronic, $item_id, $freq_id)
if ($item_id == 0 || $item_id == '') {
$check = "select prescription_id from prescription_master where emp_id = (select id from patient_master where emp_code = '" . $emp_code . "') and diseases='" . $chronic . "'";
} else if ($item_id > 0) {
$check = "select prescription_id from prescription_master where emp_id = (select id from patient_master where emp_code = '" . $emp_code . "') and diseases='" . $chronic . "' and medicine_name='" . $item_id . "'";
error_log("query " . $check);
$res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $check);
$rc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
error_log("full data " . print_r($rc, true));
return $rc['prescription_id'];